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2024-07-12 14:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 1

  The earthquake is very dangerousso I think everyone should know the escape way.

  Firstyou should open the door but you should not run outit is very dangerous.Next when you find the furnitures are shake you should hide under the firmness furniture for about one minute.Then when you find the earthquake you should close the fire at once.Finallyyou should protect you head and keep out of the firmness things.It is very import to konw this thingsyou must remember.



  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 2

  It is important for us to knowhow to prevent us from being hurt in earthquake . The most effective way is to depend on ourselves. We can get everything ready before it happens . We must keep enough food and drinking water with us . When it happens keep calm and dont run about .follow the correct orders .only in this way,can we get the most chance to survive in earthquake.

  对于我们来说知道如何在地震中免遭伤害是很重要的。最有效的方法是靠自己。我们可以在地震前把一切准备好。我们必须随身保持足够的`食物和饮用水。当地震发生时 要保持镇静,不要乱跑。遵循正确的命令。只有用这种方法,我们才能得到最大的生存机会。

  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 3

  As we all know,the earthquake is inevitable,but we can take some methods to reduce it.First,when the earthquake happen we should hide under the furniture which are very solid(坚固的).Second,we should keep calm,and dont worry about it.Third,we should make sure that the door is open so as to escape.Besides,we should prepare something which we must carry when the earthquake happe.The things which we should carry is that enough water and food,a flashlight,a blanket and so on.TH most important point is that we must learn something about earthquake.


  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 4

  If earthquake happened, firstly, don’t panic and calm down. Secondly, find some safe place to stay and don‘t run in such a hurry. If in the room, one should hide himself/herself under something hard, such as desk, table or even bed and keep away from shelf and cupboard, and never take a lift to go downstairs. If in the open air, find an open place and never get close to cars or waterside. Thirdly, we should help each other when we meet trouble. At last, no matter how strong the earthquake is, if only we have the belief to defeat it and never give up, we must be able to overcome any difficulties.


  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 5

  Earthquakes may take place anywhere on the earths surface. During all earth quake, the vibrations make the earths surface tremble, and even crack open. Houses fall, people are lilled or injured and sometimes whole cities are destroyed.

  Can we do something to protect ourselves against earthquakes? Can we take precau tionary measures? We can. Scientists have made investigation on earthquakes. They have made maps showing the "Earthquake belts". In areas along these belts, earthquakes are likely to occur. In these areas we can build special houses to resist earthquake shocks and protect ourselves.

  In the future, scientists will be able to predict eactly when and where earthquakes will take place. Then they will be able to tell people to take precautionary measures. Thus lives can he saved and damage can be lessened.




  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 6

  Today, we talked about earthquakes and how to prevent them. The students all spoke their minds. At last our whole class knew how to prevent earthquakes. In addition, although I did not say it, but in my heart to these students to supplement, I went home and seriously think about it, and finally summed up such a few measures to prevent the earthquake.

  In the event of an earthquake, things around us will also change, such as in the Tangshan earthquake, Toad all over the street. There were dogs barking and fish floating on the water. There are horses that are scared and dont go into the pen, pigs that go into the pen and run out, chickens that are scared and fly into the trees. And there will be colorful clouds in the sky. And at night, it gets light early.

  When theres an earthquake, we need to run to the open space, and remember, when you get to the open space, put your hands on your head. When you are in school, you have to follow your teachers instructions. At home at school when you cant run out to the toilet, or squat under the corner, it is best to hide in a narrow space, the most triangular area. Remember, wherever you run, keep your hands on your head, the latter using other soft objects to protect your head.

  After listening to my introduction, you must have an understanding of the earthquake, who wants to discuss with me, then quickly write it and I discuss it.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 7

  Today, my mother took me to the science museum to visit the "Earthquake disaster reduction" science exhibition. Through models, pictures, words, etc., let me know what is an earthquake, and why does an earthquake occur? Earthquake is mainly due to the deep underground rock rupture, mismovement of the long-term accumulation of energy is released sharply, in the form of seismic waves to spread out in all directions, causing the phenomenon of shaking the ground.

