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2024-06-28 10:25| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265




        在上期的前沿文献推荐中,介绍了半导体领域的最新进展,包括:亚10纳米二维场效应晶体管:理论与实验;用于运动检测和识别的一体化二维视网膜形态的硬件设备;我们如何制作二维晶体管;用于晶圆级电子设备的对齐二维碳纳米管液晶。 在本期的文献推荐中,关注点着眼于,包括:晶圆级的单层晶体管;面向未来集成电路的二维材料的晶体管;二维材料集成电路的进展情况;兼顾迁移率和稳定性的氧化物薄膜晶体管。上述文献供相关领域的科研人员参考。  领域一 晶圆级的单层晶体管 Monolayer transistors at wafer scales Du Xiang, etc. Nature Electronics, 2021 Monolayer transition metal dichalcogenide transistors can be fabricated on 300 mm wafers using an approach that is compatible with back-end-of-line process temperatures. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-021-00694-7                                       Fig. 2D monolayer transistors at wafer scales   领域二 面向未来集成电路的二维材料的晶体管 Transistors based on two-dimensional materials for future integrated circuits Saptarshi Das, etc. Nature Electronics, 2021,4: 786–799 Field-effect transistors based on two-dimensional (2D) materials have the potential to be used in very large-scale integration (VLSI) technology, but whether they can be used at the front end of line or at the back end of line through monolithic or heterogeneous integration remains to be determined. To achieve this, multiple challenges must be overcome, including reducing the contact resistance, developing stable and controllable doping schemes, advancing mobility engineering and improving high-κ dielectric integration. The large-area growth of uniform 2D layers is also required to ensure low defect density, low device-to-device variation and clean interfaces. Here we review the development of 2D field-effect transistors for use in future VLSI technologies. We consider the key performance indicators for aggressively scaled 2D transistors and discuss how these should be extracted and reported. We also highlight potential applications of 2D transistors in conventional micro/nanoelectronics, neuromorphic computing, advanced sensing, data storage and future interconnect technologies. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-021-00670-1 领域三 二维材料集成电路的进展情况 The development of integrated circuits based on two-dimensional materials Kaichen Zhu, etc Nature Electronics, 2021, 4: 775–785 Two-dimensional (2D) materials could potentially be used to develop advanced monolithic integrated circuits. However, despite impressive demonstrations of single devices and simple circuits—in some cases with performance superior to those of silicon-based circuits—reports on the fabrication of integrated circuits using 2D materials are limited and the creation of large-scale circuits remains in its infancy. Here we examine the development of integrated circuits based on 2D layered materials. We assess the most advanced circuits fabricated so far and explore the key challenges that need to be addressed to deliver highly scaled circuits. We also propose a roadmap for the future development of integrated circuits based on 2D layered materials. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-021-00672-z                                                            Fig. Roadmap for 2D-LM-based ICs   领域四 兼顾迁移率和稳定性的氧化物薄膜晶体管 Mobility–stability trade-off in oxide thin-film transistors Yu-Shien Shiah, etc. Nature Electronics, 2021, 4: 800–807 Thin-film transistors based on amorphous oxide semiconductors could be used to create low-cost backplane technology for large flat-panel displays. However, a trade-off between mobility and stability has limited the ability of such devices to replace current polycrystalline silicon technologies. Here we show that the sensitivity of amorphous oxide semiconductors to externally introduced impurities and defects is determined by the location of the conduction-band minimum and the relevant doping ability. Using bilayer-structured thin-film transistors, we identify the exact charge-trapping position under bias stress, which shows that the Fermi-level shift in the active layer can occur via electron donation from carbon-monoxide-related impurities. This mechanism is highly dependent on the location of the conduction-band minimum and explains why carbon-monoxide-related impurities greatly affect the stability of high-mobility indium tin zinc oxide transistors but not that of low-mobility indium gallium zinc oxide transistors. Based on these insights, we develop indium tin zinc oxide transistors with mobilities of 70 cm2 (V s)–1 and low threshold voltage shifts of –0.02 V and 0.12 V under negative- and positive-bias temperature stress, respectively. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41928-021-00671-0                            Fig. Universal tendency of electronic structure and electrical properties of AOSs 往期精彩推荐 《Nature》带您探究人工智能世界——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(1)   前沿论文带您解读5G应用领域 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(2) 热点论文解读AI应用领域 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(3) 热点论文带您探究5G和未来通信——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务 (4) 前沿文献带您解读自然语言处理技术 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(5) 热点论文带您探究5G和未来通信材料技术领域 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(6) 热点文献带您关注AI情感分类技术 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(7) 热点论文带您探究6G的无限可能——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(8) 热点文献带您关注AI文本摘要自动生成 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(9) 热点论文:5G/6G引领社会新进步——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(10) 热点文献带您关注AI机器翻译 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(11) 热点论文与您探讨5G/6G网络技术新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(12) 热点文献带您关注AI计算机视觉 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(13) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G的硬科技与新思路 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(14) 热点文献带您关注AI计算机视觉 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(15) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G的最新技术演进 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(16) 热点文献带您关注AI主动视觉——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(17) 热点论文带您领略5G/6G的最新技术动向 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(18) 热点文献带您关注图神经网络——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(19) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G材料技术的最新发展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(20) 热点文献带您关注模式识别——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(21) 热点论文与带您领略6G网络技术的最新发展趋势 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(22) 热点文献带您关注机器学习与量子物理 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(23) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G通信器件材料的最新进展 ——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(24) 热点文献带您关注AI自动驾驶——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(25) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G网络安全和技术的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(26) 热点文献带您关注AI神经网络与忆阻器——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(27) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G电子器件和太赫兹方面的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(28) 热点文献带您关注AI与机器人——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(29) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G热点技术的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(30) 热点文献带您关注AI与触觉传感技术——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(31) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G热点技术的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(32) 热点文献带您关注AI深度学习与计算机视觉——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(33) 热点论文与带您领略未来通信的热点技术及最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(34) 热点文献带您关注AI强化学习——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(35) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G基础研究的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(36) 热点文献带您关注AI与边缘计算——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(37) 热点论文与带您领略5G/6G领域热点研究的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(38)   热点文献带您关注AI技术的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(39) 热点论文与带您领略5G相关领域研究的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(40) 热点文献带您关注AI视觉跟踪——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(41) 热点论文带您领略未来通信在海空领域研究的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(42) 热点文献带您关注AI与医学研究——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(43) 热点论文带您领略未来通信在材料领域研究的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(44)   热点文献带您关注AI与医学图像——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(45) 热点论文带您领略未来通信在光电材料及信息编码领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(46) 热点文献带您关注AI与生物学——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(47) 热点论文带您领略未来通信在新材料技术领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(48) 热点文献带您关注AI与人脸识别——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(49) 热点论文带您领略光电半导体领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(50) 热点文献带您关注AI在集成电路领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(51) 热点论文带您领略半导体领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(52) 热点文献带您关注AI在光神经网络领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(53) 热点论文带您领略未来通信在新材料技术领域的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(54) 热点文献带您关注AI深度神经网络的最新进展——图书馆前沿文献专题推荐服务(55)






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