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2024-02-06 15:07| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Ex-arm wrestler gets 4 to 5 years; Woman had jumped to her death. Link/Page Citation


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Citations: MLA style: "Ex-arm wrestler gets 4 to 5 years; Woman had jumped to her death.." The Free Library. 2012 Worcester Telegram & Gazette 06 Feb. 2024 https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Ex-arm+wrestler+gets+4+to+5+years%3b+Woman+had+jumped+to+her+death.-a0312196513 Chicago style: The Free Library. S.v. Ex-arm wrestler gets 4 to 5 years; Woman had jumped to her death.." Retrieved Feb 06 2024 from https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Ex-arm+wrestler+gets+4+to+5+years%3b+Woman+had+jumped+to+her+death.-a0312196513 APA style: Ex-arm wrestler gets 4 to 5 years; Woman had jumped to her death.. (n.d.) >The Free Library. (2014). Retrieved Feb 06 2024 from https://www.thefreelibrary.com/Ex-arm+wrestler+gets+4+to+5+years%3b+Woman+had+jumped+to+her+death.-a0312196513 Byline: Gary V. Murray

WORCESTER - A Douglas man found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for causing his wife's fatal jump from a second-story window during a violent, alcohol-fueled domestic altercation was sentenced Friday to 4 to 5 years' imprisonment.

Allen M. Stilkey, 41, a former national arm-wrestling champion, was convicted by a Worcester Superior Court jury Monday on manslaughter and threatening charges in connection with the Feb. 10 death of 44-year-old Lisa Stilkey. Prosecutors alleged that Mrs. Stilkey jumped to her death from a second-story window in the couple's home at 38 Gilboa St. in Douglas after her husband threatened to kill her.

Judge Richard T. Tucker sentenced Mr. Stilkey to a state prison sentence of 4 to 5 years on the manslaughter charge and to a concurrent six-month jail sentence on the threatening charge. Mr. Stilkey pleaded guilty yesterday to a steroid possession charge based on steroids found by police in his home, and was placed on probation for two years.

The probation period is to begin after he is released from custody. As conditions of probation, Mr. Stilkey was ordered to have no contact with Mrs. Stilkey's family, to refrain from using alcohol or illegal drugs, and to undergo a substance abuse evaluation and any related treatment deemed appropriate by the court.

Mrs. Stilkey's 23-year-old son, Timothy MacIntyre, testified during the trial that his mother called him during the fight that preceded her fatal plunge. Mr. MacIntyre said he heard Mr. Stilkey in the background threatening to kill his mother after she got off the phone.

Assistant District Attorney Brett F. Dillon recommended Mr. Stilkey be sentenced to a prison term of 10 to 11 years. The prosecutor said advisory sentencing guidelines, which called for a maximum sentence of 3-1/2 to 5 years, were inadequate in Mr. Stilkey's case.

Mr. Dillon said the evidence suggested that Mrs. Stilkey's death was the culmination of "an ongoing domestic violence situation."

Calling the prosecution's sentencing recommendation "absolutely inappropriate," defense lawyer Michael S. Hussey asked Judge Tucker to sentence his client to 2-1/2 to 3-1/2 years in state prison with 2 years of probation to follow.

Mr. Hussey said his client had no prior criminal record and described him as "a sensitive, caring man" who mourned the loss of his wife.

"Whatever punishment the court feels appropriate, judge, will only be in addition to that already suffered by Allen Stilkey," Mr. Hussey told the court.

Mr. MacIntyre and Mrs. Stilkey's sister, Julie Alexander, were among family members who read impact statements in court before the sentence was imposed.

"She wasn't just my mom. She was also my best friend. She was always there for me when I needed her," Mr. MacIntyre said.

"Lisa, my mom and my best friend, will never be forgotten and will always be in my heart," he said.

Ms. Alexander said her sister was the oldest of five siblings and "more like a mother to me."

"She was an amazing woman," whose smile and laughter would brighten a room, Ms. Alexander said of Mrs. Stilkey. "Her life didn't have to end that night. It was senseless.

"I feel like she was cheated out of a chance to live her life to the fullest."



CUTLINE: Allen M. Stilkey was sentenced Friday to 4 to 5 years in prison after being found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for causing his wife's fatal jump from a second-story window.

COPYRIGHT 2012 Worcester Telegram & Gazette No portion of this article can be reproduced without the express written permission from the copyright holder. Copyright 2012 Gale, Cengage Learning. All rights reserved.






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