Pantone / PMS 424 C / #707372 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints 您所在的位置:网站首页 图文处理专业 Pantone / PMS 424 C / #707372 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints

Pantone / PMS 424 C / #707372 Hex Color Code, RGB and Paints

2023-09-27 17:08| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Pantone / PMS 424 C / #707372 Hex Color Code, RGB and PaintsPantone / PMS 424 C / #707372 Hex Color Code

The hexadecimal color code #707372 is a shade of green-cyan. In the RGB color model #707372 is comprised of 43.92% red, 45.1% green and 44.71% blue. In the HSL color space #707372 has a hue of 160° (degrees), 1% saturation and 45% lightness. This color has an approximate wavelength of 500.81 nm. This color is used in the Pierre-Henri de Valenciennes: Study of Clouds over the Roman Campagna picture.

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Color VariationsInverted#8f8c8d25% saturated#707372Grayscale#72727225% lighter#8d8f8eOriginal#70737225% darker#5a5c5bWeb safe: gray#80808025% desaturated#707372HTML: dimgray#696969Related Named ColorsClosely RelatedNickel#727472Sonic silver#757575Dark silver#71706eDim gray#696969Granite gray#676767Intermediately RelatedCoral color (Sango-iro)#f8674fKombu green#354230Pomelo#96a53cMaximum purple#733380Palatinate blue#273be2Distantly RelatedYellow#ffff00 / #ff0Electric yellow#ffff33 / #ff3Daffodil#ffff31Canary#ffff99 / #ff9Lemon yellow (Crayola)#ffff9fColor Schemes


Monochromatic Colors#5b5e5d#626564#696c6b#707372#777a79#7e8180#858887Tints and Shades#707372 to white#707372#868988#9d9f9f#b5b6b6#cdcece#e6e6e6#ffffff / #fff#707372 to black#707372#5d5f5e#4a4c4b#383a39#272828#171818#000000 / #000PaintsExact Matching Paints424 C

Pantone / PMS

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★ Platinum#6f7270 ΔE = 0.714 / LRV ≈ 16.6%


★ Silhouette / P223-N6#707474 ΔE = 0.767 / LRV ≈ 17.2%


★ Silhouette / T12 47.F12#707474 ΔE = 0.767 / LRV ≈ 17.2%

Dulux Australia

★ Mountain Spur / F12#727372 ΔE = 0.788 / LRV ≈ 17.1%


★ T2134-2#6d7271 ΔE = 0.947 / LRV ≈ 16.5%

Cloverdale Paint

★ Shadow Dance / 8303#727371 ΔE = 0.979 / LRV ≈ 17.0%

ICI Paints

★ Charcoal Slate 30BB 21/014#737575 ΔE = 1.143 / LRV ≈ 17.7%


★ Volcanic Touch#737372 ΔE = 1.195 / LRV ≈ 17.1%


★ Night Jewels 3#737372 ΔE = 1.195 / LRV ≈ 17.1%

Pantone / PMS

★ 4195 UP#6f7273 ΔE = 1.205 / LRV ≈ 16.7%

Devoe Paint

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Nippon Paint

★ Restful Watch / NP N 2024 D#6d7371 ΔE = 1.302 / LRV ≈ 16.7%

Benjamin Moore

★ Rocky Coast / 1595#6c7171 ΔE = 1.333 / LRV ≈ 16.2%


★ Mineral Grey / S 6500-N#6d706e ΔE = 1.359 / LRV ≈ 16.0%


★ 0764 / Stengrå#6d706e ΔE = 1.359 / LRV ≈ 16.0%

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★ AMS-STD 595 26132#6f7172 ΔE = 1.391 / LRV ≈ 16.4%

Federal Standard

★ Federal Standard 26132#6f7172 ΔE = 1.391 / LRV ≈ 16.4%

Matthews Paint

★ Angora Grey / 4439#747472 ΔE = 1.450 / LRV ≈ 17.4%

Paint & Paper Library

★ Paris Rooftops#6d726f ΔE = 1.505 / LRV ≈ 16.4%


★ IST 030-05#70706f ΔE = 1.505 / LRV ≈ 16.2%


★ 99.00.42#737576 ΔE = 1.542 / LRV ≈ 17.7%

GM / General Motors

★ Windsor Gray#6d7474 ΔE = 1.598 / LRV ≈ 17.0%

Natural Color System / NCS

★ S 6000-N#737270 ΔE = 1.683 / LRV ≈ 16.8%

PPG Pittsburgh Paints

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★ Up In Smoke / PPG1010-6#6e706d ΔE = 1.686 / LRV ≈ 16.0%

