牛津译林版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 3 The world online Reading课件(114张PPT) 您所在的位置:网站首页 刺绣起源于中国吗 牛津译林版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 3 The world online Reading课件(114张PPT)

牛津译林版(2019) 必修 第三册Unit 3 The world online Reading课件(114张PPT)

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(共114张PPT)The Internet:a world without frontiersUnit 3 ReadingTo grasp the structure, outline大纲 and details of the article.To discuss the benefits and problems of the Internet.To know how to use the computer properly and resopnsibly.Learning aimsThe Internet is a technological wonder科技奇迹, bringing about引起 far-reaching影响深远的 changes in all aspects方面 of our lives. We all have access to接触到 the Internet.Before the article, think about the following questions:Lead inLeonaLeonaLeonaLeona1. What do you often do on the Internet?2. What effects do you think the Internet has on your life Guidance & Exploration感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容ExpositionNarrationC. ArgumentationWhat is the genre[ nr ] n.类型of this writing The genreTask 1感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容ExpositionNarrationC. ArgumentationWhat is the genre of this writing thesis statement(论点) The genreTask 1Internet: a world without frontiers(边界;边缘)The topic sentencesPara. 1Para. 5Para. 4Para. 3Para. 2We can achieve almost anything online…One of the greatest advantages of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to a huge amount of information.The Internet has also made our lives unbelievably convenient, with all sorts of goods and services provided by electronic commerce, more commonly known as e-commerce.Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties.However, while the Internet brings many valuable advantages, being connected has its problems.Task 2IntroductionMain bodyConclusionMain body Paras 2–4: The Internet has many advantages.Introduction Para. 1:We can _____________________________online.Conclusion Para 5:We should use the Internet ___________________________.Advantage 1:Advantage 2:Advantage 3:achievealmost anythingE-commerce has made our lives unbelievably convenientThe Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties.properlyand responsiblyThe structureTask 3We have quick and easy access to a huge amount of information online.感谢您使用我们的PPT模板,请在此输入您需要的文字内容connect people across the world to a single shared communitybillions of people in different parts of the world have joined itget in touch with the outside worldachieve almost anything online1. What expressions suggest the Internet is a world without frontiers Task 4The detailsRead para.1, then answer the following questions:2. What is the function of the last sentence of the first paragraph Introduce the following content.15423AspectsAccess to information67FoodShoppingTravel arrangementsTransportationPaymentsSocial lifeCompare before and after the invention of the InternetYou can talk from these aspectsMain bodyAdvantage 1 — access to informationHow does the author support this argument Listing examplesMaking comparisonsAccess to informationCompare before and after the invention of the InternetbeforeafterSlow and inconvenient.With the click of a mouse or the touch of a button, it is possible to find out almost anything we care to know.Main bodyAdvantage 2 — e-commerceCompare life before and after the invention of InternetIn the pastAt presentGoing to the restaurantFoodUsing _____________________Searching ___________ShoppingComparing styles and prices quickly and easily ____________________________food delivery apps and sitesshop after shopin the comfort of the living roomMain bodyAdvantage 2 — e-commerceCompare life before and after the invention of InternetIn the pastAt presentWaiting _______TransportationStaying _______ until the arrival of the driverGoing to the travel agencyTravel arrangementsMaking all the arrangements just in front of the _________outdoorsindoorscomputerpaymentsCarrying______cashPaying for almost everything ___________________on the smartphoneMain bodyAdvantage 3 — social tiesIn the pastAt present_______________often gets in the way.Social lifeThere are endless ways to share our views or let someone know we care about them no