常用的高频介词! 您所在的位置:网站首页 介词有哪些中文 常用的高频介词!


2023-02-18 22:00| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265


首先方位介词:http://1.in (在...之内.) / on (在...之上) / to (在...方向,有间隔) / East (东) / west (西) / south (南) / north (北)


I get in car. (我上车了.)

the plane on the ground. (飞机在地面上)

I am here to you. (我在你身边.)

东西南北的使用有 (+ the 名词使用), 也可以做副词使用或者形容词使用.


I am going to school east. (我要去东部的学校.)

The east country (东方的国家.)

He gets to west. (他去了西部.)

2. over (正上方) / above (上方) / on (在上面贴着物) beneath (在下面贴着物) / below (下方) / under (正下方)

它们的使用区别在于 强调正上方或正下方 和 只要是上方或者下方就行,另外 贴着物 的意思就是紧贴T着, on 就是紧贴着物体, 而 beneath 就是紧贴着被覆盖 .


The plane is over us (飞机在我们的正上方.)

We are under the plane. (我们在飞机的正下方.)

The birds is fly above me. (鸟儿在我上方飞.)

There is a pen below the desk. (桌子下有一支笔.)

There is a pen on the table. (桌子上有一支笔.)

I hided the money beneath the chair. (我把钱藏在椅子下面.)

3. in front of / before (在物体外的前面.) in / at back of / behind (在物体外的后面.) in the front of (在物体内的前面.) in / at the back of (在物体内的后面.)


I am in front of the car. (我在汽车的前面.)

I am in back behind the car. (我在汽车的后面.)

The teacher is in the front of the classroom. (老师在教室的前面.)

The teacher is at the back of the classroom. (老师在教室的后面.)

4. near (物体的附近.) / around (物体的周边.) / by,beside,next to (物体的旁边.)


I am going to near school. (我要去学校附近.)

He is around the world by plane. (他坐飞机环游世界.)

He is standing by the door. (他在门旁边站在.)

near 和 around 区别在于, near 是在物体的附近,但是哪个位置不确定, 而around则是在物体的周围.

高频介词:5. between (两个物体之间.) / among (多个物体之间.) / in the middle of (多个物体正中间.)


He is sitting between my teacher and me. (他坐在我和我的老师之间.)

She is standing among the people. (她站在人群中.)

The teacher is sit down in the middle of the kids. (老师坐在孩子们中间.)

6.across (横穿物体.) / over (从物体的正上方穿过.) / through (从物体的内部穿过.) / past,by (从物体旁边穿过.)


I acrossed the road. (我穿过了马路.)

The plane is fly over us. (飞机从我们的头顶飞过.)

Through the door, you can see my computer. (穿或者透过门, 你可以看到我的电脑.)

I am driving past his home. (我开车经过他的家.)

7. instead of (代替,取代) 在顺接句中做代替,在转折句中做反而,其实表达的意思都差不多.


I went to BJ instead of him. (我代替他去了北京.)

He didn't go out instead of stayed at home. (他没有出去,反而是待在家里.)

8. according to / based on (根据,依据)


We don't have classes according to the teacher. (根据老师所说的,我们明天没有课.)

Based on your words, I know your home where is it. (根据你说的话,我知道你家在哪里.)

9.besides (包含"除了"的那部分在内) / except (不包含"除了"的那部分,均表示"除了...之外".)


I like playing football besides basketball. (除了篮球,我还喜欢踢足球.)

He eats nothing except apple. (除了苹果,他什么都不吃.)

10. ahead of (在....之前.可也以表示领先.)


He is walking ahead of me. (他走在我的前面.)

He gets in the car ahead of her. (他在她的前面上了车.)

11.As for (至于)


As for this thing,you leave it alone. (至于这件事 ,你就别管它了.)

leave sth alone 有让什么处于单独的状态.

I will think as for you said it. (我会考虑你说的话.)

12. Due to (由于什么而怎么着) / Owing to (因为,原因) / Because of (因为,原因) / on account of (因为,由于) / as a result of (作为一个....结果)


Due to weak up late I missed the bus. (由于起晚了, 我没有赶上公车.)

I don't go to school owinng to I ill. (因为我生病了,我没有去学校.)

He didn't buy the car because of poor. (因为穷,他没有买那辆车.)

He doesn't go home on account of he is drink. (他没有回家,由于他喝醉了.)

I don't have money as a result of I don't work. (我没有钱,因为我不工作.)

13.Thinks to (多亏了,幸亏. 表示原因)


I could speak English thinks to your help. (多亏了你的帮助,我能说英语了.)

I finished my homework thinks to your pen. (多亏了你的笔,我做完了我的作业.)

14. For / At / from(外因) / of(内因) / by / out of (出于...) / through (由于,通过 也可以表示原因,但隐藏较深)


I am sorry for you loss. (非常抱歉对于你的损失.)

She died from a car accident. (她死于车祸.)

He died of bleeding too much. (他死于失血过多.)

They met on the street by accident. (他们意外的在街上相遇了.)

I helped him out of kindness. (我出于好心帮助了他.)

They failed through lack of cooperation. (他们的失败是由于缺乏合作.)


名词或者动词 + less 表示反义形容词. 例如: care + less = careless (粗心大意的), use + less = useless (无用的)形容词 + ness 改变词性为名词. 例如: careless + ness = carelessness (粗心大意) , useless + ness = uselessness (无用)Mal + 名词,也表示反义名词, 例如: mal + nutrition 营养 = malnutrition 没营养 , mal + function 功能 = malfunction 失去功能.15. of (浅显的关于.) / about (正常的关于程度高.) / on (正式的关于.) 都是表示关于只是程度不同.


I don't know of this thing. (我不知道这件事.)

They must be talking about your book. (他们一定在谈论关于你的书.)

He said on the problem. (他谈到了这个问题.)

16. like (像) / It's like (好像) / It's not like (不是...一样)


He is happy like a kid. (他像孩子一样高兴.)

It's like she got beautiful now. (好像她现在变漂亮了.)

It's not like I said that. (不是我说的那样.)

17. As (作为...)


Thank you as your helped me. (谢谢你对我的帮助.)

I teach the students as a teacher. (我作为一名老师教学生.)

18. In exchange for (作为...的交易.) / In return for (作为...的回报.) / In reward for (作为...的奖励.)


I can give you a car in exchange for your help. (我可以送你一辆车换取你的帮助.)

I told him the truth in return for his helped. (我告诉了他真相,以报答他的帮助.)

The boss gets him promotion in reward for his hard working. (老板因为他努力工作给他升职了.)


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