辨析表示 “结果” 的近义词:result, outcome, consequence 您所在的位置:网站首页 坏的英文名词 辨析表示 “结果” 的近义词:result, outcome, consequence

辨析表示 “结果” 的近义词:result, outcome, consequence

2024-07-16 20:28| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



辨析表示 “结果” 的近义词:result, outcome, consequence

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听众梦日想知道 “result、outcome” 和 “consequence” 之间的区别。它们都有 “结果” 的意思,但正式程度不同,所指的 “结果” 也试情况而定,有所区别。它们当中哪个词最正式?哪个词通常指 “(不好的)后果”?听节目,学习这三个近义词之间的区别。

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Jiaying大家好,欢迎收听 BBC英语教学的 “你问我答” 节目,我是佳莹。

SamAnd I'm Sam. Welcome!


QuestionI've listened to your programme for a month. It helps me a lot. Could you tell me the difference between 'consequence', 'outcome', and 'result'?

Jiaying听众梦日想知道这三个词之间的区别,它们都可以作名词使用,翻译成 “结果”。

SamGenerally speaking, these three nouns all talk about something that happens after another event, but there are differences in formality and connotation.

Jiaying一般来说,这三个词都用来谈论 “某件事情发生后出现的情况”,但它们之间的主要区别在于其正式程度和隐含的意思不同。

SamYes. 'Result', for example, is the most neutral of the three words. It's not formal or informal, positive or negative.

Jiaying是的,名词 “result” 的基本含义是 “结果”,在问题中的三个词当中,它的正式程度居中,也是最中性的一个。

Sam'Result' is a countable noun, so you will see it in the singular and the plural forms. It is also sometimes followed by the preposition 'of'.

Jiaying“Result” 是可数名词,复数是 “results”,后面可以接介词 “of”:“the results of something”,用来具体说明前面所描述的情况是哪件事情的结果。听两个例句。

ExamplesHer promotion was the result of hard work and dedication.(她得到晋升是努力工作和奉献精神的结果。)

To get the best results, use fresh eggs and make sure they're at room temperature.(为了达到最好的效果,请用室温下储存的新鲜鸡蛋。)

Jiaying上面我们讲到,名词 “result” 一般来说是比较中性的,但它有时还可以表示 “(好的或令人满意的)成果,成效”。在表达这个含义的时候,常用复数 “results”。听两个例句。

ExamplesWe've spent a lot of time on our garden, and we're finally starting to see the results.(我们在花园里下了很大的工夫,终于开始看到成效了。)

They've brought in a new coach for next season. They think he will get results.(他们为下个赛季请来了一位新教练。他们认为这位教练将会带来好的赛果。)

SamNow, we can also use 'result' in more specific situations, like when we're talking about the score of a sports match, for example.

Jiaying除了指 “体育比赛的结果、比分” 以外,名词 “result” 还指 “考试或测试的分数” 以及 “化验结果;实验结果”。

SamLet's listen to one example for each of those situations we mentioned now.

ExamplesWhat are the football results? I couldn't watch the game.(足球赛的结果如何?我没看成比赛。)

Our teacher said she'd give us our test results next week.(我们老师说她下周公布考试成绩。)

We need to wait for the results of your blood tests before we can make a diagnosis.(我们需要等验血结果出来才能作出诊断。)

Jiaying好了,接着看名词 “outcome”。“Outcome” 同样有 “结果” 的意思,具体表示 “(一个行为或情况造成的)后果或影响”。

“Outcome” 与 “result” 的含义非常相似,主要区别在于:“outcome” 更正式,所以使用频率相对较低。

SamExactly. And another thing to notice is that, even though 'outcome' is a countable noun, it's almost always used in the singular form.

Jiaying没错,虽然名词 “outcome” 是可数的,但它几乎总是用作单数形式。听两个例句。

ExamplesWe don't yet know what the outcome of the meeting will be.(我们还不知道会议的结果如何。)

Selling the company and dividing the assets among the three founders, was the best outcome for everybody.(出售公司,资产分给三位创始人,这对大家来说是最好的结果。)

Jiaying最后,我们来讲一讲名词 “consequence”,它是可数名词,意思是 “(特定行为或情况的)后果”,这个 “后果” 通常很严重和糟糕。“Consequence” 的正式程度居中。

SamYes, we often use this countable noun when talking about something serious. In fact, 'serious' is an adjective you'll often see used to describe 'consequence'. Here are your examples.

ExamplesSmoking can have serious consequences for your health.(吸烟会对你的健康造成严重后果。)

As a consequence of the bad weather, many flights were cancelled.(由于恶劣天气,许多航班被取消了。)

Jiaying希望大家在听了我们的讲解后,对名词 “result、outcome” 和 “consequence” 之间的区别有了一定的理解。

SamIt was another great question – thanks for sending it in! Don't forget that anyone listening can send in their questions, too!

Jiaying如果你在英语学习中遇到了难题,欢迎通过微博向我们提问。我们的微博账号是 “BBC英语教学”。你也可以发邮件给我们,邮箱地址是:[email protected] 谢谢收听 “你问我答” 节目。我是佳莹。我们下次再会!

SamUntil next time, bye-bye.










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