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外国诗歌 (新诗林) [CHM]

欧洲 Europe

(古罗马)维吉尔:牧歌 (抚琴居) [PDF] (奥)里尔克诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (法)波德莱尔:恶之花选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (法)波德莱尔诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (法)雨果抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (法)雨果诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (法)拉马丁诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (法)奈瓦尔诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (德)歌德:浮士德 [CHM] (德)歌德抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (希腊)荷马史诗:伊利亚特 [CHM] (希腊)荷马史诗:伊利亚特 (抚琴居) [EXE] (希腊)荷马史诗:奥德赛 [CHM] (希腊)荷马史诗:奥德赛 (抚琴居) [EXE] (匈)裴多菲诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (意)但丁:神曲 [CHM] (意)但丁:神曲 (抚琴居) [EXE] (意)但丁抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (波)密茨凯维奇抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (俄)叶赛宁抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (俄)莱蒙托夫诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (俄)普希金诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (俄)普希金诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (俄)屠格涅夫诗集 (抚琴居) [PDF] (俄)丘特切夫诗选 (抚琴居) [CHM] (西)洛尔迦诗抄 (抚琴居) [PDF] (英)勃朗宁夫人十四行诗集 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)彭斯诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (英)拜伦诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)拜伦诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (英)柯勒律治诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (英)艾略特诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)哈代诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)莎士比亚诗全集 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)雪莱诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (英)华兹华斯抒情诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE]

美洲 America

(美)弗罗斯特诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (美)金斯堡:嚎叫 (抚琴居) [PDF] (美)兰・休斯诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (美)庞德诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (美)桑德堡诗选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (美)惠特曼:草叶集选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (智)聂鲁达诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE]

亚洲 Asia

(古希伯来)圣经诗歌 [CHM] (古希伯来)圣经诗歌 (抚琴居) [EXE] (印)迦梨陀娑:沙恭达罗 (抚琴居) [PDF] (印)马鸣:佛所行赞 (抚琴居) [EXE] (印)泰戈尔诗选 (抚琴居) [EXE] (印)泰戈尔散文诗集 (抚琴居) [CHM] (印)泰戈尔:吉檀迦利 [TXT] (印)泰戈尔:飞鸟集 [TXT] (日)万叶集选 (抚琴居) [PDF] (波斯)柔巴依集 (抚琴居) [PDF]

非洲 Africa

(埃)亡灵书 [CHM] (埃)亡灵书 (抚琴居) [PDF] (埃)新王朝时期的情歌 [CHM] 国际诗库::原文版外文诗歌

综合 All Countries

Public Poetry Project - Free Online Library [CHM] The World's Best Poetry by Bliss Carman (in English) [PDF]

古罗马 Ancient Rome

Anthology of Latin Poetry by Robert Yelverton Tyrrell (in Latin) [PDF] The Oxford Book of Latin Verse [CHM] The Oxford Book of Latin Verse (in Latin) [CHM] Poems of Gaius Valerius Catullus (in English) [PDF] Poems by Catullus (in Latin and English) [CHM] Carmina by Catullus (in Latin) [CHM] Homer in Latin [CHM] Poetry by Horace (in Latin) [CHM] Poetry by Lucan (in Latin) [CHM] Poems of Lucretius (in English) [PDF] De Rerum Natura by Lucretius (in Latin) [CHM] Metamorphoses by Ovid (in English) [CHM] Metamorphoses by Ovid (in Latin) [CHM] The Love Books of Ovid (in Latin and English) [CHM] Tragedies by Seneca (in Latin) [CHM] Comedies by Terence (in Latin) [CHM] Poetry by Tibullus (in Latin) [CHM] Aeneid by Virgil (in English) [CHM] The Complete Poetry of Virgil (in Latin) [CHM] The Ecologues of Virgil (in Latin and English) [CHM] The Georgics of Virgil (in Latin and English) [CHM]