matter___________.Physical distancewhere we areCompare life before and after the invention of InternetAn instant message, a group chat, a video call, a comment on an update, etc.Advantages Supporting detailsAdvantage 1 Having access to (1) ___________________informationGathering information quickly and easilyAdvantage 2 (2) ____________________________Doing shopping quickly and easilyOrdering a taxi with an appMaking travel arrangements(3) _______________________________ on the smartphoneAdvantage 3 Keeping in contact with loved onesFinding (4) _________________Discovering communities who (5) ___________________a huge amount ofHaving food delivered to youPaying for almost everythinglong-lost friendsshare our hobbiesTask 4The detailsConclusionHowever, while the Internet brings many valuable advantages, being connected has its problems.One of the greatest advantages of the Internet lies in the quick and easy access to a huge amount of information.The Internet has also made our lives unbelievably convenient…Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties.cohesive devicesTask 4The detailsRead para.5, then answer the following question:What is the author’s attitude towards the Internet A. SubjectiveB. ObjectiveC. UncaringD. DoubtfulHowever, the Internet also has its problems.Every coin has two sides.The Internet is a double-edged sword(双刃剑 ).DiscussionList some problems of the Internet.Personal information may be stolen.Addiction to the Internet may lead to social isolation and depression.Internet viruses can infect and damage our computers and phones.…a single shared communityget in touch with the outside worldlife-changing advantagesto a certain extentat one's fingertipsbring upmake our lives unbelievably convenientabove all elseestablish and maintain social tieskeep in contact with loved ones单一共享社区与外界联系改变生活的好处在一定程度上了如指掌使显示在计算机屏幕上,调出;提出让我们的生活变得难以置信地便利最重要的是,尤其是建立和维护社会关系与亲人保持联系1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internet1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internetaccess to sth.(使用或见到的)机会,权利1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internetaccess to sth.(使用或见到的)机会,权利① Students must have access to goodresources.② You need a password to get access to thecomputer system.1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internetaccess to sth.(使用或见到的)机会,权利① Students must have access to goodresources.② You need a password to get access to thecomputer system.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internetaccess to sth.(使用或见到的)机会,权利① Students must have access to goodresources.② You need a password to get access to thecomputer system.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。使用这个计算机系统需要口令。1. We can achieve almost anything online -with access to the Internet come some trulylife-changing advantages.with access to the Internet后接一个倒装结构,起强调作用正常语序:some truly life-changing advantagescome with access to the Internetaccess to sth.(使用或见到的)机会,权利① Students must have access to goodresources.② You need a password to get access to thecomputer system.学生必须有机会使用好的资源。使用这个计算机系统需要口令。在网上我们几乎什么都能做到。接入互联网带来了一些实实在在改变我们生活的好处。accesshave access to 可以获得/ 接近/使用gain/ get access to 到达;接近;使用with a access to 可以得到……;得以访问……;能够接触……【归纳】accessible adj. 可进入的;可使用的;易理解的;(人)好相处的be accessible to 易接近的;能进入的【语境应用】根据括号内的提示补全下列句子。1) Eva ________________________________ (访问了3个不同的文件) to find the correct information.2) Students must ______________________ (有使用图书馆的机会).3) There is no ___________________ (通向大街的路) through that door.accessed three different documents have access to a libraryaccess to the street单词拼写。4) Depending on which role you choose, you could help to increase a community’s _______ (通道) to safe drinking water, or help to protect valuable local cultures.access2. In the time it takes to find one book in the library, we canuse a search engine to bring up millions of results.在图书馆找到一本书的功夫,我们可以用搜索引擎让上百万的结果出现在屏幕上。bring up: to make something appear on a computer screen 使显示在计算机屏幕上,调出e.g. Click this icon to bring up a new menu.点击这个图标,调出一个新选单。【链接】bring up还有其他含义:1) 提起〔某个话题〕e.g. The manager wanted to bring it up at the meeting as soon as possible. 经理希望尽快在会议上提出这件事。2) 养育;抚养e.g. Her parents died when she was a baby and she wasbrought up by her aunt.