演绎生命的循环:苏州 旺山洛嘉部落.行星花园 您所在的位置:网站首页 卢浮宫设计图 演绎生命的循环:苏州 旺山洛嘉部落.行星花园

演绎生命的循环:苏州 旺山洛嘉部落.行星花园

2024-07-12 22:57| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

本文由 奥雅股份 授权mooool发表,欢迎转发,禁止以mooool编辑版本转载。 Thanks L&A GROUP for authorizing the publication of the project on mooool, Text description and images provided by L&A GROUP.



L&A GROUP: “In the vast field under the stars, spring revives the life force.The garden is constantly growing, and so are you.”



正如法国哲学家米歇尔·福柯(Michel Foucault)所言,花园是世界上最小的地方,但它又是整个世界,乌托邦的理想在这个星球所有的花园中呼吸着。


As French philosopher Michel Foucault said, a garden is the smallest place in the world, but it is also the whole world. The ideal of utopia breathes in all the gardens of this planet.

Building a garden, transforming a desolate land into a paradise-like refuge for the soul, thus triggering a resonance between the scene and the inner heart, this is the best carrier of thought and cultural communication. The cultural height expressed after emotional processing is equivalent to the height of philosophy.




Gardens established the relationship between human and nature in a unique way, which is the perfect and joyful utopia. People combine art and nature to create beauty. These experiences of creating and sharing beauty can helpheal the human soul.



洛嘉部落坐落于苏州最美旺山村, 奥雅 F+EPC+O 整体操盘旺山项目,从投资到设计再到建造运营,用奥雅核心产品业态——“行星花园”来提升项目体验,将三产融合、儿童友好理念赋能乡村,激活乡村活力。 奥雅股份联手花园主理人“二木”共同打造了本次主题花园,其中上海棠悦团队承接了行星花园的植物设计与营造落地工作。

The La V-onderland Club is located in the most beautiful village in Suzhou, Wangshan. This project is operated by L&A GROUP in the mode of F+EPC+O, from investment to design and building operations. ‘Garden Planet’, the core brand of L&A GROUP, enhance the experience of this project. To empower and activate the countryside, the integration of agriculture, industry and service sector and child-friendly concepts are implanted. This theme garden is created by L&A GROUP and the Garden Manager ‘Ermu’, the plant design and construction of the garden is undertook by Floral Fairyland team.





‘Garden Planet’, integrating biodiversity and garden aesthetics, provide a beautiful habitat for a variety of creatures in a no-pesticides environment. Duringtheie work, designers connected the distinctive sections of the garden with plants to emphasize the spirituality of nature, artistic presentation and inner growth.


▽行星花园布局平面图 Plan


香草花园 Herb garden



Interpreting elegance and romance to the extreme with the most classic elements.

Healing by the romantic fragrance in the French garden. More than 120 kinds of plants are planted in the Herb garden, including over 50 varieties of herbs. Visitors can experience romantic spiritual healing in a world full of fragrance.


▽香草花园效果图 Vanilla garden rendering



Tips: Herbal plants are explained as groups of plants that share the common attributes of medicinal and spice plants.




Herbs emit plant aromatic essential oils, which stimulate the human sensory system and trigger positive psychological responses, making it the main way for plant aromatherapy. However, herbs are generally dominated by green leaves, with weaker flower sensations and ordinary ornamental effects. Therefore, it is necessary to combine herb plants with other ornamental flowers, integrating their functionality with artistry. This requires designers to not only be knowledgeable botanists, but also outstanding artists.




Nobody can resist a romantic garden, and the aesthetic inspiration of the herb garden is derived from French romance, using the most classic lace elements to create an ultimate expression of elegance and romance. The garden uses 11 types of lace-textured plants that bloom in succession from spring to autumn, creating an unbeatable lace atmosphere that exudes timeless romance.


▽香草花园设计平面图 Plan

▽蕾丝植物罗列 Lace plant list


香草花园有4米左右的高差,我们巧妙地用枕木和垒石挡墙化解,在进行植物设计时,我们特意把一些低矮的植物,如百里香类(Thymus ssp.)、芳香地肤类(Scoparia ssp.)、牛至(Origanum ssp.)等种植在道路边缘,方便游人手摘一片,触手留香。

The herb garden has a height difference of about 4 meters, which we cleverly resolved using railway sleepers and stacked stones as retaining walls. When designing the plant layout, we deliberately planted some low-growing plants, such as Thyme(Thymus ssp.),Broomwort (Scoparia ssp.) and majoram(Origanum ssp.), along the roadside to allow visitors to easily pick a leaf and enjoy the fragrance.