  It also made me understand that there will be some signs before the earthquake, such as fish jumping on the water in panic, and well water will rise large and small bubbles, and sometimes it will change color and taste.

  When the earthquake occurs, in the outdoor to stay in place squat, hands to protect the head, pay attention to avoid tall buildings or street lights, billboards and other dangerous things. If you are indoors, do not jump to escape, do not go to the balcony, you should quickly protect your head with your bag, hold your head, close your eyes, hide at your desk, and so on, after the earthquake, transfer to the outside of the classroom under the command of the teacher.

  After visiting the popular science exhibition "Earthquake Prevention and Disaster Reduction", I felt that we should be strong and optimistic in the face of difficulties and not be intimidated by difficulties. Usually, we should learn more about the earthquake and rescue knowledge, but also be prepared to deal with the earthquake, so that the earthquake will not panic.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 8

  Earthquake is a word we are all familiar with. It caused the collapse of houses, casualties of heavy accidents, for the earthquake, how should we prevent it?

  There are two major seismic belts in the world: the Eurasian seismic belt and the Circum-Pacific seismic belt. The Eurasian seismic belt stretches across Europe and Asia, while the Pacific Ring of Fire is an earthquake belt that encircles China, Japan, the United States and some small island nations at sea. These two earthquake zones are just sandwiched in the middle of our country, so every year there will be more than a dozen earthquakes in our country, which will bring unexpected losses to mankind.

  As for the sudden earthquake, we should face it calmly and dont listen to rumors. When there is a small shake before the earthquake, you should quickly turn off the heating, kettle, gas and power supply, and then hide under strong furniture such as tables, chairs and beds, and go to wide areas such as parks, squares and playgrounds after the big shake, hold your head and lie down, and pay attention to the above preventive measures in order to survive the earthquake.

  A long time ago, China has already had an earthquake prevention organization, equivalent to the current earthquake bureau. In the Eastern Han Dynasty, scientist Zhang Heng also invented the "seismograph", which pushed Chinas scientific cause to the peak. And we should study Zhang Hengs scientific spirit, do not believe in cults, do not listen to rumors, and use scientific methods to prevent earthquakes, in order to prevent and reduce earthquakes, and build a better future for our country.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 9

  Yesterday afternoon, our school had an earthquake drill.

  In the first class, the teacher said to us: "When the first earthquake comes, we should not run outside, we should hide under the table." Because things are falling from the ceiling, and if you run out, you could be killed. After the first earthquake, we should run out quickly, line up as quickly as possible, and then run down. When running, the person in the back cant cut in front, otherwise it will cause chaos in the queue, resulting in." After saying that, the teacher began two shock training for us.

  For the first time, we were all very excited, some shouted and some laughed while waiting in line outside. The teacher came down hard on two classmates who were particularly noisy. The second time, we began to be serious, queued quickly and neatly, was praised by the teacher.

  The earthquake drill officially began, the first alarm rang, and we hid under the desk as quickly as possible. After a while, the second alarm rang, and we ran out quickly to line up. On the way down the stairs, it was smoother. But when running, Li Tingxuan tripped, fortunately, Miao Xinyin ran over when Wang Yifan stopped, just did not cause. Later, we ran to the playground without incident.

  The exercise has generally gone smoothly, but Lis incident tells us to pay attention to safety.






  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 10

  You may have been in a supermarket, high street, or store when the earthquake struck. The safest place to be at this time is around the load-bearing columns in the mall and under low, glassless containers. The most dangerous places are: outdoor overpasses, overpasses above and below, glass curtain walls of tall buildings, under tall billboards, street lights, and material dumps. Glass counters in supermarkets and shopping malls, around tall shelves, under escalators, chandeliers, fans and other hanging objects.


