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2024-06-29 23:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

开瓶好酒 我要庆祝一下Break out the good stuff. I want to make a toast.但丁 不 但丁 停下Dante! No, Dante. Stop!不不不不不No, no, no, no, no! No.德拉库斯的吉他De la Cruz's guitar?爸爸 爸爸Papa? Papa?可可曾奶奶 你♥爸♥是埃内斯托·德拉库斯吗Mama Coco, is your papa Ernesto de la Cruz?爸爸 爸爸Papa! Papa!爸爸 爸爸 就是他Papa! Papa! It's him!我知道我的曾曾爷爷是谁了I know who my great-great-grandfather was.米格尔 从那上面下来Miguel, get down from there.可可曾奶奶的爸爸是埃内斯托·德拉库斯Mama Coco's father was Ernesto de la Cruz!你在说什么What are you talking about?我会成为一个音乐家I'm gonna be a musician!这些都是什么What is all this?你瞒着自己的家人做了这种事You keep secrets from your own family?都是因为他在广场上待的时间太多了It's all that time he spends in the plaza.让他脑袋里装满了疯狂的幻想Fills his head with crazy fantasies.这才不是幻想It's not a fantasy.这个人是埃内斯托·德拉库斯That man was Ernesto de la Cruz!历史上最伟大的音乐家The greatest musician of all time!我们不认识这个人We've never known anything about this man!但无论他是谁 他都抛弃了他的家庭But whoever he was, he still abandoned his family.你学他坏样不会有任何前途This is no future for my son.但爸爸 你说我的家人会指引我But, Papa, you said my family would guide me.德拉库斯也是我的家人Well, De la Cruz is my family.我就应该玩音乐I'm supposed to play music.休想 那个人的音乐是种诅咒Never! That man's music was a curse.我不会允许的I will not allow it.-只要您让我... -米格尔...- If you would just let... - Miguel...你得听你家人的话You will listen to your family.别再碰音乐No more music.-你们听我弹一次就好 -没得商量- Just listen to me play! - End of argument.你想和那个男人下场一样吗 被遗忘You want to end up like that man? Forgotten?照片上不了家里的灵坛Left off your family's ofrenda?我才不在乎自己有没有被什么愚蠢的灵坛供奉I don't care if I'm on some stupid ofrenda.-不 -妈妈- No! - Mama!就这样 没有吉他 没有音乐There. No guitar. No music.好了 和家人吃个饭这事儿就翻篇了Oh, come. You'll feel better after you eat with your family.我不想再待在这个家了I don't want to be in this family!米格尔 米格尔Miguel! Miguel!我想像德拉库斯一样在广场上表演I want to play in the plaza, like De la Cruz.我还能报名吗Can I still sign up?你有乐器吗You got an instrument?没有 但要是我能借把吉他...No. But if I can borrow a guitar...参赛的音乐人得自备乐器Musicians got to bring their own instruments.孩子 找把吉他来You find a guitar, kid,我就帮你报名I'll put you on the list.-我能借你的吉他吗 -抱歉 小伙子- Can I borrow your guitar? - Sorry, muchacho.-你们有多余的吉他吗 -没有- You guys have a spare guitar? - No.我想借下吉他 就一小会儿I need a guitar just for a little bit.走开 孩子Get out of here, kid.曾曾爷爷 我该怎么办Great-great-grandfather, what am I supposed to do?不不不No, no, no, no.但丁 停下 闭嘴Dante, stop! Callate! Shh!对不起I'm sorry.德拉库斯先生 请不要生气Senor De la Cruz, please don't be mad.我是米格尔I'm Miguel.您的曾曾孙子 我得借这把吉他Your great-great grandson. I need to borrow this.我们的家人觉得音乐是种诅咒Our family thinks music is a curse.他们都不理解我 但我知道你能理解None of them understand but I know you would have.你会让我跟从自己的内心You would have told me to follow my heart.抓住我的机遇To seize my moment!