高中英语作文范文:大学生应不应该允许结婚 您所在的位置:网站首页 大学生应该结婚吗 高中英语作文范文:大学生应不应该允许结婚


2024-03-13 13:33| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



Nowadays, college marriage has increasingly become a public concern as more and more married students appear in campus. Many people hold that college students should be allowed to get married while some don’t approve.如今,随着校园里出现越来越多的已婚学生,大学婚姻已经成为了公众关注的问题。很多人认为应该允许大学生结婚,而一些人则不赞成。Those who are in favor of college marriage point out that getting married is a basic right of human beings. In addition, they argue that getting married can meet the biological and emotional needs and that will make great contribution to study.赞成大学婚姻的人指出,结婚是人类的基本权力。而且,他们认为,结婚可以满足生理和情感需求,对学习有帮助。However, those who stand in the opposite side figure out that school is a place to study but not to get married or be in love. And students who get married in college will bring some bad effects to their studies. Furthermore, college marriage will bring more difficulties for campus spirit development. What’s more, if the marriage is broken, they would be hurt in both physical and mental.但是,那些站在对立面的人指出,学校是学习的地方,不是结婚或者恋爱的地方。在大学里结婚的的学生会给他们的学习带来坏影响。而且,大学婚姻会给发扬校园精神带来困难。另外,如果婚姻破碎了,他们在身体和精神上都会受到伤害。As far as I am concerned, college students should not be allowed to get married too early. For one thing, most colleges students are not mature enough to deal with the relationship in marriage. For another, most students are financially unable to establish their home. 在我看来,不应该允许大学生过早结婚。一方面,大部分的大学生还不够成熟,不能处理婚姻中的关系。另一方面,大部分的学生经济上还不能成家。

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