嫦娥英语,嫦娥用英语怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 嫦娥英文翻译是什么 嫦娥英语,嫦娥用英语怎么说?


2023-12-15 19:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,嫦娥用英语怎么说? 2,关于嫦娥奔月的故事(英文) 3,嫦娥翻译成英语是什么? 4,嫦娥全诗的拼音 5,《嫦娥奔月》故事的英文版是什么? 1,嫦娥用英语怎么说?

the goddess of the moon. 一英语的影响力 (1)从全世界来看,说英语的人数已经超过了任何语言的人数,10多个国家以英语为母语,45个国家的官方语言是英语,世界三分之一的人口(二十几亿)讲英语。比如在日本,除了他们的本国母语——日语之外,英语是他们的第二语言,很多高层次的日本人以会说英语为荣。 (2)全世界75%的电视节目是英语,四分之三的邮件是用英语书写,电脑键盘是英语键盘,任何一个会议敢号称是国际会议,其会议工作语言一定要用英语,也是联合国的正式工作语言。 二英语的学科特点 (1)英语学科是一门语言学科,需要记忆大量的信息,以备后期的输出。要学好英语首先要记单词,记固定搭配,记语法规则,记时态,记句型,记好篇章,记好的表达方法,最后达到灵活运用的地步。 (2)作为国际上最通用的语言之一,英语具有鲜明地应用性。学会了就能使用,使用就能够有收获。英语是交际工具,掌握英语就多了一个交流思想、获得信息的途径。目前英语的使用越来越广泛,很多知识信息都以应用为载体。



嫦娥奔月(其中一个版本) changebenyue(one of the versions) 在远古的时候,天上突然出现了十个太阳。 In ancient times, ten suns suddenly appeared in the sky. 直晒得大地冒烟,老百姓实在无法生活下去了。 The sun was smoking, and the people could not live on. 有一个力大无比的英雄名叫后羿,他决心为老百姓解除这个苦难。 There was a powerful hero named Hou Yi who was determined to relieve the suffering of the people. 于是他登上昆仑山顶,运足气力,拉满神弓,一口气射下九个太阳。 So he went up to the top of Kunlun, filled his bow with strength, and shot down nine suns in one breath. 他对天上最后一个太阳说:"从今以后,你每天必须按时升起,按时落下,为民造福!" He said to the last sun in the sky: "From now on, you must rise on time and fall on time for the benefit of the people! " 后羿为老百姓除了害,大伙儿都很敬重他。很多人拜他为师,跟他学习武艺。 After Yi for the common people, everyone respected him. Many people worshipped him as a teacher and learned martial arts from him. 有个叫逢蒙的人,为人奸诈贪婪。 There is a man called a lover, who is treacherous and greedy. 后羿的妻子嫦娥,是个美丽善良的女子。 After Yi's wife Chang E, is a beautiful and kind woman. 一天,昆仑山上的西王母送给后羿一丸仙药。 One day, the Western royal mother of Kunlun Mountain gave Houyi a pill of elixir. 据说,人吃了这种药不但能长生不老,还可以升天成仙。 It is said that people who take this medicine can not only live forever, but also ascend to heaven. 可是,后羿不愿意离开嫦娥,就让她将仙药藏了起来。 However, Hou Yi did not want to leave Chang 'E and let her hide the elixir. 这件事被逢蒙知道了,他一心想把后羿的仙药弄到手。 The matter was discovered by Feng Meng. He was bent on getting Houyi's elixir. 八月十五这天清晨,后羿带弟子出门了,逢蒙假装生病留了下来。 On the morning of August 15, Hou Yi took his disciples out and pretended to be ill. 到了晚上逢蒙手提宝剑闯进后羿家里,威逼嫦娥把仙药交出来。 In the evening, Meng Meng's hand-held sword broke into Houyi's house and forced Chang 'E to hand over the elixir. 嫦娥心里想:让这样的人吃了长生不老药,不是要害更多的人吗? Chang E thought to himself: let such a person eat the elixir of immortality, is not the key more people? 嫦娥见逢蒙马上就要找到药,立刻疾步向前取出仙药,一口吞了下去。 Chang 'E saw that Meng was about to find the medicine immediately. He immediately took the elixir forward and swallowed it. 嫦娥吃了仙药,突然飘飘悠悠地飞了起来,她飞出了窗子,一直朝着月亮飞去。 Chang 'E took the elixir and suddenly floated up. She flew out of the window and flew all the way to the moon. 后羿外出回来,不见了妻子嫦娥,他焦急地冲出门外,只见皓月当空。 After Yi went out to return, missing his wife Chang 'E, he rushed out of the door anxiously, only saw the bright moon. 圆圆的月亮上树影婆娑,一只玉兔在树下跳来跳去。 On the round moon the shadow of the tree was dancing, and a rabbit was jumping around under the tree. And ... 妻子就站在一棵桂树旁深情地凝望着自己呢。"嫦娥!嫦娥!"后羿连声呼唤。 His wife was standing beside a Laurel tree, gazing fondly at herself. "Chang 'E! Chang 'E! " Hou Yi called out. 不顾一切地朝着月亮追去,可是他向前追三步,月亮就向后退三步,怎么也追不上。 Desperate to chase the moon, but he chased three steps forward, the moon three steps back, how can not catch up. 乡亲们很想念好心的嫦娥,在院子里摆上嫦娥平日爱吃的食品,遥遥地为她祝福。 The villagers miss the good Chang 'E very much and put Chang' E's favorite food in the yard. They bless her from afar. 从此以后,每年八月十五,就成了人们企盼团圆的中秋佳节。 Since then, August 15 every year, it has become people look forward to a reunion of the Mid-Autumn Festival.


