如何在Windows 10上播放不受支持的视频格式 您所在的位置:网站首页 便携式多媒体播放器为什么一直提示格式不支持 如何在Windows 10上播放不受支持的视频格式

如何在Windows 10上播放不受支持的视频格式

2024-07-18 04:38| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

The Windows Movies and TV app logo

Windows apps like Movies & TV and Windows Media Player allow the playback of certain types of video only. If you’re struggling to play unsupported video formats, you’ll need to use a third-party video player or codec or convert the file instead.

影视和Windows Media Player等Windows应用程序仅允许播放某些类型的视频。 如果您要播放不受支持的视频格式,则需要使用第三方视频播放器或编解码器,或者转换文件。

If you’re unsure whether Windows supports your video file format, try it first. Open the Movies & TV app or the Windows Media Player and attempt to open the file. If you get a “format is not supported” error, you’ll need to try one of the methods below.

如果不确定Windows是否支持您的视频文件格式,请首先尝试。 打开“影视”应用程序或Windows Media Player,然后尝试打开文件。 如果出现“不支持格式”错误,则需要尝试以下方法之一。

If you can’t find the Movies & TV app, look for Films & TV instead. This is the alternative name for the app in certain markets like the UK and Australia. If it isn’t installed, download Movies & TV from the Microsoft Store.

如果找不到“电影和电视”应用,请查找“电影和电视”。 这是在某些市场(例如英国和澳大利亚)中该应用的替代名称。 如果未安装,请从Microsoft Store 下载电影和电视 。

使用第三方视频播放器 (Use a Third-Party Video Player)

The Movies & TV app supports only some common formats like MOV, AVI, and MP4. Windows Media Player supports a number of other file types, but Microsoft appears to be pushing users away from the pre-installed application.

影视应用仅支持某些常见格式,例如MOV,AVI和MP4。 Windows Media Player支持许多其他文件类型 ,但是Microsoft似乎正在使用户远离预安装的应用程序。

Because the Movies & TV app doesn’t support all video file formats, and Windows Media Player hasn’t been updated in a decade, the best way to play unsupported video files on Windows 10 is to use a third-party video player.

由于“影视”应用程序不支持所有视频文件格式,并且Windows Media Player十年未进行更新,因此在Windows 10上播放不受支持的视频文件的最佳方法是使用第三方视频播放器。

VLC媒体播放器 (VLC Media Player)

We recommend VLC Media Player as the best option for most Windows 10 users. It’s capable of playing almost all video and audio file formats, making it a powerful alternative to the default players.

对于大多数Windows 10用户,我们建议将VLC Media Player作为最佳选择。 它能够播放几乎所有的视频和音频文件格式,使其成为默认播放器的有力替代方案。

You can, in almost every scenario, assume that VLC will play your video file, live stream, or DVD if the default Movies & TV app fails to do so. It also comes with hundreds of different options for customization, too.

在默认情况下,您几乎可以在每种情况下都假定VLC将播放视频文件,实时流或DVD。 它还提供了数百种不同的自定义选项。

To open your video file in VLC, click Media > Open File from the top menu.


In VLC, click Media, then Open File to open your media file MPV (MPV)

MPV is a powerful alternative video player for Windows users. It’s cross-platform, so it’s an option for Linux, macOS, and Android.

MPV是Windows用户的强大替代视频播放器。 它是跨平台的,因此它是Linux,macOS和Android的选项。

Unlike the endless menus and customization VLC offers, MPV is simple and straightforward, with no menus and only the basic playback options available. It’s also portable, meaning you can run it from a USB flash drive.

与无穷无尽的菜单和VLC提供的自定义功能不同,MPV简单明了,没有菜单,只有基本的播放选项可用。 它也是便携式的,这意味着您可以从USB闪存驱动器运行它。

To open your video file in MPV and begin playback, simply drag a file into the open MPV interface.


