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2024-04-23 06:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

 《Leyouyuan》 introduce

The court was turbulent and the imperial power fell, and the grandson Li Yi (played by Xu Kai), who was guarding the border, was forced to take on the heavy responsibility of pacifying the rebellion. He and the only daughter Cui Lin (played by Jing Tian), who concealed their true identity, each led an army into a dispute. The two of them fought openly and secretly among various forces, resorting to dangerous tactics, and fell in love with each other in several battles. They staged a romantic love story where the two were hired and went on a romantic journey together.

 《樂游原》 繁體簡介

朝堂動盪皇權旁落,鎮守邊關的皇孫李嶷(許凱飾)被迫承擔起平叛重任,與隱藏真實身份的將軍獨女崔琳(景甜飾)各領一軍捲入紛爭。 二人在多方勢力中明爭暗鬥兵行險招,在數次交鋒中棋逢對手相殺相愛,上演了一場江山為聘,雙强共赴樂遊的浪漫愛情故事。

 《乐游原》剧集播出信息公元 2023年,由 匪我思存 等老师负责剧本编写,郑伟文导演负责制作,许凯,景甜,郑合惠子,高寒,赵嘉敏,刘冬沁,曾黎,于波,高曙光,何中华,朱宏嘉,何奉天,蒋恺 等明星实力参演的 国产剧《乐游原》,此影片于2023-11-06上映,更多精彩剧情简介详情请点击【立即播放】按钮观赏!奈飞中文祝您观影愉快!奈飞中文于 2023-11-06 18:20:12整理收录此片,并在 2024-04-12 07:02:08再次更新完善此片,因本页面是围绕《乐游原》的影视作品相关介绍页,所以为广大网友服务的相关关键词有:乐游原,乐游原在线观看,乐游原免费观看,乐游原百度云,乐游原下载 等。






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