  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 11

  When an earthquake occurs, you should hide in a corner or in an open area and protect your head. Do not go back indoors at will, and leave dangerous places as soon as possible. If it is a sudden earthquake and cannot be evacuated in time, you can hide under tables and chairs and try to protect your head. After the earthquake, you should leave the scene immediately. If you are in a market, move away from a tall building immediately to prevent it from collapsing. If you are at home during the earthquake, do not take the elevator when going downstairs, you should take the stairs, go to an open place, do not go to a remote place. If you are pressed under an object, you should immediately find water, bandage the wound with clean gauze, and knock the building with stones to attract the attention of people outside.

  Through this video, enhance our awareness of self-protection in the earthquake, in the earthquake, do not panic, keep calm, brave to face difficulties, overcome difficulties, to save their own and classmates, relatives lives.



  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 12

  Human beings live on the earth, it is inevitable that there will be some natural disasters, such as earthquake, flood, tsunami and so on.

  I just learned a lot of knowledge in the Shaoxing science and Technology Museum, lets learn about the earthquake! Earthquake is the continuous movement of the earths internal material, will produce a huge force acting on the rock layer, when this force accumulated to a certain extent, will make the rock layer rupture sharply, release huge energy to produce strong vibration, this is the earthquake. Earthquakes are divided into three categories: tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes, and subsidence earthquakes

  When an earthquake occurs, choose to squat or lie down in the open, do not run, do not return indoors, avoid crowded places, avoid tall buildings and tall supports or hangings. Be sure not to pass in the narrow alley near the tall buildings, and avoid the earthquake under the overpass, so as not to be injured by the falling buildings. If buried in the ruins, the radio can help us to understand the disaster in time, get rescue information, the flashlight in the dark can bring light and confidence, blowing a whistle or knocking metal sound, can be transmitted farther, and effectively save physical strength.

  The earthquake is terrible, but as long as we seriously understand it, it is not so terrible, and now the science is more and more advanced, strengthening the earthquake resistance of the buildings, is also an effective way to let the disaster away from us!

  All these natural landscapes around us are the result of geological movements. Without the movement of the earth, we would not be able to see todays beautiful and colorful world.






  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 13

  When people encounter a sudden earthquake, do not panic, insist on a clear mind, take emergency measures. In the case of not escaping from the house, people living in bungalows can hide in the nearest sturdy desk, under the kang edge, under the bed plate, etc.

  People living in buildings should escape from large rooms to smaller rooms such as toilets and kitchens as soon as possible; When not to escape from the large room, should hide in the inner wall corner, furniture and door frame and other places, and maintain head safety; Do not hide in the outer corner of the building, in case the external wall cracks and collapses and falls outside the wall. Do not hide on the balcony, next to the window and embrace the stairs, and do not blindly jump off the building to prevent falling.

  When the main shock passes in about 20 seconds, evacuate the room immediately to prevent damage from subsequent aftershocks. People living in high-rise buildings are not allowed to escape by elevator. In order to prevent power outages and fires caused by earthquakes, you can evacuate along the stairs. People who escape outside or have been outside should maintain their heads to prevent being injured by rubble and other objects, and quickly evacuate to squares, playgrounds, parks and other open earthquake-proof methods, to avoid narrow streets, tall buildings, movie walls, childrens walls, chimneys, Bridges, high-voltage lines, transformers, river embankments, DAMS and other dangerous areas.

  If the earthquake on the overpass, drivers and passengers should quickly walk off the bridge to escape. If you are in a workshop, theater, shopping mall, school and other public places at the time of the earthquake, you can evacuate quickly if time permits. When you come to quarrel, you can hide under the lathe, under the table, under the stage, under the chair, on both sides of the counter, etc. There are many aftershocks after the earthquake, at this time can not go back to the building that has not collapsed; Collapsed buildings should be extinguished quickly if the main fire starts, in order to rescue the survivors trapped inside.

