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彗星来的那一夜 ~ 完整剧本

2024-05-08 03:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

It didn’t leave a crater or anything, 但是爆♥炸♥的力量… but the force of that explosion… 夷平了数百里范围的树木 flattened trees for hundreds of miles. 却只导致了一两个人死亡 But it only killed about one to two people. 那可是西伯利亚啊 没准那地方就只有两个人 It’s Siberia. There were probably only two people there. 没错 但是也不一定… Yeah, but they don’t necessarily… 整个西伯利亚地区的人口都灭绝了吧 It wiped out the population of Siberia. 差不多 Basically. Yeah. – 好吧 – 我现在感觉更糟了 – Right. – Well, that doesn’t make me feel better. 那是什么时候的事? And when was this? 大概是1908年 或者1903年 It was, like, in 1908, 1903… 天哪 天哪 是什么… Oh, my God, oh, my God, oh, my God. What is… – 那是什么声音? – 我不知道 – What the fuck was that? – I don’t know. – 把前门锁上 – 别开门 – Lock that front door. – Don’t open the door. – 我去拿球棒 – 对 拿来给我 – I’m gonna get the bat. – Yeah. Give me the bat. 迈克 那扇门锁上了吗? Mike, is that door locked? – 我去看看 – 亲爱的 离门远一点 – I’ll check it. – Babe, stay away from the door. – 你要球棒吗? – 谢谢 – You need the stick? – Thank you. 别 别开门 No, no, no. – 我只是想看看外面什么情况 – 天哪 – I just want to see what the hell is out there. – Oh, my God. – 别开门 – 上帝啊 – Don’t open it. – Oh, God. 拜托不要打开门 Please, don’t open that. 外面有人吗? – 前门锁着呢 Is anybody there? – Front door’s locked. 什么都没有 There’s nothing. 外面什么都没有 There’s nothing out there. 我觉得我快要吓出心脏病了 Thought I was going to have a heart attack. 大家都还好吗? Everybody all right? 检查下发电机 拜托 去试试能不能弄好 Check the generator, please. Please try the generator. 我去看看发电机 I’ll check the generator. 会不会是那两个家伙搞的鬼? Would the guys do that? 不可能 他们绝不会做这样的事 No. The guys would not do anything like that. 他们又不蠢 不可能这样做 They’re not stupid. They wouldn’t do that. – 他们去了多久了? – 差不多十分钟吧 – How long have they been gone? – Like ten minutes. 五分钟去 五分钟回 Five minutes out, five minutes back. 他们现在应该回来了才对 They should be back by now. 所以他们应该快回来了 So, they should be back by now. – 我觉得我们应该去接他们 – 不行 – Okay. I think we should go get them. – No, no, no. 我想把我丈夫找回来 I want to go get my husband. 我们这次必须一起行动 伙计们 We need to do it together this time, guys. 我没意见 我只是想采取行动 That’s fine with me. I just want to go. – 别出去 – 我不是想出去 只是… – Don’t go outside. – I’m not going anywhere. I’m just… 我们应该去找他们 大家可以一起去 We should go get them. We can all go together. 太好了 这样好多了 Okay, all right. This is good. 是电网还是发电机修好了? Is that the grid or the generator? 只有我们有电 一定是发电机工作了 No, it’s just us. He must have gotten it going. 外面没有灯吗? 只有我们有? There’s no other lights on? It’s just us? 外面一片漆黑 至少我们的灯亮了 It’s pitch black out there. At least it’s on. 所以那肯定是… So it must be… – 干得好 – 谢谢 – Well done. – Thank you. – 你做到了 – 我是光明使者 – You did it. – Let there be light. 这样 我觉得我们应该… Okay. Well, I think that we should… 作为一个集体 我们应该去找他们 As a group, we should go find those guys. – 我同意 – 这次我们要有团队意识 – I agree. – Let’s do it as a group this time. 不要 这样太鲁莽了 No. That’s ridiculous. 就像你如果在森林里迷路了 If you get lost in the woods, you’re supposed… 你应该待在原地等待救援 to stay where you are until someone can find you. 那好吧 那我们就这么干坐着 Fine. That’s great. Let’s just sit down and breathe. 这是头一次我同意你的观点 For once, I actually agree with what you’re saying. 