2024届高考英语 语法专题 表语从句课件(共62张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 名词性从句讲解ppt课件 2024届高考英语 语法专题 表语从句课件(共62张PPT)

2024届高考英语 语法专题 表语从句课件(共62张PPT)

2024-05-30 05:29| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


(共62张PPT)高/中/语/法/系/列/表语从句学情分析主语从句宾语从句状语从句表语从句学生已掌握了从句的概念, 了解了……知识清单1. 什么是表语?2. 什么是表语从句?3. “三种桥梁”讲解表语从句引导词。4. 由because, why, that引导表原因的表语从句。5. 特殊系动词后面的表语从句。彩虹卡游戏请将红黄蓝卡配对形成正确的句子,每个卡片上的内容只能出现一次。IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education彩虹卡游戏IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education彩虹卡游戏IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education彩虹卡游戏IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education彩虹卡游戏IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education彩虹卡游戏IIHer planThe tall menItAll schoolsamwasiswerearebasketball playersa little nervous tonightto find a job last monthmenow under the control of the Ministry of Education探索发现请同学们观察黄色卡片里都是什么词?I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.系动词系动词后面的成分叫表语。探索发现哪种颜色的卡片是充当表语?I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.蓝色卡片的部分称之为“表语”!探索发现I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.探索发现请同学们继续观察蓝色卡片里都是什么结构?I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.探索发现I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.名词结构形容词结构动词不定式结构代词介词结构表语的定义表语通常由形容词、名词、代词、介词和动词的不同形式充当。探索发现I am a little nervous tonight.Her plan was to find a job last month.All schools are now under the control of the Ministry of Education.It is me.The tall men were basketball players.职业我的心情计划的内容主语是谁学校现状通过蓝色卡片上的表语,同学们了解了主语的哪些信息呢?名词形容词介词代词动词不同形式表语的作用表语常表示主语的状态、内容、性质、特点等。系动词表语主语amisarewaswere小试牛刀:请找出下面句子的系动词和表语God’s plan is that we take what we are given and don’t complain.The school is where you will find the Yellow Jackets.The central question is what those young people in HK have done to the society.You are not who I thought you were.请观察这次蓝色卡片上的表语有什么特点?探索发现God’s plan is that we take what we are given and don’t complain.The school is where you will find the Yellow Jackets.The central question is what those young people in HK have done to the society.You are not who I thought you were.都是句子!探索发现God’s plan is that we take what we are given and don’t complain.The school is where you will find the Yellow Jackets.The central question is what those young people in HK have done to the society.You are not who I thought you were.猜猜放在表语位置的句子叫什么成分呢?表语从句!表语从句的定义在复合句中,位于________之后充当________的从句,称为____________。什么是表语从句?系动词表语表语从句探索发现表语常表示主语的_______、_______、 _______ 、 _______等。同学们还记得表语的作用吗?状态内容性质特点探索发现那我们来看看蓝色卡片里的句子是否也有这样的作用?主语plan的内容主语question的内容主语you现在的特点主语school的特点God’s plan is that we take what we are given and don’t complain.The school is where you will find the Yellow Jackets.The central question is what those young people in HK have done to the society.You are not who I thought you were.表语从句的作用系动词表语从句主语补充说明内容 状态 性质 特点小试牛刀 - 请找出所有的表语从句1.The reality is that they have run out of money.2.The trouble was that Flash was too poky.3.Tony’s suggestion is that Don should have a bite of the Kentucky Fried Chicken.4.The reason is that she is a terrible cook.难吃到翻白眼……探索发现先找__________,_________后面的句子就是表语从句!同学们是如何又快又准确找到表语从句的呢?系动词系动词探索发现1.The reality is that they have run out of money.2.The trouble was that Flash was too poky.3.Tony’s suggestion is that Don should have a bite of the Kentucky fried chicken.4.The reason is that she is a terrible cook.这些表语从句有个特点,在句子前面都有什么词?That !这就是表语从句的一个引导词啦!表语从句主句引导词表语从句的引导词-三种桥梁表语从句主句引导词表语从句的引导词命……?引导词怎么用,那都是命啊~~老师,表语从句的引导词如何使用呢?“无名无份”的桥梁Translate the following sentences into Chinese:现实情况 是 他们花光了钱。麻烦 在于 闪电真是太磨蹭了。托尼 建议 唐吃一口肯德基炸鸡。原因 是 她做的饭巨难吃。The reality is that they have run out of money.The trouble was that Flash was too poky.Tony’s suggestion is that Don should have a bite of the Kentucky Fried Chicken.The reason is that she is a terrible cook.“无名无份”的桥梁1.The reality is that they have run out of money.2.The trouble was that Flash was too poky.3.Tony’s suggestion is that Don should have a bite of the Kentucky fried chicken.4.The reason is that she is a terrible cook.同学们,根据句意,四个表语从句里的that有意义么?没有唉…...that在这些表语从句里担当成份么?不担当唉……这个that出力连接主句和表语从句,却无意义不担当成份。无名无份,这都是命啊~“无名无份”的桥梁表语从句主句无名无份that小试牛刀 - 句子填空1.The most pleasant thing of the rainy season is_________ one can be entirely free from dust. ( 2016 北京 29) 2. The idea is ________a driver with a valid driver’s license in his own country can drive freely in another country without going through another driving test.3. The trouble is ________ she has lost her money.

