2022年中考英语练习 形容词和副词(含答案) 您所在的位置:网站首页 初中形容词副词专项训练 2022年中考英语练习 形容词和副词(含答案)

2022年中考英语练习 形容词和副词(含答案)

2023-12-27 11:02| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


2022年中考英语练习 形容词和副词Ⅰ.单项选择1.(2021·安徽)—The Chinese language is more and more popular.—Exactly! It’s becoming a ________ language skill in the international community.A.similar   B.difficultC.necessary   D.traditional2.(2021·安徽)The dancing teacher gives us instructions __________ until we are perfect in every move.A.patiently   B.quicklyC.bravely   D.suddenly3.(2021·十堰)—You are not __________ dressed for the weather.—But I feel comfortable.A.properly   B.heavilyC.directly   D.hardly4.High-speed trains are much __________ than the old trains. We can get to where we want in one day.A.fast   B.fasterC.slow   D.slower5.—Taking a walk is one of __________ activities among many old people.—Yes. Exercise is necessary.A.popular   B.more popularC.most popular   D.the most popular6.(2021·遂宁)—What’s __________ mountain in the world —Qomolangma. It is 8,848.86 meters high according to the latest report.A.higher   B.highest C.the highest    D.high7.The man is very __________ because he can’t find his bag with an Iphone and some money.A.interested   B.excited C.worried   D.relaxed8.I have many things to do. It is quite __________ for me this Sunday, so I can’t have a picnic with you.A.healthy   B.fullC.free   D.awake9.—My parents always say that young people should be __________ knowledge.—I can’t agree more.A.available to   B.good forC.thirsty to   D.thirsty for10.It is very __________ to develop a good habit of reading English newspaper every day Because it can improve your spoken English.A.awful   B.helpfulC.careful   D.harmful11.—What do you think of the best photo in the competition this year —Oh, it’s my favorite. It ______ shows the beauty of Mountain tai.A.recently   B.suddenlyC.successfully   D.quickly12.John is interested in Chinese history. He ________visits the museums first wherever he travels in China.A.never   B.seldomC.hardly   D.always13.Intelligent house furnishings are __________ used in people’s homes these days.A.widely   B.luckily   C.softly   D.loudly14.Our teachers tell us _______ we study, ________ grades we will get.A.harder; better   B.harder; the betterC.the harder; better   D.the harder; the better15.The movie is really ________. We can’t help laughing when we watch it.A.correct   B.humorousC.boring   D.direct16.Staying up late is bad for our health, so I _______ do it.A.always   B.usuallyC.seldom   D.often17.After two months of volunteering in the neighborhood, Lily __________ decides to help there every weekend.A.ever   B.always C.still   D.just18.—Are you satisfied with the result of your exam —Of course. I haven’t watched __________ one.A.a better   B.a worse  C.the worse    D.the bestⅡ.单词拼写1.She is ________(自豪的)that her son has so much talent.2.All Chinese people think _________(高度地) of Yuan Longping because of his achievements.3.How _______(冷静的) and brave the policeman was to catch the thief in such a dangerous situation.4.Mike was lying on the beach, looking very __________ (轻松的) and happy.5.My mother is very busy. She _________(很少) has spare time.Ⅲ.词形变换1.My parents and I had a ____________(wonder) journey to Yunnan.2.The next morning he got up __________(early) than before to read English.3.When we meet our teachers, we should say hello to them ___________(polite).4.Oh my god, I _____________(complete) forget that it’s Monday today. I forget to go to school.5.Today China has the __________(long) high-speed rail network(铁路网) among all the countries in the world.6. My smart phone was stolen on the bus yesterday. ________(Fortunate), I got it back with the help of the policemen.7. Mobile phones are _________ (wide) used in most of the cities in China.8. He put on his coat and went out ________ (quick).9. She is _______ (good) than Li Ping at swimming.10. A lot Chinese people are _______ (pride) of Gu Ailing, a famous skating star in China.11. To our surprise, he suddenly returned on a cold ______ (snow) night.12. Allie asked me ______ (polite) to put the things away.13. It’s snowing hard. You must drive ________(careful).14. The earth we live on is _______ (big) than the moon.15. Hainan is a very large island. It’s the second ________ (large) island in China.