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#安徽省安庆市太湖县太湖县望天学校2022| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265



英语第六次(期中)听力材料Ⅰ. 短对话理解 W: It s nice. Basketball is his favorite sport.你将听到五段对话,每段对话后有一个小题。 请在每小题所 M: Can you go to the store with me It s only two kilometers给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 每段对话读 away from our school.两遍。 W: Sure, no problem.1. M: Hello, this is Frank. Is David here Ⅲ. 短文理解W: Wait a minute. He is doing his homework. 你将听到一篇短文,短文后有五个小题。 请根据短文内容,2. M: Let s take the bus to the radio station. 在每小题所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 短W: How about taking the subway It runs quickly. 文读两遍。3. M: It s five in the afternoon now in Hefei. What are you Dear Linda,doing, Kate     You want to know the rules at my home. Let me tell youW: I m having dinner. It s 6 pm in Tokyo. about them. First, I have to run for half an hour after I get up in4. M: Hey, Lily! Do you want to join the art club with me the morning. I must have eggs and milk for breakfast. And thenW: No, I don t. I want to join the music club. I can t watch TV before I finish my homework. You know, I like5. M: Jenny, how about playing tennis after school playing computer games, but I can only do that on the weekend.W: Sounds great! I think it s very exciting. I can t go out to play after 8:00 o clock in the evening. ManyⅡ. 长对话理解 people think home rules are boring, but I don t think so. These你将听到两段对话,每段对话后有几个小题。 请在每小题所 rules are useful for us. We can be healthy and we can finish给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出一个最佳选项。 每段对话读 what we should do very well, so I always follow them at home.两遍。 Do you have some home rules 听下面一段对话,回答第 6、7 题。 Yours,W: Hello, Jim! Where are you TinaM: I m at home. I m shopping on the computer. Ⅳ. 信息转换W: Do you want to eat out with me 你将听到一篇短文。 请根据短文内容,写出下面表格中所缺M: OK. When 的单词,每空仅填一词。 短文读两遍。W: Let s meet at my home e at half past five.     Hi, I m Grace Brown. There is an animal show in the zooM: OK. See you then. on Wednesday. The zoo is next to a bus station, so you can goW: See you. Bye! to watch the show by bus. The show is usually from 3:00 pm to听下面一段对话,回答第 8 至 10 题。 5:00 pm. On the show you can see about 15 kinds of animals.M: Linda, what do you want to do this Saturday afternoon My favorite animals are the elephants there. They can dance toW: I need to go to the library in the morning, but I m free in the the music. Every time I watch the show, I feel very happy.afternoon. Why do you ask Come to the show when you are free. You will like it.M: Tom s birthday is coming. I want to buy him a basketball.七年级英语第六次(期中)·听力材料

