给人脸戴上口罩,Python实战项目来了 您所在的位置:网站首页 戴口罩的人侧脸怎么画图片 给人脸戴上口罩,Python实战项目来了


2024-03-29 09:10| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

大家好,人生苦短,我用Python。今天给大家分享一个Python 实战案例:为人脸照片添加口罩,喜欢本文记得收藏、点赞、关注。








部分人脸数据集: 图片

口罩样本数据集: 图片



Face Recognition 库主要封装了dlib这一 C++ 图形库,通过 Python 语言将它封装为一个非常简单就可以实现人脸识别的 API 库,屏蔽了人脸识别的算法细节,大大降低了人脸识别功能的开发难度。 图片图片

#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # @Author : 2014Vee import os import numpy as np from PIL import Image, ImageFile __version__ = '0.3.0' IMAGE_DIR = os.path.dirname('E:/play/FaceMask_CelebA-master/facemask_image/') WHITE_IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'front_14.png') BLUE_IMAGE_PATH = os.path.join(IMAGE_DIR, 'front_14.png') SAVE_PATH = os.path.dirname('E:/play/FaceMask_CelebA-master/save/synthesis/') SAVE_PATH2 = os.path.dirname('E:/play/FaceMask_CelebA-master/save/masks/') class FaceMasker: KEY_FACIAL_FEATURES = ('nose_bridge', 'chin') def __init__(self, face_path, mask_path, white_mask_path, save_path, save_path2, model='hog'): self.face_path = face_path self.mask_path = mask_path self.save_path = save_path self.save_path2 = save_path2 self.white_mask_path = white_mask_path self.model = model self._face_img: ImageFile = None self._black_face_img = None self._mask_img: ImageFile = None self._white_mask_img = None def mask(self): import face_recognition face_image_np = face_recognition.load_image_file(self.face_path) face_locations = face_recognition.face_locations(face_image_np, model=self.model) face_landmarks = face_recognition.face_landmarks(face_image_np, face_locations) self._face_img = Image.fromarray(face_image_np) self._mask_img = Image.open(self.mask_path) self._white_mask_img = Image.open(self.white_mask_path) self._black_face_img = Image.new('RGB', self._face_img.size, 0) found_face = False for face_landmark in face_landmarks: # check whether facial features meet requirement skip = False for facial_feature in self.KEY_FACIAL_FEATURES: if facial_feature not in face_landmark: skip = True break if skip: continue # mask face found_face = True self._mask_face(face_landmark) if found_face: # save self._save() else: print('Found no face.') def _mask_face(self, face_landmark: dict): nose_bridge = face_landmark['nose_bridge'] nose_point = nose_bridge[len(nose_bridge) * 1 // 4] nose_v = np.array(nose_point) chin = face_landmark['chin'] chin_len = len(chin) chin_bottom_point = chin[chin_len // 2] chin_bottom_v = np.array(chin_bottom_point) chin_left_point = chin[chin_len // 8] chin_right_point = chin[chin_len * 7 // 8] # split mask and resize width = self._mask_img.width height = self._mask_img.height width_ratio = 1.2 new_height = int(np.linalg.norm(nose_v - chin_bottom_v)) # left mask_left_img = self._mask_img.crop((0, 0, width // 2, height)) mask_left_width = self.get_distance_from_point_to_line(chin_left_point, nose_point, chin_bottom_point) mask_left_width = int(mask_left_width * width_ratio) mask_left_img = mask_left_img.resize((mask_left_width, new_height)) # right mask_right_img = self._mask_img.crop((width // 2, 0, width, height)) mask_right_width = self.get_distance_from_point_to_line(chin_right_point, nose_point, chin_bottom_point) mask_right_width = int(mask_right_width * width_ratio) mask_right_img = mask_right_img.resize((mask_right_width, new_height)) # merge mask size = (mask_left_img.width + mask_right_img.width, new_height) mask_img = Image.new('RGBA', size) mask_img.paste(mask_left_img, (0, 0), mask_left_img) mask_img.paste(mask_right_img, (mask_left_img.width, 0), mask_right_img) # rotate mask