Ⅳ.完形填空It is not always easy to discover yourself. From a young age, I had a __1__ sense of who I would become, but something accidental happened and changed everything. To me, skating was __2__ than anything else in the world. Nothing else filled my heart with so __3__ joy. I had no social life or other interests except skating. I spent 24 hours a week developing my skills. And I was paid back with first place medals in __4__ every competition.__5__,during one competition, I fell. I felt a __6__ pain in my leg. The doctor told me that I couldn’t skate anymore. My love for skating had been taken away. I didn’t want to talk with others and I lost heart. After eight months, I looked at the mirror and I really felt __7__ about myself. When my poor face was reflected in the mirror, I knew something had to change. Instead of sitting around and wasting my days, I began to work with local service projects. When I volunteered as a swimming teacher for kids, I knew who I wanted to become. I __8__ stepped out the pain and rebuilt(重建)my confidence.__9__,challenges will get in the way of our life. We can choose to stay behind or try to get past these challenges. My accident was a challenge which failed to stop me from reaching success. Today, I’m a very __10__ and optimistic(乐观的) person.(  )1. A.weak   B.hard  C.strong   D.great(  )2.A.important   B.more importantC.the most important   D.importanter(  )3.A.much   B.many  C.more   D.most(  )4.A.hardly   B.almost  C.only   D.exactly(  )5.A.Gradually   B.Suddenly C.Luckily   D.Unluckily(  )6.A.comfortable    B.light  C.terrible   D.heavy(  )7.A.sad   B.proud  C.angry    D.happy(  )8.A.carefully   B.gradually C.seriously       D.quickly(  )9.A.Always     B.UsuallyC.Seldom   D.Sometimes(  )10.A.unhappy    B.upset C.confident    D.humorousⅤ.(2021·重庆A卷改编)选词填空ready carefully wisely different,better important easier busyA study has been done at a university. Scientists divided a class into two groups. They made each group take notes in 1.____________ ways. The first group took notes by hand. The second one did it on the computer. The purpose of the study was to find out which method would help the students learn 2._________. The scientists thought Group Two would win. But to their surprise, Group One did a better job. Since you take notes by hand, stick to it!Good notes can lead to less stress(压力) when test time comes around. Then how can you improve your note-taking skill The following advice can help you.Firstly, try to get yourself 3.________ before class begins. Be familiar(熟悉的) with the material that you are going to learn. Make sure you have your notebooks and pens on the desk.Secondly, take notes 4._________while listening in class. Many students become 5._______ taking notes and they may fail to follow the teacher. So it is 6.____________ to know when to take notes. And remember to write down the key words and use shorthand(速记法) if necessary.Thirdly, check your notes after class. You can add some details(细节)yourself first. If there is still something missing, compare your notes with others’. Do it with those who take notes 7.____________. These checks will also increase your chances of understanding what you’ve written.Try the advice above. When you can take notes better than before, you will find your lessons 8._________ and more enjoyable.答案:Ⅰ.单项选择1 C 2 A 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 C 8 B 9 D 10 B 11 C 12 D 13 A 14 D 15 B 16 C 17 C 18 A Ⅱ.单词拼写1 proud 2 highly 3 calm 4 relaxed 5 seldom Ⅲ.词形变换1 wonderful  2 earlier  3 politely  4 completely  5 longest 6. Fortunately 7. widely 8.quickly 9. better 10. proud11. snowy 12. politely 13. carefully 14. bigger 15. largestⅣ.完形填空1 C 2 B 3 A 4 B 5 D 6 C 7 A 8 B 9 D 10 C Ⅴ. 选词填空1 different 2 better 3 ready 4 wisely 5 busy 6 important 7 carefully 8 easier 








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