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每日新闻播报(July 27)

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每日新闻播报(July 27)

chinadaily.com.cn 2021-07-27 17:19

分享到微信 CLOSE 为正常播放该音频,请使用IE9及以上版本IE浏览器或其它浏览器。 Embed Audio China's Wang Han (top) and Shi Tingmao compete in the women's 3-meter synchronized springboard diving final at the Tokyo Aquatics Centre on Sunday. The pair won China's first diving gold medal of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games. [Photo/Xinhua]

>China leads Tokyo gold rush中国代表团前两日共夺6金

China led the gold rush on the second day of the Tokyo 2020 Olympic Games, with weightlifters Li Fabin, Chen Lijun and divers Shi Tingmao and Wang Han launching the national team to the top of the medal table on Sunday. Team China secured six golds, one silver and four bronzes to lead the medal haul, ahead of hosts Japan, who grabbed five golds and one silver. 7月25日,东京奥运会结束了第二个比赛日,举重项目上我国选手李发彬、谌利军摘金,跳水项目上我国组合施廷懋和王涵摘金,至此,中国体育代表团共斩获6枚金牌,1枚银牌和4枚铜牌,在奖牌榜上位居第一,东道主日本代表团获5金1银位居第二。

The United States was in third place with four gold, two silver and four bronze medals. 美国代表团以4金2银4铜的战绩位居奖牌榜第三。

On Saturday, student Yang Qian won China's first gold of the Tokyo Games in the women's 10-meter air rifle. China's two other gold medals on Saturday were won by Hou Zhihui in the women's 49kg weightlifting and Sun Yiwen, who won the women's epee.7月24日,仍是学生的射击运动员杨倩在东京奥运女子10米气步枪项目上为中国代表团赢得首金,侯志慧在女子举重49公斤级决赛中摘金,孙一文在女子重剑个人赛决赛中夺冠。


Rescuers carry sand bags onto a vehicle to prepare for the typhoon In-Fa at a village in Dongyang city, Zhejiang province, on July 26, 2021. [Photo/Xinhua]

>Emergency response called for typhoon areas'烟花'登陆应急响应启动

Chinese authorities on Sunday launched a level-IV emergency response for disaster relief as Typhoon In-Fa hit the eastern coastal province of Zhejiang. The response was co-activated by the China National Commission for Disaster Reduction and the Ministry of Emergency Management for disaster-stricken areas, including Zhoushan, Shaoxing and Ningbo. 7月25日,国家减灾委、应急管理部针对台风"烟花"给浙江舟山、绍兴、宁波等地造成的灾害,紧急启动国家Ⅳ级救灾应急响应。

Work teams dispatched to the affected regions earlier shall also serve as disaster-relief forces to inspect losses and provide guidance to local departments, the ministry said. 前期派出的工作组就地转为救灾工作组,深入灾区实地查看灾情,指导和协助地方做好救灾工作。

Typhoon In-Fa made landfall in east China's Zhejiang province at noon on Sunday, packing winds of up to 38 meters per second at its center according to the provincial flood control headquarters. The typhoon -- the sixth this year -- hit land in Putuo district of Zhoushan at approximately 12:30 pm, the headquarters said. 根据浙江省防汛防台抗旱指挥部消息,今年第6号台风"烟花"已于7月25日12时30分前后登陆舟山普陀区,中心最大风速38米/秒。

Zhejiang has opened more than 12,000 temporary shelter facilities to the public. 浙江省已向民众开放超过1.2万个安置点。

In the neighboring megacity of Shanghai, Typhoon In-Fa felled over 1,000 trees and caused waterlogging in several places as of Sunday at noon. 在临近的上海市,截至7月25日中午,受台风"烟花"影响,1000多棵树木倒伏,多处出现内涝。

All inbound and outbound flights at Shanghai's Pudong International Airport and Hongqiao International Airport were canceled on Sunday. 7月25日,上海浦东国际机场和虹桥国际机场,所有客运进出港航班取消。

All inbound high-speed trains for Shanghai's railway stations were canceled starting 7 pm Sunday.7月25日19时后,所有方向至上海各个火车站的高铁列车全部停运。


An outlet of New Oriental Education & Technology Group Inc in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. [Photo/Provided to China Daily]

>China to rein in tutoring sector'双减'政策全面规范校外培训

Chinese authorities have introduced a guideline to ease the burdens of excessive homework and off-campus tutoring for students undergoing compulsory education. 7月24日,中共中央办公厅、国务院办公厅印发了《关于进一步减轻义务教育阶段学生作业负担和校外培训负担的意见》。

The guideline, jointly issued by the general offices of the Communist Party of China Central Committee and the State Council on Saturday, bans local authorities from approving any new tutoring institutions for academic course training during the nine years of compulsory education. All existing curriculum-based tutoring institutions will have to register as nonprofit organizations and cannot raise money from the public, the guideline said, adding investment in such institutions by listed companies will also be prohibited. 《意见》要求,各地不再审批新的面向义务教育阶段学生的学科类校外培训机构,现有学科类培训机构统一登记为非营利性机构,严禁资本化运作。上市公司不得通过股票市场融资投资学科类培训机构。

Tutoring institutions should not offer overseas education courses, nor teach content too advanced for the school curriculum, it said. Curriculum-based training will also not be allowed on weekends, national holidays or during winter and summer vacations.《意见》严禁培训机构提供境外教育课程,严禁超标超前培训,不得占用国家法定节假日、休息日及寒暑假期组织学科类培训。


Skyline of historical neighborhood of Quanzhou [Photo by Chen Yingjie for chinadaily.com.cn]

>Quanzhou added to UNESCO World Heritage List泉州22处宋元史迹整体申遗成功

"Quanzhou: Emporium of the World in Song-Yuan China" was inscribed onto the UNESCO World Heritage List on Sunday during the ongoing 44th Session of the World Heritage Committee hosted in Fuzhou, Fujian province, bringing the total number of the country's UNESCO World Heritage sites to 56. 7月25日,正在福建福州召开的第44届世界文化遗产大会正式将中国"泉州:宋元中国的世界海洋商贸中心"项目列入《世界遗产名录》,成为中国第56处世界遗产。

The new entry includes 22 sites and monuments across Quanzhou, which reflect a prosperous picture of maritime trade from the 10th to 14th centuries. 泉州系列遗产由22处古迹遗址构成,它们共同展现了10-14世纪高度繁荣的海上贸易的场景。

The Song (960-1279) and Yuan (1271-1368) dynasties witnessed a peak in ancient Chinese maritime trade, and Quanzhou, then known overseas as Zayton, grew into one of the busiest seaports in the world. 宋元时期见证了中国古代海上贸易的鼎盛时期,当时的"刺桐港"是世界上最繁忙的海港之一,刺桐就是现在的泉州。

The 22 representative historic monuments and sites include administrative buildings and structures; facilities showing the city's structure, such as its gates, walls and roads; religious sites and statues that witnessed multicultural communities; cultural memorial sites and monuments; iron and ceramic production sites and the city's transportation network formed by bridges, docks and pagodas that guided voyages.22处申遗点包括行政管理机构遗址,由城门、城墙、路网等构成的城市格局关键设施遗迹,多元社群宗教建筑和造像,文化纪念地史迹,陶瓷和冶铁生产基地,以及由桥梁、码头、航标塔组成的水陆交通网络。


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