如何在Android上访问iCloud服务 您所在的位置:网站首页 安卓登录苹果icloud保持活跃状态怎么办 如何在Android上访问iCloud服务


2024-07-16 01:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

iCloud Web Sign In

Apple users are able to store their notes, pictures, contacts, and settings in their iCloud storage and sync them across multiple Apple devices. Accessing your iCloud data on Android is a trickier process, but it is possible. Here’s how.

Apple用户可以将其笔记,图片,联系人和设置存储在iCloud存储中,并在多个Apple设备上同步它们。 在Android上访问您的iCloud数据是一个棘手的过程,但是有可能。 这是如何做。

First, you’ll need to be aware of the limitations. Apple, by design, doesn’t generally play well with other non-Apple devices. You can easily use iCloud on Mac, iPhone, or iPad, but you won’t see an official Android app for iCloud appearing anytime soon.

首先,您需要了解这些限制。 根据设计,Apple通常无法与其他非Apple设备配合使用。 您可以轻松地在Mac,iPhone或iPad上使用iCloud,但很快就不会看到iCloud的官方Android应用出现。

在Android上使用iCloud Online (Using iCloud Online on Android)

The only supported way to access your iCloud services on Android is to use the iCloud website. Your access is still quite limited—initially, you will have access only to your saved photos and notes, as well as the “Find iPhone” service.

在Android上访问iCloud服务的唯一受支持方法是使用iCloud网站。 您的访问权限仍然很有限-最初,您将只能访问您保存的照片和便笺以及“查找iPhone”服务。

To start, head to the iCloud website on your Android device and sign in using your Apple ID and password.

首先,请访问您Android设备上的iCloud网站 ,然后使用您的Apple ID和密码登录。

Signing in to iCloud online on Android

If you’ve set up two-factor authentication on your iCloud account, you might need a macOS, iOS, or iPadOS device attached to your account to receive a code that allows you to sign in.

如果您已在iCloud帐户上设置了双重身份验证 ,则可能需要在帐户上连接一个macOS,iOS或iPadOS设备才能接收允许您登录的代码。

Type in the code that appears on your Apple device during the sign-in process on Android, if this is the case.


A two-factor authentication code for an iCloud sign in, shown on a macOS device

The iCloud website will ask you if you trust the browser you’re using to sign in. If the device is yours, press the “Trust” button—you won’t need to provide a six-digit code from another iOS, iPadOS, or macOS device to sign in again.


Otherwise, tap “Don’t Trust” or “Not Now” to proceed without trusting the device.


Click Trust to trust your device when you sign into iCloud on Android 在Android上使用iCloud照片,便笺和查找iPhone (Using iCloud Photos, Notes, and Find iPhone on Android)

If your sign-in details are correct, you should see the (fairly limited) iCloud dashboard on Android.


You can tap “Account Settings” to access your Apple account settings or select one of the three icons listed to access the Notes, Photos, or Find iPhone services.


The iCloud web dashboard shown on Android

These are the only services that Apple allows you to easily view on your Android device using a mobile browser.


访问iCloud照片 (Accessing iCloud Photos)

Pressing the “Photos” icon will bring up your saved iCloud photos.


You can tap the “Upload” button to upload new photos. Select any of the items to view or delete them from your iCloud storage or to download them as local files onto your Android device.

您可以点击“上传”按钮上传新照片。 选择任何项目以查看或从iCloud存储中删除它们,或将它们作为本地文件下载到Android设备上。

The Photos section of the iCloud website, shown on Android 访问iCloud Notes (Accessing iCloud Notes)

Pressing the “Notes” icon will show your saved iCloud notes.


As with iCloud Photos, this section has been optimized for mobile viewing. You can view, edit, and delete your existing notes, or tap the “Add” button in the top-left corner to create a new note.

与iCloud照片一样,此部分已针对移动查看进行了优化。 您可以查看,编辑和删除现有笔记,或点击左上角的“添加”按钮来创建新笔记。

iCloud Notes, shown on Android using the Chrome browser 在Android上使用查找iPhone (Using Find iPhone on Android)

The last service you can easily access on Android using the iCloud website is the Find iPhone service. Tap the “Find iPhone” icon on the main iCloud dashboard to begin.

您可以使用iCloud网站在Android上轻松访问的最后一项服务是“查找iPhone”服务。 点击iCloud主仪表板上的“查找iPhone”图标开始。

You might need to re-enter your Apple account password and provide a six-digit authentication code at this stage.


The sign in screen for the iCloud Find iPhone service, shown on a Chrome browser on Android

Once confirmed, a list of Apple devices (including iOS, iPadOS, and macOS devices) attached to your account will be displayed. Tap any of the devices listed to see where they were last seen and if they’re currently active.

确认后,将显示与您的帐户连接的Apple设备(包括iOS,iPadOS和macOS设备)的列表。 点按列出的任何设备,以查看它们的最后查看位置以及它们当前是否处于活动状态。

Press the “Play Sound” button to locate the device or “Erase iPhone,” “Erase iPad,” or “Erase Mac” to remotely wipe the device. You can also use the Lost Mode feature to display a message on your Apple device’s screen if you’ve lost the device.

按“播放声音”按钮找到设备,或按“擦除iPhone”,“擦除iPad”或“擦除Mac”以远程擦除设备。 如果您丢失了设备,也可以使用“丢失模式”功能在Apple设备的屏幕上显示消息。

Press the “Lost Mode” button to do this.


The Find iPhone service on Android, showing an iPad device 在Android上使用其他iCloud服务 (Using Other iCloud Services on Android)

Although you can access some iCloud services in third-party apps, these apps aren’t official and their quality and success in accessing iCloud will vary.


