dbms 您所在的位置:网站首页 哪些软件是dbms dbms


2024-03-27 13:36| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


The database management system can be divided into five major components, they are:










Database Access Language


Let's have a simple diagram to see how they all fit together to form a database management system.


components of database management system DBMS组件:硬件 (DBMS Components: Hardware)

When we say Hardware, we mean computer, hard disks, I/O channels for data, and any other physical component involved before any data is successfully stored into the memory.

当我们说硬件时,是指计算机,硬盘,数据的I / O通道以及在将任何数据成功存储到内存之前涉及的任何其他物理组件。

When we run Oracle or MySQL on our personal computer, then our computer's Hard Disk, our Keyboard using which we type in all the commands, our computer's RAM, ROM all become a part of the DBMS hardware.


DBMS组件:软件 (DBMS Components: Software)

This is the main component, as this is the program which controls everything. The DBMS software is more like a wrapper around the physical database, which provides us with an easy-to-use interface to store, access and update data.

这是主要组件,因为这是控制所有内容的程序。 DBMS软件更像是物理数据库的包装器,它为我们提供了易于使用的界面来存储,访问和更新数据。

The DBMS software is capable of understanding the Database Access Language and intrepret it into actual database commands to execute them on the DB.


DBMS组件:数据 (DBMS Components: Data)

Data is that resource, for which DBMS was designed. The motive behind the creation of DBMS was to store and utilise data.

数据就是为DBMS设计的资源。 创建DBMS的动机是存储和利用数据。

In a typical Database, the user saved Data is present and meta data is stored.


Metadata is data about the data. This is information stored by the DBMS to better understand the data stored in it.

元数据是关于数据的数据。 这是DBMS存储的信息,以便更好地了解其中存储的数据。

For example: When I store my Name in a database, the DBMS will store when the name was stored in the database, what is the size of the name, is it stored as related data to some other data, or is it independent, all this information is metadata.


DBMS组件:过程 (DBMS Components: Procedures)

Procedures refer to general instructions to use a database management system. This includes procedures to setup and install a DBMS, To login and logout of DBMS software, to manage databases, to take backups, generating reports etc.

过程参考使用数据库管理系统的一般说明。 这包括设置和安装DBMS,登录和注销DBMS软件,管理数据库,进行备份,生成报告的过程。

DBMS组件:数据库访问语言 (DBMS Components: Database Access Language)

Database Access Language is a simple language designed to write commands to access, insert, update and delete data stored in any database.


A user can write commands in the Database Access Language and submit it to the DBMS for execution, which is then translated and executed by the DBMS.


User can create new databases, tables, insert data, fetch stored data, update data and delete the data using the access language.


用户数 (Users)

Database Administrators: Database Administrator or DBA is the one who manages the complete database management system. DBA takes care of the security of the DBMS, it's availability, managing the license keys, managing user accounts and access etc.

数据库管理员:数据库管理员或DBA是管理整个数据库管理系统的人。 DBA负责DBMS的安全性,可用性,管理许可证密钥,管理用户帐户和访问权限等。

Application Programmer or Software Developer: This user group is involved in developing and desiging the parts of DBMS.


End User: These days all the modern applications, web or mobile, store user data. How do you think they do it? Yes, applications are programmed in such a way that they collect user data and store the data on DBMS systems running on their server. End users are the one who store, retrieve, update and delete data.

最终用户:如今,所有现代应用程序(Web或移动应用程序)都存储用户数据。 您如何看待他们呢? 是的,对应用程序进行编程的方式是,它们可以收集用户数据并将数据存储在服务器上运行的DBMS系统上。 最终用户是存储,检索,更新和删除数据的人。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/dbms/components-of-dbms.php







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