每天三分钟学英语 第323期:外国人说 Pull my leg 可不是“拽我腿”的意思 您所在的位置:网站首页 兜里英语怎么说 每天三分钟学英语 第323期:外国人说 Pull my leg 可不是“拽我腿”的意思

每天三分钟学英语 第323期:外国人说 Pull my leg 可不是“拽我腿”的意思

2024-07-12 04:01| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

情景对话:- So, how was work today?- It was fine, but you'll be happy to know they pulled the sexy scientists article.知识点讲解:1、拉、拽【例句一】I need to pull this part out of the engine, but it's stuck pretty good.我想把发动机里的一个东西拽出来,但是它卡的挺紧的。【例句二】The dentist said I need to get a tooth pulled out because it decayed.牙医说我得把一颗牙拔出来,因为已经烂掉了。外国人说 Pull my leg 可不是“拽我腿”的意思~.png

2、(从兜里)掏东西【例句一】He pulled out a hundred-dollar bill and slammed it on the table.他从兜里掏出了一张一百美金的钞票摔在桌子上。【例句二】Zora dropped her phone when she was pulling it out of her purse.Zora在掏电话的时候,把电话给掉地上了。3、快速的穿衣服或脱衣服【例句一】He pulled off his dirty shirt and threw it into the washer.他迅速的脱下了脏衬衫,扔到了洗衣机里。【例句二】She pulled on her pants and ran out of the apartment.她迅速地把裤子穿上了,然后跑出了公寓。4、Pull strings动用关系【例句】She only got this job because her father had pulled strings for her.她能得到这份工作就是因为她爸爸动用了关系。5、Pull something使用手段【例句】Are you trying to pull something on me? Let me warn you. I am not easily fooled.你想对我使什么手段?我要警告你,我可没那么容易骗。6、Pull one's leg开玩笑、恶作剧【例句】Did Sally really ask if I was single or are you just pulling my leg?Sally真的问我是不是单身了,还是你在逗我玩?7、Pull oneself together振作起来!(鼓励别人)【例句】I know you're frustrated, but you need to pull yourself together. We're almost done.我知道你现在很有挫败感,但是你需要振作起来,我们马上就要做完了。






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