Vista Paint

★ Shadow Dance#6e6f6d ΔE = 1.758 / LRV ≈ 15.8%

Scib Paints

★ Shadow Dance / 8303#6e6f6d ΔE = 1.758 / LRV ≈ 15.8%


★ Shadow Dance / 8303#6e6f6d ΔE = 1.758 / LRV ≈ 15.8%


★ Gris Clair / 1680#70726e ΔE = 1.790 / LRV ≈ 16.6%


★ Mid Grey N58-005-255#717476 ΔE = 1.796 / LRV ≈ 17.3%

Crown Paint

★ Herringbone#707274 ΔE = 1.800 / LRV ≈ 16.7%

Laura Ashley

★ 1616 Chimney Sweep#6f6f6f ΔE = 1.837 / LRV ≈ 15.9%


★ Night Moves - 2958#6b6f6d ΔE = 1.852 / LRV ≈ 15.6%


★ RAL 000 50 00#767675 ΔE = 1.860 / LRV ≈ 18.1%

California Paints

★ DEC 797 - Power Suit#6f7476 ΔE = 1.888 / LRV ≈ 17.2%


★ Battleship Gray / 412#6f7476 ΔE = 1.888 / LRV ≈ 17.2%


★ Iron Mountain / KM3830-3#757673 ΔE = 1.898 / LRV ≈ 18.0%


★ Antracit Metallic#6d7574 ΔE = 1.910 / LRV ≈ 17.2%

Peintures MF

★ DD467-4#6d7574 ΔE = 1.910 / LRV ≈ 17.2%

Toyo Ink

★ CF10996#6f716d ΔE = 1.923 / LRV ≈ 16.3%


★ Testors 2538C#737877 ΔE = 1.974 / LRV ≈ 18.4%

Valspar Paint

★ Ground Truth 8006-11E#757576 ΔE = 1.990 / LRV ≈ 17.8%

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★ 7403-52 Andesite#747878 ΔE = 2.055 / LRV ≈ 18.5%


★ 6208-52 Andesite#747878 ΔE = 2.055 / LRV ≈ 18.5%

Asian Paints

★ On The Banks / 9479#6a7270 ΔE = 2.148 / LRV ≈ 16.3%

Ressource Peintures

★ Pure Grey 7 / PG07#727878 ΔE = 2.170 / LRV ≈ 18.4%

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★ 6259 Ice Star#6d7576 ΔE = 2.206 / LRV ≈ 17.3%


★ Monsoon Gray Metallic / 0C0C, 0CPA, 0CPW, 0CSF, 0CSW, LX7R#6c7375 ΔE = 2.259 / LRV ≈ 16.7%


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★ Grimmy's Grey#777777 / #777 ΔE = 2.267 / LRV ≈ 18.4%

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★ N44 Bridge Grey#767778 ΔE = 2.294 / LRV ≈ 18.4%


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Charcoal Gray#6a6e6f ΔE = 2.367 / LRV ≈ 15.4%


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EN-50#757678 ΔE = 2.400 / LRV ≈ 18.1%


Light Tundra#6d7676 ΔE = 2.406 / LRV ≈ 17.5%


Charcoal Cashmere / N-C14#777673 ΔE = 2.438 / LRV ≈ 18.1%

Farrow & Ball

Down Pipe / 26#6d6d6d ΔE = 2.481 / LRV ≈ 15.3%

General Paint

Anchor / CL 3165D#6c7174 ΔE = 2.544 / LRV ≈ 16.3%


57 3 120 / Moos 15#6c7470 ΔE = 2.551 / LRV ≈ 16.8%

Coronado Paint

8311 - Roman Stone#686f6d ΔE = 2.555 / LRV ≈ 15.4%

Apple Barrel

Pewter Grey / 20580 / K2620#6d6e70 ΔE = 2.601 / LRV ≈ 15.6%


Cyklon 515 / 5301-B28G#777879 ΔE = 2.619 / LRV ≈ 18.7%

Johnstone's Paint

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Greybeard (0528)#6a6e70 ΔE = 2.672 / LRV ≈ 15.4%