  People buried in the rubble should strengthen their own supports as much as possible, and use continuous and regular banging and Shouting for help.






  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 14

  Now that we know the power of an earthquake, how do we know when one is coming? I looked up the relevant information, for example: there is an anomaly in the groundwater, when the rock is stressed and deformed, the groundwater often produces some abnormal phenomena. Well water turned flowers bubble, rise and fall, no rain becomes muddy, change color and smell bad. Therefore, do not panic if you find an anomaly, report it to the earthquake department first. Animals are abnormal, ducks refuse to go into the water, fish live on the water, chickens and dogs are restless. The weather is abnormal, the weather is dark, there is sound and light. From the feeling of people in the earthquake area, there is generally about ten seconds of warning time from the earthquake to the rupture of the house.

  Now that we know the precursors, how do we minimize the damage? People living in bungalows should open doors and Windows to be vigilant. Get out of the house when you feel the ground shaking. People living in buildings should be prepared in advance. If you encounter an earthquake do not take jumping off a building, take an elevator and other shock-proof behavior, emergency under the bed, small span or crouching in the small space between two tables, to be evacuated quickly after the earthquake.

  Therefore, we should strengthen the training of school teachers and students, and carry out the drills of emergency avoidance, evacuation and evacuation of schools and families.

  Of course, we do not want to have natural disasters, if the natural disaster suddenly, my little knowledge can bring hope to everyone, bring prevention.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 15

  As the saying goes, "Small earthquakes dont have to run, big earthquakes cant run." When an earthquake occurs, the most important thing is to have a clear mind and a calm attitude. Only calm, it is possible to use the usual knowledge of earthquake prevention. Some people do not know enough about earthquake prevention knowledge, so I have collected some earthquake prevention knowledge today.

  If you experience an earthquake in your home, be sure to take shelter in a place that is easy to form a triangle space, such as under solid furniture, kitchen toilets and other small areas. When hiding, the body should take the corresponding posture: lean to be determined, squat or sit down, try to curl the body, reduce the body center of gravity. Hands should grasp firm objects such as table legs, protect the head, eyes, and cover the mouth and nose.

  If you encounter an earthquake outdoors, you should crouch or lie down to avoid falling, pay attention not to run around, avoid crowded places, and do not run back indoors. Avoid tall buildings or structures, especially those with glass walls, avoid towering objects such as telephone poles, billboards, etc., and run to a wide area.

  Every time there is an earthquake, there are endless secondary disasters, so everyone should according to different circumstances, size up the situation, take flexible emergency countermeasures.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 16

  In my opinion, after the earthquake comes, we must have a good mentality, keep a cool head in the moment of crisis, and cannot panic and blindly choose to jump off a building. If you want to stay away from the building outdoors, try to stay in the open area, if you can not escape in time at home, you can avoid under solid furniture, or the corner, you can also transfer to the kitchen and toilet with more load-bearing walls and small space for a while. Because these places have a strong binding force, especially after pipeline treatment, it has a good supporting force and a large seismic coefficient.

  We can also evaluate the situation according to the layout of the building and indoor conditions, find safe Spaces and channels to avoid, and reduce casualties. In the school, the earthquake should be in a relatively solid and safe house, you can avoid under the desk, beside the podium, the boiling water room in the teaching building, and the room supported by the pipeline, and you must not run or jump from the building. In public places, such as cinemas, libraries, shopping malls, amusement parks, etc., should carefully follow the command of the staff, evacuate from the safety exit as soon as possible, and do not escape and take the elevator alone.

  Although the disaster is merciless, but people have feelings. Whenever disaster comes, as long as we unite as one, one party is in trouble, the eight parties support, we will overcome all kinds of difficulties, and rebuild our happy new home.




  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 17

  Today, I followed the Mingde team to a training base for earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. Although it looks like an ordinary house from the outside, there are many projects inside.

