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When used alone, the word keep means to retain, or to not give away. You can also preserve or maintain, and say that you keep something. There are many different uses of keep, and many of them are in common collocations. Examples of some of the most frequent are below.单独使用时,keep一词的意思是保留或不放弃。你也可以保存或维护,并说你保留了一些东西。keep有很多不同的用法,其中很多都是常用的搭配。下面是一些最常见的例子。

1. Keep a secret保守秘密

If someone tells you something that they don’t want anyone else to know, they may ask you to keep a secret.如果有人告诉你一些他们不想让别人知道的事情,他们可能会要求你保守秘密。

This means that they don’t want you to tell anyone else, and let the thing that they told you remain hidden. Asking you to keep a secret usually means that the person trusts you.这意味着他们不想让你告诉别人,让他们告诉你的事情隐藏起来。让你保守秘密通常意味着那个人信任你。


Would you be able to keep this a secret since I have not yet told anyone else? /I really hate when people ask me to keep a secret because it makes me really want to tell everyone that I know about it! /Janice is known among all our friends as someone who is fantastic at keeping secrets.既然我还没告诉别人,你能保守这个秘密吗?/我真的很讨厌别人让我保守秘密,因为这让我真的很想告诉所有人我知道这件事!/在我们所有的朋友中,贾妮丝是一个非常善于保守秘密的人。

2. Keep a promise遵守一个承诺

Similar to keeping a secret, keeping a promise means that you follow through on something that you tell someone you will do. For example, if you promise your child that they will get to play video games if they finish their homework on time, you better let them play or they will not believe you the next time.与保守秘密类似,信守诺言意味着你要执行你告诉别人你会做的事情。例如,如果你向你的孩子保证,如果他们按时完成家庭作业,他们就可以玩电子游戏,你最好让他们玩,否则下次他们就不会相信你了。


Doctors never promise that everything is going to be okay because they cannot control whether they can keep that promise. /If you value your word, you should keep every promise that you make. /Can you keep this promise for me?医生从不保证一切都会好起来,因为他们无法控制自己是否能信守诺言。/如果你信守诺言,你就应该信守你所作的每一个承诺。/你能为我信守诺言吗?

3. Keep away

Keep away can be a verb, as in the act of staying away (and not being close to) something or someone. It can also be used as a noun, describing a game that children often play with each other when they toss something back and forth between them to prevent another person from getting it. Any situation in which people are actively trying to prevent another person from getting something can be a game of keep away, even if it is not a game.Keep away可以是一个动词,例如在远离某物或某人的行为中。它也可以用作名词,用来形容孩子们为了防止别人得到东西而在他们之间来回扔东西时经常互相玩的游戏。任何情况下,人们积极地试图阻止另一个人得到的东西可以是一个远离游戏,即使它不是一个游戏。


If the criminal wants to play a game of keep away, we are going to need to be ready for him. /Keep away from my daughter or I will make sure that you never step foot in this city again. /Katie told her husband to keep away from the woods because she heard strange noises coming from them at night.如果罪犯想玩一个远离的游戏,我们需要为他做好准备。/离我女儿远点,否则我会确保你再也不会踏进这个城市。/凯蒂告诉她丈夫离树林远点,因为她晚上听到他们发出奇怪的声音。

4. Keep someone’s distance保持距离

Keeping your distance from something is similar to keeping away from it. It means to not go near it and instead stay far from it. The difference between these collocations is subtle, but keeping away from something often means completely ignoring it and not trying to get more information about it. On the other hand, if you keep your distance from something or someone, you may just be temporarily staying away from it because you don’t have enough information or are trying to see if you can get closer. Often, if two people have been in a fight, they will keep their distance from each other for a while until they make up.与某物保持距离就好像远离它一样。意思是不要靠近它,而要远离它。这些搭配之间的区别是微妙的,但远离某些东西往往意味着完全忽视它,而不是试图获得更多的信息。另一方面,如果你与某物或某人保持距离,你可能只是暂时远离它,因为你没有足够的信息,或是想看看你是否可以靠近它。通常,如果两个人吵架了,他们会保持一段时间的距离,直到他们和好。


I would keep my distance from her if I were you, because even though you were in love she did break up with you. /If you are trying to get into someone’s inner circle, it’s best to keep your distance at first to avoid seeming to eager. /If you don’t keep your distance from the television when you watch it, you are sure to go blind soon.

