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#见鬼的英文怎么说| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

见鬼的英文:Go to Hell! blast it Dog my cats! The deuce take it! what the blazes

参考例句:He a man! Hell! He was a hollow sham他是男子汉?见鬼!他是个虚伪的骗子Dash it! I've got a puncture in my bicycle tyre.见鬼,我的自行车轮胎被戳破了!I thought I saw a ghost but it was just an optical illusion我以为我看见鬼了,其实只是一种幻觉You didn't really see a ghost, it's only imagination你并没有真地看见鬼,这仅仅是幻象。"pray have compassion upon me, and do not take up every word I say."夏多·勒诺说,“真见鬼,别挑剔我所说的每一个字吧。”Oh, hell!哦,见鬼!Go to hell!见鬼去吧!Screw exams.让考试见鬼去吧。Blast it, there came the man again!见鬼,那个人又来了!Oh heck, I'm going to be late!见鬼,我要迟到了!hell是什么意思:n. 地狱;悲惨状况;胡闹v. 花天酒地;(车辆)疾驰int. 该死,见鬼What the hell is this, the orient express?这是什么,东方快车?The hell is filled with murky flame.地狱充满了黑暗的火焰。They gave us a hell of a licking.他们把我们打得落花流水。blast是什么意思:v. 摧毁;炸掉;吹奏;抨击;向…射击;猛烈抨击n. 狂风暴雨;爆炸;猛烈抨击to denounce; to blast; to rebuke scathingly痛斥 They blasted her into a black room.他们把她送进一个黑屋子。A tunnel was to be blasted through the mountains.一条隧道要被炸开,穿山而过。dog是什么意思:n. 狗;家伙v. 跟踪,追踪Is this dog trained? 这狗受过排便训练吗?As faithful as a dog.像狗一般的忠诚。In the dog house窘迫,陷入困境








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