【上篇】苏联火箭引擎机密曝光!彻底理清苏系发动机全系列 您所在的位置:网站首页 发动机燃烧室材料有哪些 【上篇】苏联火箭引擎机密曝光!彻底理清苏系发动机全系列


2024-07-16 21:50| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


This article aims to summarize the background of well-known and not so well-known Soviet rocket engines, the history of their development, their main characteristics, and the rockets they flew on.





1、Important Tips And Vocabulary 重要提示和词汇

Open Cycle Engines 开式循环发动机

Closed Cycle Engines 闭式循环发动机

Hypergolic Propellants 自燃型推进剂

LOx-based Propellants 基于液氧的推进剂

Specific Impulse (ISP) 比冲

Combustion Chamber 燃烧室

OKB 实验设计局(Opytnoye Konstruktorskoye Buro)

RD = Rocket Engine 火箭引擎

NK = Nikolay Kuznetsov 尼古拉·库兹涅佐夫(NK 只是他的首字母缩写)

S5.XX 除了 RD 和 NK 引擎,还有一些 S5.XX 引擎

2、The Origins Of Soviet Rocket Engines 苏联火箭发动机的起源

A4 Engine A4引擎

Characteristics 特征

Leading Rocket Scientists 领先的火箭科学家



RD-102 And RD-103

KS-50 (Liliput)


3、R-7 Family Of Engines R-7火箭家族

RD-107 And RD-108

Development 发展

Characteristics 特征

RD-117 And RD-118

RD-107A And RD-108A

Upper Stage Of R-7 R-7的初级阶段




RD-0106, RD-0107, RD-0110


Fourth Stage Of R-7 R-7的第四阶段



4、Yangel’s Hypergolic Rockets 杨格尔的自燃型火箭

RD-214, RD-215, RD-216


RD-217, RD-218, RD-219

Nedelin Disaster 尼德林灾难

RD-251, RD-252


RD-261, RD-262

RD-263, RD-264

5、Universal Family Of Rockets 通用型火箭家族


RD-0202, RD-0203, RD-0204

RD-0205, RD-0206, RD-0207


RD-253 On The Proton Rocket

First Stage Of Proton 质子的第一级

RD-275, RD-275M

Second Stage Of Proton 质子的第二级

RD-0208/9, RD-0210/11

ThiRD Stage Of Proton 质子的第三级

RD-0212, RD-0213, RD-0214

Fourth Stage Of Proton 质子的第四级

RD-58, RD-58M, RD-58S, RD-58MF



6、N1 Rocket Engines N1 火箭引擎




NK-33 On The Antares Rocket (安塔斯火箭)





RD-56, RD-57

7、Energia / Buran 能源号/暴风雪号









RD-58, S5.92

8、Soviet Engines Outside The Soviet Union 苏联境外的苏系火箭








9、A Few More Special Engines 一些特殊的引擎





Start-1 Rocket


1、Important Tips And Vocabulary 重要提示和词汇2、The Origins Of Soviet Rocket Engines 苏联火箭发动机的起源3、R-7 Family Of Engines R-7 火箭引擎家族

1、Important Tips And Vocabulary 重要提示和词汇OPEN CYCLE AND CLOSE CYCLE ENGINES开式循环和闭式循环发动机Open Cycle Engines开式循环发动机

In open cycle engines, the exhaust gas that is used to spin the turbine is simply discaRDed overboaRD from the gas generator. This is a simpler engine design than its counterpart, the closed cycle engine. However, it is less efficient, as a portion of propellant never reaches the main combustion chamber and, thus, is wasted.


开式循环发动机图Closed Cycle Engines闭式循环发动机

Closed cycle engines (or staged combustion cycle) have a pre-burner instead of a gas generator. It runs either all the fuel or all the oxidizer through the turbine, and then routes this now-hot gas into the main combustion chamber. This way no propellant is wasted. You can find more information on this topic in our video and/or article about SpaceX’s Raptor engine.


闭式循环发动机图PROPELLENT TYPES推进剂类型Hypergolic Propellants自燃型推进剂

Hypergolic propellants are those that spontaneously combust upon contact with each other. This yields a very simple and reliable ignition sequence. Hypergolic propellants can be stored at room temperature and for long periods of time, however, this type of fuel is extremely toxic and corrosive.