薄荷类(Mentha ssp.)、洋甘菊(Matricaria ssp.)、迷迭香类(Rosmarinus ssp.)植物后期长势较快,可与细茎针茅(Stipa tenuissima)、芒颖大麦草(Hordeum jubatum)、小盼草(Chasmanthium latifolium)等观赏草结合用来作为中间层次,营造朦胧梦幻的效果。蕾丝类、薰衣草类(Lavandula ssp.)、鼠尾草类(Salvia ssp.)的植物穿插其中,轻盈灵动又质感细腻。

柔和优雅的画面下其实蕴含这整个团队的努力,香草花园内超过百种的植物搭配难度非常大,要同时考虑植物的形态、质感、颜色对比,更要有可持续运营的 思考,考虑植株成长的速度并错开花期,打造每季独有的主题植物。

Plants such as Menta(Mentha ssp.),Camomlile(Matricaria ssp.),rosemary(Rosmarinus ssp.)grow rapidly in the later stages and can be combined with ornamental grasses such as Mexican Feather Grass(Stipa tenuissima),Foxtail Barley(Hordeum jubatum) and North America wild oats (Chasmanthium latifolium) to create a middle layer that creates a hazy and dreamy effect. Lace-like plants, Lavandella(Lavandula ssp.) and sage(Salvia ssp.) are interwoven among them, creating a light and delicate texture

Underneath the soft and elegant scenery lies the effort of the entire team. The herb garden contains over a hundred plant species, making the combination of plants very challenging. We must consider the form, texture, and color contrast of the plants while also thinking about sustainable operation. We need to take into account the growth rate of the plants and stagger their flowering periods to create unique seasonal themed plants for each quarter.


▽植物搭配 Plant collocation



Here, the fragrance of herbs and the swaying lace flowers can make us forget the troubles of the world. Holding a cup of coffee and sitting idly for an afternoon, we can empty ourselves, cleanse our souls, and let the herb garden heal a tired heart.



虫族世界 The Zerg World


Create a unique experience with nature and art.




Connected to the herb garden is The Zerg World, which also has over 100 plant species and is an important part of the ecological restoration chain. By understanding the laws of attraction between plants and animals, the designers attract local “insect guests” to visit. In The Zerg World, the old-fashioned fairy mushroom house gives people a more immersive forest experience, and with the company of flowers and fairies, no kids will ever feel lonely.




Once the plants take root in the garden, aphids and ladybugs, this pair of love-hate partners, will be among the first guests to visit. As the flowers begin to bloom, bees, moths, butterflies, and birds start to arrive in groups one after another.




In The Zerg world, when the plants attract small insects and the garden is lush and green, the insect hotel is already bustling with guests. Ants, praying mantises, beetles, spiders, and crickets compete to check in, and you can even see the shadows of pill bugs, skinks, centipedes, and snakes. In the near future, we look forward to seeing wild rabbits, hedgehogs, and yellow weasels in the garden… The Zerg world will truly become a world rich in biodiversity.


▽昆虫屋吸引来了锹甲 The insect house attracts the spade beetle

▽昆虫屋实景 The insect house

▽孩子在虫族世界昆虫屋旁观察和聆听 Children watch and listen near the Zerg World Insect House

▽昆虫屋标牌 Insect house sign



Designers have truly implemented the child-friendly concept by referencing the height of children for the interactive science popularization devices in the garden. Children can easily browse and interact in a variety of interesting ways, turning passive learning into active exploration. Pinyin annotations have also been added to reduce the reading threshold for children.


▽香草花园互动标识 Vanilla Garden interactive logo



The interactive signs in The Zerg World and the vivid summer night scenes are also the best time to observe nature. Night observation activities are one of the most popular activities in the garden. Due to a natural fear of the unknown, children who initially see insects often show panic and even scream, but through the explanation given by the teacher, the children gradually let go of their guard and begin to seriously understand the small animals they see. The process of getting to know nature is also a process of increasing courage


▽夜观活动照片 Photos of night viewing activities


蝴蝶谷 The Butterfly Valley


The most mystical and enchanting place in the garden is The Butterfly Valley, which is shrouded in white gauze. The Butterfly Valley strives to restore the habitat of butterflies, thereby helping them complete their life cycle in a small environment.




