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2024-07-01 08:45| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



  1. What is the primary benefit of spending time in a park, as discussed in the University of Michigan study?

  A) Increased physical fitness

  B) Lower stress hormone levels

  C) Improved social interactions

  D) Enhanced concentration and focus

  2. Which of the following is NOT a method of experiencing nature mentioned in the article as beneficial for mental well-being?

  A) Watching wildlife

  B) Listening to birdsong

  C) Looking at the sky

  D) Sitting next to a tree



  How Spending 20 Minutes In A Park Can Make You Happier And Stress-Free

  From: The Huffington Post, April 4, 2019

  Are you a fan of spending your lunch breaks in a park? Or do you walk your dog around them each morning and evening? Well, we have good news: spending just 20 minutes in a park every day will make you happier and less stressed – regardless of whether or not you're exercising while you're there.

  Two new studies have touted the benefits of spending time in parks. The latest, from University of Michigan, suggests spending at least 20 minutes strolling or sitting in a place where you're in contact with nature significantly lowers stress hormone levels.

  Lead researcher MaryCarol Hunter said: “Our study shows that for the greatest payoff, in terms of efficiently lowering levels of the stress hormone cortisol, you should spend 20 to 30 minutes sitting or walking in a place that provides you with a sense of nature. You don't have to travel to the wildlands. Getting out of an office block and sitting next to a tree can be enough.”

  A separate study from University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) researchers found people who visited their local urban parks felt happier. “Overall, we found park visitors reported an improvement in emotional wellbeing after the park visit,” said lead researcher Hon Yuen. “We did not find levels of physical activity are related to improved emotional wellbeing. Instead, we found time spent in the park is related to improved emotional wellbeing.”

  Participants of the study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research, were adult visitors to one of the three urban parks in Alabama, US.

  The results are perhaps unsurprising – multiple studies have previously highlighted the benefits of nature on a person's mental health. A review of nature interventions for mental health care found nature-based activities contribute to a reduction in levels of anxiety, stress and depression.

  Meanwhile a separate study by King's College London researchers found being outdoors, seeing trees, hearing birdsong, looking at the sky, and feeling in contact with nature were associated with higher levels of mental wellbeing. In some cases, these beneficial effects impacted people positively for up to seven hours afterwards.

  Another piece of research, published today by Aarhus University, Denmark, suggested that children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55% less risk of developing various mental disorders later in life.

  Much of the world's population now live in cities and the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates more than 450 million of the global human population suffer from a mental disorder – a number that is expected to increase.

  All of these studies emphasise the need for designing greener cities for the future, and protecting our existing parks. “There is increasing pressure on green space within urban settings,” said Gavin Jenkins, co-author of the urban parks study. “Planners and developers look to replace green space with residential and commercial property.”

  “The challenge facing cities is that there is an increasing evidence about the value of city parks but we continue to see the demise of theses spaces.”

  - ◆ -



  How Spending 20 Minutes In A Park Can Make You Happier And Stress-Free

  From: The Huffington Post, April 4, 2019

  Are you a fan of spending your lunch breaks in a park? Or do youwalk your dog around themeach morning and evening? Well, we have good news: spending just 20 minutes in a park every day will make you happier and less stressed – regardless of whether or not you're exercising while you're there.



  遛狗怎么表达?walk /wɔːk/ 表示“牵着(动物)散步;遛(狗等)”,英文解释为“to take an animal, especially a dog, for a walk”举个🌰:Shewalks the dogfor an hour every afternoon. 她每天下午都遛一小时狗。

  Two new studies havetoutedthe benefits of spending time in parks. The latest, from University of Michigan, suggests spending at least 20 minutesstrollingor sitting in a place where you're in contact with nature significantly lowers stresshormonelevels.



  tout /taʊt/ 表示“标榜;吹捧;吹嘘”,英文解释为“to try to persuade people that sb/sth is important or valuable by praising them/it”举个🌰:A local car dealership was touting its services/wares on the radio. 一家地方汽车特许经销商正在当地电台作宣传。

