经典回顾:小李子在联合国气候问题大会上的霸气演讲 您所在的位置:网站首页 华尔街之狼小李子的演讲 经典回顾:小李子在联合国气候问题大会上的霸气演讲


2024-07-01 03:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

My Friends, this body - perhaps more than any other gathering in human history - now faces that difficult but achievable task. You can make history or you will be vilified by it.

To be clear, this is not about just telling people to change their light bulbs or to buy a hybrid car. This disaster has grown BEYOND the choices that individuals make. This is now about our industries, and governments around the world taking decisive, large-scale action. Now must be our moment for action.

We need to put a pricetag on carbon emissions, and eliminate government subsidies for oil coal and gas companies. We need to end the free ride that industrial polluters have been given in the name of a free-market economy, they don't deserve our tax dollars, they deserve our scrutiny. For the economy itself will die if our eco-systems collapse. The good news is that renewable energy is not only achievable but good economic policy.



This is not a partisan debate; it is a human one. Clean air and livable climate are inalienable human rights. And solving this crisis is not a question of politics. It is a question of our own survival

This is the most urgent of times, and the most urgent of messages. Honored delegates, leaders of the world, I pretend for a living.

But you do not. The people made their voices heard on Sunday around the world and the momentum will not stop. But now it was YOUR turn, the time to answer mankinds greatest challenge is now.

We beg you to face it with courage. And honesty. Thank you.


尊敬的代表们、领导人们,我以“假装”为生 你们却不是。周日,人们让自己的声音被世界听到,但是这一切远没有结束。现在轮到你们了,是时候回应我们生在这颗星球所面临的最大挑战了。我请求你们用勇气和诚实直面这个问题!







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