  We first went to the first exhibition hall and saw that there was a seismograph (model) invented by Zhang Heng sometimes in ancient times. It is a large tripod with eight dragons on it and a bead in the dragons mouth facing eight directions: east, south, west, north, northeast, southeast, southwest, northwest. There should be eight toads under it. If there is an earthquake in any direction, the bead in the dragons mouth will fall into the mouth of the corresponding toad, so that you can judge where there is an earthquake.

  What impressed me most was the child who saluted the Peoples Liberation Army - Lang Zheng. He was injured in the earthquake and was rescued by the Peoples Liberation Army. His left hand was broken and he could not move, but he gave a standard military salute to the peoples Liberation Army with his weak right hand. This scene moved everyone present. At the time of the earthquake, there was a class in class. With the help of the teacher, many students escaped. Four students did not escape, can not run, they hid under the table, the teacher with their own body to protect them, but when the rescue workers arrived, the teacher has no signs of life. These four students survived because of the protection of the teacher, this scene moved me...

  The docents also told us that if we are indoors during the earthquake, we should hide under the table as soon as possible, or hide in the corner after using a hard object on the head, that is, the "triangle area". And let us experience the earthquake simulation, so powerful! So escape methods must be kept in mind.

  Through this activity, I learned how to survive in the earthquake, and also felt the selfless dedication of heroes, giving up the spirit of people. I want to let more people and students survive the earthquake, but also want to let people know the deeds of those heroes, to pay tribute to them!






  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 18

  The earthquake is like a pair of invisible talons, which took away the precious lives of many people. It makes many children orphans, and breaks up many happy and beautiful families... However, time will not go back, people in the ruins, do not be sad, to be strong in the face of everything.

  In fact, as long as you grasp the omen of the earthquake, you will survive: if you keep a compass at home, the compass will move within half a minute before the earthquake. At this time you should pay attention: the earthquake is coming! Then, quickly run out into the open and curl up, holding your head. When the earthquake comes, do not panic, to stay calm and calm, if you are still at home, quickly run to the "triangle of life", protect yourself. If the ground light, ground sound, and slight shaking are the precursors of earthquakes, then the average time from the earthquake is only more than 10 seconds, and the longest is only half a minute. Remember, the earthquake is coming and you have to save yourself!

  Think of all those collapsed houses! Think of the homeless orphans! Think about yourself, see these, will feel sad. The "storm" will pass, but the dead will not come back, let us pray for the dead compatriots and the injured. Because. Thats all we can do... Hopefully, a miracle will happen.

  The earth moves and the sky does not fall, and great disasters have great love. Even if the earthquake strikes, it will not destroy the strong heart of the Chinese people!





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 19

  Today, my parents and I went to Shaoxing Science and Technology Museum to visit the "earthquake disaster reduction" science exhibition, from which I learned a lot of knowledge about earthquakes.

  The formation of the earthquake is due to the continuous movement of the earths internal material, resulting in a huge force acting on the rock layer, when this force accumulates to a certain extent, it will make the rock layer bend and deformation, once the rock layer can not withstand this change, it will have a sharp rupture and dislocation, release huge energy, produce strong vibration. Earthquakes are mainly divided into natural earthquakes and artificial earthquakes, of which natural earthquakes include tectonic earthquakes, volcanic earthquakes and collapse earthquakes. Earthquake brings surface damage, collapse, landslide, debris flow, lifeline damage, casualties, psychological trauma, fire, building structure damage and other disasters.

  The earthquake has brought us so many disasters that we must take good measures against earthquakes. Strengthening the earthquake resistance of buildings and public facilities is the most effective way to reduce the earthquake disaster. What we can do now is to learn earthquake knowledge, not to believe rumors; Make a family earthquake plan, prepare an earthquake emergency kit, and inspect and reinforce the house on time.

  Although the earthquake is a natural disaster so that we can not prevent, but with the development of science, I believe that people can explore better anti-earthquake "weapons".





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 20

  You know about earthquakes, right? Today, my mother and I went to visit the Shaoxing Science Museum of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction science exhibition.

