网友热议:韩国是第三世界国家吗? 您所在的位置:网站首页 农历9月19日是哪一天呢 网友热议:韩国是第三世界国家吗?


2024-06-19 09:39| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

John Cate Hell no. In the sense that term is usually used today, which is different than its Cold War usage, South Korea is very much a First World country. South Korea is a technologically advanced country and a powerhouse of technology and industry. It trades spots with Russia on world GDP charts, but has not much more than one-third of Russia’s population. It has the third-highest HDI in Asia, after Singapore and Japan. It has better infrastructure than the United States does, especially in the communications field. South Korea should be proud of what it has accomplished as a nation since it was devastated by war more than 65 years ago. 一点儿都不像。按照当今人们常用的意思,用“第一世界”国家来衡量,韩国绝对算得上是。 韩国科技非常发达,是技术和工业强国。韩国的国内生产总值(GDP)在世界排名上与俄罗斯经常互换位置,但人口只有俄罗斯的三分之一多一点儿。韩国在亚洲的人类发展指数 (HDI) 排名仅次于新加坡和日本,位列第三。韩国的基础设施,尤其是通信领域的基础设施,比美国还要好。 自从 65 年前被战争严重破坏以来,韩国作为一个国家取得的成就值得骄傲。 Stephen EVILBOY Thompson The Dark Karate bus Driver Nat anymore , being Korean French myself , I’ve seen in my childhood Korea becoming more devolved (my parent and cousin even more) . It was comfortable to live even during the 2000’s when many though it was poor cause professors economist and sociologist always have a gap between fact and statistics, data, so always notice late when a country evolve . i could see real time evolution of Korea when it was already developed enough . 现在肯定不是啦,作为一个韩国裔法国人,我从小看着韩国经济越来越发达。 我的父母和堂兄更是如此。2000年的时候还有很多人认为韩国很穷,但在韩国生活很舒服,因为所谓教授、经济学家和社会学家统计的数据总是会和事实存在一定差距,所以人们对一个国家发展程度的认识总是滞后的 到后来韩国已经非常发达的时候,我时时都能看到日新月异的变化。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

of course it was recently developed and the westernisation was mostly based on Japan and the way Japan was westernised, USA influenced and recently I’ve noticed influence of France concerning fashion trend and western food in Korea , bakery et… (not surprised cause I’ve also noticed many Korean tourists in Paris ) to develop a country fast you need to benefit the western countries fast and in serious field (science technology etc…) so for example Korean and china , Japan before , send many student in western countries to learn and they comeback with degrees that gives them good jobs and contribute to Korea . This is why despite not being politically a sovereign country (not possible, never been) it still does some protectionism after imitating technology from the west. 当然,韩国也是才发展起来没多久,韩国的西化主要是在日本和日式西化的基础上进行的,受到了美国的影响,最近我发现法国对韩国时尚潮流和西餐,面包店等也有了一定影响(不足为奇,因为我在巴黎看到了很多韩国游客)。 想要国家得到快速发展,你需要在某些重要领域(科学技术等)让西方国家受益,比如韩国和中国,以及之前的日本,把很多学生送到西方国家学习,他们学成归来,谋到了好工作,为韩国做出了贡献。这就是虽然韩国在政治上不是一个主权国家(不可能,从来都不是),但在学习西方技术之后,它仍然还是会采取一些保护主义。 korea had to make sacrifices to go from third world to developed country (president park cheung hee , used and auth rian regime , no de ocracy and no human right cause mondaine chit Chat for country that are already developed, he cleaned the country and forced people to work hard , they was political assassination, repressions , arrestations and deportation of many kind of people. But it is how Korea changed so fast by sacrificing a génération. Now many young not only are lazy but not man enough to make kids for stupid pretext. they are trapped in à consumérist society based on desire they don’t analyse well (cause lack philosophy history) and it is good time to not only learn the fundamentals (like ancient philosophy) but also ones like Michel clouscard who would analyse problems of Korea and Japan very well. 韩国必须做出牺牲才能从第三世界跻身发达国家之列(韩国朴正熙总统使用独才手段,没有皿煮和人*,他清洗了国家,强迫人民努力工作,他们实施政治暗杀,镇压,逮捕和驱逐许多人)。但这就是韩国得以通过牺牲一代人实现迅速改变的原因。现在很多年轻人不仅懒惰,而且没有男子气魄。他们被困在基于欲望的消费主义社会中,他们没有分辨能力(因为缺乏哲学常识),现在是学习基础知识(比如古代哲学)的好时机,也可以学习米歇尔·克罗斯卡德这样的人,他对韩国和日本的问题一针见血。 Ryan Jeong Korea has aligned itself with the US, meaning it is a first world country. Countries aligned to the Soviet are second world countries while countries aligned to neither are third world countries. It has nothing to do with wealth or anything and is actually a term which wasade to separate those nations during the cold war. In the modern day, this term is used more akin to a country's wealth and all that stuff even though we have the terms developed country and develo country. Korea is part of the top 10 in terms of both military power and economy (maybe 11th for economy). No way in hell is it a third world country, or should i say a develo country, in any sense. 韩国已经与美国结盟,这意味着它已经是第一世界国家了。和苏联结盟的国家是第二世界国家,和上述两个国家都不结盟的国家全都是第三世界国家。这个概念和财富或其他东西无关,只是冷战期间用来分裂这些国家的一个说法。在现代世界,这个词的意思开始偏向一个国家的财富和相关的一切,就像我们有发达国家和发展中国家等说法。韩国在军事实力和经济方面都跻身全球前十(也许在经济方面会排在第11名)。韩国绝不可能是第三世界国家,或者说是发展中国家。 Hiro-o Ekimae S.Korea is not u.s.a, so the answer is : No, it is not. 韩国不是美国,所以答案是:不,它不是第三世界国家。 M-HQ O As a Korean Canandian, never, Most of South Koreans (70% or more) are pro-US, anti-co unist. I can say they hate China and Russia too. Korea is the first world country 作为一个韩裔加拿大人,我来告诉韩国绝不可能是第三世界国家,大多数韩国人(70%或更多)都是亲美反g的。我还可以明白告诉你们,韩国人讨厌中国和俄罗斯。韩国是第一世界国家。原创翻译:龙腾网 https://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处

