童年的回忆英语作文【十篇】 您所在的位置:网站首页 小人物英语作文 童年的回忆英语作文【十篇】


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【#英语资源# #童年的回忆英语作文【十篇】#】童年,是一个五彩斑斓的梦,里面都是难忘的回忆。以下是©无忧考网为大家精心整理的内容,欢迎大家阅读。


  Childhood is a string of wind chimes, each wind chime reverberates with beautiful music; Childhood is a picture album, and there are warm memories in the funny pictures... Whenever I recall the childhood years, I always remember that.

  In the winter vacation of the third grade, my father and mother went skiing in Anji County, Fuzhou City, Zhejiang Province. I was so happy that I got on the bus quickly... After a day and a night, I finally arrived. We got out of the car and bought a pair of "anti bully gloves".

  After entering the site, we went up to the peak and down the mountain. "Hmm - it's too exciting." I shouted. Who knows, when I was halfway up the mountain, my foot slipped, I fell down and ate a tasteless "ice cream". "Bah!" I coughed and slipped again. Wow! Dad is so awesome, and he has come to "drift". It's amazing!

  I was not convinced, so I got to the top again. "Go!" I shouted as I slid. Ah! I was about to bump into a little sister in front of me. In order not to hurt anyone, I tried to turn aside and fell on all fours. The skis were still stuck, which made me howl. At this time, the little sister took me up. I said "thank you" and slipped away.

     This is the third time. I don't believe it. Go! When I was near the foot of the mountain, I didn't know what I met at the foot. Before I knew it, people flew out with the board. I felt the pain and couldn't laugh or cry. My parents also laughed

  Childhood memories, really make people feel ridiculous.


  Childhood is a sweet chocolate; Childhood is a cup of fragrant coffee; Childhood is a wonderful story. My childhood is different.

  When I was four years old, I often went to the river with my grandpa to catch small fish. Each small fish swam happily in the clear water. My grandpa and I took off our shoes, pulled up our trouser legs, and stood in the water. The water was cool. Several small fish and shrimp swam past my feet and ate my feet from time to time! I giggled and almost fell into the water several times. At this time, Grandpa said, "Well, Hanhan, start catching fish!" "All right!" I answered cheerfully. There are already several fish in Grandpa's basket. The little fish jump around like saying, "Let me out!" And my basket is empty. I cried and told my grandpa. My grandpa laughed and said, "Han Han, let me teach you!" With that, Grandpa taught me hand in hand. When I was looking at a small fish about fifteen centimeters long, Grandpa secretly put the fish he caught into my basket. I found it when the fish jumped in my basket. I looked at grandpa, and grandpa also looked at me. Grandpa's gentle smiling face made me feel warm. When I was 6 years old, I grew vegetables in the vegetable field with my grandfather. When my grandfather watered the flowers, I caught a small snail nearby. Once I caught it, I would proudly show it to him in front of my grandfather. My grandfather would say, "Great, great!" I'll be happy.

  Now, Grandpa has left me, but I will always love him.


  Childhood is like a book, brilliant; Childhood is like a kaleidoscope, colorful; Childhood is like a painting, which has been treasured all the time.

  When I was five or six years old, I still lived in my hometown. One day, my grandparents were watching a TV program. The host was introducing ginseng, saying that it had high nutritional value and high value. Although I am still young, I know what a lot of money means to my family. So I stared at the TV and found that ginseng and tree roots are very similar. I thought that ginseng is tree roots? An idea arose spontaneously. I went to dig some "ginseng" and let my grandparents sell it. They will certainly praise me.

  I asked my grandfather excitedly, "Grandpa, where is the hoe?" Grandpa was excited and said, "Why do you want a hoe?" I said, "Explain later. Now tell me where the hoe is. Time is money!" Grandfather Zhang Er Monk was puzzled and said, "It's in the attic." I flew to the attic, picked up a hoe and flew to the woods, picked up a hoe to dig.

  After digging up a "ginseng" tree, I came home humming a tune. Grandpa was puzzled: "What are you doing with a tree root?" I said proudly, "What tree root? Grandpa, look! I've dug up the ginseng mentioned on TV!" Grandpa laughed and said, "Silly boy, this is not ginseng, it's a tree root!" Grandma smiled too.