你没发现你整晚都在跟我对着干吗? You know what? You’ve been giving me shit all night. – 我是在赞同你 – 冷静 伙计们 – I am agreeing with you. – Guys, guys, guys. 今天净是些倒霉事 I don’t like any of this. 天啊 Jesus! 别去 Stay. 上帝啊 Oh, my God. 是他们 Oh man, it’s them. – 发生了什么? – 你还好吗? – What the hell happened? – Are you okay? – 我没事 没事的 – 你没事吧? – I’m fine, I’m fine. – Are you okay? 这是什么? What is this? – 哪来的盒子? – 从另一座房♥子拿来的 – What’s the box? – That was at the other house. 我以为我看见休把它放下 I thought I saw Hugh put it down. 他跑过了拐角然后… Then he was running around the corner and… – 你就把它拿起来了? – 我只是跟着他 – You just took it? – I just followed him. 我没… 然后我就把它捡起来了 I didn’t… I had it in my hand. 他为什么要跑? Why was he running? – 休到底怎么回事? – 我没事 – Hugh, what happened? – I’m fine, I’m fine. 是你把盒子放下的吗? Did you put this down? 阿米尔 你拿这玩意来干嘛? Amir, why the fuck did you take that? 我看见你把它放下的 I thought I saw you put it down. 我没碰过那东西 I did not touch that thing. 我不知道那是什么 更不知道你为什么要拿它 I don’t know what that is or why you grabbed it. 你们两个说清楚 Guys, what happened? 好吧 我们到了那边的房♥子 Okay. We were at the other house. 休到房♥子侧面去了 我觉得听见了些声音 Hugh went around the side. I thought I heard a noise. 你弄出了什么声音 然后你看到了什么? You made some kind of sound, and then you saw what? 你为什么不愿告诉我? Something you won’t tell me what you saw. 我不明白这是怎么回事 你看见什么了? I don’t understand what’s going on. What did you see? – 我没有… – 你看见什么了? – I don’t… – What did you see? 那东西和我们应该关心的问题 That has nothing to do with anything… 根本一丁点关系都没有 that we should be fucking concerned with. 你到底看见什么了? What did you see? 这没什么 我把它送回去就是了 It’s not a big deal. I’ll walk it back. 好啊 Okay, fine. 等等 我先打开看看 Wait. Let me open it first. 不 迈克 你在做什么? No, Mike. What are you doing? – 里面是什么? – 我不知道啊 – What is it? – I don’t know. I don’t know. 你既不想谈这件事也不想打开盒子… You don’t want to talk about it and you don’t want to open… 好啊 打开啊 打开就是了 关我什么事 Fine! Open the fucking box! Open the box. What do I care? 到底怎么了? 冷静一点 What is wrong? Calm down. 发生了什么? What happened? 居然开了 Holy shit, it worked. 我打开了 I got it. 别对着你的脸打开 Open it away from your face. 又不是炸♥弹♥ It’s not a bomb. 你怎么知道里面是什么? How do you know what the heck it is? – 别慌 – 小心点 – Don’t freak out. – Be careful. 是一个乒乓球拍 居然是乒乓球拍 Oh, my God, It’s a ping-pong paddle. It’s a ping-pong paddle. – 那是什么? – 这到底是什么意思? – Well, what’s that? – What is going on? – 天哪 – 什么东西? – Oh, my God. – What is it? 是我们几个人的照片 These are pictures of all of us. 这是… These are… 有人给我们标了记号♥ Somebody’s marked us. 我实在是无法理解 I want to try to figure this out. – 太疯狂了 – 背面写了一些数字 – This is insane. – And there are numbers on the back. – 休 – 亲爱的 你看见什么了? – Hugh. – Baby, what did you see? – 休你看到了什么? – 到底是什么? – Hugh what did you see? – What did you see? 拜托 哥们 Jesus Christ, man. 你不能傻站着什么也不说! You can’t stand there and not say anything! 你到底看到了什么? What did you see? 休! Hugh! 盒子里是我们的照片啊! There are pictures of us in this box! 休! Hugh! 我走到窗边向屋子里看 I went to the window, and I looked in the window. 我看见一张桌子… And I saw a table… 上面放着红酒杯和蜡烛… with wine glasses and candles… 还有八人份的晚餐 and dinner set for eight people. 我看见了… I saw… 天哪 Oh, my God. 得了吧 别扯了 休 Right. Okay, fuck you, Hugh. – 我看见了… – 胡扯 – I saw… – Bullshit. 是不是你们在门外吓唬我们? Did you guys come and fuck with this door? 去你的 凯文






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