5. Keep in touch

If you tell someone to keep in touch with you, you ask them to stay in communication and maintain a relationship between you. Normally, you only need to say this to people that you are probably not going to see for a while, such as friends you get to know at a conference. It is often followed by an exchange of contact information, such as giving the other person your business card or saving their number in your phone.  However, make sure to note that some people say keep in touch but don’t really mean it. They say it to be polite, but they may be busy or think that you don’t have anything to offer them. Don’t feel bad if this happens, as it is likely that some people who say this will actually want to stay in communication.


I think I will be in London at the beginning of next year, so let’s keep in touch so we can meet up then. /Zeus wanted to keep in touch with Hermes, but after the natural disaster communication was almost impossible to maintain. /When you don’t live in the same city, it takes a lot of effort to keep in touch with your friends.我想我明年初会在伦敦,所以我们保持联系,以便到时候见面。/宙斯想与赫密士保持联系,但在自然灾害之后,沟通几乎无法维持。/当你不住在同一个城市时,与朋友保持联系需要很多努力。

6. Keep track of追踪最新消息

To keep track of something means to stay informed about it, or know where it is. Native speakers usually use this phrase to describe things or information, but occasionally will use it to describe people that they are in charge of, such as a boss if you are a secretary or children if you are a parent.跟踪某物意味着随时了解它,或者知道它在哪里。以英语为母语的人通常用这个短语来描述事物或信息,但偶尔也会用这个短语来描述他们所负责的人,例如老板,如果你是秘书,或者孩子,如果你是父母。


How are you able to keep track of so many things at once? /Karen’s boss really needs her to keep track of all the appointments on her schedule so that she can prepare for them. /The small business kept really great track of all their earnings and expenses throughout the years so that when the government came knocking to audit their tax situation, they were able to prove what they claimed.你怎么能同时跟踪这么多事情?/凯伦的老板真的需要她把日程安排上的所有约会都记下来,以便她能做好准备。/这家小企业多年来一直非常清楚地记录着他们所有的收入和支出,因此当政府来查核他们的纳税情况时,他们能够证明他们所声称的是什么。

7. Keep tabs on

To keep tabs on someone or something is very similar to keeping track of it. You make sure to stay updated with the situation. The difference here again is subtle, but usually when you keep tabs on someone you are doing it without their explicit knowledge.监视某人或某事与跟踪它非常相似。你一定要随时了解情况。这里的区别是微妙的,但通常当你盯着某人时,你是在没有他们明确的知识的情况下做的。


The government agent kept tabs on the suspected criminal. /I wanted to keep tabs on the new developments in my field so I could get ahead of them and understand them before everyone started to implement them. /Marcel thought he was doing a favor for his boss by keeping tabs on her, but she was furious that he had violated her privacy when she found out.政府特工监视着嫌疑犯。/我想密切关注我所在领域的新发展,以便在每个人开始实施这些新发展之前,我能够超越它们并了解它们。/马塞尔以为他监视她是在帮老板的忙,但当她发现他侵犯了她的隐私时,她大发雷霆。

8. Keep someone posted

This collocation, often used as keep me posted means to keep someone informed about something. It is usually an invitation for you to let them know about new things that happen in your life.这种搭配,经常被用作“让我知道”的意思是让别人知道一些事情。这通常是邀请你让他们知道你生活中发生的新事情。


This sounds like such an interesting project, keep me posted on your progress! /Keep me posted on this company as it is our biggest competitor. /The newspaper asks its readers to keep them posted about big stories that they want to hear about.这听起来是一个很有趣的项目,随时告诉我你的进展!/请随时告诉我这家公司是我们最大的竞争对手。/该报要求读者随时向他们通报他们想听到的重大新闻。

9. Keep in mind记得

If someone asks you to keep something in mind, they mean that you should remember that thing. This phrase is often used to emphasize exceptions to a rule. You might ask a student to keep in mind that “I” comes before “e”, except in all the words that the spelling comes “e” before “I”.如果有人让你记住某件事,他们的意思是你应该记住那件事。这个短语经常用来强调规则的例外情况。你可以要求学生记住“I”在“e”之前,除了所有单词的拼写都是“e”在“I”之前。