  Childhood, is so innocent, let me feel very happy, very happy.


  The good times of childhood passed in the twinkling of an eye, and the memories of those happy times left behind are thought-provoking. At night, I stood in front of the window, staring at the quiet night sky, the starry night sky, I can only sigh!

  How carefree I was in my childhood! When I was young, my friends and I played in the garden of Babao Street. When we played together, I often put a brilliant smile on my face. At that time, we had no worries and were always happy! At that time, I was most looking forward to the "June 1" Children's Day every year.

  From morning to afternoon, adults and we were busy, without stopping for a moment. We are busy rehearsing, because on the evening of Children's Day, we will hold a small party, no matter it is windy or rainy, we will follow suit.

     The night came quietly with light steps, accompanied by our songs and laughter, and our party has begun. Two humorous young hosts often made us laugh. When a program ended, we would thank him with thunderous applause. The laughter and applause of children in the whole hospital also attracted many adults to watch. When I recall my childhood, I feel happy. When I recall my childhood, I no longer feel pressure. Because childhood is a happy, happy, beautiful time, I feel very happy. How I want to recall every bit of my childhood and bring people an eternal happiness and instant thinking.

  Time stops at that moment. Let's be happy for a long time. Let's laugh for a long time.


  Childhood memories are always beautiful. My childhood was spent at my grandma's house, where the mountain is close to the river, the sky is blue as if washed by water, and the air is very fresh, so I especially like to go to grandma's house.

  I remember when I was eight years old, my grandfather and I got up at five o'clock one day. As soon as we went out, the cold wind blew towards me, making me shiver with cold. Grandfather and I went into the backyard. Grandfather led a cow out of the cowshed, tied it outside, and then rubbed the cow dung. Seeing Grandpa's hard work, I wanted to help him, so I rubbed cow dung with him.

  After rubbing the cow dung, Grandpa is doing other work. I'm a bit bored. At this time, I saw a calf eating grass with relish. I had an idea. Let's set the calf up! I took a long rope, tied it into a sheath, and then threw it away while the calf was not paying attention. Unexpectedly, my kung fu is pretty good, and I caught the head of the calf in one fell swoop. The calf quit and went mad and dragged me into the cow dung pile. Fortunately, the cow dung was dry, otherwise the consequences would be unimaginable. I struggled up in the pile of cow dung with a ashen face. When I saw that I was in a mess, Grandpa laughed. He looked at the calf again and ate grass leisurely. He looked up at me from time to time as if he was laughing at me.

  There were many interesting things in my childhood, like stars in the sky, but this event left the deepest impression on me. Because of my naughty, the calf gave me a "stinky" lesson, which also made me miss that carefree childhood more in the future.


  My childhood is like a beautiful landscape painting. The air is fresh and elegant like spring; As hot as summer; Like autumn, red leaves fill the sky, and the forest is full of color; It is also as white as snow in winter.

  I remember one time, my grandma and I bought a big bag of black hairy crabs at RT Mart. My grandma and I got on the bus to go home. On the bus, these small things kept fighting in the bag. The black bag kept rolling on the ground, as if we were going to break the prison cage and "escape collectively". At home, Grandma poured the crab into the iron basin and covered it with an eye-catching cover. At this time, many "hook sickle guns" came out of the basin. They hooked the cover as if they were going to remove it to make a "second escape". I've never taken a crab before. I really want to take one.

  I begged my grandmother to help me get one, and she let me take it myself, but it was not easy to pick up a crab by hand. After several attempts, I failed. Its sharp big pliers kept waving to me as if they were demonstrating to me, and its claws kept struggling. I managed to catch one, and carefully observed the big crab. Its body was not very standard round, with four long curved legs on both sides, His mouth still spits bubbles from time to time, just like a child eating bubble gum. Put it on the ground, and walk with eight legs from left to right, or from right to left. It is really a king.

  Crabs are so interesting. I like small animals. I like my childhood because it brings me many beautiful memories.


  Childhood, it is like a gorgeous painting, colorful; It's like all kinds of shells on the beach. Childhood is our best memory.