The easiest service to access is your iCloud email account. You can set up iCloud email access on Android using Gmail or another email app. This will allow you to send and receive emails from your iCloud email account using your Android device.

最容易访问的服务是您的iCloud电子邮件帐户。 您可以使用Gmail或其他电子邮件应用程序在Android上设置iCloud电子邮件访问权限 。 这将允许您使用Android设备从iCloud电子邮件帐户发送和接收电子邮件。

Other services can be accessed through the iCloud website, but you’ll need to switch to your browser’s desktop mode feature to view them. We won’t sugarcoat it, this isn’t the easiest way to view your iCloud calendar or contacts, even if you have a large mobile display. It should still work, but don’t expect the same user experience that you’ll find on an iOS or iPadOS device.

可以通过iCloud网站访问其他服务,但是您需要切换到浏览器的桌面模式功能才能查看它们。 我们不会为它加糖,这不是查看iCloud日历或联系人的最简单方法,即使您的移动显示器很大也是如此。 它仍然应该工作,但是不要期望您会在iOS或iPadOS设备上获得相同的用户体验。

To use these iCloud services on Android, sign in to the iCloud website using Chrome for Android. Once you’ve signed in, tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-right corner and then select the “Desktop Site” checkbox.

要在Android上使用这些iCloud服务,请使用Android版Chrome浏览器登录iCloud网站。 登录后,点击右上角的汉堡菜单图标,然后选择“桌面站点”复选框。

This will cancel the mobile page and load the equivalent desktop version of the iCloud website.


Click the Desktop site option to disable mobile website viewing on Chrome for Android

The full range of iCloud services will appear, although the page will be harder to read. You might want to switch to landscape mode on your Android device for better navigation at this point.

将会显示全部iCloud服务,尽管该页面更难阅读。 此时,您可能希望切换到Android设备上的横向模式以更好地导航。

From here, tap any of the services to access them. Tapping “Reminders” will load a list of your saved iCloud reminders, for instance.

在这里,点击任何服务以访问它们。 例如,点击“提醒”将加载已保存的iCloud提醒列表。

The iCloud dashboard on Android, shown in Desktop view mode

Because this isn’t a supported view mode, the functionality of these services on Android might vary. Navigating these services will be tricky, but you should be able to use this view mode to access your saved contacts, calendar, and iCloud Drive file storage.

由于这不是受支持的查看模式,因此这些服务在Android上的功能可能会有所不同。 导航这些服务非常棘手,但是您应该能够使用此视图模式来访问已保存的联系人,日历和iCloud Drive文件存储。

Other services like Pages and Numbers should technically load and allow you to view files, but they won’t be useable in any meaningful way.

其他服务(例如Pages and Numbers)应从技术上加载并允许您查看文件,但它们不能以任何有意义的方式使用。

在Android上将iCloud作为渐进式Web应用安装 (Installing iCloud as a Progressive Web App on Android)

If you want to use your iCloud services on Android regularly, it might be worth adding it to your home screen as a progressive web app (PWA). This allows you to open the iCloud page like a “real” app, without needing to open Chrome first.

如果您想定期在Android上使用iCloud服务,可能值得将其作为渐进式Web应用程序(PWA)添加到主屏幕。 这使您可以像“真实”应用程序一样打开iCloud页面,而无需先打开Chrome。

To do this, head to the iCloud website in your Android Chrome browser. Tap the hamburger menu icon in the top-right corner and then select the “Add to Home Screen” option.

为此,请在您的Android Chrome浏览器中访问iCloud网站。 点击右上角的汉堡菜单图标,然后选择“添加到主屏幕”选项。

Press Save to Home Screen to save a page as a Progressive Web App on Android

You’ll need to give your iCloud PWA a suitable name. Use the default “iCloud” name or rename it and then tap the “Add” button to confirm.

您需要给您的iCloud PWA一个合适的名称。 使用默认的“ iCloud”名称或重命名,然后点击“添加”按钮进行确认。

Name your iCloud PWA app, then tap the Add button to add it to your Android home screen

You’ll then need to long-press and drag the icon that appears to your home screen, placing it wherever fits best for you. Your onscreen instructions might vary, depending on your version of Android.

然后,您需要长按并拖动显示在主屏幕上的图标,将其放置在最适合您的位置。 您的屏幕说明可能会有所不同,具体取决于您的Android版本。

Alternatively, tap the “Add” button for the app to be placed on your home screen automatically.


Tap the Add button to add your iCloud PWA app to the home screen

This will add the iCloud icon to your Android home screen. Tapping this icon will load iCloud in an entirely isolated app-like environment.

这会将iCloud图标添加到您的Android主屏幕。 轻触此图标将在完全隔离的类似于应用程序的环境中加载iCloud。

Tap the iCloud icon on your home screen to load the iCloud PWA on Android

You won’t be able to switch to desktop mode using a PWA, so you’ll be limited to accessing your iCloud photos, notes, and Find iPhone services.


We’ve covered the list of possible iCloud services you can access on Android, but some are beyond reach. You can’t use iMessage on Android at all, nor is it possible to use Apple AirDrop on Android.

我们已经列出了您可以在Android上访问的可能的iCloud服务的列表,但是其中一些服务无法实现。 您完全不能在Android上使用iMessage,也不能在Android上使用Apple AirDrop 。

You’ll need to use cross-platform alternatives like WhatsApp and Snapdrop as a replacement for these services.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/658390/how-to-access-icloud-services-on-android/






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