Students, I want you to keep in mind that during this historical period, it was widely accepted by the church that homosexuality was a result of unhealthy childcare by the parents. /Even though Mother Teresa did many good deeds, keep in mind that she encouraged the poor to suffer, which she said was satisfying to her lord. /Thomas, when you pack, keep in mind that the weather in Southeast Asia is going to be extremely hot all year.同学们,我要你们记住,在这个历史时期,同性恋是父母不健康的育儿方式造成的,这一点被教会广泛接受。/尽管特蕾莎修女做了许多善事,但要记住,她鼓励穷人受苦,她说这是她的主所满意的。/托马斯,当你收拾行李时,要记住东南亚的天气一年四季都会非常炎热。

10. Keep it up坚持下去

If you bring a report that you wrote to your boss and he tells you to keep it up, that means you should continue doing what you are doing! Keeping it up means that you have done a good job and should not stop trying. If you want to address something specific, you may replace it with another noun.如果你给老板写了一份报告,他让你继续写下去,那就意味着你应该继续做你正在做的事情!坚持下去意味着你做得很好,不应该停止尝试。如果你想称呼某个特定的事物,你可以用另一个名词代替它。


Ron, your work this year has been stellar – keep it up! /Son, your teacher said that your test scores have been improving, so you should keep it up! /My coach said that my shooting style is really confusing the defense, so I should keep up my practicing!罗恩,你今年的工作很出色,继续努力!/儿子,你的老师说你的考试成绩一直在提高,所以你应该坚持下去!/我的教练说我的投篮风格让防守很混乱,所以我应该继续练习!

11. Keep up the good work

This phrase is similar to keep it up, indicating that you have done good work and should continue. There is no difference in these two collocations, except that keep up the good work is usually used as a standalone sentence. You don’t need to add it in the middle of another sentence.这句话类似于“坚持下去”,表明你已经做了很好的工作,应该继续下去。这两种搭配没有区别,只是保持良好的搭配效果通常是作为一个独立的句子使用的。你不需要把它加在另一句话的中间。


Did you see your test scores? Keep up the good work! /Christine, I heard your report was published by the New York Times! Keep up the good work! /I can’t believe you have grown your business three times in the last month! Keep up the good work!你看到你的考试成绩了吗?继续努力!/克莉丝汀,我听说你的报告是由纽约时报发表的!继续努力!/我真不敢相信你上个月竟然把生意发展了三次!继续努力!

12. Keep a diary or journal写日记

If you want to record the things that happen every day, you can keep a diary or keep a journal. Write in your diary whenever something good happens so you end up with a great record of your wins!如果你想记录每天发生的事情,你可以记日记或者记日记。每当有好事发生,就写日记,这样你就有了一个伟大的胜利记录!


I kept a journal when I was younger and it’s hilarious to go back and read my entries to see how naïve I was back then! /If I don’t keep a diary, I easily forget what I did. /Did you know that a lot of people in history kept journals? People like Alexis de Tocqueville and Charles Darwin’s records are amazing!我年轻的时候写日记,回去看我的作品,看看我那时有多天真,真是太搞笑了!/如果我不记日记,我很容易忘记我做了什么。/你知道历史上很多人都有日记吗?像亚历克西斯·德·托克维尔和查尔斯·达尔文这样的人真是太棒了!

13. Keep an appointment遵守约定

If you make an appointment with someone, including your friends or the doctor, you should keep your appointment by showing up to meet them at that time and place. Keeping an appointment means to go to that appointment.如果你和某人约会,包括你的朋友或医生,你应该在那个时间和地点来见他们。赴约就是去赴约。


Don’t forget that you should leave at noon to keep your dentist appointment! /Doctors really hate when patients do not keep their appointments. /The journalist made an appointment with the CEO of a troubled company for an interview, but the CEO did not keep the appointment.别忘了你应该在中午离开去看牙医!/医生真的很讨厌病人不遵守预约。/记者约见了一家陷入困境的公司的首席执行官接受采访,但首席执行官没有赴约。

14. Keep pace跟上步伐

If you keep pace with something, it means that you stay updated and know what is happening. You can literally keep pace with something that is moving, such as a car, or keep pace with something metaphorically, such as a fast-growing profession.如果你跟得上某件事,那就意味着你保持更新,知道发生了什么。你可以跟得上正在移动的东西,比如汽车,或者跟得上隐喻性的东西,比如快速发展的职业。

