你知道Ms和Mr 但是Mx是个什么鬼? 您所在的位置:网站首页 找不到excel文件怎么办恢复 你知道Ms和Mr 但是Mx是个什么鬼?

你知道Ms和Mr 但是Mx是个什么鬼?

2023-09-18 20:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

A new gender neutral title 'Mx' is to join the honorifics 'Mr, Mrs, Miss and Ms' on driving licences and other official documents, the first change to officially recognised titles in decades.一个新中性性别称呼Mx将要加入“先生(Mr),夫人(Mrs),小姐(Miss),还有女士(Ms)”的行列,上榜驾驶证还有其他的官方文件抬头,这是几十年来的第一次变革,官方承认了这个称谓。

易词解词(BY 袁新民)

Mx: 是Mixter的缩写,来自mix (混合)和 Mister(先生)的合成词  gender(gener生,种,类,也是general中的gener,来自拉丁语genus, d是插入成分即增音;生出的性别或种类→)  n. 1. 性别;2. (语法中的)性  transgender(trans- 超越,变化,gender性别)  a. 跨性别的;变性者的 n. 变性人

Royal Mail, high street banks, government departments and some universities all now accept Mx which is used by transgender people or other individuals who do not identify with a particular gender.英国皇家邮政、英国街头分行,政府部门还有一些大学如今都接受Mx这个称呼前缀——Mx是对跨性别者和其他有性别认知障碍个人的称呼。

The title has been added, without fanfare, to official forms and databases and is under consideration by the Oxford English Dictionary for inclusion in its next edition.没有敲锣打鼓的大肆宣扬,这个称呼就这么(默默地)新增了:牛津英语词典会考虑增添到下一版的官方版本和数据库当中。

Assistant editor of the dictionary, Johnathan Dent, was quoted by the Sunday Times as saying the move towards Mx was a sign of the English language's ability to adapt to an ever-changing society.He explained it was the first time in recent history that commonly used and accepted titles had changed.牛津词典的助理编辑乔纳森·丹特在《星期日泰晤士报》中说道,Mx这一称呼的新增是英语适应瞬息万变社会的标志。他解释道,这是近些年来,第一次普遍性的使用和承认这一改变的称呼。

Mr Dent was quoted as saying it showed the way English could adapt to people's needs, rather than letting language dictate identity.丹特先生也说道,这显现了英语可以适应人们的需求,而不是让语言禁锢了身份。

The Department for Work and Pensions, HM Revenue and Customs, the Driver and Vehicle Licensing Agency and the NHS are among those public bodies now accepting the Mx title.工作及养恤金部、英国皇家税收与关税局、英国机动车执照局还有英国国家医疗服务体系都位列承认Mx这一称呼的公共机构之中。

The Royal Mail has said it introduced Mx as an option for those registering online following requests from customers two years ago.英国皇家邮政局宣称,他们2年前就已经将Mx作为顾客在线注册的前缀选项。

Barclays was one of the first high street banks to offer the Mx title and its customers can now use the title on their credit and debit cards, correspondence, cheques and with online banking.巴克莱银行是第一个提供Mx这一称呼的街头分行,如今他们的客户可以在信用卡和借记卡、通信、支票还有在线银行上使用这一称呼。

Oxford University introduced the title last year and has explained that it is 'the most commonly used and recognised gender neutral title'.牛津大学在去年引进了这一称呼,并解释道这是“最普遍性使用和承认的中性称谓。”

One company was quoted as saying it had not used the term over embarrassment. They were unsure how to pronounce the title.有一家公司指出,使用这个称呼并不曾尴尬。他们就是不确定这个称呼要怎么发音。

'Most people pronounce it as "Mux,"' Jacobs said, explaining that it is said with a sort of schwa sound in the middle but a lot of people just spell it out.“大多数人读成Mux”,雅各布斯解释道这个词的发音在中间部分是弱读的,但是很多人还是直接拼写出来为主。

相关热点: 英语翻译 易词解词 托福考试






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