LOx-based Propellants基于液氧的推进剂

LOx-based propellants are those that use liquid oxygen (LOx) as an oxidizer. Depending on the fuel component, there can be keralox (kerosene-based fuel), hydrolox (hydrogen-based fuel), and methalox (methane-based fuel). Keralox fuel used by Soviet rocket engines is called T-1 or RG-1 (not RP-1) and was comparable to regular kerosene. The haRDest part about a LOx-based propellant is to keep it at working temperatures without it warming up and boiling off before the launch.



ISP indicates how efficient the rocket engine is. It is measured in seconds, and the higher it is, the better. The best way to think about specific impulse is to imagine an engine with 1 kg of propellant. The amount of time (in seconds) that the engine can produce 9.81 N of force is its ISP. Thus, the higher the ISP, the less fuel it takes to perform the same amount of work.



The combustion chamber of a rocket engine is where the fuel and oxidizer get pumped in and meet at high pressure so they can combust and produce thrust. The larger the combustion chamber, the higher the thrust output. However, the larger it is, the haRDer it is to maintain stable combustion and homogeneous pressure within it, which can lead to massive failures in which the engine can blow up.



Experimental Design Bureaus (OKB, Opytnoye Konstruktorskoye Buro) were state-owned bureaus that mostly designed and produced weapons and military technology. They were very competitive with each other for different projects. One of these OKBs, formerly known as OKB-456, home of legendary propulsion engineer Valentin Glushko, is today known as NPO Energomash and is still producing engines and rockets.

实验设计局(OKB,Opytnoye Konstruktorskoye Buro)是国有的局,主要设计和生产武器和军事技术。他们在不同的项目中相互竞争,非常激烈。其中一个OKB,以前被称为OKB-456,是传奇的推进工程师瓦伦丁-格鲁什科的故乡,今天被称为NPO Energomash,仍然在生产发动机和火箭。

实验设计局地图RD SERIES OF ENGINESRD 系列引擎RD = Rocket EngineRD = 火箭引擎

RD literally translates to Rocket Engine. There is an RD-0XXX series that came from OKB-154 led by Semyon Kosberg and tends to be used on upper stages or at least operates in a vacuum (with few exceptions). RD-1XX and RD-2XX engines were designed by OKB-456. The former tends to be LOx-based engines, while the latter ran on hypergolic propellants. Furthermore there was the RD-XX series mostly developed at OKB-1, the headquarters of the Soviet space program led by Sergei Korolev. Some RD-XX engines were developed by OKB-165, led by Arkhip Lyulka, despite OKB-165 primarily being an aircraft engine manufacturer. RD-8XX engines came from OKB-586, led by Mikhail Yangel.

RD的字面意思是火箭发动机。有一个RD-0XXX系列,来自塞米扬-科斯贝格领导的OKB-154,倾向于用于上面级或至少在真空中运行(有少数例外)。RD-1XX和RD-2XX发动机是由OKB-456设计的。前者往往是以液氧为基础的发动机,而后者则以高聚物推进剂运行。此外,还有RD-XX系列,主要是在OKB-1开发的,这是谢尔盖-科罗廖夫领导的苏联太空计划的总部。一些RD-XX发动机是由Arkhip Lyulka领导的OKB-165开发的,尽管OKB-165主要是一个飞机发动机制造商。RD-8XX发动机来自OKB-586,由米哈伊尔-杨格领导。

发动机的命名方案NK SERIES OF ENGINESNK 系列引擎NK = Nikolay Kuznetsov 库兹涅佐夫

NK engines came from OKB-276, Kuznetsov’s design bureau. Nikolay Kuznetsov (NK is simply his initials) was an aircraft engine manufacturer who designed some of the most advanced engines. For instance, his NK-32 was a jet engine on the TU-160 strategic bomber, while the NK-33 is a rocket engine meant for a variant of the N-1 rocket.



Next to RD and NK engines, there were also some S5.XX engines. These engines were developed and built by OKB-2 led by Aleksei Isaev. OKB-2 primarily produced smaller rocket engines for missiles with the exception of S5.XX engines.

In addition, all Soviet engines are assigned with GRAU indices by the Main Missile and Artillery Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. For example, the RD-107 engine’s index is 8D74. However, this system will not be used in this article.



