精彩的元旦英语日记【10篇】 您所在的位置:网站首页 悼念通知信息范文 精彩的元旦英语日记【10篇】


2023-05-05 05:03| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

【#英语资源# 摘要】元旦来临心情好,风景入目挑一挑,帘卷西风你莫听,夜凉如水你莫察,祝你好运连成串,喜上眉梢又一年。以下是:作文地带为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。

1.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇一

  On New Year's Day this year, our class held a special get-together, which is quite different from every year. The annual New Year's get-together just ended with students performing and eating some snacks. On the day before New Year's Day this year, Mr. Liu came up with a good idea to ask each student to bring one or two dishes and drinks the next day to integrate catering and entertainment, so that students can interact with each other. Everyone agreed.

  The next day, the students brought their favorite dishes and shared them with the whole group. Let alone how delicious it was! There are pot stuffed pork, smoked chicken, meat section, fried chicken wings, hamburgers, etc. Drinks include Sprite, Coke, etc. I brought my favorite dishes - cumin squid, soft fried sirloin, and a large barrel of Fenda. When we looked at the delicious food on the table, our eyes were shining and our saliva was about to flow out. Finally, when the teacher announced the beginning of the get-together, we couldn't wait to eat one mouthful of food, one mouthful of food, some of which became big cats, some of which were full of oil and looked very embarrassed!

  While eating, we enjoyed the performances of our classmates, including those playing the electronic organ, those dancing, those singing, and those talking about sketches. The duet between Xiaohong and Xiaoli is absolutely amazing. Xiaoying dances beautifully. Yangyang and Xiaoqiang performed the skit "Eating Noodles", which made everyone laugh. Especially when the teacher laughed and cried, I also laughed and hurt my stomach. It took more than an hour for this unique get-together to end, and we still haven't finished yet.

  At the end of the party, the teacher led us to play on the school playground. Some students played snowball fights, some made snowmen, and some threw snowballs. How wonderful the party is!

2.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇二

  In the afternoon, our class held a New Year's party. So many decorations were the fruits of the labor of our monitor. The party was wonderful. Let me tell you about it now!

  At the beginning, the teacher gave the food to the students, and the students were also very happy. Some of them ate the food as soon as it was handed out, and some of them packed it and ate it after it was handed out. In a word, the students are very excited. Then, the teacher played the song "Singing and Smiling" again, and our whole class sang along with it. After singing this song, we sang several more songs, and the next step began - beating drums to pass flowers.

  The rules of the game are as follows: the teacher plays the drum, and the students pass the flowers. The person who hands the flowers will perform the program.

  Several of our monitor volunteered to perform the poetry recitation program and got applause. Then, they played drums to pass flowers. When passing flowers, the students didn't want to perform, so they all tried to pass flowers to others. After several students performed, more people volunteered to perform, some sang, some recited ancient poems... The next step was to guess the word puzzles. The word puzzles were pasted on the balloons, and there were prizes in the balloons. All the students used their brains to guess the answers, and many people won the prizes. The old teacher said, "Our classmates are very smart." After this link, we ended the party with the song "Unforgettable Tonight.", The students tied a big balloon on the platform, which was full of golden stars.

  The students jumped up the balloon behind them again, laughing and laughing. This is really a wonderful New Year's Day!

3.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇三

  "Wow, that's great!" I couldn't help exclaiming. Do you want to know what this is? To tell you the truth, this is our school's New Year's Day get-together! Go, what are you waiting for? Let's go and see!

  This noon, I came to the school early, and I finished my makeup. I thought it was really interesting to dress up as a little white horse! The performance started on New Year's Day, and I was waiting for the stage. I really wanted the audience to enjoy our beautiful dancing. Our program "First Horse" finally came on stage. When the music sounded, our group of "little white horses" brought greetings to the audience in the Year of the Horse with a happy smile and a happy little horse stance! Everyone applauded after watching, and we felt so happy!

  The most enthusiastic performance was "Where is Dad!

  We came to the class again to hold a gourmet dinner. The students took out all kinds of delicious food they had prepared, shared it with each other, and sent their delicious food to the teachers one after another. The teachers filled their mouths with food, and always said to us: "Thank you, it's delicious!" While everyone was busy enjoying the food, they did not forget to score high points for their group to win the food championship! In the end, our group won the runner up, and I and the team members were very satisfied!