If you do not work hard, it will be hard to keep pace with all your friends./The new runner was not able to keep pace with the experienced runners, so he was left in the back all by himself. /Try to keep pace with us, or tell us if you cannot so we can help you.如果你不努力工作,就很难跟上你所有朋友的步伐。/新来的赛跑者跟不上有经验的赛跑者,所以他一个人留在后面。/试着跟上我们的步伐,或者告诉我们如果你做不到,我们可以帮助你。

15. Keep calm保持冷静

In the face of danger, you should keep calm, or try not to show too many emotions.面对危险,你应该保持冷静,或者尽量不要表现出太多的情绪。


Keep calm and carry on is a trademark phrase in the United Kingdom from World War II. /Hey, I need you to keep calm and don’t panic if we are going to get out of this situation, do you hear me? /The best way to deal with a crazy person is to keep calm so they lose interest and stop bothering you.“保持冷静,继续前进”是二战后英国的一个商标词。/嘿,我需要你保持冷静,如果我们要摆脱这种情况,不要惊慌,你听到我说的了吗?/对付一个疯子最好的办法就是保持冷静,这样他们就会失去兴趣,不再打扰你。

16. Keep control控制住

Keeping control means to maintain authority over something, usually to make sure it stays peaceful. More often than not, you keep control of a group of people, such as a crowd, or a situation.控制意味着对某事保持权威,通常是为了确保它保持和平。通常情况下,你会控制一群人,比如一群人,或者某个情况。


Once the police came in, they were able to keep control of the situation. /It’s very difficult to keep control of a crowd. /In the wake of a natural disaster, it’s almost impossible to keep control of the situation unless you have done serious preparation work.警察一进来,就控制住了局面。/很难控制人群。/在自然灾害之后,除非你做了认真的准备工作,否则几乎不可能控制局势。

17. Keep quiet保持安静

Part of keeping calm and keeping control is keeping quiet – or making sure that people do not make any noise.保持冷静和控制的一部分是保持安静——或者确保人们不会发出任何噪音。


In the movie The Sound of Music, the Von Trapp family has to keep quiet at the very end of the movie to avoid being found by the police. /I need you to keep quiet because everybody is sleeping, okay? /There is no need to keep quiet anymore because we live in our own house now!在电影《音乐之声》中,冯·特拉普一家必须在电影的最后时刻保持安静,以免被警察发现。我需要你保持安静因为每个人都在睡觉,好吗?我们现在住在自己的房子里,不必再保持安静了!

18. Keep your voice down or keep it down声音小点

If someone is unable to completely keep quiet, you can compromise by asking them to keep their voice down. For this, the person does not need to be silent, but any noise they make should be as quiet as possible.如果有人不能完全保持安静,你可以通过让他们小声说话来妥协。为此,这个人不需要沉默,但他们发出的任何噪音都应该尽可能安静。


Children, keep it down please! /As we walk through these halls, please keep your voice down because any sound in this area echoes very loudly. /Keep it down so that the baby can sleep.孩子们,请小声点!/当我们走过这些大厅时,请小声点,因为这个区域的任何声音都会发出很大的回声。/把它放低一点,这样婴儿就可以睡觉了。

19. Keep something on the down low保持低调

This is an informal phrase, often crossing the line over to the slang category, that means to keep something secret. Keeping something on the down low means that you should not openly discuss the topic in public, and the only people that know about it are a select group.这是一个非正式的短语,通常会越过界限进入俚语范畴,意思是保守秘密。保持低调意味着你不应该公开讨论这个话题,而知道这个话题的人只有一个特定的群体。


Please set up a meeting between our boss and the journalist, but keep it on the down low so other executives don’t hear about it. /I want to keep our relationship on the down low, just until I figure out how to tell my parents. /No need to keep this on the down low, but there’s no need to broadcast it to everyone, either.请在我们的老板和记者之间安排一次会议,但要低调,以免其他高管听到。/我想保持低调,直到我想办法告诉我父母。/不需要低调,但也不需要向所有人广播。

20. Keep someone’s place守一下位置

If you are waiting in line or reading a book and don’t want to lose your spot, you can keep your place by asking someone to stand in the queue for you or placing a bookmark. In other words, you can mark a spot that you want to come back to.如果你在排队或看书,不想失去位置,你可以让别人替你排队或放置书签来保住你的位置。换句话说,你可以标记一个你想回到的地方。