Taeyang Hong here is the answer for you “The United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) on July 2 unanimously raised Korea's status from a develo economy to a developed one, reclassifying the nation from Group A (Asian and African countries) to Group B (developed economies)” Korea is the most famous cultural influencer in Asia and 2nd or 3rd famous Asian country in the world and 11th ranked on GDP in the world. Korea ranks first in the world for semiconductors, displays, and mobile phones. (LG, Samsung),automobiles (KIA, Hyundai). 以下是我的回答。 2日,联合国贸易和发展会议一致将韩国从发展中国家提升为发达国家,将韩国从A组(亚洲和非洲国家)调整为B组(发达国家) 韩国是亚洲最有名的文化影响力大国,是亚洲排名第二、三名的全球知名国家,国内生产总值排名世界第11位。 韩国在半导体、显示器、手机等领域位居世界第一(LG、三星)、汽车(起亚、现代)。 Thomas Sa South Korea places 10th in the world GDP, 2nd best in global health care, 5th best education. In fact, all of the companies such as Samsung, Hyundai, LG, KIA, Lotte, SK electronics are all South Korean. Additionally, BTS, a South Korean boy band is the largest current boy band and is as large as the Beetles. It has one of the best public transportations and has the fastest wifi (the first country to move completely 5G). 韩国国内生产总值排名世界第十,医疗保健排名全球第二,教育排名全球第五。事实上,三星、现代、LG、起亚、乐天、SK电子等全都是韩国企业。此外,韩国男团防弹少年团是目前规模最大的男团,规模与甲壳虫乐队相当。韩国的公共交通在全球首屈一指,拥有网速最快的wifi,第一个完全实现5G覆盖的国家 Fatemeh Kamali South Korea is a highly developed country is the 11th top economy in the world ..... Advanced technology and high level of science ....... 韩国是高度发达的国家,是世界第11大经济体.....科技发达,科学水平高....... Tube Tube What is the purpose of this question? Are you really want to know whether Korea is a 3rd world or not? Most of your electronic goods have Korean made semi conductors in them and that is my answer. 你提出这个问题,有什么目的呢? 你真的想知道韩国是不是第三世界国家吗? 你们的大多数电子产品都有韩国制造的半导体,这就是我给你的答案。 Jungtaek Lim Welcome to the third world country which has quite number of worldwide companies including Samsung, LG, SK, etc. The third world country has introduced k-pop nowadays represented as BTS/Blackpink’s success, and showed successes on movie like movies from Bong joon-ho. Not necessarily to mention there’re worldwide sports stars as well. 欢迎来到第三世界国家,韩国有很多世界一流的企业,包括三星、LG、SK等。这个第三世界国家引进了以BTS/Blackpink的成功风靡为代表的k-pop文化,奉俊昊等人的电影在电影界也大获成功。除此之外,还有风靡全球的体育明星。 Eric Lee Why don’t you judge for yourself? Does this look like a third world country to you? This is Seoul, the capital 你为什么不自己思考一下呢?你觉得这像是第三世界国家的样子吗? 这是韩国的首都首尔 This is Incheon, where they have the largest Chinatown 这是仁川,市区内有最大的唐人街 And this is a beautiful beach on Jeju-do island 这是济州岛的迷人海滩 I don’t know about you, but that definitely doesn’t look like a third world country to me. South Korea is one of the most popular international tourist destinations currently. Its citizens also enjoy a relatively high standard of living compared to other neighboring countries in East Asia, altho right now, almost all of Asia including China, Taiwan, Japan and Singapore are doing quite well and experiencing improving living standards for all of their citizens. 