  In this festive gathering, we will usher in a better 2023!

4.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇四

  "The balloon is hanging there!" "The ribbon is here!" "The writing is a little oblique!"... You must wonder what this is about? Let me tell you. Today, our class will have a New Year's Day get-together! On the blackboard were written "New Year's Day get-together" in large colorful characters, surrounded by balloons and ribbons. Some of the students decorate the blackboard, some set the table... Everyone is very busy!

  The get-together will begin soon. The students all sat on the chairs excitedly. At this time, the four young hosts walked to the middle of the room and said, "The New Year's party is now officially starting!" A warm applause came from the audience.

  The first program is the dance "Red Red Red" performed by Li Xuejia. She was wearing a beautiful skirt and jumped up with a smile. Her dancing steps were light and graceful, just like a small butterfly dancing. Looking at her beautiful dancing, the students under the stage could not help learning!

  Next, Zhang Yining imitates Xiaoshenyang. She calmly sent a small red flag to me, and whispered in my ear: "When I wave, you will run up and give it to me, and then say, 'Xiao Shenyang, I love you!' Remember!" Then Zhang Yining sang a song for everyone to imitate Xiao Shenyang. Seeing her swing her hand, I generously ran up, took the red flag to "Xiaoshenyang" and said loudly: "Xiaoshenyang, I love you!" Suddenly, there was a lot of laughter.

  The get-together continued, with melodious singing, lively erhu, affectionate recitation, wonderful zither sound and the laughter of the students. People outside cast envious glances at us. The excitement continues

  Unconsciously, the party ended in the laughter of the students. The students still felt that they had more to say: "I haven't seen enough!" "If only I could see such a wonderful get-together every day!"

  This party is really wonderful! I'm so happy today!

5.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇五

  I am very happy this New Year's Day! That day, my father, mother and brother and I walked briskly to Nanning to watch lanterns.

  We came to the South Lake Park. Four red and yellow fire dragons jumped into my eyes first. The fire dragons were shining with golden light. From a distance, they looked like four dragon dragons flying out of the sea on the broad Drum Tower Square. The colorful lights around me are just like an ocean of lights. It seems that the Milky Way has fallen into the world, and I have entered the heaven simultaneously.

  We passed through the crowd of Xixi people, and finally squeezed to the front. After watching carefully, we saw two giant dragons dancing around a big fireball... They stood up, showing two rows of sharp white teeth, dancing with beautiful bodies, and flying in the sky. The crystal clear body glittered like a crystal gem. The tail, like a big fan, is high and cocked up, as if they are extremely proud of the great achievements of their motherland. There is a pair of dragons playing with pearls in the distance! The four dragons sing and dance as if they are celebrating the New Year's Day with us. Ah! The wisdom and sweat of one billion people have converged into a surging river. Isn't our great motherland's cultural cause just like this roaring dragon?

  Lanterns are really beautiful! This New Year's Day, I had a very happy time. I come to see the lanterns every New Year's Day!

6.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇六

  On December 31, our class held a New Year's party.

  The classroom was decorated with a new look and a strong New Year's atmosphere, which made me very happy.

  After two classes, the New Year's party officially started. I was so excited that I almost jumped up to welcome the New Year's party. First of all, what impressed me most in the talent show was the zither played by Jiang Xueying and Guo Ziyue. Hearing the clear sound of the zither, the whole class suddenly became quiet. They waved their hands, but their fingers danced on the strings, giving the impression of being so quiet, and the sound of the zither varied from high to low, Sometimes high, sometimes low, let's listen and immerse ourselves in the world of music, and the good time is always so short, but after a while, the zither track is over, but our souls can't return to the world for a long time, so we forget to applaud.

  Time flies. The third performance project is the "Boys' Great PK" competition. A group of boys stepped on the balloon with their eyes closed. At the beginning, I closed my eyes and stepped on the balloon vigorously. There was an explosion of balloons at my feet. Ha ha, I stepped on one balloon more vigorously. I stepped on several balloons at a time and got a reward.

  With the song "Happy New Year", the New Year's party is gradually coming to an end, but we will never forget the last New Year's party before graduation

7.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇七

  Excited, excited, really excited! The long-awaited annual New Year's Day party has begun! The cute little actors wore beautiful makeup and colorful clothes, ready to make a brilliant debut.