Would you mind keeping my place for just a minute while I go use the restroom? /I had a bookmark to keep my place in this book but it fell out so I don’t know how much of the book I have read. /I thought my husband could keep our place for a picnic in the park but it turns out that was not allowed.我去洗手间的时候,你介意帮我留一会儿地方吗?/我有一个书签,以保持我在这本书中的地位,但它掉了,所以我不知道我读了多少书。/我以为我丈夫可以留我们的地方在公园野餐,但结果发现那是不允许的。

21. Keep the change不用找了

If someone provides good service to you, you can pay them with cash and ask them to keep the change. This means that the money you give them should cover what you owe, and the rest is a tip for that worker.如果有人为你提供良好的服务,你可以用现金支付给他们,并要求他们保留零钱。这就是说,你给他们的钱应该包括你欠他们的钱,剩下的是给那个工人的小费。


I was in a hurry so I just told the valet to keep the change. /Your brother thought that the waiter was extremely attentive and sweet so he told her to keep the change. /Nancy said that she was in such a rush to get out of the car that she forgot to tell the taxi driver to keep the change before slamming the door and running up the steps!我当时很急,所以我就告诉服务员把零钱留下。/你哥哥觉得侍者非常周到和可爱,所以他叫她不要找钱。/南希说她急着下车,以至于在砰的一声关上门跑上台阶之前忘了告诉出租车司机留下零钱!

22. Keep up保持

This phrase is easily confused with the phrase keep it up, but they have different meanings! To keep up means that you can keep pace with someone, whether that be literally when you are moving or metaphorically when they are speaking, teaching you, or doing something else. It is common for students or new employees to say that they can’t keep up if they are having a hard time getting to where everyone else is.这个短语很容易和“保持”这个短语混淆,但它们有不同的含义!跟得上意味着你可以跟得上某人,无论是在你移动的时候,还是在他们说话、教你或做其他事情的时候。对于学生或新员工来说,如果他们很难到达其他人所在的位置,那么他们就跟不上。


If you aren’t able to keep up, you have to let me know right away because it’s incredible easy to fall behind. /Hey, I’m worried about you! Have you been able to keep up with the rest of the students or not? /The athlete was older than his teammates and was not able to keep up with them during the workout.如果你跟不上,你必须马上让我知道,因为落后是难以置信的容易。/嘿,我很担心你!你跟不上其他学生?/这位运动员比他的队友年龄大,在训练中跟不上他们。

23. Keep your job保持你的工作

If your company is going through a hard time but your boss tells you that you will keep your job, you can take a big sigh of relief! To keep your job means that you will not be fired and your company wants to keep you.如果你的公司遇到困难,但你的老板告诉你你会保住工作,你可以松一口气!保住你的工作意味着你不会被解雇,你的公司想留住你。


It’s an economic recession, so if you want to keep your job you better start producing results. /The great thing about working for the government is that there are very few instances where you won’t keep your job. /My secretary should have come by to let you know that you will not be keeping your job because of department-wide layoffs, so you should make the appropriate preparations.这是经济衰退,所以如果你想保住你的工作,你最好开始产生结果。/为政府工作的好处是很少有不保住工作的情况。/我的秘书应该过来告诉你,由于全部门裁员,你不会保住工作,所以你应该做好适当的准备。

24. Keep a copy保留副本

If you always make a backup copy of important documents, you are keeping a copy of them!如果你总是备份重要的文件,你就是在保留它们的副本!


Sometimes they take up a lot of space, but keeping a copy of documents like passports and bank statements can come in really handy! /I always keep a copy of our house key in my car in case I forget to bring it when I leave the house. /Wanda wanted you to keep a copy of her birth certificate for her, so, where is it?有时它们会占用很多空间,但保存护照和银行对账单之类的文件副本会非常方便!/我总是把我家钥匙的复印件放在车里,以防出门时忘了带。/旺达想让你帮她保留一份出生证明的复印件,那么,它在哪里?

25. Keep records保持记录

Similar to keeping a copy of something, keeping records means that you have a log or list of important information, such as family birthdays, financial transactions, or historical events.


The public library in any town probably keeps a lot of public records. /Even if your doctor keeps records, you should always keep a copy of your basic medical history in case of emergency. /The local church often keeps records from as far back as the town goes!任何城镇的公共图书馆都可能保存大量的公共记录。/即使你的医生有记录,在紧急情况下你也应该保留一份你的基本病史。/当地的教堂经常保存镇上最早的记录!