  Walking through the front door, I saw a large screen that introduced Wegeners theory of continental drift and why earthquakes occur. Usually the earthquake precursors are: cats and dogs Shouting, weasels, mice, ants moving, pigeons flying high and so on. When the earthquake occurs in the school, the most need is to follow the teachers command. It is extremely important not to jump off a building in a panic at home. Secondly, it can be avoided under solid furniture, or in the corner, and can also be transferred to the kitchen and toilet with more load-bearing walls and small area for a while. If you are walking in the street, pay attention to falling objects caused by the earthquake. Therefore, when walking in the street, it is best to put the leather bag or soft items around your head, and you can also use your hand to protect your head when there is no item, and run to a more open area to avoid.

  There are simulated safety channels behind, rows of pictures for us to introduce, there are also fire self-protection.

  This popular science exhibition let us know a lot of knowledge, understand that self-protection is essential!





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 21

  Earthquake disaster is one of the natural disasters that cause the most serious economic loss and the most casualties in the world. We should strengthen the study of earthquake science knowledge, and correctly grasp the methods of earthquake avoidance and self-rescue and mutual rescue.

  We have to listen to the earthquake warning, learn to see the omen before the earthquake, such as: animals abnormal flying, fleeing, screaming, etc., can also prevent the occurrence of disasters, in order to prevent early report and evacuation.

  When an earthquake occurs, the indoor triangle space formed after the collapse of the house is often a relatively safe place for people to survive. Especially those in the building, choose small places such as kitchens and bathrooms, and places that are not easy to collapse, corners, tables, and solid furniture Spaces such as under beds can be shock-proof. In time, use cushions to protect the head, do not blindly jump off buildings, use elevators, etc. We must use scientific methods to protect ourselves and our homes and prevent disasters together.

  Today is the day of the earthquake drill in our school. All the teachers and students took part in it. The teacher has explained the specific situation to each of our classmates over and over again. "The earthquake is coming" the teacher shouted in a hurry on the radio. We quickly put the bag on the head "whoosh" rushed out, each student did not want to lag behind, crazy ran to the playground, the teacher is in an orderly side to maintain order and evacuate the students. The whole school evacuated at the prescribed time. We must learn to save ourselves.

  We also need to read more books on earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. The knowledge of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction to tell everyone around, so that these knowledge spread ten, ten hundred, so that everyone knows when the earthquake comes, everyone knows how to protect themselves, reduce the disaster brought by the earthquake to us. Let this knowledge accompany each of us, and let each of us have an earthquake awareness.

  We are the builders and defenders of the motherland, let us act quickly to prevent the occurrence of disasters. "Earthquake prevention and disaster reduction is everyones responsibility." Lets wish the earth will be brighter and more brilliant tomorrow!







  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 22

  Before the Spring Festival, I went to Shaoxing Science and Technology Museum to see the exhibition of earthquake prevention and disaster reduction. In the popular science exhibition, I learned these knowledge:

  An earthquake, what should we do?

  Places such as toilets, the foot of a wall, and beside a sturdy table are more convenient for safe hiding. If the kitchen is on fire, it should be closed first, and can not be ignited casually after the earthquake, otherwise it is easy to cause an explosion. The radio can help us keep abreast of the disaster and get information about outside rescue. Water and food can effectively keep us alive. If we are buried under pressure, we can blow a whistle or knock metal, and the sound can travel farther and effectively save our energy.

  If there is an earthquake in the future, we can use these methods to escape. Im going to teach this knowledge to others so that they can be as safe as I am.





  怎样地震逃生的.英语作文 23

  The earthquake is not necessarily death, in fact, there are many ways to save yourself. For example: the earthquake, you are pressed under the ruins, at this time, you do not blindly move, to calm down, first pull out your hand, slowly move the ruins, first keep breathing smoothly, and then find a way to breathe, call personnel to save you. If you are at home when an earthquake occurs, you must immediately drill into a hard, non-collapsing small room to avoid injury. Also, crouch against a solid wall or in the doorway, after the collapse of the house, and then survive, to avoid being injured.

