快捷方便英语,越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱用英文怎么说 您所在的位置:网站首页 口号英文怎么说 快捷方便英语,越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱用英文怎么说


2023-03-27 05:27| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文目录索引 1,越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱用英文怎么说 2,"提供方便"英语怎么说 3,方便的英文怎么说? 4,英语“方便的”怎么写 5,方便的英文怎么说? 6,急求海尔经营理念英语翻译!!!!!!! 7,5S标语英文翻译,有关经营理念,质量方针。专业的翻译。 1,越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱用英文怎么说

More and more people start to get used to shopping online, because online shopping is convenient, quick, save time and money. 越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱 如果对您有帮助 请采纳 谢谢 More and more people start to get used to shopping online, because online shopping is convenient, quick, save time and money. 越来越多的人开始习惯网上购物,因为网购方便快捷又省时省钱



为...提供方便 convenience

海关根据工作需要,可以派员随运输工具执行职务,运输工具负责人应当提供方便。 "In accordance with work requirements, the Customs may dispatch officers to perform duties on Board the means of transport. The person in charge of the means of transport shall provide them with conveniences."

三明治是为一个赌徒提供方便而发明创造的。 The sandwich was created to accommodate a gambler


"方便的":convenient;"方便":convenience 1、convenient 英 [kən'viːnɪənt] 美 [kənˈvinjənt] adj. 方便的;[废语]适当的;[口语]近便的;实用的 2、convenience 英 [kən'viːnɪəns] 美 [kən'vinɪəns] n. 便利;厕所;便利的事物 例句: 1、As a convenience, you can pass such a tree directly to the node. 作为便利措施,您可以将这样的树直接传递给节点。 2、Pay cash when you can and if you like the convenience of plastic, check into getting a bank debit card. 能付现金的时候你就用现金。要是你实在喜欢信用卡的便利,那就去银行办一张借记卡更为保险。 3、As a famous lawyer, it was convenient for him to do that. 作为一名著名的律师,这样做对他来说很方便。 扩展资料短语: for the convenience of 为了…的方便 convenience store 便利商店 for convenience 为了方便起见 at your convenience 在你方便的时候 at your earliest convenience 尽早;得便务请…从速 convenience sampling 便利抽样;方便抽样;任意抽样 at one's convenience 在某人方便之时


convenient。英语单词,形容词,意思是“方便的;[废语]适当的;[口语]近便的;实用的”。 发音:英[kənˈviːniənt]美[kənˈvinjənt] convenient to 一般在乎主体的主观感受,比如例句中“方便的时候,请随时来.”,就暗含“如果你觉得方便,请随时过来。 短语搭配 convenient store 便利店 ; 超商物; 便利店 Convenient transportation 交通便捷 ; 交通方便 ; 交通便利 ; 海陆空交通便利 双语例句 1、备份到任何一种存储介质,这是最方便的。 You can back up to whatever medium is most convenient. www.ibm.com 2、它为任何主题问题提供了一种方便的协作方式。 It provides an easy way to collaborate on any subject matter. 扩展资料 近义词:handy handy,英语单词,形容词、名词,作形容词时意为“有用的;便利的;手边的;手巧的,灵活的”,作名词时意为“(美、印、加)汉迪(人名)”。 单词发音:英[ˈhændi]美[ˈhændi] 短语搭配 Charles Handy查尔斯·汉迪 ; 查尔斯·汉蒂 ; 查尔斯·韩第 ; 查尔斯 Handy Manny万能阿曼 ; 吸管杯 ; 方便曼尼 双语例句 It allows you to have everything you need handy. 它允许你有你们需要的一切得心应手。


方便: [ fāng biàn ] 1. convenient 其它相关解释:

例句与用法: 1. 你什么时候最方便? When is the most convenient time for you? 2. 住在城市里有很大的方便。 It's a great convenience to live in town. 3. 吃早饭时,做稀粥是很方便的。 Gruel is convenient to make in the morning for breakfast. 4. 你上午来方便吗? Will it be convenient for you to come in the morning? 5. 我们发现可折叠的桌子使用非常方便。 We find our folding table a great convenience. 6. 这方便得多了。 It's much more convenient. 7. 散装运送货物更方便。 It is more convenient to transport the goods in bulk. 8. 这些冷冻食品是最为方便。 These frozen foods are the most convenient of all.


"Haier, the Chinese-made" is the Haier brand in the process of the creation of its own slogan, Haier is also a "patriotic devotion, the pursuit of excellence" as reflected in an excellent spirit of the enterprise.

Haier is the slogan of the most profound, of course, is "in good faith to always", followed by 20 years, has been incorporated into each Haier's blood;

"2008 is one of the world we are the masters," I would like to be able to have a new internationalization of Haier's loud slogans.

The following are Haier's corporate culture, which is also a natural response to the idea of Haier's operator. Haier idea - Haier has not only venture Shou-yeh. Haier spirit - the country work, the pursuit of excellence. Haier style - quick response to act now. Haier management - on Wednesday completed the matter, Nissin high. Haier concept of talent - it is everyone, not race horses. Haier employment system - the coexistence of the three workers, the dynamic conversion. Haier concept of the market - the only market change in the law is changed forever; only thinking of the off-season, there is no off-season market; credibility of the sale is not selling the product; self-negation, to create the market. Haier brand strategy - or do, it is necessary to do the first fight; of the country's non-brand name. Haier concept of quality - high standards of precision, zero defect; good product is good people do. Haier idea of after-sales service - the user is always right. Haier idea of operating capital - the Dongfang Liang Liang again in the West. Haier's international market strategy - first after the difficult easy. Haier development - the creation of China's famous brands in the world.


Three: Operation principle Quality----Base of establishment Management----Method of reinforcement Benefit----Root of prosperity Four:Quality policy Innovate design concept Control resource cost Produce high quality products Provide satisfactory service Build first-class corporate 阿拉木阿拉木阿拉木~~~~~~






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