26. Keep animals养动物

On farms, farmers keep animals, or raise them to sell their meat later. This phrase is not limited to farms.在农场里,农民饲养动物,或者饲养它们以便日后出售肉类。这句话不限于农场。


I had no idea, but apparently, our family kept dogs before my grandfather moved us to the city! /It is illegal to keep animals in this neighborhood because of the noise and smell. /I have no idea how the zoo keeps so many animals because they require so much care!我不知道,但很明显,我们家在我祖父把我们搬到城里之前就养了狗!/由于噪音和气味,在这附近饲养动物是违法的。/我不知道动物园怎么养这么多动物,因为它们需要这么多照顾!

27. Keep costs down降低成本

If you try not to spend much money and cut unnecessary costs, you can keep costs down.如果你试着不花很多钱,减少不必要的成本,你可以降低成本。


The only way that we can avoid layoffs is to keep costs down this quarter. /If you keep costs down, you can travel for years without having to make much money! /One trick to keep costs down is to make your own food instead of buying it from restaurants all the time.我们能避免裁员的唯一办法是本季度降低成本。/如果你降低成本,你可以在不需要赚很多钱的情况下旅行数年!/降低成本的一个诀窍是自己做食物,而不是一直从餐馆买。

28. Keep someone留住某人

If you are in a meeting and it accidentally goes over the time you put aside, you may keep someone by asking them to stay longer than they promised. This is often used to describe meetings that last longer than expected. It can also refer to a romantic relationship, where keeping someone means that you will continue your relationship with them.如果你在开会的时候,你不小心把时间放在一边了,你可以通过要求某人比他们承诺的呆得更长来留住他。这通常用于描述持续时间超过预期的会议。它也可以指一段浪漫的关系,在这种关系中,留住某人意味着你将继续与他们的关系。


Your girlfriend is awesome, you should definitely keep her! /I’m really sorry to have kept you, but I hope you enjoyed our conversation as much as I did! /Do you mind if I keep Tom for two more minutes?你女朋友太棒了,你一定要留住她!/我真的很抱歉留了你,但我希望你和我一样喜欢我们的谈话!/你介意我多留汤姆两分钟吗?

29. Keep safe保证安全

To keep something or someone safe is to make sure that they are not in harm’s way.保护某物或某人的安全就是确保他们不受伤害。


I promise to always keep you safe. /Will you keep my son safe while I take care of this problem? /Keeping yourself safe is more important than money!我保证永远保护你的安全。/当我处理这个问题时,你能保护我儿子的安全吗?/保护自己的安全比金钱更重要!

30. Keep something to yourself

If you don’t tell something to anyone, you keep it to yourself. If you don’t bother or interact with other people, you keep to yourself.如果你不告诉任何人,你就把它留给自己。如果你不去打扰别人或和别人互动,你就要保持沉默。


It doesn’t matter what your religion is, just keep your beliefs to yourself and don’t try to force them on other people. /Keep your hands to yourself at kindergarten, okay? /If you are in a bad mood, it’s not always good to keep to yourself because your friends can help cheer you up.你的信仰是什么并不重要,只要把你的信仰留给自己,不要把它们强加于别人。/幼儿园的时候手要放好,好吗?/如果你心情不好,对自己保持沉默并不总是好的,因为你的朋友可以帮助你振作起来。

31. To be someone’s keeper当某人的护花使者

If you are in charge of someone, you are their keeper. This phrase is often used sarcastically to mean that you are not in charge of someone, so it doesn’t make sense to keep asking you about them.如果你负责某人,你就是他们的守护者。这个短语经常被讽刺地用来表示你不负责某个人,所以不停地问你关于他们的事情是没有意义的。


I’m not my brother’s keeper; I have no idea where he is right now, nor do I care. /Infants and the elderly are best served if they have a keeper taking care of them. /Haley is to be my keeper if I cannot take care of myself.我不是我兄弟的监护人,我不知道他现在在哪里,我也不在乎。/婴儿和老人最好有一个看护人照顾。/如果我不能照顾好自己,海莉就是我的守护者。

32. Keep someone or something at bay让某人保持距离

To keep someone at bay means to keep them at a distance, not letting them see your inner world. This is something that you probably do automatically with strangers. If you keep something at bay (usually referring to emotions), you try not to feel that emotion.让某人保持距离意味着让他们保持距离,而不是让他们看到你的内心世界。这可能是你对陌生人自然而然的行为。如果你不去想什么(通常指的是情绪),你就尽量不去感受那种情绪。