如果你同意的话So, if it's all right with you,我要去广场上表演 就像你一样I'm gonna play in the plaza. Just like you did!那把吉他不见了The guitar! It's gone!有人偷了德拉库斯的吉他Somebody stole De la Cruz's guitar!窗户破了 看The window's broken. Look!是谁 谁在里面All right, who's in there?抱歉 事情不是看上去那样I'm sorry. It's not what it looks like.德拉库斯是我的...De la Cruz is my...里面没有人There's nobody here.-米格尔 -妈妈- Miguel! - Mama!米格尔 回家吧 你在哪 米格尔Miguel, come home. Where are you, Miguel?天啊 孩子 你还好吗Dios mio! Little boy. Are you okay?来 我拉你一把Here. Let me help you.谢谢 我...Thanks. I...你怎么回事Do you mind? Whoa!看看她长多大了Look how big she's getting.但丁 你能看到我吗Dante! You can see me?等等 发生什么了 但丁Wait! What's going on? Dante!-对不起 对不起 -米格尔- Oh, I'm sorry. I'm sorry. - Miguel?-米格尔 -米格尔- Miguel? - Miguel?你怎么来了 你怎么在这里 你还能看到我们You're here? Here, here. And you can see us?我们的小小米格尔Our Migueli-ti-ti-ti-to!请问我怎么会认识你Remind me how I know you.我们是你的家人 孩子We're your family, mijo.-罗西塔姑婆 -对- Tia Rosita? - Si.-胡里奥爷爷 -你好- Papa Julio? - Hola.维多利亚姨婆Tia Victoria?他看起来还没死透He doesn't seem entirely dead.也不像还活着He's not quite alive either.我们得找到老祖宗伊美黛 她知道如何解决We need Mama Imelda. She'll know how to fix this.老祖宗伊美黛出事了Oye! It's Mama Imelda.她过不来She couldn't cross over.-她被卡住了 -卡在了另一边- She's stuck! - On the other side!奥斯卡叔公 菲利普叔公Tio Oscar? Tio Felipe?你好 米格尔Hey, Miguel.我感觉这可能和你有关I have a feeling this has something to do with you.但如果老祖宗伊美黛没法来找我们...But if Mama Imelda can't come to us...我们就去找她 出发Then we are going to her. Vamonos!走吧 米格尔 没关系的Come on, Miguel. It's okay.但丁 但丁 但丁等等Dante? Dante! Dante, wait up!你得和我待着 孩子 我们不知道...这是哪里You got to stay with me, boy. We don't know... where...这不是一场梦 你们真的就住在这个地方This isn't a dream then. You're all really out there.-你觉得我们不存在吗 -我也不知道- You thought we weren't? - Well, I don't know.我还以为那可能是I thought it might've been one of those大人编来骗小孩子的made up things that adults tell kids.就像维生素一样Like vitamins.米格尔 维生素真的存在Miguel, vitamins are a real thing.现在我有点相信了Well, now I'm thinking maybe they could be.宝贝 你这样盯着别人可不太礼貌...Mija, it's not nice to stare at...我的天啊Ay! Santa Maria!那些是爱波瑞吉吗 但它们是...Are those... Alebrijes! But those are...真的爱波瑞吉 灵兽Real alebrijes. Spirit creatures.它们会给亡灵引路They guide souls on their journey.小心脚下 它们到处便便Watch your step. They make caquitas everywhere.欢迎回到亡灵之国Welcome back to the Land of the Dead.请准备好回返需要申报的物品Please have all offerings ready for re-entry.欢迎回来 有要申报的东西吗Welcome back. Anything to declare?几根小油条 家人送来的Some churros. From my family.好好享用 下一位How wonderful. Next.如果您在出入关时遇到问题If you are experiencing travel issues,家人团聚署的工作人员agents at the Department of Family Reunions将竭诚协助您are available to assist you.有请下一家Next family, please.两位的照片摆在你们儿子的灵坛上Your photos are on your son's ofrenda.旅途愉快Have a great visit.谢谢Gracias.谨记在日出前回来And remember to return before sunrise.旅途愉快Enjoy your visit.






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