When butterflies are in their larval stage, they require host plants. When they form cocoons, they need small branches to hang their cocoons on. When they emerge from their cocoons and spread their wings, they need broad-leaved plants. They also need nectar-producing plants and a source of water to sustain their lives. Therefore, designers added two important water systems when creating the Butterfly Valley and decided to use locally grown broad-leaved plants and perennial flowers to simulate the tropical rainforest environment and create a beautiful landscape for the butterflies.


▽蝴蝶谷设计效果图与落地实景图 Butterfly Valley design effect drawing and landing real scene drawing


蝴蝶谷里种植了80多种植物,其中蝴蝶生长各阶段所需的寄主植物、蜜源植物与展翅植物约50多种。香樟(Camphora officinarum)、柑橘(Citrus reticulate)、柠檬(Citrus × limon)、莳萝(Anethum graveolens)、欧芹(Petroselinum crispum)、茴香(Foeniculum vulgare)等都是毛毛虫钟爱的寄主植物,还有优秀的蜜源植物马利筋(Asclepias curassavica)、大麻叶泽兰(Eupatorium cannabinum)、松果菊(Echinacea purpurea)、蔓马缨丹(Lantana montevidensis)等常能看到蝴蝶在花朵上吮吸的美好画面。

More than 80 plant species are planted in the Butterfly Valley, including over 50 host plants, nectar-producing plants, and wing-spreading plants that butterflies need at various stages of their life cycle. Host plants favored by caterpillars such as Camphor(Camphora officinarum),citrus(Citrus reticulate),lemon(Citrus × limon),dill(Anethum graveolens),parsley(Petroselinum crispum) and fennel(Foeniculum vulgare) are present, along with excellent nectar-producing plants like Blood-flower Milkweed(Asclepias curassavica),hemp agrimony(Eupatorium cannabinum), purple coneflower(Echinacea purpurea),trailing lantana(Lantana montevidensis), which often provide beautiful scenes of butterflies sucking nectar from their flowers.


▽蝴蝶谷植物搭配 Plant collocation



Tips: Host plants are the food for butterfly larvae. Butterflies have a serious problem of ‘fussy eating’ in their larval stage. The larvae of most butterflies have a high level of specificity in their food choice.


▽蝴蝶与常见的寄主植物 Butterflies and common host plants



Tips: Some butterflies particularly love the flowers of certain plants, which are referred to as butterfly nectar plants. Since butterflies play an important role in pollination in nature, flowers attract butterflies by using nectar and nectaries, thereby achieving the purpose of pollination.




我们选用香樟(Camphora officinarum)、柑橘(Citrus reticulate)、晚樱(Prunus serrulata)、鸡爪槭(Acer palmatum)等作为空间的骨架,再用欧洲荚蒾(Viburnum opulus)、大花醉鱼草(Buddleja colvilei)、红王子锦带(Weigela ‘Red Prince’)等形成花境高点。 同时点缀极具热带风情的观叶植物,如美丽针葵(Phoenix roebelenii)、鹤望兰(Strelitzia reginae)、金山棕(Rhapis multifida)、巨无霸玉簪(Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’)、针毛蕨(Macrothelypteris oligophlebia)、狐尾天门冬(Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myersii’)等,将整个氛围烘托到位。


When designing the landscape for the Butterfly Valley, we used locally sourced materials for the butterflies and common nectar-producing plants. We collected some old and rustic-looking deadwood to add texture to the habitat.

We have selected camphor(Camphora officinarum),citrus(Citrus reticulate),lannesiana(Prunus serrulata),Japanese maple(Acer palmatum) as the framework for the space, creating a structural backbone. We have then used guelder rose(Viburnum opulus),Colvile butterfly bush(Buddleja colvilei) and weigela ‘Red Prince'(Weigela ‘Red Prince’) to create focal points within the floral landscape. Additionally, we have adorned the area with tropical foliage plants such as miniature date palm(Phoenix roebelenii),bird of paradise(Strelitzia reginae),rhapis multifida(Rhapis multifida),fragrant plantain lily’Sum and Substance'(Hosta ‘Sum and Substance’),Sword Fern(Macrothelypteris oligophlebia), plume asparagus(Asparagus densiflorus ‘Myersii’)to enhance the overall tropical ambiance.

