红警3单位背景翻译:征召兵 您所在的位置:网站首页 官网红警三废弃单位 红警3单位背景翻译:征召兵


#红警3单位背景翻译:征召兵| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265







> 7.62毫米ADK-45突击步枪(二手)

> 佩有部门徽章的外套(二手)

> 20夸脱大容量合成挎包(新)

> 裹脚布(新)

> 流行皮帽(二手)











• 战力强大—征召兵们的突击步枪足以用来抵抗敌军的步兵,特别是当人数倍于敌人的时候。同时他们所携带的莫洛托夫鸡尾酒对于建筑物或移速缓慢的单位来说具有良好的破坏效果。

• 成本低廉—关于征召兵,最好的说法是联盟已成功地简化了其培训流程,使他们成为了最合适的战力。但这些人的价值是有限的:他们既无法打中飞机,也不会游泳。

• 防护力不足—鉴于征召兵们连一双袜子都没有,那么请想像一下现代武器对他们造成的伤害是怎样的。然而在实际战斗中,由于他们目标较小,他们可以躲避一些反装甲武器的攻击,不过对于轻武器需更加留心。

• 烧的敌人冒泡——多亏了“莫洛托夫鸡尾酒”,征召兵可以轻易解决那些躲在建筑中的敌人。他们可以将燃烧弹丢到窗户里从而幸运地解决里边的敌人,从而避免将整幢建筑付之一炬。

征召兵(大红色外套,对应正式版本)征召兵(游戏胜利/失败界面)原文:ConscriptDesignation: Anti-InfantryTraining Headquarters: Kremlin Premier Recruitment CenterField-Trained at: Soviet BarracksCreed: "Our motherland will protect our bones!"Accessories:» 7.62 mm ADK-45 assault rifle (used)» Greatcoat with service branch insignia (used)» 20 quart synthetic XL satchel (new)» Cloth sashes for protecting the feet (new)» Fashionable fur hat (used)historyIn the Soviet Union, military service is understood to be a rite of passage, for boys and girls alike, into a patriotic adulthood. And, much like the onset of age, this rite is not optional. Opportunities do abound, and based on a child's scholastic achievement and parentage, he or she may end up serving either behind a desk or behind a machine gun for the glory of Russia and all her sister republics. Among the entirety of Soviet youth entering the armed forces, a large percentage consists of boys of unremarkable strength, intellect, or pedigree. These boys, once properly trained and equipped, are boys no longer: They are conscripts.Conscripts are the Soviet Union's foot soldiers. Shown here is a propaganda piece showing an uncharacteristically brave, determined, confident, and competent-looking example.Drafted by the millions, conscripts are conditioned from a very young age--long before their conscription, in fact--to believe in the inevitable victory and greater glory of the Soviet fight against its conniving enemies. Conscripts are also promised handsome rewards upon completing tours of duty, which is all the more reason why they approach what turns out to be a nearly suicidal undertaking with an almost-giddy enthusiasm. Though poorly trained, they are armed with high-caliber assault rifles, as well as satchels filled with a highly volatile, cheaply-produced concoction that's serviceable as a basic thrown explosive. Reports of conscripts drinking this substance for pleasure, and subsequently falling ill or dying, are described as patently false by the Soviet media.The Soviet Union is famously proud of her "highly efficient" conscript training program, which is centered on a series of mandatory training videos that educate conscripts on how to properly fire a gun, salute high-ranking officials, cry out authorized Soviet war cries, and more. (Note that conscripts are never taught to swim, allegedly out of desertion risk.) Exit polls suggest conscripts come away from this video series genuinely inspired and enthusiastic for combat, and the few that are unsatisfied typically are sent to the gulags straightaway. Conscripts also are especially grateful for how soon into their training they get to brandish the notorious ADK-45 assault rifle, a cheap and effective burst-firing weapon that can easily take down unarmored targets. In addition to their brief marksmanship training, conscripts learn to properly mix and throw explosive Molotov cocktails, named for the great Soviet bartender who first invented the concoction in exasperation when his patrons refused to leave his establishment. On the whole, conscripts are quite accurate with these thrown weapons, which can cause a significant amount of harm against structures or targets too slow to avoid the attack.What they lack in skill and training, conscripts make up for (to some extent) with respectable firepower.It must be repeated that conscripts have the shortest life expectancy of virtually all Soviet forces, and rarely live past the age of 26.6 years before being killed or promoted. The Union depends on her many millions of ill-informed citizens to swell these ranks, and then, in practice, allows them to head straight into the arms of slaughter. Some critics have theorized that the Union purposely seeks a high casualty rate among conscripts so that there are fewer veterans who can return to the homeland to contradict the extremely positive career outlook presented to prospective conscripts in the well-crafted training videos. Russia has incarcerated as many of these critics as she can get her hands on for slander, libel, or treason.notesBattlefield reconnaissance has revealed at least these facts about the Conscripts:• Loaded to bear -- Conscripts' assault rifles are adequately powerful against enemy infantry, especially since conscripts tend to outnumber their enemies. And their Molotov cocktails are a useful alternative against structures and slow-moving targets.• Cheaply trained -- Probably the best thing to be said about conscripts is that the Union has managed to completely streamline their training to make them very affordable for use in battle. Yet these men's value is limited: Their weapons lack the range to hit aircraft, nor can they swim.• Poorly defended -- Seeing as how conscripts don't even get a proper pair of socks to wear, just imagine what modern weaponry must do to them. In practice, they are small enough to avoid serious damage from anti-vehicle weapons, but cannot withstand much small-arms fire.• Smoking out the bad guys -- Thanks to their Molotov cocktails, conscripts are surprisingly effective against enemies taking position in structures. A few lucky cocktails flung through a window are likely to eliminate any hostiles inside, without setting the entire place ablaze.






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