refrigerator的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉 您所在的位置:网站首页 冰箱怎么读用英文怎么读 refrigerator的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉

refrigerator的解释和发音 「欧路词典」英汉

2024-07-09 14:59| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

put it in the refrigerator, pronto.快,马上把它放进冰箱。They sell refrigerators wholesale.他们批发电冰箱。a new refrigerator still under guaranty.这个新冰箱仍在保修期内We have a refrigerator in our kitchen.我们厨房里有一台冰箱。An empty refrigerator illustrates a lack of forethought.空空的冰箱说明主人缺乏先见。Put the hot broth in the refrigerator for an hour to hasten cooling.把肉汁在冰箱中放一小时以加快冷却。The workers eased the refrigerator into place.工人们小心地把冰箱移放好。The refrigerators of this factory can be ranked beside the best of their kind in the world.这家工厂的冰箱比得上国际上最好的同类产品。"You can pay for the refrigerator either in a lump sum, or in monthly instalments.""这台冰箱的钱,你可以一次付清,也可以按月分期付款。"This refrigerator is fabricated from parts made in different factories.这台电冰箱是由不同的工厂所制的零件组装的。I put the veal scallops into the refrigerator before they could spoil.在小牛肉可能变质前,我把它们搁在冰箱里。He took the liberty of using my refrigerator while I was away.我不在的时候他擅自使用了我的冰箱。he pulled a can of beer from the refrigerator and popped its tab.他从冰箱里拿出一罐啤酒,噗的一声扯下了拉环。Fill the savarin moulds with yogurt mixture. Keep in refrigerator for at least 4 ours or until the mixture is set.将乳酪冻倒入模内,放雪柜内最少4小时待完全凝固.(长春新碱)应避光,并置于冰箱中。(Vincristin) have to be protected from light and stored in a refrigerator.The condensing cleaners of Solvay refrigerator cryopump developed at SWIP are presented,and the modified Solvay two stages expander and the design and the features of the cryopump are also introduced.介绍自己研制的索尔文制冷机低温泵的压缩净化机组、改进型索尔文两级膨胀机以及低温泵体的设计及特点。The author introduces the process of using NE555circuit and a few fittings to make a tutamen of automatic refrigerator with functions of over-pressure, deficient pressure, and delay.本文介绍了一种只用一块NE555时基电路和少量分立元件,就能制作一个具有过压、欠压和断电延迟三种保护功能的全自动电冰箱保护器。So now when you look in the refrigerators at7- Eleven, you will also find Thé au lait, as well as Blancmange and other French-style desserts, all under the Left Bank Café umbrella brand.所以,现在你从7-11便利店的冷藏柜里,还能找到左岸咖啡馆牌子的奶茶、奶冻和其它法式甜品。A cherrywood tower stands out from the glowing white interior and incorporating all of the services for studio-refrigerator, cooker, sink, washing machine and film projector.樱花木制的塔式装饰物在辉煌的白房间里鹤立鸡群,与工作室里所有的摆放的物品(如冰箱、炊具、水池、洗衣机以及电影放映机)融合在一起。Refrigerator, air conditioner, washing machine, microwave oven, dryer, heater, fan, air cleaner, Vacuum cleaner, roast oven, iron, electric cooktop, clectric cooker, lampblack machine, etc.电冰箱、空凋、洗衣机、微波炉、吹风机、电热器、电风扇、空气调节器、真空吸尘器、烤炉、电熨斗、电磁灶、电饭锅、吸油烟机等。







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