去伦敦的旅行英语(英国伦敦旅游英语作文) 您所在的位置:网站首页 塔桥用英语怎么说 去伦敦的旅行英语(英国伦敦旅游英语作文)


2023-11-02 00:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


  LONDON, England. A capital city full of art and history. An important political centre. A huge financial market place.   英国,伦敦,一座艺术气息和历史氛围浓郁的都城,一个重要的政治中心,一处巨大的金融市场.   Whatever you think about London, visiting as a tourist is very different from living there. Each part of London has its own character. Some parts are richer than others, or more industrial, or have better housing.   不管你眼中的伦敦是什么样子,以游客的身份去参观旅游和居住在此有很大的不同.伦敦每个地方都各有千秋.有的地方富裕,有的地方偏工业化,有的地方则更适合居住.   Let's start with the centre, the "Square Mile". This is the oldest part of London. In the past, this is where all financial business was done. Not many people live here, but 300,000 people work here every day.


  Night studying the details of the trip, a look at the map, an island, a famous city. see the city, of former geography textbooks and the novels of dickens. in england except two days of work, there are seven days of time in britain, how to arrange the seven days? london to oxford and cambridge, i will go to the list. edinburgh, manchester and liverpool feel nottingham, the ritz, birmingham, at newcastle,

我以前去过英国旅行 英语怎么说?

  I have ever travelled to England before.


  下载一个百度翻译,有一个及时翻译,可以对着说的,你找着说就OK了,而且如果是有导游的话肯定是会的啦。   求采纳


  伦敦全年天气都不太好,经常下雨,风也很大,挺冷的。旅游建议夏天去最好,暖和,雨少。伦敦游玩圣地主要是和文化有关,画廊美术馆博物馆居多,观光客必去的是大英博物馆,V&A博物馆,国家画廊,Tate凯特现代画廊。其他必去景点有:伦敦蜡像馆,Lon珐onEye摩天轮,大笨钟,白金汉宫,Harrods(戴安娜情夫的商店),鸽子广场,伦敦塔桥。如果还有空,可以看看当地歌剧,逛逛露天集市。伦敦所有的东西都很贵,包括吃住行,也不适合购物,因为太贵了。住酒店最好不要在市中心,市中心很贵,而且人杂,很挤。然后买一张周票作为旅行用,可以座巴士,地铁和火车。没必要做的士,不见得快多少。天天买票也贵好几倍。购物的话,全年两次大甩卖,圣诞节前后两周和夏季甩卖(6月底七月初),几乎所有的东西都打折,包括名牌,而且折打得狠。如果你是学生签证,只要是你最后一次离境,就是回中国再也不回来了,买的东西都可以退税,一般是17.5%的税。如果是旅游签证,回国出境的时候退税就行了,需要注意的是留好发票和商品。比如买台手机,那么很有可能检查发票和实物是否一致。电子产品最好不要在伦敦买,不会便宜只会贵。最后,来了想吃中餐千万不要去唐人街,不是一般难吃。总结一下,伦敦开销很大,不适合购物。     我住在伦敦7年,专业和艺术有关,以上情况比导游书上准。

因为要去英国游学,所以要做自我介绍,用英文!英语不好,求原创! 伦敦游览完之后要用英语说感想!求

  Hello!My name is John.I come from China.I am a student,and I am in No.1 Middle School.My favorite subject are English and math.And my favorite day is Thursday because I have a math test on Thursday.I am 12 years old.And I am in Class 6 ,Grade 7.My favorite sport is soccer.And I play soccer with my classmates on P.E..It is so relaxing.And my classmates are friendly.


  *   机票价格不看提前预定不预定,是看舱位高低。舱位低的价格就低,看你订票的时候该航班的舱位卖出多少了。不过总的来说早订比晚订便宜。   *   如果伦敦有亲戚,且你们只在伦敦游玩,他们有时间陪你们的,那就自己和亲戚出去玩。   *   自己走,第一就是注意安全,然后英语要可以应付正常交流,买一个英国的手机卡,可以随时和亲戚保持联络,问亲戚一些英国当地一些规定和常识。   *   准备常备药,地图,手机,提前做好攻略   *   同上


  做好详细的攻略,例如出行方式,酒店的预定,车票机票的购买以及景点门票的预订。提前预定和网上预订会有一定的优惠。带好防风防雨的衣服,建议带一件冲锋衣,因为下雨的时候刮风雨伞根本就打不住。带好银行卡,最好是visa,mastercard之类的。   检查出行所需的证件:护照复印件等。带一些常用药,例如感冒药,虽然也可以在英国购买,但旅行的人会比较麻烦。不要带太多的现金,放在身上并不安全。可以带一些塑料的餐盒,这会非常有用。用途真的很多。      英国火车十分方便。车票的话,长距离可以在国内的一些代理网站,或者直接去英国的一些网站上购买,会有一些折扣。短途的直接在当地买就可以。有一点注意的就是,如果距离长到一定长度,内陆机票会比火车更便宜一些。这就取决于你们的行程安排了。      如果吃不惯西式餐点,最好到一个地方先问问周边有没有中餐外卖,然后可以电话订,也可以走过去(一般英国小城镇都很小的)买了在那里吃或者提回来吃。那样的性价比较高:别看是“外卖”,份量很足,而且大虾什么的都是真材实料,新鲜的很。      英国商店基本上下午6点左右就会关门,小店关得更早,所以晚上没得逛;周日有些商场不营业,注意大门上标注的营业时间。记住过马路先看右再看左。伦敦比较著名的就是哈罗德百货了,里面非常的漂亮可以去逛一逛。品牌专卖店牛津街会有不少。


  我B卷,有别的答案,发发   Welcome you to our China in winter vacation of shanxi tourist ,Shanxi scenery and charming scenery. Famous yard, the royal residence of the premier, etc.   You came, I went back to meet you at the airport. I'll bring you visit shanxi scenery.   Still can eat together with you vinegar national famous shanxi.Welcome you to my home. We go shopping, we will spend a happy and pleasant holiday.   I believe you will for the shanxi trip and memorable experience


  To wander London (漫步伦敦)   With ongoing development of Chinese market economy,Chinese tourism has becoming more sophisticated day by day.travelling in Europe is popular and in fashion now .As we known,London is internation financial center ,in order to edifying experience and improve my abilities of using English,last summer ,I travelled with my best friend Stephanie by airplane aim to London .   When we arrived in London ,we were attracted by it prosperous appearance—on flank of the street cars come and go in an endless flow are bustling commercial bank and row upon row corpornation(在车辆川流不息的道路两侧商业银行门庭若市大公司鳞次栉比,逻辑有点乱),white collar armed with brief case on the way of negotiation hastily,I know this is the life of my expectation.   I make up mine mind,working hard on the last two years in my senior high school and get high score to pass college entrance examination ,aim at becoming an architect,for grand socialism with Chinese characteristics contribute my hot blood and life.






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