that that that 这个表语从句由什么词引导的呢?“有名无份”的桥梁除了that,表语从句还有其他引导词么?Your question is whether there are other conjunctions in predicative clause.你能看出这个句子里的表语从句吗?系动词is 后面的是表语从句!Whether!引导词表语从句“有名无份”的桥梁whether有意义么?在表语从句里担当成份么 这个我知道,whether“是否”的意思;在表语从句里不担当成份!比that命好点,虽然没地位,至少有个名分~“有名无份”的桥梁表语从句主句有名无份whether引导词whether起连接作用, 意为“是否、究竟、到底”,不可省略(注意:if不能引导表语从句)。小试牛刀 - 单项选择1. What the doctors really doubt is ______my mother will recover from the serious disease soon.A. when B. how C. whether D. why2. The question is _____we will have our sports meet next week.A. that B. if C. when D. whether3. What I want to know is _____I missed the bus.A. that B. if C. whether D. /C D C “有名有份”的桥梁你知道的最有名的桥梁是哪一座?Golden Gate Bridge Sydney Harbour Bridge Tower Bridge 杭州湾大桥 武汉长江大桥 赵州桥这些桥梁有名气叫得响,那么表语从句是否也有像这些桥梁一样“有名有份”的引导词呢?“有名有份”的桥梁Do you know the meaning of the three sentences That's not you are.That's is happening to me.That's just it is.翻翻翻how翻人翻事翻这样whatListen to the audio and fill in the blanks.你不是这样的这就是发生在我身上的事情就是who图标可点击常速慢速“有名有份”的桥梁火眼金睛:who, what 引导词在后面的表语从句里,有意义吗?担当成份吗?who 担当成份,做表语,表示“谁”what 也担当成分,做主语,表示“什么”类似的引导词还有 whom, which它们可以在表语从句中担当 主语、宾语或者表语都不可以省略哦~how担当成分,做状语,表示“怎么”“有名有份”的桥梁火眼金睛:how 后面的表语从句里,有意义吗?担当成份吗?类似做状语的引导词还有when, where, why引导表语从句的时候都不可以省略哦~“有名有份”的桥梁这么多引导词,怎么选择使用哪一个引导词呢?According to the meaning! 根据句意“有名有份”的桥梁表语从句主句有名有份wh-/how特殊疑问词引导词wh-特殊疑问词/how起连接作用,在引导的表语从句里担当成份,不可省略,根据句意选择不同的引导词。小试牛刀 - 单项选择1.That is _______ Lu Xun once lived.A. what B. where C. that D. why2.One of the glorious moment in my school life was _____ I was awarded the Mayor’s Award.A. why B. how C. that D. when3.The question is _______ we will have our sports meet next week.A. that B. if C. when D. whether4.You are saying that everyone should be equal, and this is ______ I disagree.A. which B. where C. what D. howBCDB真题链接 - 句子填空“Every time you eat a sweet,drink green tea.”This is ________ my mother used to tell me.(2014浙江,8)