她还是婴儿的时候父母就去世了,她是由姨妈抚养长大的。I was brought up to be honest.我从小被教育要诚实。3) 呕吐, 吐出e.g. The child brought up everything in the morning. 小孩早上把所有吃的东西都吐了。bring短语bring about 引起; 产生; 导致; 带来bring in 带进来; 引进; 赚得bring out 使显现; 阐明; 出版; 生产bring back 归还; 使……回想起bring down 使降低, 减少; 打垮, 击败bring on 引起, 使发生【语境应用】翻译下面句子。1) Please bring your plan up at the meeting.______________________________________________2) The couple brought up five children.______________________________________________3) Mary didn't feel well and brought up her dinner.______________________________________________请将你的计划在会上提出来。这对夫妇养育了五个孩子。 玛丽身体不舒服,把晚餐吃的东西都吐了。3. No wonder the Internet has now become the first place that the majority of people turn to for information.难怪互联网现在已经成为大多数人查找信息的首选途径。majority n. the larger number or part of something大部分,大多数in an election, the difference in the number of votes between the winning person or group and the one that comes second 多数票e.g. The great majority of people seem to agree with theproposal.似乎绝大多数人都同意这一提案。The Socialists won by a narrow/large majority.社会党党员获得的票数稍微/远远超出对手,在选举中获胜。majoritya/the majority of … 大多数, 大半be in the/a majority 占大多数a great/ huge / large majority 绝大多数【归纳】small / narrow majority 微弱优势minority n. 少数in the minority 占少数major adj. 主要的 vi. 专修; 主攻major in 主修1) the majority和the minority单独用作主语时,若强调整体,谓语动词用单数形式;若强调个体,谓语动词则用复数形式;但其后表语是复数时,谓语动词通常也要用复数。2) “the/a majority of+名词”用作主语,其谓语动词的数应与名词的数保持一致。【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) For one thing, I hope to gain a bit more knowledge of gardening so that it can help me to major _____ the gardening after attending college.2) An agreement seems to be impossible because the majority of the committee members _____ (be) against it.inare完成句子。3) The _________ (major) of them take on online language test before starting their programme. 4) ______________________ in favor of the suggestion.多数人赞成这个提议。majorityThe majority was/were2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句turn to 求助于,求教于(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。① I don't know who to turn to for help.② In times of trouble, I always turn to myparents for advice.2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句turn to 求助于,求教于(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。① I don't know who to turn to for help.② In times of trouble, I always turn to myparents for advice.2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句turn to 求助于,求教于(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。我不知道该找谁帮忙。① I don't know who to turn to for help.② In times of trouble, I always turn to myparents for advice.2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句turn to 求助于,求教于(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。我不知道该找谁帮忙。有困难的时候,我总是求助于父母的意见。① I don't know who to turn to for help.② In times of trouble, I always turn to myparents for advice.2. No wonder the Internet has now becomethe first place that the majority of peopleturn to for information.限制性定语从句turn to 求助于,求教于(It's) no wonder (that)…的意思是“难怪……”, 后面可以直接跟从句。我不知道该找谁帮忙。有困难的时候,我总是求助于父母的意见。难怪互联网现在已经成为大多数人查找信息的首选途径。that和which的选择How to use that and which correctly?1. The biggest house _______ stands on the top ofthe hill was built last month.2. After the fire, the old car is the only thing_______he owns.3. This is the train by ________ we went home.4. There are many girls, some of ________ are myfriends.5. Football, _______ is a very interesting game, isplayed all over the world.thatthatwhichwhomwhich①当先行词为all, much, little, few, none, something, anything, everything, nothing等不定代词时。② 先行词被all, every, no, some, any, little, much修饰时。③先行词是序数词或被形容词最高级修饰时。④先行词被the only, the very, the last 修饰时。⑤ 当先行词既有人又有物时。指物时只用that 不用which 的情况1. 非限定性定语从句(有,隔开)They are talking about a film star loudly, which made me feel annoyed.Many Americans love the places of interest in China, which are famous all over the world.在非限制性定语从句中,先行词为上文的一句话,或先行词与引导词分离时,用which引导。2. 介词+关系代词 (介词提前到关系词前)先行词是人用whom, 先行词是物用which.