To open a file using MPV, drag the file into the MPV interface PotPlayer (PotPlayer)

The PotPlayer media player is one of the best video players for power users. It offers a huge amount of customization, supports hardware acceleration for high-resolution videos, and includes a built-in video editor to edit video files during playback.

PotPlayer媒体播放器是适合高级用户的最佳视频播放器之一。 它提供了大量的自定义功能,支持高分辨率视频的硬件加速,并包括一个内置的视频编辑器,可在播放期间编辑视频文件。

The default interface is all black, but you can customize it with various built-in themes and color schemes.


To open media files in PotPlayer, right-click inside the open PotPlayer interface or click the “PotPlayer” button in the top left. From there, click “Open File(s)” to select your video file.

要在PotPlayer中打开媒体文件,请在打开的PotPlayer界面内右键单击,或单击左上方的“ PotPlayer”按钮。 在此处,单击“打开文件”以选择您的视频文件。

In PotPlayer, right-click the interface, then click Open Files 更改默认视频播放器 (Changing the Default Video Player)

If you want to use a third-party player as your default media player, you’ll need to change this in your Windows 10 settings.

如果要使用第三方播放器作为默认媒体播放器,则需要在Windows 10设置中进行更改。

You can access the Settings menu by right-clicking your Windows Start menu button in the taskbar and clicking the “Settings” button. From there, select Apps > Default Apps.

您可以通过右键单击任务栏中的Windows“开始”菜单按钮并单击“设置”按钮来访问“设置”菜单。 从那里,选择应用程序>默认应用程序。

In the “Default Apps” menu, click on the existing video player. If installed, the Movies & TV app will likely be the default.

在“默认应用”菜单中,单击现有的视频播放器。 如果已安装,则影视应用可能是默认应用。

Head to Settings Apps Default Apps, then click the Video Player option

Select your third-party media player from the drop-down list. Once selected, Windows will open any video files it detects using your chosen third-party player instead.

从下拉列表中选择您的第三方媒体播放器。 选择后,Windows将使用您选择的第三方播放器打开它检测到的所有视频文件。

安装其他视频编解码器 (Install Additional Video Codecs)

A codec is a type of software that “decodes” video files into the appropriate imagery and audio. If your PC lacks the right codec for your video file format, the video won’t load. You can download and install third-party video codecs to your PC to get around the problem.

编解码器是一种将视频文件“解码”为适当的图像和音频的软件。 如果您的PC缺少适合您视频文件格式的编解码器,则视频将无法加载。 您可以将第三方视频编解码器下载并安装到PC上,以解决此问题。

Beware, however. Less-than-reputable sites, including illegal streaming sites, do include malicious ads for codec downloads that can harm your PC.

但是要当心。 信誉不佳的网站(包括非法流媒体网站)的确包含用于编解码器下载的恶意广告 ,这些广告可能会损害您的PC。

To avoid this risk, download K-Lite Codec Pack, one of the most popular bundles of video codecs. It adds support for a significant number of media file formats, including FLV and WebM.

为了避免这种风险,请下载K-Lite编解码器包 ,这是最受欢迎的视频编解码器捆绑包之一。 它增加了对许多媒体文件格式的支持,包括FLV和WebM。

While we recommend using a third-party player in the first instance, installing K-Lite will add extra video format support to Windows Media Player and some other third-party video players. This method won’t work for the default Movies & TV app, however.

虽然我们建议您首先使用第三方播放器,但安装K-Lite会为Windows Media Player和某些其他第三方视频播放器添加额外的视频格式支持。 但是,此方法不适用于默认的影视应用。

To start, download your chosen K-Lite Codec Pack variant and run the installer, which will default to a “Normal” installation mode with pre-set settings. If you want to customize this, select “Advanced” instead.

首先,下载您选择的K-Lite Codec Pack变体并运行安装程序,它将默认为具有预设设置的“正常”安装模式。 如果要自定义此选项,请选择“高级”。

Click “Next” to proceed to the next installation stage.