我不知道你是怎么想的,但在我看来,这一点儿也不像第三世界国家。韩国是目前最受欢迎的国际旅游目的地之一。与其他东亚邻国相比,韩国公民的生活水平也相对较高,虽然现在包括中国大陆、台湾地区、日本和新加坡在内的亚洲国家和地区也都有着不错的经济表现,大家的生活水平都在提高。 Marco Prins Absolutely not, by any definition, can you call South Korea a 3rd world country. The infrastructure is extremely advanced. It’s mind-bendingly clean, efficient and modern. Adoption of technology is on the absolute cutting edge (First to get 5G, fastest internet in the world, etc.) 不管从哪个方面来看,你都不能把韩国称为第三世界国家。 韩国的基础设施非常先进。 韩国的干净、高效、现代化,令人惊叹。 韩国的科技应用处于绝对的前沿,最先推广5G网络,互联网速度全球最快等 They are on the leading edge in terms of display & mobile technology (Samsung), automotive industry (KIA, Hyundai), shipbuilding (Hyundai), electronics (LG, Samsung) and are considered one of the 4 Asian Tiger Economies. During various decades and years, they had the fastest growing economy in the world. It’s one of the safest countries in the world. 韩国在显示屏和移动技术(三星)、汽车(起亚、现代)、造船(现代)、电子(LG、三星)等领域处于全球领先地位,被视为亚洲四小龙之一。在最近几十年里,韩国的经济增长是全球最快的。 韩国是全球最安全的国家之一。 Their education system has one of the highest standards in the world, they have a very high PISA ranking and high attainment level. The R&D output of the universities and institutes in Korea are world-class But most of all - When you visit South Korea, you’ll feel like you are a million years into the future, by just looking around you. 韩国的教育体系是全球最高标准之一,他们在国际学生能力评估计划中排名很高,成就水平也很高。 韩国大学和研究所的科技研发成果达到了世界一流水平。 而且最重要的是,当你游览韩国时,环顾四周,你会觉得自己置身于一百万年后的未来。 Andrew I grew up in LA and I’ve spent the last 11 years in Seoul. South Korea makes the US look like a third world country. The technology here, airports, subway systems, rail, convenience, sophisticated apartments all make traveling going back to the US like a trip back in time. 我在洛杉矶长大,在首尔生活了11年。 韩国的摩登让美国相形见绌,美国反倒看起来像个第三世界国家了。韩国的科技、机场、地铁系统、铁路、便利设施、摩登公寓让我每次回到美国就像回到了过去。 Steve Hayes No, never. It was a First World country from the get-go, in opposition to the second-world country of North Korea. 绝不是的。韩国从一开始就是一个第一世界国家,与朝鲜这个第二世界国家相对立。 Khurshid Shah It's definitely one of the developed, rich nations but with an alarming poverty rate. 韩国绝对是一个发达、富裕的国家,但韩国的贫困率也令人担忧。 Hamilton Marshall Smith Absolutely not! S. Korea is the 11th largest economy in the world. If she negotiates a peace agreement with N. Korea the two Koreaa will become an even larger economic power, something that China fears. 绝对不是!韩国可是世界第11大经济体呢。如果韩国与朝鲜达成和平协议,朝鲜半岛国会组成一个更大的经济体,这正是中国所担心的。






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