日本花滑选手冬奥会上演“冰上的尤里” 您所在的位置:网站首页 尤里表演滑 日本花滑选手冬奥会上演“冰上的尤里”


2024-07-10 00:05| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


Team Japan have delighted anime fans by performing a figure skating routine set to music from the popular Yuri On Ice animated series at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games. 平昌冬奥会花样滑冰短节目比赛中,日本队选取的背景音乐来自于非常流行的电视动画作品《冰上的尤里》,引得动漫粉丝欣喜不已。

Footage of Miu Suzaki and Ryuichi Kihara's team pairs skating routine was widely shared on social media as users instantly recognised the accompanying music as the theme from the hit 2016 Japanese cartoon. 日本选手须崎海羽与木原龙一的这段双人滑短节目比赛视频在社交媒体疯传,用户们立刻听出这首背景音乐来自于2016年热映的日本电视动画作品主题曲。

It only took a few notes for fans to recognise the music and respond on social media. One user in Japan labelled the moment "real Olympic history," while another in Canada said it was a "fabulous if not magical performance". 音乐一开始播放粉丝们就听出了这首曲子,并在社交媒体发贴回应。一位日本用户称之为“真正的奥林匹克历史性时刻”,还有一位加拿大的用户说,这“就算不是充满魔力,也是一场非常精彩的花滑表演”。


Yuri On Ice is a sports anime centred around international Japanese figure skater Yuri Katsuki, and his relationships with two Russian skaters, idol Victor Nikiforov and rival Yuri Plisetsky. 《冰上的尤里》是一部日本体育动漫作品,主角是日本国际知名花滑选手胜生勇利,作品围绕他和两位俄罗斯选手的关系展开,分别是他的偶像维克托•尼基福罗夫和竞争对手尤里•普利赛提。

Its popularity is such in the United States that broadcaster NBC produced an homage featuring Russian figure skater Evgenia Medvedeva, who often tweets about the show. 这部作品在美国也很出名,美国全国广播公司还制作了一段俄罗斯花样滑冰选手叶夫根尼娅•梅德韦杰娃的精彩短片以表敬意,梅德韦杰娃经常发布有关这部动漫的推特。

United States viewers were aided by commentary from former US Olympic figure skater Johnny Weir, who explained where they might recognise the music from. 美国前冬奥会花滑选手约翰尼•威尔的解说帮助美国观众了解了这首曲目的来源。

Not a tough task for Weir, who has previously posted an Instagram video of him skating to music from the show. 这对威尔来说并不难,之前他曾在Ins上发布过一段伴随着这部作品中的音乐滑冰的视频。

Within hours, tens of thousands of tweets, likes and retweets about the performance had spread across the world. 仅仅在几个小时内,全球就出现了数万条有关这段比赛视频的推文、点赞、和转发。


— amy brown (@arb) February 9, 2018 — 艾米•布朗@arb 2018年2月9日

One fan struggled to find the words to properly express their feelings. 有位粉丝激动到难以言表。


— Tara Sim (@EachStarAWorld) February 9, 2018 — 塔拉•西姆@EachStarAWorld 2018年2月9日

While Kubo Mitsurou, who co-created Yuri On Ice, tweeted her thanks to Team Japan - liked 17,000 times - for taking the song to the Winter Olympics. 《冰上的尤里》创作者之一久保光郎在推特上感谢日本队把这首曲子带进冬奥会,这条推特被点赞1.7万次。

And one user thanked the show's creators for a soundtrack which made its way to Pyeongchang. 还有位用户感谢节目创作者制作了一段能走进平昌冬奥会的音乐。


— Tiger is not feeling well, sorry. (@tigersplaygrnd) February 9, 2018 — 对不起,泰格不舒服 @tigersplaygrnd 2018年2月9日


英文来源:BBC 翻译&编审:yaning






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