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Greybeard / 0528#6a6e70 ΔE = 2.672 / LRV ≈ 15.4%


0528#6a6e70 ΔE = 2.672 / LRV ≈ 15.4%


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Pratt & Lambert

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Games Workshop - Citadel

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New Look

Brilliant Storm / A04-04#686d6e ΔE = 2.869 / LRV ≈ 15.0%


566X#777a7a ΔE = 2.872 / LRV ≈ 19.2%

British Standard

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Color DirectoryPierre-Henri de Valenciennes: Study of Clouds over the Roman Campagna#707372 HTML / CSS Code Examples#707372 foreground

Creativity is allowing yourself to make mistakes. Art is knowing which ones to keep.Scott Adams

#707372 background

It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to, the feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures.Vincent Van Gogh

#707372 shadow

Art is a collaboration between God and the artist, and the less the artist does the better.Andre Gide

Color ChartsRGB



Color Space ConversionsDecimal7369586Binary01110000, 01110011, 01110010Hexadecimal#707372LRV≈ 16.9%Closest short hex#777 ΔE = 2.312RGBrgb(112, 115, 114)RGBArgba(112, 115, 114, 1.0)rg chromaticityr: 0.328, g: 0.337, b: 0.334RYBred: 43.922%, yellow: 44.627%, blue: 45.098%Android / / 0xff707372HSLhsl(160, 1%, 45%)HSLAhsla(160, 1%, 45%, 1.0)HSV / HSBhue: 160° (160.000), saturation: 3% (0.026), value: 45% (0.451)HSPhue: 160.000, saturation: 2.609%, perceived brightness: 44.705%HSLuv (HUSL)H: 165.539, S: 4.108, L: 48.160CubehelixH: -209.740, S: 0.018, L: 0.447TSLT: -1.158, S: 0.008, L: 0.447CMYKcyan: 3% (0.026), magenta: 0% (0.000), yellow: 1% (0.009), key: 55% (0.549)CMYcyan: 56% (0.561), magenta: 55% (0.549), yellow: 55% (0.553)XYZX: 15.850, Y: 16.921, Z: 18.347xyYx: 0.310, y: 0.331, Y: 16.921CIELabL: 48.160, a: -1.344, b: 0.154CIELuvL: 48.160, u: -1.623, v: 0.419CIELCH / LCHabL: 48.160, C: 1.353, H: 173.474CIELUV / LCHuvL: 48.160, C: 1.677, H: 165.539Hunter-LabL: 41.135, a: -3.210, b: 2.350CIECAM02J: 37.771, C: 3.221, h: 187.880, Q: 121.085, M: 2.817, s: 15.253, H: 236.352OSA-UCSlightness: -10.077, jaune: -0.078, green: 0.413LMSL: 15.904, M: 17.684, S: 18.321YCbCrY: 113.916, Cb: 128.005, Cr: 126.754YCoCgY: 114.000, Cg: 1.000, Co: 27.500YDbDrY: 113.989, Db: 0.017, Dr: 3.782YPbPrY: 114.289, Pb: -0.155, Pr: -1.454xvYCCY: 114.154, Cb: 127.864, Cr: 126.723YIQY: 113.989, I: -1.466, Q: -0.946YUVY: 113.989, U: 0.007, V: -1.745Okhslh: 174.377, s: 0.021, l: 0.481Okhsvh: 174.377. s: 0.019, v: 0.484Okhwbh: 174.377, w: 0.475, b: 0.516Oklabl: 0.553, a: -0.004, b: 0.000Oklchl: 0.553, c: 0.004, h: 174.377Munsell Color System5B 5/1 ΔE = 3.176Brand ColorSouthwest Airlines Deep Silver ΔE = 10.511Random Colors#451a6b#e87288#53d0b6#2966cf#bfb36aRed#bc7f69#e73b3b#ca6358#733927#713b21Green#5c8551#24af3c#294225#25c752#28c75bBlue#a5abe6#5264b2#6e8ddc#4a4c87#5758b6






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