“挤地铁”用英文怎么说?千万别说“squeeze to subway”! 您所在的位置:网站首页 地铁用英语怎么说读subway “挤地铁”用英文怎么说?千万别说“squeeze to subway”!

“挤地铁”用英文怎么说?千万别说“squeeze to subway”!

2024-07-16 09:12| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


 抢答:“挤地铁”英文是(   )?

  A. squeeze the metro

  B. press the metro

  C. cram into a metro car

 抢答:“赶地铁”英文是(   )?

  A. hurry the underground

  B. rush the subway

  C. catch the tube

 抢答:“错过地铁”英文是(   )?

  A. no hurry tube

  B. missed the subway

  C. failed to catch the metro train



 V四、“挤地铁”用英文怎么说? “挤”是squeeze或press,“地铁”是metro,“挤地铁”可不是squeeze/press the metro!


V1. cram into



“挤地铁”是cram into subway / metro ……。

“挤地铁(车厢/列车)”是cram into a subway / metro car / train……。

Mini V follow the commuters to cram into a metro car. 小V我(VOA英语城)跟着上班族挤进地铁车厢。

V2. jam into a metro

jam指“把……塞进”、“挤进”,jam into a metro,指挤进地铁列车。

It is rather hard sometimes during rush hours for passengers to jam into a metro train. 在高峰时段,乘客有时很难挤上地铁列车。

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V3. fight one's way


fight one's way through 从……挤出一条路来;

fight one's way into挤进或挤上……

Mini V fought my way into a subway car just before the doors closed. 在车门关闭之前,小V我(VOA英语城)拼命挤进了地铁车厢。

V4. squeeze through a gap


Mini V have to squeeze through a gap in the crowd to get on the underground car.


V5. squeeze past 挤过去

If you move backward a little, Mini V can squeeze past. 如果你稍微往后挪一挪,小V我(VOA英语城)就能挤过去。

 V五、“地铁拥挤”用英文如何表达? 在早高峰(morning peak 或morning rush hour);或晚高峰(evening peak 或 evening rush hour)时段,地铁非常的拥挤。

V1. be crowded形容人多


The metro is crowded during the morning rush hour. 早高峰时段,地铁拥挤不堪。

交通高峰期:rush hour

V2. so crowded that ... 太拥挤了,以至于……

The tube is so crowded that Mini V can hardly move. 这地铁太挤了,小V我(VOA英语城)动都动不了。

so... that... 如此……以致于……

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V3.overcrowded 过度拥挤,非常拥挤


Mini V saw that most trains on Line 1 were overcrowded. 小V我(VOA英语城)看到一号线的大部分列车都过于拥挤。

V4. packed

pack 的名词是包裹,动词是打包,packed 是形容词,也是动词的过去分词形式,意思是像打包一样地挤在一起,即塞得满满的,拥挤的。


如:crazy / super / very packed 极度拥挤。

Mini V hear on the radio that the train packed with commuters is arriving. 小V我(VOA英语城)从收音机里听到,满载乘客的列车即将抵达。

V5. packed like sardines


All of us were packed like sardines. Mini V hate taking metro in rush hours. 我们所有人都挤得像沙丁鱼一样。小V我(VOA英语城)我讨厌在高峰期乘坐地铁。

V6. jam-packed 拥挤不堪,挤得毫无空隙了

The train on Line 3 was jam-packed with commuters. 三号线的列车上挤满了乘客。

V7. bustle with 充满

The passageway of the Canton Tower station is bustling with passengers. 广州塔站的通道上乘客熙熙攘攘。

 V六、“赶地铁”用英文怎么说? “赶”是hurry,“赶地铁”可不是hurry metro!


“赶地铁”可以表达为:catch the subway / metro / train

If you run like mad, you can catch the last subway. 如果你拼命跑,你就能赶上最后一班地铁。

Mini V hurried to catch my metro. 小V我(VOA英语城)匆匆忙忙地去赶地铁。

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 V七、“错过地铁”用英文怎么说? V1. “错过地铁”。


可以表达为:miss the subway / metro / train。

Be quick, or you'll miss the subway. 快走,要不你赶不上地铁了。

V2. “错过地铁”就是赶地铁失败了。


可以说:failed to catch the subway / metro / train。

Early as I got up, Mini V failed to catch the first tube. 小V虽然起得早,我(VOA英语城)还是没有赶上早班地铁。

 V八、“上错车”英文怎么说? V1. be + on the wrong bus / metro ... (强调现状:在错误的车上)

Mini V quickly realized that I was on the wrong metro. 小V我(VOA英语城)很快意识到自己坐错了地铁。

V2. get on the wrong bus / subway ... (强调上车动作)

You've got on the wrong bus. 恐怕你上错车了。

V3. take the wrong bus / tube ...

Mini V took the wrong tube / underground. 小V我(VOA英语城)不小心搭错了地铁。




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