指物时只用which 不用that 的情况1. This is the factory ________ I worked last year.2. This is the factory___________I visited yesterday.3. I will never forget the summer _______ we met him for the first time.4. You reach a situation ________medicine can’t help.wherewhich/thatwhenwhereTask 3: Fill in the blanks with proper relative words.1. (21 新高考II) I decided that if I learned of a company___________ used a lot of plastic, I’d send it an emailurging it to cut back.2. (20新高考I卷)The 80,000 objects collected by Sir HansSloane, for example, formed the core collection of theBritish Museum ____________opened in 1759.3. (20全国III卷)In ancient China lived an artist ________paintings were almost lifelike.4. (19 全国 III) They were well trained by their masters_______ had great experience with caring for these animals.5. (18 全国 I) They also had a small pond ________ they raised fish.whosewho/thatwherethat/whichthat/which3. You can have food delivered to you using food deliveryapps and sites.通过外卖程序和网站,你可以让人送餐上门。deliver vt. to take goods, letters, packages etc to a particular place or person 递送,传送,交付deliver sth. to sb. 把某物运送给某人e.g. They set off to deliver supplies to an isolated village.他们出发把供应品送到一座偏僻的村庄。to make a speech etc to a lot of people 发表;宣布;发布deliver a speech/ lecture 发表演讲e.g. The king delivered a televised speech to the nation onNov 5.国王在 11 月 5 日向全国发表了电视讲话。to help a woman give birth to her baby, or to give birth to a baby 接生,助产;分娩,生产be delivered of 生产,分娩e.g. They rushed her to hospital where doctors delivered herbaby. 他们飞快地将她送到医院,医生给她接生了。【语境应用】根据汉语意思补全下列句子。1) Carrie的孩子是由她的妈妈接生的。Carrie’s baby _____________ by her mother. 2) 这位教授给他的学生做了一次关于哲学的演讲。The professor _________________ on philosophy to his students. 3) Once his message was __________(递送), he allowed me to stay and watch.was delivered delivered a speechdelivered4. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.4. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.4. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”3. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”在……里舒舒服服地① Due to the Internet you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your home.② Now you can order your meals online and wait for the delivery in the comfort of your own room.3. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”在……里舒舒服服地① Due to the Internet you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your home.② Now you can order your meals online and wait for the delivery in the comfort of your own room.3. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”在……里舒舒服服地由于互联网的存在,你可以在舒适的家里学到任何你想学的东西。① Due to the Internet you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your home.② Now you can order your meals online and wait for the delivery in the comfort of your own room.3. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”在……里舒舒服服地由于互联网的存在,你可以在舒适的家里学到任何你想学的东西。现在你可以在网上订餐,然后在自己的房间里舒舒服服地等着配送了。① Due to the Internet you can learn anything you want in the comfort of your home.② Now you can order your meals online and wait for the delivery in the comfort of your own room.3. Gone are the days of searching shop aftershop for the perfect pair of boots - youcan compare styles and prices quickly andeasily in the comfort of your living room.倒装结构,意为“……的日子一去不复返了”在……里舒舒服服地由于互联网的存在,你可以在舒适的家里学到任何你想学的东西。现在你可以在网上订餐,然后在自己的房间里舒舒服服地等着配送了。一家店一家店寻找那双最合适的靴子的日子一去不复返了。你们可以舒舒服服地待在客厅里轻松快捷地比较款式和价格。把句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。(谓语动词要和后面的主语保持一致)一、全部倒装Complete Inversion1.下列副词位于句首需要倒装Besides the lake stand a couple of trees and under them runs a path. →A couple of trees stand beside the lake and a path______________________.湖边有几棵树,树下有一条小路。(方位副词)____________________________stands a big monster. →A big monster stands out of the room.房子外边有一个怪兽(方位副词)Now speaks the headamaster. → The headmaster speaks now.现在说话的是班长(时间副词)Then came the chairman. →____________________________.然后主席来了(时间副词)方位副词:up,down,in,away,off,out 等时间副词:now,then 等地点副词:here,there 等表示地点的介词短语: in front of , from the top of 等runs under themOut of the roomThe chairman came thenHere comes the bus. → The bus comes here.公交车来了(地点副词)By the window sat a young man with a magazine in his hand. →A young man with a magazine in his hand sat by the window.窗户边坐着一个年轻人,手里拿着一本杂志(地点介词短语)Among these people was his friend Jim. →His friend jim was among these people.他的朋友吉姆就在这些人当中(地点介词短语)2. 表语位于句首,需要全部倒装(为了强调或者为了使句子平衡或者为了使上下文连接得更加紧密)Such are the facts. → the facts are such. 事实就是这些Gone are the days when woman were looked down upon.→The days when woman were looked down upon are gone.