如何驱逐吵死人的鸟(噪鹃)?(驱赶,噪声,噪音,吵) 您所在的位置:网站首页 怎么驱赶大鸟 如何驱逐吵死人的鸟(噪鹃)?(驱赶,噪声,噪音,吵)


2024-07-17 18:47| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

楼主最后有下文了没?等着听你的办法呢。Nparks => Asian Koelthe Asian Koel deposits its eggs in the unattended nest of a house crow, sometimes removing one of the host’s eggs in the process. The Koel chick hatches first and may force the host’s eggs or chicks out of the nest.一般都是宿主踢巢寄生的蛋,从而保护自己的后代 (见下面 Brood_parasite), 这货居然是踢人家宿主的蛋,再放自己的蛋混淆视听(见上面asian-koels)!我相信不是所有杜鹃科的都这么强盗的把人家巢里的蛋踢掉,换自己的蛋的好吧。你这么说的好像每次杜鹃科都它这般流氓,再说了这货的宿主 house crow 可伦坡鸦, 就因为该保护这强盗加流氓噪鹃而失去自己的巢吗?就因为自己不是濒危就该被这样处理吗?要是因为这样,从而导致可伦坡鸦数量少了,是不是得把它连着噪鹃一起保护(既然你保护噪鹃的理由是生物多样性)?!人类保护动物的方式太多值得商榷的了, 也许在后人看来,会笑话自己的祖先,这货有什么值得保护的,灭绝是自然对你的选择,谁叫你它妈的把蛋下人家巢里,宿主也有保护意识的好吧,而且这么早叫春引起强势生物注意,强势生物当然要干你啦。不知道土皮哪里有弹弓卖的,老子好练练手。

Wiki => Brood Parasite

The host may be the one that ultimately ends up raising offspring after they return from foraging. Once parasitism has occurred, the next most optimal defense is to eject the parasitic egg. According to parental investment theory, the host can possibly adopt some defense to protect their own eggs if they distinguish which eggs are not theirs. Recognition of parasitic eggs is based on identifying pattern differences or changes in the number of eggs.[18] This can be done by grasp ejection if the host has a large enough beak, or otherwise by puncture ejection. Ejection behavior has some costs however, especially when host species have to deal with mimetic eggs. In that case, hosts will inevitably mistake one of their own eggs for a parasite egg on occasion and eject it. In any case, hosts will sometimes damage their own eggs while trying to eject a parasite egg.

Among hosts not exhibiting parasitic egg ejection, some will abandon parasitized nests and start over again. However, at high enough parasitism frequencies, this becomes maladaptive as the new nest will most likely become reparasitized. Other behavior can include modifying the nest to exclude the parasitic egg, either by weaving over the egg or in some cases rebuilding a new nest over the existing one. For instance, American coots might kick the parasites’ eggs out, or build a new nest beside the brood nests where the parasites’ babies starve to death due to lack of foodNparks => Asian Koelthe Asian Koel deposits its eggs in the unattended nest of a house crow, sometimes removing one of the host’s eggs in the process. The Koel chick hatches first and may force the host’s eggs or chicks out of the nest.一般都是宿主踢巢寄生的蛋,从而保护自己的后代 (见下面 Brood_parasite), 这货居然是踢人家宿主的蛋,再放自己的蛋混淆视听(见上面asian-koels)!我相信不是所有杜鹃科的都这么强盗的把人家巢里的蛋踢掉,换自己的蛋的好吧。你这么说的好像每次杜鹃科都它这般流氓,再说了这货的宿主 house crow 可伦坡鸦, 就因为该保护这强盗加流氓噪鹃而失去自己的巢吗?就因为自己不是濒危就该被这样处理吗?要是因为这样,从而导致可伦坡鸦数量少了,是不是得把它连着噪鹃一起保护(既然你保护噪鹃的理由是生物多样性)?!人类保护动物的方式太多值得商榷的了, 也许在后人看来,会笑话自己的祖先,这货有什么值得保护的,灭绝是自然对你的选择,谁叫你它妈的把蛋下人家巢里,宿主也有保护意识的好吧,而且这么早叫春引起强势生物注意,强势生物当然要干你啦。不知道土皮哪里有弹弓卖的,老子好练练手。

Wiki => Brood Parasite

The host may be the one that ultimately ends up raising offspring after they return from foraging. Once parasitism has occurred, the next most optimal defense is to eject the parasitic egg. According to parental investment theory, the host can possibly adopt some defense to protect their own eggs if they distinguish which eggs are not theirs. Recognition of parasitic eggs is based on identifying pattern differences or changes in the number of eggs.[18] This can be done by grasp ejection if the host has a large enough beak, or otherwise by puncture ejection. Ejection behavior has some costs however, especially when host species have to deal with mimetic eggs. In that case, hosts will inevitably mistake one of their own eggs for a parasite egg on occasion and eject it. In any case, hosts will sometimes damage their own eggs while trying to eject a parasite egg.

Among hosts not exhibiting parasitic egg ejection, some will abandon parasitized nests and start over again. However, at high enough parasitism frequencies, this becomes maladaptive as the new nest will most likely become reparasitized. Other behavior can include modifying the nest to exclude the parasitic egg, either by weaving over the egg or in some cases rebuilding a new nest over the existing one. For instance, American coots might kick the parasites’ eggs out, or build a new nest beside the brood nests where the parasites’ babies starve to death due to lack of food






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