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2024-07-11 06:16| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The 2023 Shenzhen Marathon held Sunday set new records in the men’s and women’s categories.

周日举行的 2023 年深圳马拉松赛顺利收官,分别创造了男子组和女子组的新纪录。

Michael Kimani Kamau from Kenya completed the 42.2-kilometer race in 2:08:19, breaking the record of 2:09:44 previously held by Edwin Kipngetich Koech from Kenya in 2018.

来自肯尼亚的选手Michael Kimani Kamau夺冠,用2小时08分19秒完成42.2公里的赛程。该成绩打破了Edwin Kipngetich Koech在2018年2小时09分44秒的成绩,成为新的赛会纪录。

Two other runners from Kenya, Pius Karanja Kimani and Abraham Kipkemboi Kiptoo, took second and third places with 2:08:24 and 2:09:51, respectively. Zhou Bo from China took the lead among Chinese runners, according to the event organizers.

来自肯尼亚的另外两名选手Pius Karanja Kimani和Abraham Kipkemboi Kiptoo分别以2:08:24和2:09:51的成绩获得亚军和季军。中国选手周波成为国内男子组第一名。

Nihad Cheraga (R) from Algeria, a volunteer from Algeria, hands out snacks to a runner while serving as a volunteer at the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon yesterday.

In the women’s category, three runners from Ethiopia finished to claim the top three spots, with Fikrte Wereta Admasu securing the championship in 2:22:07, significantly improving the women’s event record.

在女子组比赛中,埃塞俄比亚三名选手包揽了前三名。其中 Fikrte Wereta Admasu 以 2:22:07 的成绩夺得冠军,大幅提升了深圳马拉松女子赛会纪录。

The previous record was made by her compatriot Mulu Seboka Seyfu in 2018, who finished in a time of 2:27:12.

此前的纪录由她的同胞Mulu Seboka Seyfu在2018年创造,成绩是2:27:12。

Runners set off from the Civic Center in Futian District yesterday morning, the starting point of 2023 Shenzhen Marathon. The 42.2-kilometer race ended at Haibin Plaza in Bao’an District. Liu Xudong

A total of 20,000 runners from over 30 countries and regions gathered at the Civic Center for the race, which kicked off at 7:30 a.m. The route passed through trunk roads such as Shennan Boulevard and Shahe West Road, as well as landmarks and tourist attractions like Window of the World, Shenzhen Bay Park, Universiade Torch Tower, Nantou Ancient Town, Qianhai Stone, and ended at Binhai Plaza in Bao’an District.

周日的深马于上午 7 时 30 分拉开帷幕,来自 30 多个国家和地区的 20,000 名选手从市民中心出发,参加比赛。比赛路线途经深南大道、沙河西路等主干道,以及世界之窗、深圳湾公园、大运火炬塔、南头古镇、前海石等地标性建筑和旅游景点,终点设在宝安区滨海广场。

At the awards ceremony, the Kenyan runners greeted the audience in Chinese, saying “Shenzhen is the most beautiful city,” and “I love Shenzhen.”


Rich Howard, a marathoner from the U.K., marked his 23rd marathon in total and fourth in Shenzhen. “Shenzhen is a paradise for runners with its mountains, bays, and pretty good weather all year round,” he said.

Rich Howard是一名来自英国的马拉松运动员,这是他参加的第 23 场马拉松赛事,也是他在深圳参加的第四场马拉松赛事。他说:“深圳是跑步者的天堂,这里有山、有海湾,而且一年四季天气都很好。”

Howard, 31, a running enthusiast with five years’ experience, is the athletic director of QSI International School in Shekou. He said he felt lucky running in Shenzhen and he has been running with a local running community in Shekou.

现年 31 岁的Howard是一名有着五年跑步经验的跑步爱好者,他是蛇口 QSI 国际学校的体育主任。他说,他一直参与蛇口当地的一个跑步团体的跑步活动,在深圳跑步让他感到幸运。

A happy crowd before the marathon began. Liu Xudong

“My first time running in Shenzhen Marathon was in 2018. In 2022, I didn’t achieve my race target, but I learned a good lesson about managing my expectation during the race,” Howard said.

"我第一次参加深圳马拉松是在 2018 年。2022 年,我没有实现自己的比赛目标,但我学到了很好的一课,那就是在比赛中管理好自己的期望值。"Howard 说。

“In a marathon, you can run along with people of different ages from 18 all the way through older generations. You can also see people running with disabilities. It doesn’t matter where you come from, people just run, cheering each other on with whatever language they use,” Howard added.

"在马拉松比赛中,你可以与不同年龄段的人一起跑步,从 18 岁一直到老人。你还可以看到残疾人跑步。不管你来自哪里,人们都会跑起来,用他们的语言为彼此加油,"霍华德补充道。

Nihad Cheraga, a Ph.D. in biomedical engineering, who is the business development manager of Times High-Tech Park in Guangming District, joined 3,358 other volunteers at the marathon.

来自阿尔及利亚的生物医学工程博士、深圳时代高科技产业园有限公司战略经理Nihad Cheraga加入赛事3358名志愿者的行列,为周日的马拉松比赛服务。

Sporting long blonde hair, Cheraga handed out water and snacks to participants at refreshment stations, enthusiastically cheering for runners and diligently cleaning up the route to ensure the streets remain pristine after the marathon.


Cheraga told Shenzhen Daily that the experience brought her joy and a sense of fulfillment. “Today, I have learned a new lesson. Being a volunteer is not an easy thing. It takes major involvement as we need to give support to the runners. Being a volunteer is just as important as signing up as a marathon runner.”

切拉加告诉英文《深圳日报》记者,志愿者的工作让她觉得很有意义也很快乐。“今天的体验让我了解到,成为一名尽职尽责的志愿者并不是一件容易的事。志愿者在比赛中的作用比我想象中的大得多。我们不仅要为选手加油,也得在选手有需要的时候,为他们提供物资、救援等帮助。因此,我我觉得志愿者和跑者一样 都是马拉松比赛中不可或缺的一部分。”

Cheraga said she admires the full-marathon runners’ great passion for running and indomitable spirit, which made her realize the willpower of humans and the power of unity. “I have watched all the runners and their strong will to win, which made me remember the power of community and the spirit of humans,” she said.


Cheraga joined Times High-Tech Park in Guangming in May. Her role involves spearheading the internationalization of Weiguang Life Science Park by establishing and cultivating strategic partnerships with startup accelerators and incubators worldwide. In September, Cheraga became a Shenzhen Global Communication Ambassador.


According to the organizers, the 2023 Shenzhen Marathon recruited a total of 3,358 volunteers.


原标题:《双语深圳 | “燃情”深马创新纪录,点燃外籍参赛者和志愿者热情》







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