2、The Origins Of Soviet Rocket Engines 苏联火箭发动机的起源V-2 ROCKETV-2 火箭A4 EngineA4 引擎

The origins of the first Soviet rocket engines stem from World War II when rockets were not used for noble goals, but rather as a terrifying weapon. It all started with the Nazi designed V-2 rocket. Although the A4 engine at the heart of the V-2 was not the first liquid-fueled rocket engine developed, it was certainly the first reliable one to reach space by crossing the Kármán line (an international definition that marks the edge of space and is defined as 100 km above sea level).


一枚德国V-2火箭的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)

The V-2 rocket brought a huge breakthrough in rocketry. The Germans solved one of the biggest problems of liquid-fueled engines – combustion instability. Their solution was to take smaller injectors and put them into a single main combustion chamber. The A4 wound up with eighteen injector cups and had a basket-like head configuration.


A4发动机的篮子状头部配置的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)


The V-2 rocket produced 265 kN of thrust at sea level and 294 kN in a vacuum, with an ISP of just over 200 s at sea level and 239 s in a vacuum. Although these numbers are not impressive by today’s standaRDs, this was only the beginning. The A4 engine ran at only 15 bar of pressure, on a 75% ethanol / 25% water mixture fuel, and used LOx as an oxidizer. The pumps of these engines were steam-powered by a separate system that ran hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) over a potassium permanganate (KMnO4) catalyst to create high-pressure steam, which would then spin the turbine that powered the pumps.



德国A4发动机的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)

ATTEMPS TO REPLICATE THE V-2 ROCKET复制 V-2 火箭的尝试Leading Rocket Scientists领先的火箭科学家

During the Cold War, both the United States and the Soviet Union tried to outdo each other with more powerful and longer-range missiles carrying nuclear warheads. They each gathered thousands of former German rocket scientists who could help them to develop their own rockets. In the US, Wernher von Braun put a lot of effort into this. In the Soviet Union, it was Sergei Korolev (born in Ukraine) who was tasked with leading the former German scientists.


RD-100 引擎

Korolev and his team of Soviet and former German engineers began reverse-engineering the V-2 rocket and the A4 engine, and rebuilding them. This way they built the RD-100 engine which was almost a clone of the A4, at least externally. In fact, there were some parts still machined in Germany in the old factories.


苏联RD-100发动机的效果图(图片来源: Caspar Stanley)RD-101 引擎

At the same time, Korolev and Glushko (OKB-456) wanted to make a modified version of the RD-100 which would not have any direct involvement from Germans and would only use Soviet fabricated parts. This was the RD-101 engine. It had only minor tweaks and took inspiration from some of Glushko’s former works, such as his RD-1, when it came to materials.


苏联RD-1发动机的效果图(图片来源: Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-101发动机的效果图(来源:Caspar Stanley)RD-102 and RD-103RD-102 和 RD-103 引擎

By the end of 1949, there would be the RD-102 and RD-103 upgrades, which were the last engines based on the A4. These engines had substantially shortened engine thrust frames and were regeneratively cooled, in which some of the propellant or water was passed through tubes around the combustion chamber to cool the engine. Moreover, the RD-103 used a new oxygen mixing nozzle which used a more concentrated 92% ethyl alcohol fuel. This aided in performance and yielded a thrust of 500 kN in a vacuum, which almost doubled the thrust output of the A4’s 294 kN. The RD-103 could achieve an ISP of 244 s at sea level and 251 s in a vacuum.


苏联RD-102发动机的效果图(来源:Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-103发动机的效果图(来源:Caspar Stanley)

NEW DESIGN OF THE ENGINES引擎的新设计KS-50 (Liliput)KS-50 引擎(Liliput引擎)

In 1950, Sergei Korolev got his own experimental bureau, OKB-1 (known today as RSC Energia), where the future of the Soviet space program would be developed.

Around that time, German scientists tried to simplify the design for chambers and injectors. Up until that point, all of the engines had a basket-like head with eighteen separate injector cups. However, there was a design for the injectors patented in Germany that was more of a showerhead shape. The engineers built a test chamber for these injectors and made a new style of engine called Liliput or KS-50. This chamber was a very simple cylindrical shape. Its walls had a 1-mm thick copper coating, which had greater thermal conductivity and could handle higher temperatures.

The KS-50 was the first engine capable of running on kerosene, which potentially provided much greater performance with the negative side effect of much higher temperatures. It was also the last engine developed with the direct involvement of German engineers.

