典范英语 您所在的位置:网站首页 典范八危险的运动鞋翻译 典范英语


2024-01-09 13:41| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Dangerous trainers Thud thud thud (脚步声)噔 My big brother ’s got some new trainers. He wears them all the time. 一天到晚 Thud, thud, thud! When he runs upstairs in them ( 穿着它们) the whole house shakes 震动. Mum shouts, “ stop that noise! ”别在那制造噪音. My brother ’s new trainers are big and puffy 圆鼓鼓的 and purple. They ’ ve got soles as thick as 鞋底厚的像 tractor tyres. 拖拉机外带 Clump, clump. 嗑啷 He ’s clumping to his bedroom. 嗑啷嗑啷地走向卧室‘ gangway! 让开’ he shouts. I have to squash myself against the wall 把自己紧贴着墙上, so my feet don ’t get crushed 以免脚被踩扁.“i hate your horrible 可怕的,恐怖的 trainers! ”i tell him. “ they ’ re dangerous. ’ But he just clumps downstairs again. Thud, thud, thud. The front door slams 碰地关上了. Thank goodness 谢天谢地- he’s gone out. It’s nice and peaceful now. I can lie here on the floor and read my book. Stomp, stomp, stomp 咚咚. The floor begins to tremble 颤抖. Isa herd of elephants 一群大象 heading this way 正朝这边走来? No, it’s the new trainers. Here e again-like great, purple, crushing machines 碾压机.“ mind my book 小心我的书. You ’ re trampling on it! 踩上了” My big brother throws hisself into a chair. 屁股坐在椅子上 He props his big purple feet up 翘起了他的大紫脚 on one another. 两脚交叉“i can ’t see the telly 电视机 now! It’s my favourite programme. 最喜欢的节目 Your trainers are in the way! 挡道了”. Mum says: “ those new trainers are a menace 祸害! Take them off 脱掉 in the house. ” But my brother says, “i love my new trainers. They are g

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