奥地利 Austria

Poems of Rainer Maria Rilke (in English) [PDF] Poems by Rainer Maria Rilke (in French) [CHM] DIE SONETTE AN ORPHEUS und Duineser Elegien von R. M. Rilke (in German) [CHM] Georg Trakl: Gedichte (in German) [CHM]

比利时 Belgium

Poems of Emile VerhaereRilken (in English) [PDF] ems of Emile Verhaereiiin Poems by Emile Verhaeren (in French) [CHM]

法国 France

The Oxford Book of French Verse (in French) [EXE] The Oxford Book of French Verse (in French) [CHM] French Verse (Fu Qin Ju) [EXE] The Song of Roland (in English) [CHM] Poems of Guillaume Apollinaire (in English) [PDF] Alcools by Guillaume Apollinaire (in French) [ZIP] The Complete Poems of Charles Baudelaire (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Du Bellay (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Tristan Corbiere (in French) [CHM] Polyeucte by Pierre Corneille (in English) [CHM] Poems by Jean-Pierre Claris de FLORIAN (in French) [CHM] Poems of La Fontaine (in English) [PDF] Poems by Jean de La Fontaine (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Théophile Gautier (in French) [CHM] Poems by José-Maria de Heredia (in French) [CHM] Poems of Victor Marie Hugo (in English) [PDF] Four Poetry Volumes by Victor Hugo (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Jules LAFORGUE (in French) [CHM] Two Poetry Volumes by Alphonse de LAMARTINE (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Charles-Marie Leconte De Lisle (in French) [CHM] Poems by Stéphane Mallarmé (in French) [CHM] Tartuffe; Or, The Hypocrite by Jean Baptiste Poquelin Molière (in English) [CHM] Poems by Alfred de MUSSET (in French) [CHM] Poems by Gérard de Nerval (in French) [CHM] Poems by René François SULLY PRUDHOMME (in French) [CHM] Phaedra by Jean Racine (in English) [CHM] Five Poetry Volumes by Arthur Rimbaud (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Pierre de Ronsard (in French) [CHM] Poems by Paul-Jean Toulet (in French) [CHM] Five Poetry Volumes by Paul Verlaine (in French) [ZIP] Poems by Alfred de Vigny (in French) [CHM] Poems by François VILLON (in French) [CHM]

德国 Germany

Nibelungenlied (in English) [CHM] Poems of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (in English) [PDF] The Poems of Goethe (in English) [CHM] Gedichte by Goethe (in German) [CHM] Faust by Johann W. Goethe (in English) [CHM] Faust. Ein Fragment by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (in German) [CHM] Urfaust by Johann Wolfgang Goethe (in German) [CHM] Poems by Heinrich Heine (in German) [CHM] Gedichte by Friedrich Hölderlin (in German) [CHM] Poems of Friedrich von Schiller (in English) [PDF] Gedichte by Schiller (in German) [CHM]

希腊 Greece

The Hymns of Orpheus (in English) [CHM] The Iliad by Homer (in English) [CHM] The Iliad by Homer (in Greek) [CHM] The Odessey by Homer (in English) [CHM] Six Plays by Aeschylus (in English) [CHM] Poetry by Archilochos (in Greek) [CHM] Poems of Aristophanes (in English) [PDF] Eleven Plays by Aristophanes (in English) [CHM] Comedies by Aristophanes (in Greek) [CHM] Poems by Constantine P. Cavafy (in English and Greek) [CHM] Eleven Plays by Euripides (in English) [CHM] Poetry by Hesiod (in Greek) [CHM] Poems by Hesiod (in English) [CHM] Poetry by Kallinos (in Greek) [CHM] The Songs of Bilitis by Pierre Louÿs (in English) [CHM] Poems by Nonnos (in Greek) [CHM] The Argonautica by Apollonius Rhodius (in English) [CHM] Poems of Sappho (in English) [PDF] Poetry by Sappho (in Greek) [CHM] Poems of Sappho (in English and Greek) [CHM] Poetry by Semonides (in Greek) [CHM] Six Plays by Sophocles (in English) [CHM]