1950年,谢尔盖-科罗廖夫有了自己的实验局,OKB-1(今天被称为RSC Energia),苏联太空计划的未来将在这里发展。



苏联KS-50的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)RD-110 引擎

The lessons learned from the KS-50 came in handy when Glushko was trying to create the RD-110, a new engine capable of producing almost 1,200 kN of thrust at sea level. The RD-110 was supposed to fly on a new R-3 rocket that lacked any exterior aerodynamic fins for stability. Instead, it relied entirely on gimbaling the engine to steer and control the rocket. The plan was to use eighteen injectors, each with about 70 kN of thrust. In oRDer to develop these injectors, Soviet scientists engineered another experimental combustion chamber, the ED-140 (ED translates to “experimental engine”).

The RD-110 engine was very reliable, capable of running continually, and with a very consistent start up. But despite that, it was never test-fired, likely due to concerns over cooling. However, the ED-140’s DNA would see the light of day in another engine, the RD-107. In fact, its combustion chamber is still at the heart of one of the most famous Soviet rockets, the Soyuz-2.

当格鲁什科试图创建RD-110时,从KS-50中吸取的教训派上了用场,这是一种能够在海平面产生近1200千牛推力的新发动机。RD-110应该在一个新的R-3火箭上飞行,该火箭缺乏任何外部空气动力鳍以保持稳定。相反,它完全依靠发动机的万向节来引导和控制火箭。计划使用18个喷射器,每个喷射器有大约70千牛的推力。为了开发这些喷射器,苏联科学家设计了另一个实验性燃烧室,即ED-140(ED译为 "实验性发动机")。


苏联RD-110发动机的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)

3、R-7 Family Of Engines R-7 火箭引擎家族FIRST AND SECOND STAGES OF R-7R-7 火箭的第一级和第二级RD-107 and RD-108RD-107 和 RD-108 引擎


The R-7 was the first rocket to reach orbit. Originally, it had a very simple goal – to be able to carry a 3-tonne warhead over a distance of 8,000 km, which would make it possible to hit the USA from the Soviet Union. Glushko tried to scale up the ED-140 in a new design called the RD-105. However, he faced the problem of combustion instability. After that, he decided to split the combustion chamber into four smaller ones fed by a common turbopump, which solved the problem. In fact, this concept of multiple combustion chambers is a staple of many Soviet-era designs.



苏联ED-140发动机的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-105发动机的效果图(来源: Caspar Stanley)

The developed RD-107 engine (for Stage 1) and its twin sibling the RD-108 (for Stage 2) are still in use today! These engines first flew on May 15, 1957, on the first R-7 rocket, which featured four strap-on boosters (Stage 1) that surrounded a single core (Stage 2). The RD-107 and RD-108 are almost identical. In fact, the only difference is the number of vernier engines, the outer boosters with the RD-107 have a pair of them, while the center core with the RD-108 has four. In addition, these engines were a much more elegant solution compared to the heavy control vanes made of graphite that would steer the V-2.

开发的RD-107发动机(用于第1阶段)和它的孪生兄弟RD-108(用于第2阶段)至今仍在使用。 这些发动机于1957年5月15日在第一枚R-7火箭上首次飞行,该火箭有四个捆绑式助推器(第1级),围绕着一个核心(第2级)。RD-107和RD-108几乎是相同的。事实上,唯一的区别是游标引擎的数量,RD-107的外部助推器有一对,而RD-108的中心核心有四个。此外,与引导V-2的重型石墨控制叶片相比,这些发动机是一个更优雅的解决方案。

苏联RD-107发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-108发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)



Both the RD-107 and RD-108 engines run on keralox. This allowed a simple ignition process where all cores of the rocket would be lit on the ground simultaneously and did not require starting an engine mid-flight. One of the interesting things about their ignition process is that the solution to light the engines is basically giant wooden matches. Those matches look like T-shaped structures which engineers would stick up the nozzle into the main combustion chamber. All 32 chambers (20 main ones and 12 steering nozzles known as vernier engines) get their own igniter. On the tip of these structures is a pair of pyrotechnics that only need one to light successfully for ignition. This concept is still in use today!






The staging is relatively simple as all four boosters fall away at the same time. Meanwhile, a valve pops open in the LOx tank, which helps to propel the tanks away from the core stage in a pattern, known as the “Korolev cross”.