2. 一What a mess! You are always so lazy!一 I'm not to blame, mum. I am ________ you have made me.( 2014江苏,26)

3. As John Lennon once said, life is ________ happens to you while you are busy making other plans. (2014湖南,24)

4.Grandma pointed to the hospital and said, “That's________ I was born.' ( 2014四川,2) what what what where 探索发现Watch the videos and fill in the blanks with the missing words:And that is __________ you missed the funeral.Knives Out why 探索发现Watch the videos and fill in the blanks with the missing words:That is truly remarkable. That is ___________ massive stars burn brighter and have a spectacular death, compared to other stars.Your body was forged in the spectacular death of starsEnrico Ramirez-Ruiz because 探索发现Watch the videos and fill in the blanks with the missing words:And part of the reason is ________ they're really beautiful. There's an aesthetic component to it.The beautiful, mysterious science of how you hearJim Hudspeththat探索发现Translate the three sentences into Chinese:And that is why you missed the funeral.所以,你才没有参加葬礼。2. That is truly remarkable. That is because massive stars burn brighter and have a spectacular death, compared to other stars.这真的令人叹为观止。 那是因为比起其他星星,巨大的恒星燃烧得更加耀眼,死亡得也更加辉煌。3. And part of the reason is that they're really beautiful. There's an aesthetic component to it.原因之一是它们非常美丽,有一种美感。because, why, that 引导的表语从句:表示原因的表语从句有:That is why+结果That is because+原因The reason is that+原因这就是为什么发生某事的原因这就是因为…理由是…小试牛刀1.The weather was so terrible and that was because we decided to put the sports meet off.2.The sports meet was put off and that is why we haven’t got well prepared.3.The reason why we have decided to put the sports meet off is because we haven’t got well prepared.Correct the mistakes in the following sentences:whybecausethat特殊系动词系动词表语从句主语主句引导词lookseemsoundbecomeas ifas thoughasIt sounds ________________ somebody was knocking at the door.He looked just ______ he had looked ten years before.as if / as thoughas表语从句体系真题链接 - 单项选择The reason why he failed is _______ he was too careless.because B. that C. for D. because of2. The problem is ________ to take the place of Ted.A. who can we get B. what we can getC. who we can get D. that we can get3. What I want to know is ______ he likes the gift given by us.that B. if C. whether D./4. She has become _______ she wants to be.A. that B. like C. as D. whatBBCD真题链接 - 单项选择5. —I fall sick!—I think it is ______ you are doing too much.why B. when C. what D. because6. —I drove to Zhuhai for the air show last week .—Is that_____ you had a few days off?A. why B .what C. when D. where7. I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. ____I got wet through.A. It’s the reason B. That’s why C. There’s why D. It’s how8. See the flags on top of the building That was ______ we did this morning.A. when B. which C. where D. whatDABD真题链接 – 语法填空The secret of success is ________ you have the patience to do simple things perfectly.What puzzled me was ________ we should get there.Mr. White is opposed to repairing the old building, and that’s ________ I don’t agree.The problem is ________ one less hour of sleep is equal to an extra hour of achievement.howwherewhetherthat5. Next Sunday is that the game starts.6. That hospital is how she works.7. Monica is who he stayed in New York.8. The question is when can he arrive at the hotel.真题链接 - 句子改错whenwherewhyhe can9. His problem is whether he doesn't sleep well at night.10. The problem is that will tie the bell to the cat.11. The town is no longer where it was .12. The reason why she was late was because she watched TV till midnight yesterday.真题链接 - 句子改错thatwhowhatthat根据提示,完成句子Popular science books are_________________________. (是我们最需要的)That was____________________________________________________.(我为什么推荐另一类书的原因) ( category)That's ____________________________. (那是你要找的人)The key is ____________________________________. (关键在于你要怎么让这个机器运转起来)You can be _____________________________ . (成为任何你想成为的人)what we need mostwhy I recommended another category of bookswho you are looking forhow you make the machine workwhoever you want to be








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