  🎬电影《大谎言家》(Big Fat Liar)中的台词提到:Big Fat Liar is already being touted as next summer's must-see movie event. 《大谎言家》已被誉为明年夏天必看的电影。



  stroll /strəʊl/ 表示“散步,漫步,闲逛,溜达”,英文解释为“to walk in a slow, relaxed manner, especially for pleasure”举个🌰:We could stroll along the beach after dinner. 晚饭后我们可以去海滩散散步。



  hormone /ˈhɔːməʊn/ 表示“激素;荷尔蒙”,英文解释为“a chemical substance produced in the body or in a plant that encourages growth or influences how the cells and tissues function; an artificial substance that has similar effects”,如:growth hormones 生长激素。

  Lead researcher MaryCarol Hunter said: “Our study shows that for the greatestpayoff, in terms of efficiently lowering levels of the stress hormonecortisol, you should spend 20 to 30 minutes sitting or walking in a place that provides you with a sense of nature. You don't have to travel to the wildlands. Getting out of an office block and sitting next to a tree can be enough.”

  首席研究员玛丽卡罗尔·亨特(MaryCarol Hunter)说:“我们的研究表明,要想获得最大的回报,有效降低压力激素皮质醇水平,你应该花20到30分钟到一个能让你感受到大自然的地方坐着或散步。不必去野外。走出办公楼,坐在一棵树旁就足够了。”


  payoff /ˈpeɪ.ɒf/ 1)表示“(一系列行动的)结果,成果;(…结束时的)解释;(某行动的)收益”,英文解释为“the result of a set of actions, or an explanation at the end of something”举个🌰:The payoff for years of research is a microscope that performs better than all of its competitors. 多年研究所得的成果是一架性能超过所有竞争对手的显微镜。

  2)表示“封口钱,贿赂款”,英文解释为“money paid to someone, especially so that they do not cause trouble or so that they will do what you want”


  cortisol /ˈkɔː.tɪ.zɒl/ 表示“皮质醇,可的松”,英文解释为“a hormone (= a chemical made in the body) that is used in medicine to treat parts of the body that are swollen and painful ”

  A separate study from University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) researchers found people who visited their local urban parks felt happier. “Overall, we found park visitors reported an improvement in emotional wellbeing after the park visit,” said lead researcher Hon Yuen. “We did not find levels of physical activity are related to improved emotional wellbeing. Instead, we found time spent in the park is related to improved emotional wellbeing.”

  阿拉巴马大学伯明翰分校(UAB)研究人员在另一项研究中发现,到当地城市公园游玩的人会感到更快乐。“总体而言,我们发现到公园游玩的人在游览公园后情绪有所改善,”首席研究员洪约恩(Hon Yuen)说。“我们并没有发现体育活动的多少与情绪改善有关。相反,我们发现花在公园里的时间与情绪改善有关。”

  Participants of the study, published in the International Journal of Environmental Health Research, were adult visitors to one of the three urban parks in Alabama, US.


  The results are perhaps unsurprising – multiple studies have previouslyhighlightedthe benefits of nature on a person's mental health. A review of natureinterventionsfor mental health care found nature-based activities contribute to a reduction in levels of anxiety, stress and depression.



  highlight /ˈhaɪ.laɪt/ 作动词,表示“使引起注意,强调”,英文解释为“to attract attention to or emphasize something important”举个🌰:The report highlights the need for improved safety. 那份报告强调了加大安全力度的重要性。

  作名词,表示“最精彩的部分”,英文解释为“the best or most exciting, entertaining, or interesting part of something”举个🌰:Highlights of the match will be shown after the news. 比赛的精彩部分将在新闻之后播出。


  intervention /ˌɪn.təˈven.ʃən/ 表示“干涉,介入;(由家庭成员、朋友或医护人员共同开会劝导有酗酒或毒瘾问题者接受现实并开始治疗的)干预活动”,英文解释为“Intervention is the act of intervening in a situation. A meeting at which someone with a drug or alcohol problem is asked by family members, friends, or health workers to accept the fact that they have a problem and is encouraged to get treatment”

  Meanwhile a separate study by King's College London researchers found being outdoors, seeing trees, hearing birdsong, looking at the sky, and feeling in contact with nature were associated with higher levels of mental wellbeing. In some cases, these beneficial effects impacted people positively for up to seven hours afterwards.