爱尔兰 Ireland

Anthology of Irish Verse(1922) [CHM] Collected Poems of Seamus Heaney [CHM] Poems by William Butler Yeats [PDF] Collected Poems of William Butler Yeats [CHM]

意大利 Italy

The Divina Commedia: con pagine critiche by Dante Alighieri (in English) [PDF] Vita nuova by Dante Alighieri (in Italian) [CHM] The Divine Comedy by Dante Alighieri (in English) [CHM] La Divina Commedia by Dante Alighieri (in Italian) [CHM] Poems of Giacomo Leopardi (in English) [PDF] Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto (in English) [CHM] Jerusalem Delivered by Torquato Tasso (in English) [CHM]

葡萄牙 Portugal

Poems by Fernando Pessoa (in Portugese) [CHM]

俄罗斯 Russia

Modern Russian Poetry: An Anthology by Babette Deutsch, Avrahm Yarmolinsky (in English) [PDF] Poems by Anna Akhmatova (in Russian) [CHM] Poems by Konstantin Bal'mont (in Russian) [ZIP] Poems by Esenin (in Russian) [ZIP] Poems of Mikhail Yuryevich Lermontov (in English) [PDF] Poems by Osip Mandelshtam (in Russian) [CHM] Poems by Vladimir Mayakovsky (in Russian) [ZIP] Poems of Boris Pasternak (in English) [PDF] Poems of Alexander Sergeyevich Pushkin (in English) [PDF] The Best of Marina Tsvetaeva (in English) [CHM] Poems by Marina Tsvetaeva (in Russian) [ZIP] Poems of Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev (in English) [PDF]

西班牙 Spain

A Spanish Anthology: A Collection of Lyrics from the Thirteenth Century Down to the Present Time (in Spanish) [PDF] The Lay of the Cid (in English) [CHM] The Sonnets of the Golden Age (in Spanish and English) [CHM] Poems by Rafael Alberti (in Spanish) [CHM]

英国 United Kingdom

Modern British Poetry by Louis Untermeyer [PDF] The Golden Treasure [EXE] The Golden Treasure [CHM] The Oxford Book of British Verse I(1250-1900) [CHM] The Oxford Book of British Verse II(1250-1900) [CHM] The Oxford Book of British Verse III(1250-1900) [CHM] The Oxford Book of English Mystical Verse [CHM] The Oxford Book of Ballads [CHM] Metaphysical Lyrics & Poems of the 17th C.(1921) [CHM] Sir Gawayne and the Grene Knyght [CHM] A Victorian Anthology, 1837-1895 [CHM] Beowulf [CHM] Collected Poems of William Blake [CHM] Poems of Elizabeth Barrett Browning [PDF] Two Poetry Volumes by Robert Browning [CHM] The Complete Poetry of Robert Burns [CHM] Don Juan by Lord George Gordon Byron [CHM] Troilus and Criseyde by Geoffrey Chaucer [CHM] Selected Poetry of Samuel Taylor Coleridge [CHM] The Complete Poems of John Donne [RAR] Poems of Thomas Stearns Eliot [PDF] Poems by T. S. Eliot [CHM] Wessex and Other Poems by Thomas Hardy [CHM] Lyrical Poems Of Robert Herrick [CHM] Poems by Gerard Manley Hopkins [CHM] A Shropshire Lad by A. E. Housman [CHM] Two Masques by Ben Jonson [CHM] Selected poetry of John Keats [CHM] New Poems by D. H. Lawrence [CHM] Amores by D. H. Lawrence [CHM] Four Plays by Christopher Marlowe [CHM] Four Poetry Volumes by George Meredith [CHM] The Complete English Poems of John Milton [CHM] Poems by Alexander Pope [CHM] The Entire collection of William Shakespeare (including the Poetry) [ZIP] Sonnets of William Shakespeare [PDF] The Major Poetical Works of Percy Bysshe Shelley [CHM] The Faerie Queens by Edmund Spenser [CHM] Tristram of Lyonesse by Algernon Charles Swinburne [RAR] Two Long Poems by Alfred Lord Tennyson [CHM] Two Poetry Volumes by Francis Thompson [CHM] Two Poetry Volumes by Oscar Wilde [CHM] The Complete Poems of William Wordsworth [CHM] Lyrical Ballads by William Wordsworth and S. T. Coleridge [CHM]