分段是相对简单的,因为所有四个助推器都同时落下。同时,液氧罐中的一个阀门突然打开,这有助于推动罐体以一种被称为 "科罗廖夫十字 "的模式离开核心级。


The RD-107 could hit 810 kN of thrust at sea level and 1,000 kN in a vacuum, with an ISP of 256 s at sea level, and 313 s in a vacuum. Meanwhile, the RD-108 could reach 745 kN of thrust at sea level and 941 kN in a vacuum, with an ISP of 248 s at sea level, and 315 s in a vacuum. Thus, they achieved huge improvements over the early RD-100 engines. Furthermore, the turbopump of the RD-107/108 was powered by steam just like the A4. They ran H2O2 over a catalyst to create high-pressure hot gases that spun the turbine and powered the LOx and kerosene pumps. For this reason, there was also a fully separate tank to store H2O2. This is a very simple solution which is still in use today.

Overall, the main innovations of these engines included multiple combustion chambers, regenerative cooling, the aforementioned vernier engines, and variable mixture ratio, which helped each core to drain its propellant equally. Since the RD-107/108 first flew in 1957, these engines have gone through only minor changes. As the old adage goes: “If it isn’t broken, why fix it?”




一个 "现代 "联盟号升空(来源:ROSCOSMOS)RD-117 and RD-118RD-117 和 RD-118 引擎

There were the RD-117/118 upgrades which flew 786 times from 1973 to 2017 on the Soyuz U and U2. They were very similar to the original RD-107/108 and had only minor structural changes. For example, they had different injectors, which increased their performance a little. Moreover, the RD-117/118 sometimes ran on a fuel called Syntin, a hydrocarbon-based fuel. This fuel also offered increased performance, however, it was much more expensive.


苏联RD-117发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-118发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)RD-107A and RD-108ARD-107A 和 RD-108A 引擎

Finally, there was the RD-107A/108A that flew 70 times from 2001 through 2019 on the Soyuz FG. In addition, these engines support the new Soyuz-2, which started flying in 2004 and is still in use today. Meanwhile, the center core of the Soyuz-2.1v rocket, which started flying in 2013, does not run on the RD-108A, but on the closed cycle NK-33 engine. This engine was developed for the Soviet Union’s massive N1F moon rocket.

The RD-107A produced 839 kN of thrust at sea level and 1,020 kN in a vacuum, with an ISP of 263 s at sea level and 320 s in a vacuum. Otherwise, they have very few changes compared to the original.



苏联RD-107A发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)苏联RD-108A发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)

THIRD STAGE OF R-7R-7 火箭的第三级Upper Stage of R-7R-7火箭的上面级

In oRDer to increase its capacity, the R-7 rocket needed to have an upper (thiRD) stage. The first upper stage that they developed had a mighty task, to reach the Moon!


RD-109 引擎

The Soviet Union began developing the 8K73 upper stage in 1957. For this, Glushko designed an RD-109 engine, which had an impressive ISP of 334 s and could produce 102 kN of thrust in a vacuum. The RD-109 ran on LOx and UDMH (unsymmetrical dimethylhydrazine), which is a very toxic fuel that Korolev did not like to use. As a result, this engine never saw a flight.


苏联RD-109发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)RD-0105 引擎

The Vostok variant of the R-7 wound up being the first R-7 rocket to have a thiRD stage called Block E, which made it more capable. This stage was powered by the RD-0105 engine (designed by Kosberg), which was based on the vernier engines on the RD-107/108 and ran on keralox. The RD-0105 could produce 49 kN of thrust in a vacuum at an ISP of 316 s.


苏联RD-0105发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)RD-0109 引擎

Meanwhile, Glushko wanted to upgrade the engine for an even more powerful upper stage for a version of Vostok – the Vostok-K. As a result, he developed the RD-0109, which had a lower mass and increased reliability thanks to its new lightweight combustion chamber. These improvements made it capable of putting Yuri Gagarin into orbit on April 12, 1961! Subsequently, John Glenn became the first American to orbit Earth (Mercury-Atlas 6) onboaRD Friendship 7 on February 20th, 1962.

与此同时,格鲁什科想为 "东方号 "的一个版本--"东方号"--K升级发动机,以获得更强大的上面级。因此,他开发了RD-0109,由于其新的轻质燃烧室,质量更低,可靠性更高。这些改进使它能够在1961年4月12日将尤里-加加林送入轨道 随后,约翰-格伦于1962年2月20日在友谊7号上成为第一个进入地球轨道的美国人(水星-阿特拉斯6号)。

苏联RD-0109发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)

One interesting aspect of the engine on this stage is that it starts its ignition sequence prior to stage separation. This process is called “hot fire staging” and it is possible because of the open interstage. Thanks to this feature, there was no need to have any other secondary motors to accelerate the upper stage to settle the propellant on the bottom of the tanks before turning on the engine. This is needed to avoid sucking up air bubbles and having rough starts that could damage the engines. Some other Soviet rockets also make use of this interstage design.