goddess in the moon 嫦娥

例句 1.So i am waiting for the day she ablooms when lilac petals flutters like the skirt of goddess in the moon.


2.Goddess in the moon was born, because do not know, be male it is female, do not know you are deserve uncle or aunt so.



cháng é 嫦 娥 lǐ shāng yǐn 李商隐 táng 唐 yún mǔ píng fēng zhú yǐng shēn 云 母 屏 风 烛 影 深, cháng hé jiàn luò xiǎo xīng chén 长 河 渐 落 晓 星 沉。 cháng é yīng huǐ tōu líng yào 嫦 娥 应 悔 偷 灵 药, bì hǎi qīng tiān yè yè xīn 碧 海 青 天 夜 夜 心。 译文: 透过装饰着云母的屏风,烛影渐渐暗淡下去。银河渐渐沉没,晨星渐渐消失。嫦娥后悔寂寞,后悔偷吃灵药,现在只有那青天碧海夜夜陪伴着她一颗孤独的心。 扩展资料: 李商隐的诗歌流传下来的约600首,其中以直接方式触及时政题材的占了相当比重。李商隐的咏史诗有很高的成就。它们绝不是“发思古之幽情”的无病呻吟,也不同于前人那些托古以述怀的诗篇,而是着眼于借鉴历史的经验教训来指陈政事、讥评时世加以补充发挥,使咏史成为政治诗的一种特殊形式。无题诗是李商隐独具一格的创造。 它们大多以男女爱情相思为题材,意境要眇,情思宛转,辞藻精丽,声调和美且能疏密相间,读来令人回肠荡气。幼年的环境和所受的教育使李商隐的世界观基本上属于儒家体系,其人生态度是积极入世、渴望有所作为的。 同时,他颇能独立思考,很早便对“学道必求古,为文必有师法”的说教不以为然,甚至萌生出“孔氏于道德仁义外有何物”这样大胆的想法。在诗歌创作上,他起初醉心于李贺奇崛幽峭的风格和南朝轻倩流丽的诗体,曾仿照它们写了许多歌唱爱情的诗篇,如《燕台》、《河阳》、《河内》等。 待屡次下第和被人谮毁的遭际向他显示了人生道路的崎岖不平,他的诗便开始表现出愤懑不平之气和对社会的某些批判。大和末,甘露之变以血淋淋的现实打开他的眼界,使他在思想上和创作上都大进一步。这时他写的《有感二首》、《重有感》等诗,批判腐朽政治已相当深刻有力。


Once upon a time, a man named Hou Yi, he has a beautiful wife named Chang'e. One day, he became hunting, met the Queen Mother, the first to seek immortality, the dose of immortality, we will be able to immediately immortal. When Ho was reluctant wife put in the possession of immortality underneath his pillow. Three days later, he became hunting again. She was not taking advantage of Hou Yi, immortality Tundao the stomach and immediately flew to the Moon became cents 中文版:从前,有一个人叫后羿,他有一个美丽的妻子叫嫦娥.一天,后羿外出打猎,遇到了王母,求得了一颗仙丹,服下仙丹,就能立即成仙.后羿舍不得妻子,就把仙丹藏在了枕头底下.三天后,后羿再次外出打猎.嫦娥趁后羿不在,把仙丹吞到了肚子里,立即飞到了月亮上成了仙. 中国古代神话传说,嫦娥偷吃了丈夫后羿从西王母那儿讨来的不死之药后,飞到月宫。但琼楼玉宇,高处不胜寒,嫦娥向丈夫倾诉懊悔后,又说:“明天乃月圆之候,你用面粉作丸,团团如圆月形状,放在屋子的西北方向,然后再连续呼唤我的名字。三更时分,我就可以回家来了。”翌日,照妻子的吩咐去做,届时嫦娥果由月中飞来,夫妻重圆。中秋节做月饼供嫦娥的风俗,也是由此形成。表现这一情节的嫦娥图,当是世人渴望美好团圆,渴望幸福生活的情感写照。






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