  If you are out in the wild, avoid steep cliffs to prevent falling down the mountain. And to prevent landslides, so as not to slide down.

  If in school, be sure to follow the teachers command, hide under the desk, pay attention to protect the head, if in PE class, to avoid tall buildings, do not be hurt.

  If you are in a movie theater, you should hide under the chair to avoid shocks, avoid lights hanging on the ceiling, air conditioning hanging objects, use things to protect your head, and follow the command of the commander to evacuate the scene. There is an earthquake in the mall, to avoid glass cabinets, avoid goods, billboards, lights and other items. If you are in a bus, hide under a chair or squat, keep your center of gravity and hold the handrails.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 24

  Earthquake is a natural phenomenon. When the earthquake comes at a critical moment, the most important thing for us is to keep calm, not to panic, in addition to mastering some methods of earthquake prevention.

  When the earthquake occurs, it can be avoided under solid furniture, or in the corner, or transferred to the kitchen and toilet with more load-bearing walls and small rooms for a while. Because these places have better support. When the night earthquake, to race against time to move to a safe place, do not delay time because of looking for items and clothing, if possible, immediately pull off the power supply, turn off the gas, put out the open flame. Lighting is best with flashlights, do not use matches, candles and other open flames

  In the school, when the earthquake can avoid under the desk, beside the podium, the teaching building in the boiling water room, there is a pipe support room, never run or jump. In the event of an earthquake, the glass fragments of high-rise buildings and the concrete fragments outside the building, as well as advertising signs, tinplate, neon red light racks, etc., may fall and hurt people, so when walking in the street, it is best to put the leather bags or soft items around the head, no items can also be used to protect the head, as far as possible to prepare for self-defense, to calm down, Get away from poles and fences and run to open areas.

  Earthquake, if you are shopping malls, bookstores, exhibition halls, etc., should choose strong counters, goods (such as low furniture, etc.) or column side, as well as the inner corner of the squat, with hands or other things to protect the head, avoid glass doors and Windows and glass Windows, can also squat in the channel, waiting for the earthquake to subside, orderly evacuation out.





  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 25

  Prevent earthquakes, build beautiful homes, do the worlds white blood cells. -- inscription

  Do you know how to prevent earthquakes? It is like a dark cloud in the sky, coming fast and catching people off guard, but we must believe that the sun will come out and the disaster will pass.

  When the earthquake comes, you should learn to be your own "white blood cells" and protect yourself correctly. Day after day, year after year, I wonder if you still remember the Wenchuan earthquake in 2008, which brought great disasters and suffering to the people, and many people died because of it. We do not want history to repeat itself, so please remember the following points:

  First of all, we should protect ourselves, learn to adapt like a fish caught, crouch under the bed, under the table or at the corner of the house with our heads, and then stay calm, wait for aftershocks, and then move to a wider area.

  Prevent earthquakes, protect yourself, be the "white blood cells" of the world, be the hero of the world.






  怎样地震逃生的英语作文 26

  It is important for people to take precautions when disaster comes. So the school for our safety, held a number of earthquake prevention activities and lectures.

  Through these lectures and activities, I understand:

  1, when the earthquake comes, if we are in the grand theater, we need to hide in the corner, or under the table. Try to avoid hanging objects and dont crowd into crowded places.

  2, if the earthquake comes, we must first protect the head, should pick up the bag or pillow and other items to protect the head.

  3, when the earthquake comes, if we are in the street, we should run to the open place, or find a small house, hide at the foot of the wall of the small house...

  A few days ago, the school also issued a special paper on earthquake prevention and disaster prevention content, want to test the content of these lectures and activities we remember how much.

  I got a lot of knowledge from these activities and lectures. I also realized how much we still have to learn.























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