"Better late than never, and you are never wrong to do the right thing." 迟做总比不做强,做正确的事永远不会错 您所在的位置:网站首页 做正确的事情永远不会错 "Better late than never, and you are never wrong to do the right thing." 迟做总比不做强,做正确的事永远不会错

"Better late than never, and you are never wrong to do the right thing." 迟做总比不做强,做正确的事永远不会错

2024-05-30 16:35| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

我心里有个洞. 我需要去填补它 01. 实习生

A retired man Ben finds his own place again by being an intern in garment company. He says, I just know there is a hole in my life, and I need to fill it.

一个退休的老人本再一次找到了自己的位置,他在一家服装公司里实习. 他说:我心里有个洞,我需要去填补它.

A young boss Jules rides a bicycle instead of walks in the office to waste time. She thinks she can take more exercises.

一个年轻的老板朱尔斯在办公室里用自行车代步,这样就可以节省时间. 她觉得这样也锻炼了身体.

Actually, Jules has no idea to communicate with old man. Therefore, she doesn't arrange any works for them.


关键是. 就是不断前进 02. 良师

There is a desk which is full of mess in the office. Everybody here have no courage to clean out. Until one day, Ben finds this problem and tries his best to tidy up. Then, Jules begins to pay attention to Ben.

办公室里有一个办公桌杂物乱糟糟的,没有人有勇气去清理. 直到有一天,本发现了这个问题,他努力将这办公桌收拾干净. 就这样,朱尔斯开始注意到了本.


What's more, for giving Jules a safe driving, Ben drives for her. But Ben is too meticulous to make Jules comfortable, just like Ben knows everything about Jules. So Jules wants to transfer Ben to another post.

而且,为了给朱尔斯一个安全的出行,本为朱尔斯开车. 但是本的细心让朱尔斯感觉不自在,就好像他知道朱尔斯的所有事情一样. 所以朱尔斯想把本调离到另一个岗位.


One night, Jules works overtime. Ben stays in the office, too. Then, Jules takes some pieces of pizza and beer to have dinner with Ben. During the chat, she finds Ben was a vice-president before.

一天晚上,朱尔斯在加班,本也在办公室没走. 随后朱尔斯拿了几块披萨和啤酒和本一起吃晚饭. 在谈话中,朱尔斯得知到本之前是一个副总裁.

老板还没下班. 我也还不能走

After these days to get along, Jules reminds that Ben is a good teacher. They become more friendly. Also, Ben helps her to delete the  wrong e-mail which she sends to her mother. That's a big trouble and Ben solves in time.

通过几天的相处,朱尔斯发现本是一个很好的老师,他们更加亲密友好了. 还有,本帮助朱尔斯删掉了发给妈妈的一封不好的邮件,本及时地帮她解决了这个大麻烦.

经历. 才是你完胜的履历 03. 朋友

Because Jules is busy in business, her husband takes care of their daughter at home. But her husband has been errant.

Jules tells Ben about this thing. She considers whether she should give up her business to save her family or not. But Ben understands her. He encourages her to be herself.

因为朱尔斯忙于事业,所以她先生就在家照顾他们的女儿. 但是她先生却出轨了. 朱尔斯将这件事告诉了本,她考虑着是否要放弃自己的事业去挽回家庭. 本很理解她,他鼓励朱尔斯要做自己.


At last, Jules chooses to be herself.

Although she chooses her business, her husband admits he had done wrong. Ben finds a girlfriend, and Jules gets a happy family and a friend for life.

最后,朱尔斯选择了做自己. 虽然她选择了自己的事业,但是她先生也承认了自己犯下的错. 本找到了女朋友,而朱尔斯得到了美好的家庭和一生的朋友.

做正确的事.永远不会错 Movie Review

Maybe you guys will think it as a boring workplace movie. But actually it tells us some stories about our lives and jobs, it also teaches us that it is never too old to learn. Experience never gets old. Just like Ben says, Musicians don't retire, they stop when there's no more music in them...

— Mr.Cat

也许你们会觉得这是一部职场电影,但实际上它告诉我们一些生活和工作的故事,还告诉我们“活到老学到老”,经验永远不会过时. 就像本说的那样,音乐家不会退休,直到心中没有音乐才会停止.

— 猫先生







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