Even if I win a gold medal in the tournament, I try to keep my happiness at bay because my ultimate goal is winning at the Olympics. /I don’t know what it is about Frank but I think you should keep him at bay. /I try to keep my emotions at bay before I take a deep breath and figure out how to handle challenges.即使我在锦标赛中获得了金牌,我也会努力控制自己的快乐,因为我的最终目标是在奥运会上获胜。/我不知道弗兰克是怎么回事,但我认为你应该让他远离。/我试着控制住自己的情绪,然后深呼吸,想办法应对挑战。

33. Keep someone company陪伴某人

If you spend time with someone, usually by having a conversation, you keep them company. This refers to a relaxed and amicable chat, not a serious business meeting or a break up conversation with your soon to be ex. Keeping someone company usually happens when one of you is waiting for something that is about to happen.如果你花时间和某人在一起,通常是通过交谈,你就可以陪伴他们。这是指一次轻松友好的谈话,而不是一次严肃的商务会议,也不是一次和你即将成为前任的人分手的谈话。陪伴某人通常发生在你们中的一个人等待即将发生的事情的时候。


I had some time so I decided to keep Vera company. /I wish I had someone to keep me company because I am getting so nervous I’m about to burst while waiting for my interview. /Keeping someone company is a great way to get to know them better.我有点时间所以我决定和维拉作伴。/我真希望有人陪着我,因为我太紧张了,在等面试的时候快要崩溃了。/和某人在一起是更好地了解他们的好方法。

34. Keep someone in check保持...在控制之内

If someone is becoming too extreme, too emotional, or anything off balance, you want to keep them in check to make sure that they don’t go crazy. Keep them in check by making sure they do not get too emotional or start thinking about Step 20 before they have taken Step 1.如果有人变得过于极端,过于情绪化,或者任何不平衡的事情,你要控制住他们,确保他们不会发疯。通过确保他们不会太情绪化或在他们采取步骤1之前开始考虑步骤20来控制他们。


If you don’t keep your dog in check we will have to ask you to leave. /Who keeps the President in check if he wants to launch nuclear missiles? /The technology companies have been keeping each other in check to prevent one from invading personal privacy too much.如果你不控制你的狗,我们就得请你离开。/如果总统想发射核导弹,谁来控制他?/这两家科技公司一直在互相控制,以防止一家公司过度侵犯个人隐私。

35. Keep someone grounded让某人脚踏实地

If you interact with very successful people, you might want to keep them grounded, or remind them of reality and the experiences of regular people or their fans. Keeping someone grounded is a good way to help them stay humble so they can keep working to serve the public rather than becoming caught up in their fame and fortune.如果你与非常成功的人互动,你可能会想让他们保持脚踏实地,或者提醒他们现实和普通人或他们的粉丝的经历。让一个人脚踏实地是帮助他们保持谦虚的好方法,这样他们就可以继续为公众服务,而不是陷入自己的名利之中。


If you don’t have someone to keep your grounded, you may end up like Britney Spears in the early 2000s. /“My mother and girlfriend really keep me grounded,” said the singer. /Some CEOs will hire someone whose job it is to keep them grounded and thinking about the regular person using their products.如果你没有一个可以让你脚踏实地的人,你可能会像布兰妮·斯皮尔斯一样在21世纪初结束自己的辉煌。/“我的母亲和女友真的让我脚踏实地,”歌手说。/一些首席执行官会雇佣一些人,他们的工作是让他们脚踏实地,考虑如何让普通人使用他们的产品。

36. Keep score计分

If you are in a competition, you can keep score to see who wins! This means that you keep track of the points of the people playing so you can compare who is winning and who is not.如果你在比赛中,你可以记下比分看谁赢!这意味着你要跟踪球员的得分,这样你就可以比较谁赢谁不赢。


In a relationship, you should not keep score with your arguments or you are planning for a bad break up. /I really like to keep score on things because I’m competitive. /Was anyone keeping score for this last game?在一段关系中,你不应该因为你的争论而记分,或者你正在计划一次糟糕的分手。/我真的很喜欢在比赛中得分,因为我很有竞争力。/上一场比赛有人得分吗?






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