哈佛大学公开课《幸福课》(视频+MP3+双语字幕):第492期 您所在的位置:网站首页 哈佛大学幸福公开课视频合集 哈佛大学公开课《幸福课》(视频+MP3+双语字幕):第492期


2024-07-02 04:20| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


You know when I initially started to teach, I really wanted the validation from the students. So how can I have my students perceive me as a good teacher?我刚开始教书时我非常希望得到学生的认可。我如何能使学生觉得我是个好老师呢I want them to like me. And you know, that's important for everyone. We all like to be liked.我希望他们喜欢我。这对每个人来说都很重要。我们都希望被喜欢However, when I switched my focus, and yeah, I still want to be liked, but my main focus is I want my students to know me.但当我转换注意力,对我仍然希望被喜欢,但我主要的注意力在于我希望学生了解我I want them to know the topic that I'm most passionate about in the world.我希望他们了解我对这世界最有兴趣和激情的事物That really changed a lot. It's no longer to be validated, i. e. to appear perfect,这确实改变了我很多,不再是得到认可,也就是说,变得完美but it was to be known as a human being, of course, permission to be human.而是作为一个人被了解,当然了,准许自己为人And that actually improved my teaching a great deal and I enjoyed it so much more. Because there is so much less pressure on us而这实际上大大地促进了我的教学,我也更喜欢教课了。因为我们之间的关系View7

in a relationship, any relationship, when we go in with the intention of being known of expressing rather than impressing.不再有那么大的压力,不管是什么关系,只要我们抱着被了解的愿望重在表达而非使人记住We can feel so much lighter. And the wonderful thing is, that it also makes the relationship so much healthier.我们会如释重负,而更好的是,这使得一段关系更健康But again, much more on it, because it is so important. So important topic.我还会讲得更多,因为这非常重要。是非常重要的话题We talked about this a lot. How do we perceive failure, as a stumbling block? A catastrophe? Or as an opportunity? As a growth experience?我们经常讲这个。我们如何理解失败,绊脚石?灾难?还是作为一次机会,或成长的经历?And that can make all the difference. We'll talk about it after spring break when we discuss perfectionism and the fear of failure.这都会有很大的区别。春假之后我们会再学习,我们会讨论完美主义以及对失败的恐惧And finally, the study that you read by Ali Crum and Ellen Langer.最后讲一下,你们读到的阿里·克拉姆和艾伦·兰格做的研究So just give you a little bit background about the study and I will briefly mention it, hopefully you've read it already.先给你们讲点这个研究的背景,我会简要地提一提,希望你们都已经读过了









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