女性被歧视的时代已经过去了3. 当主语是代词时,不能倒装Here it is(不倒装)——here is the book(倒装)Here you are(不倒装)——here are the students.(倒装)4. Why wait hopelessly for a taxi in the cold rain 为什么要在寒冷的雨中绝望地等待出租车呢?Why do sth. 为什么做某事?1) Why do sth. 为什么做某事?常含有责备的意思e.g. Why knock him off his feet 为什么撞倒他?2) Why not do… = Why don’t you/ we do… 这是一个常用的表示建议的句型。e.g. Why not go for a walk after dinner 为什么不晚饭后去散散步?表示“建议”的基他句型You’d better (not) do…What/ How about doing… Shall we do… I suggest that…Would you like… 【语境应用】完成句子1) ___________________(为什么减少) buying the devices 2) _______________________(为什么不早点出发) on such a hot day Why cut back onWhy not move off early5. When you wish to go on holiday, you can make all your travel arrangements just in front of the computer.想要度假的话,你只要坐在电脑前,就能搞定你所有的行程安排。arrangement n. plans and preparations that you must make so that something can happen 安排;准备;筹划make arrangements (for) (为……) 做安排e.g. She telephoned Ellen, but made no arrangements to seeher.她给Ellen打了电话,但没有约她见面。a group of things that are put in a particular position, or the process of doing this 排列;布置e.g. The house was always decorated with imaginative flowerarrangements.这所房子总是摆放着富有创意的插花。something that has been organized or agreed on 商定,约定come to an arrangement 达成协议e.g. It would usually cost $500, but I'm sure we can come tosome kind of arrangement.正常价格是 500 美元,但我相信我们可以再协商。arrange v. 筹备;安排;整理e.g. Don’t be in such a hurry. I have arranged a taxi for you.别这么急。我已经为你安排了一辆出租车。The girl is carefully arranging the books on the shelves.那个女孩正在仔细地整理书架上的书。arrange to do sth. 安排做某事arrange sth. for sb. 为某人安排某事arrange for sb. to do sth. 安排某人做某事【语境应用】汉译英。1) 不用担心,我会安排人到机场接你。2) 他们商定好每周去一次公园。Don’t worry. I’ll make arrangements for you to be picked up at the airport.They have come to an arrangement that they should go to the park once a week.7. There is no need to worry — you can pay for almosteverything on your smartphone.没必要担心—你可以用智能手机支付几乎所有的费用。There is no need (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)没有必要做某事肯定形式:There is a need (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)需要做某事e.g. There is an instant need for us to take measures to solve the problem.我们必须立即采取措施来解决这个问题。There is (no) possibility/chance to do sth.有(没有)……的可能性/机会There is no doubt/saying that…毫无疑问……There is no time to do sth.没时间做某事There is no way to do sth.没办法做某事There is no point in doing sth. 做某事没意义There is no sense in doing sth.做某事没道理There is no chance to do sth./of doing sth./that…没有做某事的机会1) _________________ tell me your answer now. Give it some thought and then let me know.不必现在告诉我你的答案。想一想, 然后再告诉我。2) _________________________ for more teachers to work in the remote mountainous areas.急需更多的老师到那些偏远的山区工作。【语境应用】单句语法填空。There is no need toThere is an immediate need3) ________________ in beating around the bush. Let’s come straight to the point.旁敲侧击没有什么意义了, 我们就直截了当进入主题吧。4) _____________________ those who work hard willsucceed sooner or later.毫无疑问, 那些努力拼搏的人迟早会取得成功。5) __________________________ he will win the first place in the competition.似乎有一种可能他会在竞赛中获得第一名。There is no doubt thatThere is no pointThere seems a possibility that8. Above all else, the Internet helps us establish and maintain social ties.最重要的是,互联网帮助我们建立并维持社交联系。above all else: being more than any other things 最重要的是,尤其是(常用于句首或句中,常常省略else)e.g. Above all (else), just have that insurance!重要的是,一定要有那份保险!after all 毕竟; 终究all in all 整体来说; 总而言之in all 全部; 总共(not) at all 一点也不,完全(不)first of all 首先【语境应用】完成句子。1) She couldn’t go to the party because she had to write a report.But she went _________.她不能参加聚会,因为她得写一份报告,但是她最后还是去了。2) __________, my trip to Australia was a wonderful experience. 总的来说,我的澳大利亚之旅是一次愉快的经历。3) Children need many things, but __________, they need love.孩子需要很多东西,但最重要的是,他们需要爱。4) It’s impossible to confuse Mary with her sister. They’re not alike __________.不可能把Mary与她的姐姐相混淆。她们根本不像。after allAll in allabove allat allestablish vt. to start having a relationship, especially a formal one, with another person, group or country 建立(关系或联系)e.g. I wonder why he didn’t establish contact with me.我想知道他为什么没和我取得联系。to start a company, organization, system, etc that is intended to exist or continue for a long time 建立;设立e.g. Our goal is to establish a new research centre in theNorth.我们的目标是在北方建立一个新的研究中心。