  At 8:50 in the morning, the exciting theatrical performance officially started. The first program is the dance "Playing the Lion" performed by Class 4, Grade 3. "Knock, knock, knock!" A group of powerful "little lions" came on the stage, shaking their heads and tails. They somersaults and handstands. The wonderful performance made the audience applaud loudly.

  I like the Little Wrestler performed by our class best. In the melodious Mongolian music, Zhu Hongcheng of our class came on stage wearing bright Mongolian clothes, black leather boots, a red silk ribbon tied to his head, and a collar with colorful silk in his hand. Then, in the cheerful music, a group of small wrestlers wearing the same colorful Mongolian costumes went on the stage with their waist in, their heads shaking, their faces smiling, and their light dance steps. At one time, they stretched their arms like eagles, and at another time, they opened their eyes like a strong calf. The most interesting thing is that two powerful little wrestlers are holding their heads in the field! "Good! Good!" The audience cheered loudly, even their palms were red!

  One after another, wonderful programs, such as Sweet Motherland, Flowers, Little Snowflakes... I was fascinated by the gorgeous stage and beautiful dancing. Unconsciously, the wonderful party ended. It was really an unforgettable party!

8.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇八

  Today is our annual New Year's Day party!

  Today, we welcome the annual New Year's Party. The theme of this year's party is "Innovation, Sunshine". We hope that in the process of playing, we can not only relax and enjoy ourselves, but also improve our comprehensive practical ability!

  On this day, we wear colorful clothes, we sing and dance on the stage, and our smile is as bright as a blooming flower. Today, even the air is celebrating this lively, colorful, singing and dancing New Year's party with us. Today, we enjoy the carnival and dance with the wind... Elegant and beautiful songs spread more than ten miles away. On this day, we played all kinds of games, like happy birds.

  Finally, I wish you all a happy time!

9.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇九

  It is the end of another year. Tomorrow is the new year. In order to welcome the arrival of New Year's Day, the school held a New Year's Party. Everyone is looking forward to the program of the party.

  The school's literary and artistic programs are varied, brilliant and dazzling. The little actors really cross the sea and show their magic. But the most dazzling is the crosstalk between Huang Longfei and Xie Yaolong in our class.

  They are usually slovenly and loaf around. Today, they are dressed in snow-white shirts with a blood red bow tie tied under the shirt collar and a pair of trousers. They look neat, polite and polite.

  The performance began. They stopped on the stage and talked happily. Look at their humorous language and funny actions, the audience couldn't help laughing. Even the headmaster, who usually looks serious, also smiles. When they talked about selling weight loss tea, Yaolong forcefully promoted weight loss tea to Longfei. Longfei vividly imitated consumers, and his funny appearance and funny actions made people laugh again. Long Fei, the "consumer", suddenly raised his voice and shouted "wow" to Yao Long while Yao Long, the "salesman", was not paying attention. The noise made Yao Long spread on the ground. In an instant, the laughter was overflowing and the applause continued. I looked around. Some of my classmates laughed too much, some cried out that their stomachs hurt, and others laughed too much to stamp their feet.

  This wonderful New Year's party will be a good memory for everyone. I think I will never forget those happy programs!

10.精彩的元旦英语日记 篇十

  The annual New Year's Day party is coming. The New Year's Day party in the past few years has nothing to do with me, but this time it is different. I have become one of them!

  I finally knew the difficulties of performing. Every time I needed to perform, I found that people around me were always unable to get together. Therefore, this sc ript was never practiced once, which made some of us think that this performance was a disgrace!

  And the New Year's Party is coming. At this time, there will be some uncontrollable ideas, so they will come true. So several of us are ready to go two hours early, and we can practice at this time. But what we didn't expect is that there are still a few people who need to take elective courses, so we have gone to class now, which makes us disillusioned with the idea of practicing again!

  I really don't know what this New Year's Day party is like. The three of us had the same elective courses at night, but we were prepared to skip class for the New Year's Day party. Even if this evening was the last time for class, we were prepared to ask others to take it with us, but we found that this person was also not prepared to go here tonight, so we got into trouble again!相关文档推荐查看作文地带英语资源全部文档资源 >>

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