双语:十个你不知道的有趣英语小知识 您所在的位置:网站首页 小且有趣的英语怎么说 双语:十个你不知道的有趣英语小知识


2024-06-13 17:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

  Did you know that enneacontakaienneagon is actually a word in the English language?  In fact, the meaning of the word is just as bizarre as the word itself: it’s a shape with ninety-nine sides.

  你知道吗?enneacontakaienneagon 真的是一个英语单词,而且它的意思就跟单词本身一样奇怪:这是一个九十九边形。

  Compared to other languages, English may seem simple, but that is probably because most people don’t realize it is full of crazy inventions, misinterpretations, mistakes, strange words, and needless words!


  Let’s take a look at ten interesting facts about the English language:


  1.“I am” is the shortest complete sentence in the English language.

  “I am” 是英语中最短的完整句

   2. A pangram sentence is one that contains every letter in the language.

  Pangram Sentence(全字母短句)是指包括英语全部26个字母的短句。比如 The quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog.

  3. Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious (*breath*) is NOT the longest word in English.

  Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious 并不是最长的英语单词。

  This extra long word (that approximately means “fantastic”) was popularized by the movie Mary Poppins and was eventually added to the dictionary. What you probably didn’t know is that there is a word that is longer—yes longer—than this one. Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis is a type of lung disease caused by inhaling ash and dust. Go ahead and try pronouncing that!

  这个词是迪士尼音乐电影《欢乐满人间》中一首插曲的名字,与fantastic同义,最终也被收入词典。你可能不相信,英语中还有比这更长的单词:Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis,一种由于吸入尘土导致的肺部疾病的名字。 试试看你能不能拼读出来!

  4. There are “ghost words” that mean nothing.



  Believe it or not, there are some words that appeared in the dictionary because of printing errors. The nonexistent word “dord” appeared in the dictionary for eight years in the mid-20th century. It became known as a “ghost word.”


  5. The shortest, oldest, and most commonly used word is “I.

  最短、最历史悠久以及最常使用的单词是“ I ”。

  6. A new word is added to the dictionary every two hours.


  During the course of the year, almost 4,000 new words are added! So, the next time you try to catch the attention of the dissertation committee, try adding some new words to your project.


  7. There’s a name for words that we repeat often.


  Words we always use even though they add no meaning or value to a sentence are called crutch words. For example, in the sentence “Then I was like, OMG, then like, he went there, and like…” it is pretty obvious that “like” is the crutch word. “Actually,” “honestly,” and “basically” are also commonly used as crutch words.

  我们在谈话中经常用到的但对内容没有任何作用的词,叫做Crutch words(拐杖词)。比如“Then I was like, OMG, then like, he went there, and like…” 中的like,还有“Actually” “honestly” “basically”,这些词都可以叫做crutch words。

  8. Swims will be swims even when turned upside down.


  9. English is the language of the air.


  This means that all pilots have to identify themselves and speak in English while flying, regardless of their origin.


  10. Girl used to mean small boy or girl.


  The word “girl” was not initially used to refer to a specific gender. It used to mean “child” or “young person” regardless of the gender.



标签: 双语英语知识



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