to make people accept that you can do something, or that you have a particular quality 确立;使得到认可establish yourself (as/in)e.g. He has established himself as the leading candidate in theelection.他已经确立了竞选中身为主要候选人的地位。to find out facts that will prove that something is true 查实,确定e.g. Before we take any action we must establish the facts/truth.我们在采取行动之前必须弄清事实真相。establish … as… 确认……为……establish a good relationship 建立良好的关系establish an empire 建立一个帝国【注意】establish意为“建立,设立”时,是瞬间动词,不能和表示一段时间的状语连用。【语境应用】单句语法填空。1) The professional has established his reputation _________a biochemist.2) By 1909, the man ______________ (establish) himself as apainter of great talent in Paris.3) In addition, you need to visit an __________ (establish)website that offers stock charts.4) It will be essential ___________ (establish) how the cash isbeing spent.ashad establishedestablishedto establish9. An instant message, a group chat, video call, a commenton an update — there are endless ways to share our viewsor let someone know we care about them.即时消息、群聊、视频通话、对更新的评论—有无数的方法来分享我们的观点,或让别人知晓我们对他们的关心。comment n. something that you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb/sth 议论,评论criticism or discussion of something someone has said ordone 批评,指责make a comment on/ about 对……作出评论without comment 未作出评论no comment (通常用于回答记者的问题)无可奉告e.g. Does anyone have any questions or comments 谁有什么问题或意见吗?He was fined for making abusive comments to the referee.他因谩骂裁判而被罚款。comment vi.& vt. to express an opinion about someone or something 表达意见搭配:comment on 对……作出评论comment that… 评论说…e.g. People were always commenting on his size.人们总是对他的身材品头论足。He commented that the two sections were rather similar.他评论说两个部门颇为相似。【语境应用】完成句子1) She _______________________ my work. 她对我的工作提出了有益的评论。2) I don’t feel ____________________________.我觉得我无法对他们的决定作出评论。made helpful comments onI can comment on their decisioninstant adj. happening or produced immediately 立即的;立刻的e.g. He often eats out at an instant Chinese restaurant.他经常在一家中式快餐店吃饭。instant food, coffee etc is in the form of powder and prepared by adding hot water〔食物、咖啡等〕即食的,调制方便的e.g. instant noodles 即食面(方便面)instant coffee 速溶咖啡instant n. a very short space of time; a moment 瞬间,片刻;某一时刻at that instant 在那一瞬间for an instant 一瞬间in an instant 立即the instant (that)… 一……就……e.g. She caught his eye for an instant.她刹那间便吸引了他的目光。When the rain started, the crowd vanished in an instant (=immediately). 下雨了,人群立刻散尽。【语境应用】完成句子。1) 电话铃声一响她就醒了。She woke up ________________________.2) 开始下雨的时候,人群立刻散去。When the rain started, the crowd vanished _____________.the instant the phone rang in an instant10. …we must aware of these problems and be careful to use theInternet properly and responsibly.……我们必须意识到这些问题,并合理、负责任地谨慎使用互联网。aware adj. if you are aware that a situation exists, you realize or know that it exists 知道,意识到if you are aware of something, you notice it, especially because you can see, hear, feel or smell it 察觉到,发觉understanding a lot about what is happening around you and paying attention to it, especially because you realize possible dangers and problems 有……意识的搭配:be /become aware of 察觉到、意识到make sb. aware of sth. 使某人意识到so / as far as I’m aware 据我所知e.g. Advanced English learners are well aware of the importance of collocation.高阶英语学习者十分清楚搭配的重要性。Bill became aware that he was still holding his glass.Bill注意到他还握着杯子。awareness n. 认识,意识raise one’s awareness 提高某人的意识public awareness 公共意识【语境应用】完成下列小题。1) 这个小女孩儿没有意识到自己做错了事。The little girl was not aware of having done wrong.2) 他们突然意识到人们在看着他们。They suddenly became aware of people looking at them.3) 你有没有意识到已经出了问题?Were you aware that something was wrong 11. Only in this way can the Internet be a place of discovery,wonder and inspiration for everyone.唯有如此,互联网才能成为每个人的发现之地、奇妙之所、灵感之源。“only +状语(in this way)”置于句首,句子用了部分倒装,即将can提到主语way之前。only所修饰的副词、介词短语或状语从句位于句首时,句子需要使用部分倒装[把谓语的一部分(助动词或情态动词)提到主语之前]。e.g. Only when she came home did her mother learn the news.她到家了她的妈妈才知道这个消息。Only in this way can he succeed.只有这样,他才能成功。will weachieve a goal【语境应用】完成句子。1) Only after talking to two students ______________ (我才发现) that having strong motivation is one of the biggestfactors in reaching goals.2) Only when we stick to what we have decided to do _____________________(我们才会完成目标).did I discoverOnly in this way can the Internet be a place of discovery, wonder and inspiration for everyone.