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2024-07-09 15:13| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

You know the problem with Hollywood?你知道好莱坞的问题吗?They make shit. Unbelievable,他们都拍烂片 难以置信unremarkable shit.超级大烂片I'm not some wannabe filmmaker...我并不是唱高调的导演searching for existentialism through a haze of bong smoke.成天抽大♥麻♥寻找人生意义No, it's easy to pick apart bad acting,要挑毛病的话很容易shortsighted directing and a moronic stringing-together of words the studios term as prose.演员 导演和剧本都烂透了No, I'm talking about the lack of realism.我说的是缺乏真实感Realism.真实感Not a pervasive element in modern American cinematic vision.这不是当今影坛的第一问题Take "Dog Day Afternoon", for example.就拿"热天午后"来说吧Arguably Pacino's best work.艾尔·帕西诺最好的作品Short of Scarface and Godfather Part I, of course.除了"疤面煞星"和"教父"Masterpiece of directing, easily Lumet's best.导演薜尼卢梅的功力没话说The cinematography, the acting, the screenplay, all topnotch.摄影 演员和剧本都是一流的But...但是...they didn't push the envelope.他们没有发挥到极限What if, in Dog Day, Sonny wanted to get away with it?为何不让帕西诺逍遥法外呢?Really wanted that.真的逍遥法外Now this is the tricky part. What if he started killing hostages right away?让我们设想一下 要是他立刻杀死人♥质♥呢?No mercy, no quarter.绝不迟疑 毫不留情"Meet our demands or the pretty blond gets it in the head. "不答应要求 金发美女就死定了Bam, splat.砰 脑袋开花What, still no bus? Come on.还是不让步? 少来了How many innocent victims would it take for the city. . .他要让多少人♥质♥血肉横飞to reverse its policy on hostages?市政♥府♥才肯让步?And this is 1976. There's no CNN.1976年没有CNNThere's no CNBC. There's no Internet.也没有有线电视或网际网路Fast-forward to today. Present time, same situation.假如是今天 一样的情况How quickly would the media make a frenzy? In hours.媒体马上就把新闻炒作起来It would be the biggest story from Boston to Budapest.从美国到欧洲都是头条新闻Ten hostages die.十名人♥质♥丧命Twenty, thirty.二十名 三十名Relentless. Bam, bim. One after another.人♥质♥一个接一个被射杀All on hi-def, computer-enhanced.全都被高画质摄影机拍下来You can almost taste the brain matter.连溅出的脑浆都看得到All for what? A bus, a plane?只为了要一台巴士或飞机?A couple million dollars that's federally insured?或是区区的几百万元吗?I don't think so, but just a thought.当然不会 我只是想想而已I mean, it's not...当然了within the realm of conventional cinema, but...一般电影不是这么拍 但是...what if?假如是呢?There's a problem with that movie.你这部电影有一个问题Really?是吗?It wouldn't work.它不会卖♥♥座How come?为什么?Audiences love happy endings.观众喜欢快乐结局Pacino escapes with the money.帕西诺拿了钱逃之夭夭Boyfriend gets a sex change. Live happily ever after.他男友去变性 他们白头偕老No?不行吗?No.不行Homophobia.你歧视同性恋Bad guy can't win. It's a morality tale.这是道德观念 坏人不能赢One way or the other, he's gotta go down.不管怎样 他一定要死Well, life is stranger than fiction sometimes.有时候现实比电影更夸张You know, guys, I gotta go.大伙儿 我得走了Gotta jet.我要走了Thanks for the coffee.多谢这杯咖啡Stan. Time to go to work.史丹利 该办正事了You coming?你来不来?Move. I won't say it again.让开 我不想再说一遍I have a clear shot.我瞄准他了Shooters, stand by.狙击手 待命Okay. Now what?好了 现在呢?Don't worry, folks, it's almost over.别担心 很快就结束了Is she done? She's done.她好了吗? 好了Move her out. Hey! Let's go.带她出去 走吧Don't worry, you'll be fine.放心 你会没事 笑一下嘛You'll be back before you know it.很快就回来Turn the fuck around.给我转过来Rescue team, let's go.救援小组 快走Who's on the roof?屋顶上有谁?All shooters, you are holding for command.狙击手 等待指令All prepare their shot.他们准备开枪What are you doing?你在干嘛?I'm handling this!我要搞定他Don't fuck with this guy!别招惹毛这家伙You'll get these people killed!你会害死人♥质♥We got two teams on the roof. We got a team over there.屋顶有两组狙击手Double this team up. That's your best angle.加派人手 以防万一Don't talk. Just listen.别说话 听我说Each of the 22 hostages...22名人♥质♥身上is wrapped with 20 pounds of C-4 explosives.都有20磅塑胶炸♥药♥They're also taped with 15 pounds of stainless-steel ball bearings.还有15磅的不锈钢球Which makes them the world's largest claymore mines.他们是杀伤力最强大的活动地雷They got the green light.可以行动了I got this guy on the phone!他在跟我讲电♥话♥I'm done playing with this asshole!别理他 我不想跟他耗下去Around their necks are radio-frequency electronic dog collars.他们就像小狗戴着电击颈圈Dog walks out of the yard, gets the shit shocked out of him. Same here.只要走出院子就会遭到电击This bank is their yard, so don't fuck with me.银行就是他们的院子 别搞鬼Johnson, you and your partner move up between those vehicles.强森 你们到车子中间Stand down! Get back!站住 回来Stand down!站住Get back!回来Officer, stand down now!马上站住He's gonna shoot! He's gonna shoot!他要开枪 他要开枪Shit.该死Get her!去救她Go!快去No! Release the hostage!不 放开人♥质♥No! Release the hostage!不 快放开人♥质♥She's gone. Take cover!她要爆♥炸♥了 找掩护No, no! Let her go! Let her go!不 放开她 放开她Release the hostage!放开人♥质♥Help me!救救我Let her go. Let her go!放开她...Jesus.天啊Shit! You guys, come on!快躲开How long will you be here?你打算停留多久?One week.一个礼拜Business or pleasure?公干或观光?Hopefully both.希望都有吧What type of work do you do?你从事哪一行?I'm a consultant.我是电脑顾问Excuse me.对不起Could you be careful with that? That's expensive equipment.请小心点 那些器材很贵How long will this take?这要多久?A few minutes.只要几分钟Sit down, relax. I'll be right back.请坐 我马上回来A few minutes, huh?几分钟Hey, where's he going?他想去哪里?Stand down!站住It's going up.电梯往上Stairs.走楼梯Sir, could you please--?请你跟我们来Easy, easy.冷静点This better be important.你最好有很重要的事Wouldn't have asked you otherwise, senator.不重要就不会找你 参议员We just received word that...我们接获消息






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