人与人之间的歧视英语作文范文(通用7篇) 您所在的位置:网站首页 反对种族歧视的英语作文初中 人与人之间的歧视英语作文范文(通用7篇)


2024-04-20 11:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265





  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇1

  Discrimination - a harsh words. Since human development to today, in the heart of the world, the club and was unable to hide sad history, human nature.

  At home, between the han and minority nationalities, the historical legacy of a variety of reasons, also achievement now a noun - ethnic minorities can add cent in the university entrance exam, the reason is that minorities learning condition is not good. This gave me an idea like this: learning condition of villages and towns and large cities this up if there is a huge gap? Why didn't the concept of "points"? This explanation may not be able to find. I want to ask the true meanings of discrimination.

  Boxing champion at the 1960 Olympics in Rome, the American black boxer cassius clay (now the world famous boxer - muhammad ali) because it is black, he was a restaurant from the outside, even if he shows himself to be an Olympic champion.

  "Barefoot big fairy" British 18-year-old South African athletes - zola - bud, in the 1984 Olympic Games in Los Angeles and run the queen Mary - decker for the women's 3000 m gold medal, Mary - decker accidentally stepped on bud, pour on the runway, immediately into the bristle, accused the bud of rude behavior, bud to prevent dekker beyond their means, more let a person is angry dekker herself also put their resentment to bud, a cavity (because it allows dekker lost the opportunity to win) and the bard is stand on, from now on in the playground.

  Then turn the pages of history, the British foreign trade means, the black slave trade, that is to the devastation of africans and the African social economy immeasurable damage.

  Racial discrimination! A worthy social shock. I don't know whether they provoke the touch of the human heart! Even if that to become a thing of the past! When human beings can truly learn to respect?

  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇2

  Women are playing an increasingly important part in society today. In many countries, more and more women are acting as workers, farmers, scientists, and even leaders. We can say that almost all jobs which men can do are done successfully by women. Women are no longer looked down upon by society.

  With the changes in their social role, women's position in family has been improved as well. Husband and wife are now equal in the family. They deal with problems of daily life together, and share happiness with each other. In today's families, women are not usually the ones busy with dinners.

  In spite of these changes , the liberation of women has not been completely realized. A number of men are self-centered, who regard women as incapable. Few women are allowed to attend important international meetings dominated by men. That's really the problem we should solve immediatel.




  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇3

  Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot, gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage.

  It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are

  confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.There is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers, drivers, factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Above all, compared with male graduates, female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition, women have to give birth to babies one day they get married, consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company.

  As far as I am concerned, women can do as good as men even better than men, therefore women shouldn't be treated

  unequally. The government can take measures to improve this

  situation, in the meanwhile, the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated, our society will be bound to be better.

  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇4

  Olympic Games provides athletes an equal stage to compete, and the slogan is to pursue higher, stronger and faster. No matter what color the athletes are, they deserve to be respected. There is no racist, the white, the yellow orthe black can find their own places.


  Everyone is born to be equal. Though the black people used to be slaves in the history and today the racist still exists, the inspiring news is that most people have realize the equality of human rights and they respect each other. The world’s hottest little girl, David Beckham’s daughter, was caught by the media carring a different doll at her hand all the time. The doll is black skin and has no hair, which is a kind of special doll to educate the kids that black people are their friends.


  The public speaks highly of David’s education,because he implants the idea of equality to the little girl in a special way. We will behappy to see that all the people are treated in the same way. Everyone deserves to be given the equal rights.


  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇5

  The date of March 8th reminds people of the importance of women, for they give birth to the children and the contribution they make to the family. Nowadays, more women have got the respect and certain rights. But gender discrimination still exists, for both men and women.


  For the discrimination on women, it is easy for people to notice this problem. In the last century, the word feminism was created and many women fought for the respect. Now most women have grown into the new generation, they are confident and independent. But in some aspects, women are still struggling for the equality with men. Such as the pay in job and the chances to work.


  For the discrimination on men, which is easily to be ingored. When people see a man who dresses the colorful clothes, or polishes his nails, they will laugh at him,for this is a girl thing and a man should not do it. Men are considered to be different from women in their acts. Actually, men have the right to do what they want, but the public opinion limits them.


  The discrimination on men and women should be removed, everyone has the right to pursue their happiness.


  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇6

  When we talk about the discrimination, we always think about the race between the black and the white. Black people are always looking down by the white people, while in our country, though we are the same color, the discrimination still exists, it is about the people’s view about the different cities.


  When we talk about the big cities, such as ShanghaiandBeijing, we always think about that the people inBeijingresist the people from other cities.Beijingcitizens are so proud of their identity, they think they are priority, they are in the first rank, while others are lower than them. While when we talk about the people from poor country, we always think about the dirty face and ragged clothes, this is also discrimination. Are these true? Of course not, I have friends fromBeijingand Guangxi, both of them are nice to me, they don’t look down upon people or look dirty. The impressions are wrong, people now no longer discriminate each other, the crimination only exists in few people.

  当我们谈到大城市,如北京和上海的时候,我们总会想到北京人抗拒其他城市的人。北京居民为他们的`身份感到自豪,他们认为自己是高人一等,他们出于第一层 次,然而其他人低于他们。当我们谈到来自贫穷城市的时候,我们总是想到脏的脸和破旧的衣服,这也是一种歧视。这些都是真的吗?当然不是,我有来自北京和广 西的朋友,他们对我都很友好,他们并没有看不起人或者看上去很脏。这些印象都是错误的,人们现在不再彼此歧视,歧视只在少数人身上存在。

  In all, though the discrimination still exists between cities, we must have the thought that it is not all people, just a few people, we believe that someday it will disappear.


  人与人之间的歧视英语作文 篇7

  Gender Inequality in Employment of College Graduates Though people's concept of gender has changed a lot gender inequality in some cases still exists. I will mainly express my opinions on gender inequality in employment of college graduates in this passage. It is generally acknowledged that college graduates are confronted with heavy pressure of seeking jobs in China. However it is more difficult for female graduates to seek a good job because of the social discrimination.There is no denying that female job-seekers are treated unequally when they apply for most of the jobs such as computer programmers drivers factory workers and so on. There are numerous reasons accounting for this phenomenon. Above all compared with male graduates female graduates are concerned to have inevitable physical weaknesses. In addition women have to give birth to babies one day they get married consequently they need a maternity leave for several months which certainly makes less profit for the company. As far as I am concerned women can do as good as men even better than men therefore women shouldn't be treated unequally. The government can take measures to improve this situation in the meanwhile the society and companies should also give equal opportunities to female graduates and male graduates. If this discrimination can be eliminated our society will be bound to be better.

















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