参 考 答 案同步达标自主练习·七年级英语第六次(期中)第一部分  听力Ⅰ. 1-5 BACACⅡ. 6-10 BCCBAⅢ. 11-15 ACBCCⅣ. 16. Wednesday    17. bus    18. fifteen / 15    19. elephants    20. happy第二部分  英语知识运用(21-50 小题,每小题 1 分,共 30 分)Ⅴ. 21-25 BADCB    26-30 ADBCAⅥ. 31-35 CABDA    36-40 CBADC    41-45 BDACB    46-50 ADCBA第三部分  阅读理解(51-55 小题,每小题 1 分,56-75 小题,每小题 2 分,共 45 分)Ⅶ. 51-55 FAGBDⅧ. 56-58 DBA    59-62 ADCB    63-66 CBDA    67-69 DAC    70-72 DAB73. He lives in the USA.74. He gets an email.75. He wants his friends to give money to the elephant park.Ⅸ. 76. wear    77. forgets    78. terrible    79. bridge    80. cleansⅩ. One possible version:My Favorite Animal    My name is Li Hua. My favorite animal is the panda. This black and white animal looks very cute and italways makes me happy. It comes from Sichuan, China. It likes eating very much. It eats plants and a littlefruit. Bamboo is its favorite food. It also likes sleeping. It sleeps for about ten hours every day. There aren tmany pandas in the world. I think we should protect them.七年级英语第六次(期中)·参考答案12.What ines 'Tina have wo eat or breakfast 2022-2023学年望天学校七年级第六次(期中)考试A.Hamhury:s.B.Br:a..g幽(英语)13.What can't Tina do before fiuishing her homework A.She can't go to bed.B.She can't watch 'TvC.She can go oul14.When can Tina play comapater giues'A.On Tursdav.B.On ThutscayC.On Sunday.注原真项:15.What ines Tina ink of homc ruics 【.本识卷共四所分,十大题.满分120分,考波间为120钟A.Boring.B.Strict..【si作信息转换片5小類:房题」分,演分5分)2.全京鲍括“浅遐衣”6页;茶随系”〔2可}两部分粹断到·瓷义:请振花知文内容,出下面表格所款的节词年空仅镇一词文3活务必存“答长“上答通.在"武题卷“上答通元液两词月,萧状器桌后,活将“试览笨”和“签避容”一上定园The Animal ShowPlaceIn the zoo第一部分听力(共四大题,满分20分】TimeFrom 3:00 pm lo 5:(0 pm on 16】,短对话理解兵5小避:婆小斑|分,满分5分1家将听到+没对裙.每段对话斤有一个小题。请布每外题母新的上、乃、C二个选攻中远出个Transportation By 17景什选顶、每对读两遍。AairlsThere are abcut 18 kinds f ainls o the show.1.Whsl is Davi:l doing nomw鲁he19 can danee to the musie..FrelingCrace feels 20 after watching the show everv tim.第二部分英语如识运用〔共两大题,满分0分)】V.单项填空{兵10小避:亦通1分,满分1C分)2.How dces the girl wn to ge iu lhe ratlo sts:iun 以小逃所筑的A,B(:)四个选项中选出一个可以京入空白处的没生选项:21.一Iy,whal's1rIth:r片-She i-a tacher in 4 middle schuulA.dayB.jol.iD).art3.What hme is i in Tkyo now 22.Ny ruler is lost.Can IYours,Jsck A.4m.3.5pmC.6 pm.-Sm.&:r!c.4.What eiuby does Lily want to ioin 1,l5B.cul(,askD.letA.The music club.B.The art club.C.The swimming chib.23.-Toor never makes bis bed or dor th hme.5.What doe;Jeuny llnk ol plaving Ienn(0h..-he is!A.Difiu!.B.ImputtaratC.Escilig生.ma!B.funnyC.quietD).Ⅱ.长对话理解共5小迓:其小远!分,满分5分}24.-I ean'play chess.What abont you,Molly 你将到吗设对后,域设对注芹才门个小腿。话衣每小题正始的,B心二个选顶十远!个-I can'!play chrss,1.0B.alsC.citherD.hen最住此明每毁对话递下百一游话,正答穷币,了题25.Tom.ran yom wairh Ty iu the evening -Nit.Aly jrrr vr6.片北ot does the woma3&k Jim toA.alraid o!B.siris!wish(iale forA.To so sbepping.B.T;en oail.D.gcod atC.I'n pis26.-Where is our granghmther 7.When c.l the wu sakers meet in :tc park.She cftenA.3:4:0..l5:00..15:H.walk exum ses近下…没说话,丽湾8至静测A.i快认g:ecC..is ual,ing;is cxmirisingi,"l:月x:ng8.e Liia med on Satilar mmning:27.i-ii frm hexy ln Ihe rudie sction A.Ta lac s'e.Ie :Jw znc.C.n the lihrary.一lt、a0U:ix kilamevs.9.What's Tom's fuverilepA.Hoyw mch B.llow oiC.Fow igD.How furA.Y.vball.B Bastetba.i.,斑g28.Ths Ies ar becaitifui.Dor't:1pl.10).Hoo fot is the store theA.,n cm B.cu them dows.(.1Y2.oul dmwr iiA.2 kiomerers.B.3 k lume!r-C.Ikilweles.29.in Hk.rlssnx.Eric.短文坦解:片5小湖:今小源.分,游分5分》-Sury.Mis Gmen.你将听到一符亚实,文会7个个题计技片大内容,仁付小通渔3,·逆A.Nor entB.Noi te ealC.Dan'l al1.Car.'t eat中逆-个景江远风。细文读湖遍30.I ha"a (hiree lex1 this aftern.on.11.IIm Jong does Tind save u rua i lhe mni 3.Fr30m.B.For i0 mirires.Fir0 mr心.生.ll!B.Have fun!(Thank you.D.See rou.甘没览语弟茨深小】京!西点袋其语务六次〔出】与】丽








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