  One afternoon in the third grade, I played with some friends. I don't know who got the sweet potato from where, and put forward the suggestion of baking sweet potato. After that, everyone went to look for materials everywhere. Some people found branches, some people found rocks, and some people brought matches. I saw that everything was complete and said, "Let's assign tasks first!" Everyone agreed. Two people were assigned to keep watch, and the rest came to bake sweet potatoes. If anyone came, we would put out the fire.

  We found a shelter and built a wall with stones, put some leaves in it, inserted a long iron chisel into the sweet potato, put it in the middle of the wall, and then lit it with a match. After a while, the skin of the sweet potato was roasted black, so we took the sweet potato away and stamped out the fire with our feet. We began to enjoy a big meal. One sweet potato, peeled and ate. "How delicious!" Everyone spoke with one voice. "Well, it's delicious. I want to bake something more." Someone suggested. "I want baked potatoes." "I want kebabs!" "I want to roast fish!" Everyone laughed. Before I knew it, it was evening. We are still immersed in joy.

  Later, I learned that the baked sweet potato was still very dangerous, and we should not play with fire casually, which would lead to serious consequences. However, I will be very happy when I think about it, which will become a precious memory of my childhood.


  The mention of childhood reminds me of a happy childhood. There are many happy things in my childhood. I can't tell which one is. It's really countless!

  When I was in kindergarten, it was a good time, fun to play, and innocent every move was free, because there was no homework, no burden, and only one happy day was the day of victory.

  But there is one thing that I will never forget, which is deep in my mind. This is how it happened. On a sunny afternoon, some of our children were playing with the bouncing bed, and some of them had to play with the slide. When the children were playing happily, the aunts asked the children to go to the teacher's room to give them apples to eat. While the children were piling up at the door, I ran to the door. When I first got to the door, a child hit the ground. He said I pushed it, but I didn't dare to speak. I stood by and watched. The teacher surrounded him and said this, that and that. When I contacted the parents, I was so scared that I kept crying, Later things were handled by parents.

  The next day, I didn't like going to kindergarten, and I was very scared. I didn't push it. Since then, I have been crying and silent every day when I went to kindergarten. I can't help it if I don't want to, because my parents are at work and there is no one at home, so I have to go to the kindergarten. At the door, my tears blurred my eyes and I watched my mother's back. I was afraid that someone would say, "I pushed him."


  I am eighteen years old now, but the recollection of the fun and amusement is like a sweet dream.One Sunday, our family went to climb the beautiful Shushan Hill .My father told my elder sister and me that the first one to get to the top would be given a toy. We jumped with joy. We started to run up. At first I took the lead. A few minutes later I was breathleand my sister was ahead of me. The soft masses of the waving grass, and the drowsy, balmy air all sent their warm invitation for me to rest. But I followed my thirst for the toy and continued climbing. At last I reached the top first.

  There we enjoyed the fascinating view and had a piic. At about two oclock we danced our way down the hill with joy in our hearts, and I felt happier than the others because I got a toytrain.


  Childhood is like a magic bag, filled with strange things; Childhood is like a notepad, which is full of life; Childhood is like a big tree, with happy birds perched on it

  When I was more than four years old, my parents let me take a bath by myself. I remember the first time that my father asked me to take a bath myself. I didn't agree, but no matter how much I begged my parents to take a bath for me, they just didn't agree.

  I had no choice but to take off my clothes and enter the bathroom. Dad also came in, put the children's bathtub on the ground, turned on the tap to fill it with water, and let me sit in the basin. Then he commanded me: "First wet your whole body... wash your face... Alas, neck, neck..." I looked up, saw the soap in the tray, reached out my hand and said: "Dad, I also want to wipe some soap." "Children don't need soap..." Dad didn't finish, but his phone rang.

  Finally, I can use soap because my father has gone to answer the phone. I picked up the soap and wiped it, but where could I catch the slippery soap? When the soap fell into the basin, I picked it up and wiped it again, wiped it off again, grabbed it again and wiped it again... In this way, a pile of bubbles appeared in the bathtub, crystal clear. I clapped my hands and kicked my legs in the water.

  My father came back to the bathroom after answering the phone. He saw me covered in white soap bubbles, like a snowman, and laughed with joy. He had to take me out of the bathtub, turn on the faucet and rinse it for a long time!

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