中英文对照祷告和英语圣经学习(9月1日 您所在的位置:网站首页 基督教饭前祈祷视频 中英文对照祷告和英语圣经学习(9月1日


2024-06-23 20:15| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Dear Lord, I pray you will guide our minds and hearts for the next hour. Draw us close to You. As we open your Word, let the Holy Spirit guide us to truth. In the name of Jesus, Amen. 亲爱的主,我祈祷您在下一小时内引导我们的心思意念。 让我们靠近您。 当我们打开你的话语时,让圣灵引导我们走向真理。 奉耶稣的名义,阿们。

Dear God, I praise your word. I give you honor and glory for all you have written. With words you created all of heaven and earth. How awesome, perfect, and wonderful are all of your ways. Above all, you are seated on your throne, to reign in steadfast love and mercy. (Psalm 8 & 9) 亲爱的上帝,我赞美你的话。 我为你写的一切归荣荣耀和尊贵给你。 你用你的话语创造了整个天地。 您的方式多么令人敬畏,完美和美妙。 最重要的是,您坐在宝座上,以坚定的爱与怜悯作王。 (诗篇8&9)

Lord, please open my eyes to the truth of your word. I pray for wisdom as I prepare to read your word, clarity for while I read, and discernment as I apply your word to my heart. Let your word change my actions. I pray the truth I find here will transform my heart and mind to follow more after you. Amen.  (James 1:5, 22-25) 主啊,请打开我的眼睛学习你的话语的真理。 当我准备阅读您的话语时,我祈求智慧;在阅读时保持清晰;当我将您的话语应用到我的心中时,求您给我辨别力。 让你的话改变我的行动。 我祈祷我在这里找到的真相将改变我的思想和观念,更多地跟随您。 阿们 (雅各书1:5,22-25)

O God, I give you thanks for the good gift of your word. Let my heart and mind be still in thanksgiving for this amazing gift. Every good gift, including your word, is a gift to me. I thank you for the wisdom you provide. I give you thanks for your love and mercy towards me. Amen. (Psalm 136) 上帝啊,我感谢您珍贵的礼物,你的话语。 让我的内心仍然为这个奇妙的礼物而感恩。 每一份好的礼物,包括你的话,都是对我的礼物。 感谢您提供的智慧。 感谢您对我的爱与怜悯。 阿们 (诗篇136)

Lord, please open my eyes to the truth of your Word. I pray for wisdom as I prepare to read your Word, clarity for while I read, and discernment as I apply your word to my heart. Let your word change my actions. I pray the truth I find here will transform my heart and mind to follow more after you. Amen.  (James 1:5, 22-25) 主啊,请打开我的眼睛,进入你的话语的真里。 当我准备阅读您的话语时,我祈求智慧;在阅读时保持清晰;当我将您的话语应用到我的心中时,我有辨别能力。 让你的话改变我的行动。 我祈祷我在这里找到的真理会改变我的思想和观念,让我跟多地追随您。 阿们 (雅各书1:5,22-25)









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