angle = np.arctan2(chin_bottom_point[1] - nose_point[1], chin_bottom_point[0] - nose_point[0]) rotated_mask_img = mask_img.rotate(angle, expand=True) # calculate mask location center_x = (nose_point[0] + chin_bottom_point[0]) // 2 center_y = (nose_point[1] + chin_bottom_point[1]) // 2 offset = mask_img.width // 2 - mask_left_img.width radian = angle * np.pi / 180 box_x = center_x + int(offset * np.cos(radian)) - rotated_mask_img.width // 2 box_y = center_y + int(offset * np.sin(radian)) - rotated_mask_img.height // 2 # add mask self._face_img.paste(mask_img, (box_x, box_y), mask_img) # split mask and resize width = self._white_mask_img.width height = self._white_mask_img.height width_ratio = 1.2 new_height = int(np.linalg.norm(nose_v - chin_bottom_v)) # left mask_left_img = self._white_mask_img.crop((0, 0, width // 2, height)) mask_left_width = self.get_distance_from_point_to_line(chin_left_point, nose_point, chin_bottom_point) mask_left_width = int(mask_left_width * width_ratio) mask_left_img = mask_left_img.resize((mask_left_width, new_height)) # right mask_right_img = self._white_mask_img.crop((width // 2, 0, width, height)) mask_right_width = self.get_distance_from_point_to_line(chin_right_point, nose_point, chin_bottom_point) mask_right_width = int(mask_right_width * width_ratio) mask_right_img = mask_right_img.resize((mask_right_width, new_height)) # merge mask size = (mask_left_img.width + mask_right_img.width, new_height) mask_img = Image.new('RGBA', size) mask_img.paste(mask_left_img, (0, 0), mask_left_img) mask_img.paste(mask_right_img, (mask_left_img.width, 0), mask_right_img) # rotate mask angle = np.arctan2(chin_bottom_point[1] - nose_point[1], chin_bottom_point[0] - nose_point[0]) rotated_mask_img = mask_img.rotate(angle, expand=True) # calculate mask location center_x = (nose_point[0] + chin_bottom_point[0]) // 2 center_y = (nose_point[1] + chin_bottom_point[1]) // 2 offset = mask_img.width // 2 - mask_left_img.width radian = angle * np.pi / 180 box_x = center_x + int(offset * np.cos(radian)) - rotated_mask_img.width // 2 box_y = center_y + int(offset * np.sin(radian)) - rotated_mask_img.height // 2 # add mask self._black_face_img.paste(mask_img, (box_x, box_y), mask_img) def _save(self): path_splits = os.path.splitext(self.face_path) # new_face_path = self.save_path + '/' + os.path.basename(self.face_path) + '-with-mask' + path_splits[1] # new_face_path2 = self.save_path2 + '/' + os.path.basename(self.face_path) + '-binary' + path_splits[1] new_face_path = self.save_path + '/' + os.path.basename(self.face_path) + '-with-mask' + path_splits[1] new_face_path2 = self.save_path2 + '/' + os.path.basename(self.face_path) + '-binary' + path_splits[1] self._face_img.save(new_face_path) self._black_face_img.save(new_face_path2) # print(f'Save to {new_face_path}') @staticmethod def get_distance_from_point_to_line(point, line_point1, line_point2): distance = np.abs((line_point2[1] - line_point1[1]) * point[0] + (line_point1[0] - line_point2[0]) * point[1] + (line_point2[0] - line_point1[0]) * line_point1[1] + (line_point1[1] - line_point2[1]) * line_point1[0]) / \ np.sqrt((line_point2[1] - line_point1[1]) * (line_point2[1] - line_point1[1]) + (line_point1[0] - line_point2[0]) * (line_point1[0] - line_point2[0])) return int(distance) # FaceMasker("/home/aistudio/data/人脸.png", WHITE_IMAGE_PATH, True, 'hog').mask() from pathlib import Path images = Path("E:/play/FaceMask_CelebA-master/bbox_align_celeba").glob("*") cnt = 0 for image in images: if cnt






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