最近很火的“内卷化”,用英文怎么说? 您所在的位置:网站首页 内卷用英语怎么表达的 最近很火的“内卷化”,用英文怎么说?


2024-07-17 03:11| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Over the past few months, Chinese people from all walks of life, be they software developers, stay-at-home moms, or elite university students, have all discovered their daily lives can be accurately described by the same once-arcaneacademic term: involution.


Originally used by anthropologists to describe self-perpetuating processes that keep agrarian societies from progressing, involution has become a shorthandused by Chinese urbanites to describe the ills of their modern lives: Parents feel intense pressure to provide their children with the very best; children must keep up in the educational rat race; office workers have to clock in a grinding number of hours.


1. all walks of life 各行各业

walk of life这个词作可数名词,表示the position in society someone has, especially the type of job they have from every,社会阶层、(尤指)行业、职业,常用搭配为walk of life/from all walks of life,例:Our volunteers include people from all walks of life. 我们的志愿者包括各界人士。

2. once-arcane

此时once作副词,表示at some time in the past, but not now,曾经、以前,常用搭配为once-great/proud etc,例:It was sad to see the once-great man looking so frail. 看到曾经的伟人如此虚弱,真让人难过。

arcane /ɑːˈkeɪn/,这个形容词可表示secret and known or understood by only a few people,秘密的、晦涩难懂的,例:the arcane language of the law 晦涩难懂的法律语言

3. shorthand

这个词作不可数名词,可表示a shorter but less clear way of saying something,简单含糊的说法,其后常接介词for,例:He’s been ‘relocated’, which is shorthand for ‘given a worse job a long way away’. 他已经被“重新安置”,这是一个简单含蓄的说法,其实就是“被派到很远的地方作更差的工作”。

Involution can be understood as the opposite of evolution. The Chinese word, neijuan, is made up of the characters for ‘inside’ and ‘rolling,’ and is more intuitively understood as something that spirals in on itself, a process that traps participants who know they won’t benefit from it.


In a sense, it’s the latest word for the negative side of China’s cutthroat society, similar to sang, the mentality of people who have turned apathetic by incessant competition, or the various memes people use to decry their intensely boring white-collar jobs. But involution’s academic roots and its widespread application suggest the word, to many, captures something more fundamental.


1. in a sense

这个词组表示in one way, in some ways etc,从某种意义上来讲,例:What he says is right, in a sense. 他所说的是对的,从某种意义上来讲。

2. a cut-throat society

这个形容词表示a cut-throat activity or business involves people competing with each other in an unpleasant way,竞争激烈的、残酷竞争的,例:Cut-throat competition is keeping prices low. 激烈的竞争使加个保持在低水平。

3. incessant /ɪnˈsesənt/

这个词作形容词,往往用在名词前,表示continuing without stopping,持续不断的、没完没了的,其同义词为constant,例:The child’s incessant talking started to irritate her. 这孩子喋喋不休,她开始烦躁起来。



work from 9 am to 9 pm, six days a week/996 work schedule

例: Many youths in internet companies work a 996 schedule.



9-to-5 / nine to five

因为美国上班族的工作时间多半从早上九点到下午五点,所以office worker在俚语里又叫做9-to-5er。

例:Tired of the routine life of being a 9-to-5er, Jenny became a backpacker after she retired.



work overtime / do overtime




轮班的英文是shift,所以work (in) shifts指的就是“轮班工作、值班”,如果想请人代班,则可以用take one's shift来表达。

day shift / regular shift 日班

night shift 小夜班

graveyard shift 大夜班


A: I have to work double shifts tomorrow.

B: I'm on day shifts.

A: Can you take my shift?





如何缓解内卷焦虑的思维方式?项飙提出两种途径: 一个是想细,比如究竟是在哪些环节,让你感到焦虑;另外一个就是想开,把自我对象化了,明白现在的生活样式是暂时的,没有什么非要如此的道理。


来源:外刊看世界、Sixth Tone、外研社、普林斯顿读书汇及中译公司返回搜狐,查看更多






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