阿根廷 Argentina

Poems of Jorge Luis Borges (in English) [PDF]

智利 Chili

Poems of Pablo Neruda (in English) [PDF]

危地马拉 Guatemala

Clearvigil in Spring by Asturias (in English) [CHM]

墨西哥 Mexico

Twentieth Century Mexican Poetry (in English) [CHM]

尼加拉瓜 Nicaragua

Poems by Ruben Dario (in English and Spanish) [CHM]

美国 United States

Modern American Poetry by Louis Untermeyer [PDF] Yale Book of American Verse [EXE] Yale Book of American Verse [CHM] Modern American Poetry (1919) [CHM] The Book of American Negro Poetry (1922) [CHM] The Complete Poems of Emily Dickinson [CHM] Collected Poems of Hilda Doolittle [RAR] Poems of Robert Frost [PDF] Poems by Robert Frost [EXE] Four Poetry Volumes of Robert Frost [CHM] Poems by Joyce Kilmer [CHM] Two Poetry Volumes by Vachel Lindsay [CHM] Renascence and Other Poems by Edna St. Vincent Millay [CHM] Three Poetry Volumes by Edwin Arlington Robinson [CHM] Cornhuskers by Carl Sandburg [CHM] Chicago Poems by Carl Sandburg [CHM] Poems by Alan Seeger [CHM] The Collected Poems of Wallace Stevens [RAR] Four Poetry Volumes by Sara Teasdale [CHM] Poems of Walt Whitman [PDF] Leaves of Grass by Walt Whitman [CHM]

希伯来 Hebrew

Poems from the Bible (in English) [CHM]

印度 India

Mahabharata I (in English) [CHM] Ramayana (in English) [CHM] Poems of Rabindranath Tagore (in English) [PDF]

日本 Japan

Hyakunin Isshu (in English and Japanese) [ZIP]

波斯 Persia

Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam [EXE] Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam, rendered into English verse by Edward Fitzgerald [CHM] Divan-e Shams by Rumi (in English) [CHM] Gulistan by Saadi (in English) [CHM]

埃及 Egypt

The Book of the Dead (in English) [CHM] The Burden of Isis (in English) [CHM]

澳大利亚 Australia

The Oxford Book of Australasian Verse (1918) [CHM] An Anthology of Australian Verse [CHM] Three Poetry Volumes by by Henry Kendall [CHM] 国际诗库::外文版中国诗歌 诗经 Book of Odes [CHM] 屈原诗选 Poems by Qu Yuan [CHM] 唐诗三百首 300 Tang Poems [CHM] 唐人绝句百首 100 Quatrains by Tang Poets [CHM] 李白诗选 Poems by Li Bai [CHM] 杜甫诗选 Poems by Du Fu [CHM] 国际诗库::双语版对照诗歌 (汉英) 《诗经》 The book of odes and hymns [CHM] (英汉) 《英汉对照唐诗三百首》 [TXT] (汉英) 《唐诗三百首》 300 Tang poems [CHM] (英汉) (英) 莎士比亚 William Shakespeare [CHM] (英汉) (印) 泰戈尔《园丁集》 Gardener by Tagore [CHM] (汉英) (印) 泰戈尔《飞鸟集》 Stray Birds by Tagore [CHM]

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