Open the K-Lite codec installer, select your installation mode, then click Next

You’ll need to select your preferred video player. This will default to K-Lite’s default option. Change this to your preferred video player.

您需要选择首选的视频播放器。 这将默认为K-Lite的默认选项。 将此更改为您首选的视频播放器。

If you’re using the Movies & TV app and select this as your preferred video player, the installer will inform you this won’t work.


A warning box regarding the Movies and TV app during K-Lite codec installation

If you’re using VLC, you’ll receive a similar warning. VLC contains its own set of video codecs, so this isn’t necessary.

如果您使用的是VLC,则会收到类似的警告。 VLC包含自己的一组视频编解码器,因此这不是必需的。

Select the K-Lite included Media Player Classic, the older Windows Media Player, or a third-party player instead.

选择K-Lite随附的Media Player Classic,较旧的Windows Media Player或第三方播放器。

Confirm the other installation settings, as preferred, and then click “Next” to continue.


Select your preferred video player in the K-Lite installer, then click Next

The next few stages will appear if you selected the “Install MPC-HC as a Secondary Player” option on the previous screen.


Confirm the settings for K-Lite’s Media Player Classic player, and then click “Next” to proceed to the next stage.

确认K-Lite的Media Player Classic播放器的设置,然后单击“下一步”进入下一阶段。

Confirm your K-Lite MPC settings and options, then click Next

Confirm the next stage of K-Lite Media Player Classic settings. This stage is pre-set, so press “Next” to continue unless you want to alter the hardware acceleration options for K-Lite Media Player Classic.

确认K-Lite Media Player经典设置的下一阶段。 此阶段是预设的,因此除非您要更改K-Lite Media Player Classic的硬件加速选项,否则请按“下一步”继续。

Confirm K-Lite Media Player Classic hardware acceleration options, then click Next

Set your language options for subtitles and captions at the next stage. Choose your primary, secondary, and tertiary languages from the drop-down menus.

在下一阶段设置字幕和字幕的语言选项。 从下拉菜单中选择您的主要,次要和第三语言。

Once you’re ready, click “Next” to continue.


Select your language options in the K-Lite installer, then click Next

Choose your preferred audio configuration on the next menu. This is also pre-set, so if you’d prefer, use the default settings and click “Next” to continue.

在下一个菜单上选择您喜欢的音频配置。 这也是预设的,因此,如果您愿意,请使用默认设置,然后单击“下一步”继续。

Confirm your audio configuration options during the K-Lite installer, then click Next

If asked, decline any additional add-on software options at the next stage by clicking the “Decline” button.


Finally, double-check your K-Lite installation options and then click the “Install” button to begin.


Click Install to begin the K-Lite Codec Pack installation

Once the installation is complete, click the “Finish” button.


Your chosen media player should now let you begin playback of some of the additional video file formats included in the pack.


转换为另一种视频格式 (Convert to Another Video Format)

If you’re set on using the Movies & TV app, your only option is to convert unsupported video files to formats that the default Windows player can open.


There are a few ways you could do this. Online sites exist that will automatically convert video files to other formats. Searching for “FLV to MP4,” for instance, will provide you with a list of potential online conversion sites, but these may carry risks and aren’t recommended.

有几种方法可以做到这一点。 存在可将视频文件自动转换为其他格式的在线站点。 例如,搜索“将FLV转换为MP4 ”将为您提供潜在的在线转换站点列表,但是这些站点可能会带来风险,因此不建议这样做。

The best option, especially for users with VLC installed, is to convert video files using VLC instead.

最好的选择,特别是对于安装了VLC的用户,最好是使用VLC转换视频文件 。

The VLC file format conversion menu on Windows 10

VLC has a built-in conversion menu for users looking to convert video and audio files to formats that Windows does support, such as MOV, AVI, MP4, and others.


Once VLC has converted your files to a Windows-friendly format, you can then open them in the Movies & TV app for playback.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/445417/how-to-play-unsupported-video-formats-on-windows-10/






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