  与此同时,伦敦国王学院(King's College London)研究人员在另一项研究中发现,户外活动、观赏树木、聆听鸟鸣、仰望天空以及亲近自然,都与更高的的心理健康水平有关。在某些情况下,这种积极影响甚至可以持续长达七小时。

  Another piece of research, published today by Aarhus University, Denmark, suggested that children who grow up with greener surroundings have up to 55% less risk of developing various mentaldisorderslater in life.

  丹麦奥胡斯大学(Aarhus University)今天发表的另一项研究表明,在绿色环境中成长的儿童日后患上各种精神疾病的风险最多可降低55%。


  disorder /dɪˈsɔː.dər/ 1)表示“混乱,凌乱,杂乱无章”,英文解释为“a state of untidiness or lack of organization”举个🌰:The whole office was in a state of disorder. 整个办公室里凌乱不堪。

  2)表示“失调,紊乱”,英文解释为“an illness of the mind or body”如:a blood disorder 血液失调。

  Much of the world's population now live in cities and the World Health Organisation (WHO) estimates more than 450 million of the global human population suffer from a mental disorder – a number that is expected to increase.


  All of these studies emphasise the need for designing greener cities for the future, and protecting our existing parks. “There is increasing pressure on green space within urban settings,” said Gavin Jenkins, co-author of the urban parks study. “Planners and developers look to replace green space withresidentialandcommercial property.”

  所有这些研究都凸显了为未来设计更加绿色的城市以及保护现有公园的必要性。“城市绿地面临的压力越来越大,”城市公园研究的共同作者加文·詹金斯(Gavin Jenkins)说。“规划者和开发商往往倾向于将绿地转变为住宅和商业地产。”


  residential /ˌrez.ɪˈden.ʃəl/ 表示“居住的;定居的”,英文解释为“relating to where you live or have lived”举个🌰:You must satisfy the residential qualifications to get a work permit. 要想得到工作许可,你必须要符合居民资格。

  commercial property

  表示“商业地产,商业物业”,英文解释为“buildings such as shops, offices, and factories, or pieces of land that are used for making or selling goods, or providing services for money, rather than for living in”

  “The challenge facing cities is that there is an increasing evidence about the value of city parks but we continue to see thedemiseof theses spaces.”



  demise /dɪˈmaɪz/ 1)表示“(曾经存在的事物的)终止,结束,消亡”,英文解释为“the end of something that used to exist”如:the imminent demise of the local newspaper 地方报纸的即将停刊,也可以直接指“死亡”。

  🎬电影《史酷比2:怪兽偷跑》(Scooby-Doo 2: Monsters Unleashed)中的台词提到:This is only the first rung on the ladder of your demise. 直译:这是你们死亡阶梯上的第一步。字幕组翻译为:这只是你们捐献战利品的第一步。


  2)表示“倒闭;败落;垮台”,英文解释为“the end of something that was previously considered to be powerful, such as a business, industry, or system”举个🌰:The demise of the company was sudden and unexpected. 该公司出人意料地突然倒闭了。

  - 词汇盘点 -

  walk、 tout、 stroll、 hormone、 payoff、 cortisol、 highlight、 intervention、 disorder、 residential、 commercial property、 demise

  - 词汇助记 By ChatGPT -

  Touting the payoff of walking, a hormone intervention study highlighted how strolls reduce cortisol. Despite the commercial property boom, residential areas saw a demise in disorders among walkers.

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