Low-growing flowers are also planted in a patchwork style, with enough space left between each plant to create a vibrant and lively scene without appearing overcrowded




In the Butterfly Valley, we can witness the complete life cycle of butterflies, including mating, egg-laying, larval stages, cocoon formation, and metamorphosis. It is truly a testament to the greatness and wonder of nature.


▽蝴蝶吸吮、交配、幼虫、结茧自循环繁衍 Butterflies suck, mate, larva, cocoon and reproduce



We have also transformed the educational content related to Butterfly Valley into interactive signage, inviting all visitors to proactively explore and learn.


▽蝴蝶谷的昆虫旅馆 The Insect Inn in Butterfly Valley



Every person who comes to the Butterfly Valley is moved by the process of the butterfly’s life cycle. The meaning of life is that everyone can transform from immaturity and ordinariness into maturity and beauty through their own efforts.



花园哲学 Garden philosophy


Garden landscaping is never just about transplanting and combining plants. We must maintain reverence and respect for the land beneath our feet. We submit to the laws of nature, learn to get closer to the earth, and work with the soil, loosening the ground, building flower beds, digging holes for planting, and pruning branches. These experiences help us cultivate the virtues of resilience, humility, and gratitude.


▽主创团队勘踏现场 The creative team visited the site


▽团队工作的照片 Photos of the team at work


建成后的花园不仅是一个美丽的空间,更是一个心灵的庇护所。 它承载着人们对自然的向往和热爱,给予人们身心的平和与宁静。

After it’s built, the garden is not only a beautiful space but also a sanctuary for the soul. It carries people’s yearning and love for nature, providing them with peace and tranquility for the body and mind.




For children, experiencing every plant and insect in an art garden and learning about ecology can help them establish a worldview that encompasses the environment. Plants and soil can teach them not only simple natural knowledge but also the strength between heaven and earth.



自然与艺术让那个“未来更美好”的承诺持续焕发着生机,植物在花园里茁壮成长,动物在花园里安家繁衍,人类在花园里感悟前行。 无论是生态链被修复的喜悦还是人心被治愈的温暖,无论是让孩童知识充盈,或是帮成人捡起重新面对生活的勇气……

Nature and art continue to radiate vitality, fulfilling the promise of a “better future.” Plants thrive and animals settle and reproduce in the garden, while humans gain insights and move forward. Whether it is the joy of restoring the ecological chain or the warmth of healing the human heart, whether it is enriching children’s knowledge or helping adults regain the courage to face life again…



就让我们在花园里享受疗愈与轻松,用自然的馈赠感受生命的美丽。 我们希望,无论是谁,面对生活的勇气与热情,都能像花园中的植物一样,肆意生长。让人与花园一起成长,这就是棠悦营造花园的哲学。

Let’s enjoy healing and relaxation in the garden and feel the beauty of life through the gifts of nature. We hope that everyone, like the plants in the garden, can grow freely with courage and enthusiasm in the face of life. Growing together with the garden is the philosophy of Floral Fairyland.



项目名称:苏州旺山洛嘉部落(旺山遇见卢浮宫提升改造工程) 项目地点:江苏苏州市吴中区旺山村 项目类型:综合文旅主题花园 景观面积:6400 m² 策划规划:奥雅上海公司 及 品牌花园中台 花园设计:奥雅苏州公司 软景深化及营造:奥雅上海公司棠悦组 标识设计和制作:奥雅上海公司公建视觉团队 设计时间:2023.2 竣工时间:2023.4

采写 / 奥雅上海公司 棠悦组 编辑 / LEHCAR摄影 / Chill Shine 丘文三映、赵渠成、符子建

感谢 棠悦 花的仙境

Project name:Suzhou Wangshan La-Vonderland Club( When Wangshan meets Louvre Upgrading Project) Project location:Wangshan Village, Wuzhong District, Suzhou City, Jiangsu Project type:Theme garden of comprehensive cultural tourism project Landscape area:6400 m² Planning design:L&A Shanghai Company, Brand Garden Middle Terrace Landscape design:L&A Suzhou Company Plant design and construction:Floral Fairyland Team of L&A Shanghai Company Logo design and production:Vision Team of L&A Shanghai Company Time of design:2023.2 Time of completion:2023.4


“ 在花园里享受疗愈与轻松,用自然的馈赠感受生命的美丽。”


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