教案商务英语阅读Unit 2 叶兴国 您所在的位置:网站首页 商务英语阅读unit12 教案商务英语阅读Unit 2 叶兴国

教案商务英语阅读Unit 2 叶兴国

2024-05-17 14:48| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Unit 2 Teaching Objectives: 1.To have general ideas of the three texts; 2.To remember and use new words and expreions; 3.To be clear about how fast you can learn and how to learn fast; 4.To learn the four methods of how to improve reading speed as soon as poible.Focuses:

1.To have general ideas of the three texts; 2.To be clear about how fast you can learn and how to learn fast Difficulties:

How to improve reading speed as soon as poible by using the four reading methods.Teaching Time: 2 periods.Teaching Procedures:

Part I Pre-reading Questions It can be used as lead-in questions.For students, they can discu with each other and will have free answers.Part II Extensive Reading In this part, there are two texts and their relevant exercises.By reading the texts in limited time, Teacher helps students understand the contents and the reading methods to build reading abilities gradually.

1.Text A How Fast Can You Learn a.Let the students read Text A as quickly as they can for the first time to find the general idea of the paage; b.Then read through the text for the second time to find the answers to Exercise I; c.Tell the students the general idea of the text while checking the answers to Exercise I; d.Analyze the language points in the text;

1.Technology is hot, but how long this happy investment cycle will last is anyone’s gue.技术现在是热点,但是谁也说不准这种令人陶醉的投资周期能持续多久。

2.Ask such a great market timer like Ken Fisher.问问像肯·费希尔这样杰出的市场分析师吧。

肯尼思•费希尔(Kenneth L.Fisher)生于1950年,美国商人,是总部设在加州伍德赛德的资产管理公司费希尔投资公司的创始人兼董事会主席、CEO。 费希尔还是《福布斯》“投资组合策略”专栏作家,并为其他金融和新闻期刊撰稿。 已出版六本专著,包括2009年度《纽约时代周刊》畅销书《如何发现可疑迹象》(How to Smell a Rat)。费希尔曾被《投资顾问》(Investment Advisor)杂志评为投资顾问界25位最富影响力人士。2009年是他在《福布斯》的撰稿生涯的25周年,以专栏作者服务年限计算他在福布斯史上名列第四。

3.Such a slope over even a few years causes inflection points … 这种延续数年的价格跌势导致了拐点…… inflection point:原指“曲线最大、最小或回折的临界点”,引申为“转折点”。例如:

After a year of dramatic change and evolution, the Internet and PC together have emerged as the way the new digital media will be presented to people, and that is a fundamental inflection point in the industry.经过一年的急剧变化和进展之后,互联网与个人电脑机一起出现了,并将作为一种新的数字媒体呈现在世人面前,那在业界是一个至关重要的转折点。

4.But today’s chips, storage, displays and connections have become so cheap that the coolest products are pitched first to consumers worldwide.


pitch … to … 竭力推销,把……投向……

5.It was early-adopting (often young) employees, not the IT departments, who brought the Palm Treo, the BlackBerry and now the Apple iPhone into their organizations, forcing change. 不是信息部门,而是那些早期采用的雇员们(他们常常是年轻人),把诸如奔迈手机、黑莓手机及现今的苹果iPhone带进了他们的机构并推动了改革。

6.This provocative statement was first made by Sun Microsystems’ Bill Joy in 1990.这种刺激性的话语是由太阳公司的比尔·乔伊在1990年首次说出来的。

Sun Microsystems:是IT及互联网技术服务公司(已被甲骨文收购)Sun Microsystems 创建于1982年。主要产品是工作站及服务器。1986年在美国成功上市。

e.Ask students to do Exercise II after cla.2.Text B Student Teachers

a.Several minutes for students to read the text only once, then ask some to do exercises;

b.Pick out some terms for students to remind them of trying remember as many words of busine English c.Exercise III as their homework. as poible; Part III Reading Skills Before dealing with Text A and Text B, ask students to read through the whole paage of reading skill, to lead them to use the methods while reading.

Part IV Supplementary Reading: Learn to Work with the “Now”. Ask students to read it in a limited time, and then write a summary to hand it in.

Part V Test Yourself Ask students to do it and check the answers by themselves.Questions for Discuion and Reflection: 1.What kind of talents will you be after you graduate?

2.In your opinion, what should you do to achieve your purpose and meet the needs of our society? Aignments

1.Write a short summary of about 50 words to expre the main idea of Supplementary Reading; 2.Finish two translation exercises by finding and understanding the sentences according to the context.References:


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