这个阶段的发动机的一个有趣的方面是,它在阶段分离之前就开始了它的点火顺序。这个过程被称为 "热分离",它之所以能够实现是因为级间的开放。由于这一特点,不需要有任何其他次级发动机来加速上级,以便在开启发动机之前将推进剂沉淀在罐底。这是需要的,以避免吸进气泡和粗糙的启动,从而损坏发动机。其他一些苏联火箭也利用了这种级间设计。

RD-0106, RD-0107, RD-0110 引擎

After that, there was an RD-0106, which was a four-chamber version of the RD-0105/0109 and offered over four times the thrust. It was used on the Block-I thiRD stage for the Molniya rocket that flew for the first time in 1960.

The RD-0106 was then slightly modified to the RD-0107 and after that to the RD-0108. It flew 300 times on the Voskhod R-7 from 1963 to 1976. Subsequently, there was the RD-0110, which saw its first flight in 1965 and is still in use today on the Soyuz-2.1a rocket.

此后,又出现了RD-0106,它是RD-0105/0109的四室版本,推力是四倍以上。它被用在1960年首次飞行的 "闪电 "火箭的Block-I第三级上。

随后,RD-0106被稍微修改为RD-0107,之后又被修改为RD-0108。从1963年到1976年,它在Voskhod R-7上飞行了300次。随后,出现了RD-0110,它在1965年进行了首次飞行,至今仍在联盟-2.1a火箭上使用。

苏联RD-0106发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍苏联RD-0107发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍苏联RD-0110发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍RD-0124 引擎

There was also the RD-0124, which is a closed cycle engine that the Soviets intended to use universally on several vehicles. It did not have any vernier engines and used RG-1 instead of the usual T-1 kerosene. This closed cycle engine offered an improved ISP of 359 s instead of 326 s, which was practical for larger payloads. It first started flying in 2006 and is still in use today on the Soyuz 2.1b.


苏联RD-0124发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍‍

FOURTH STAGE OF R-7 R-7 火箭的第四级Fourth Stage of R-7

The R-7 also considered a fourth stage, even before Yuri Gagarin made his famous flight. It was first flown on the Molniya rocket, an early variant of the R-7 that flew 40 times with a 50% success rate. The performance of this rocket was even high enough for interplanetary missions.

R-7也考虑了第四级,甚至在尤里-加加林进行他的著名飞行之前。它首先在 "闪电 "火箭上飞行,这是R-7的一个早期变体,飞行了40次,成功率为50%。这种火箭的性能甚至高到可以进行星际飞行任务。

S1.5400 引擎

In 1958, the Soviets began developing a closed cycle oxygen-rich engine called S1.5400. Back then, this engine type was considered impossible by US engineers. Initially, this engine had only 64 kN of thrust in a vacuum. However, it could achieve an impressive ISP of 338 s. It was way ahead of its time for a keralox engine and it flew successfully in 1961 on a mission to Venus, the very first interplanetary probe! The real breakthrough was developing metals, such as titanium alloys, that could withstand harsh conditions, such as having hot gaseous oxygen blasting.

The S1.5400 engine became the basis for many engines for other rockets, despite having a very limited presence on the R-7 family and has only flown 4 times in total.



苏联S1.5400发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍‍‍S5.92 引擎

The Soyuz-U was the next R-7 to have a fourth stage powered by the S5.92 engine on the upper stage called Fregat, which first flew in 1973. It was a small open cycle hypergolic-fueled engine that produced 19.6 kN of thrust with an ISP of 327 s in a vacuum. It could be re-lit up to 50 times in space with up to 300 days between ignitions.


苏联SS5.92发动机的效果图(Credit: Caspar Stanley)‍‍‍


4、Yangel’s Hypergolic Rockets 杨格尔的自燃型火箭5、Universal Family Of Rockets 通用型火箭家族6、N1 Rocket Engines N1 火箭引擎

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原文作者:Everyday Astronaut

原文标题:Soviet Rocket Engines










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