只有这样,互联网才能成为发现、奇迹和激励的地方。only位于句首后跟状语时需要倒装You can expect to get a pay rise only with hard work.Only with hard work can you expect to get a pay rise.只有努力工作后你才能期待工资上涨He came to the meeting only after being asked three times.Only after being asked three times did he come to the meeting .通知了三次,他才来参加会议You will keep good relationships with others only when you can find peace in your heart.Only when you can find peace in your heart will you keep good relationships with others.当你找到你内心的平静的时候,你就能和周围的人保持良好的关系1. 含有否定意义的副词或是否定意义的介词短语含有否定意义的副词:few.little.never.nor.not until.hardly.rarely.seldom等否定意义的介词短语:at no time,by no means,in no case, in no way等I never felt so happy in my life → never did I feel so happy in my life.我一生中从没有这么开心过I seldom get invited into his office alone.→Seldom do I get invited into his office alone.我很少被单独叫进办公室Smoking is permitted at no time in the meeting room.→At no time is smoking permitted in the meeting room.任何时候在办公室抽烟都是不允许的2. 几个常见的重要的句型(1)no sooner ...than / hardly... when/scarely..when 刚一....就倒装时把scarely/hardly/no sooner置于句首。Than/when前面的句子部分倒装用过去完成时,than/when 后面的句子用过去式且不倒装.e.g:She had scarely opened the door when her son rushed up to her.Scarely had she opened the door when her son rushed up to her.她一打开门她儿子就冲了出来I had hardly got home when the bell rang.Hardly had i got home when the bell rang.我一到家铃声就响了(2) Not until 句型,直到....Not until 置于句首,主句倒装,从句不倒装.I realized i hadn’t work hard not untill i saw the scoreNot until i saw the score did i realize i hadn’t work hard.知道看到成绩我才意识到我不够努力。He finished his homework not until the teacher came.Not until the teacher came did he finish his homework.直到老师来了他才完成作业。(3)So/Neither/Nor 表示重复的内容 “ 也不。”If you won’t go. Neither/nor will I.你不去,我也不去。Tom can speak english. So can jack.汤姆会将法语,杰克也会Amy can’t answer the question. Nor/neither can I.艾米不会回答那个问题,我也不会Neither do I know her name, Nor does he.我不知道她的名字。他也不知道(4)so..that/such ..that 如此..以至于So 位于句首时部分倒装,前一个分句倒装,后一个分句不倒装.The issue is so serious that people should pay more attention to it.So serious is the issue that people should pay more attention to it .山姆不仅通过了考试,而且所有的课程都取得了好成绩.(3) not only..but also 不仅..而且Not only 位于句首时部分倒装,前一个分句倒装,后一个分句不倒装.Sam not only passed the exam but got good marks for all the courses he had taken.Not only did sam pass the exam but got good marks for all the courses he had taken.山姆不仅通过了考试,而且所有的课程都取得了好成绩Building your languageB1 The passage below is about proper online plete the passage with the correct forms of the words and phrases in the box below.comment site establish to a certain extentmajority click aware above all elseThe Internet has brought us great convenience. (1) _________________, we can hardly live without it. However, it also raises all sorts of questions: when surfing the Internet, how can we protect ourselves How can we use the Internet responsibly To a certain extentThe following guidelines may show you how to live in the digital world.(2)____________, you should use the Internet in a safe way. You must always be careful about which (3)________to trust. One wrong (4)_________may damage your computer and remove all your computer files! Therefore, before visiting a web page, always check for signs that warn people of danger. Another tip is to keep your personal information private, including your phone number, address and email account.Above all elsesiteclickcomment site establish to a certain extentmajority click aware above all elseYou also need to show respect when communicating with other online users. Leave (5)___________ politely and treat others the way you would like to be treated. Though the (6) __________of online users are nice and friendly, there might be some users who make you feel uncomfortable online. In such cases, be (7)_________that you always have the right to say no and cut off contact. Remember that relationships you (8)_________ in the digital world are just the same as those you have in real life.majorityawarecommentsestablishcomment site establish to a certain extentmajority click aware above all elseWrite your essay about the problems of the Internet and give your suggestions.








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