Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Chang Chao 李常超 您所在的位置:网站首页 人间恶梦 Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Chang Chao 李常超

Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Chang Chao 李常超

2024-07-09 08:34| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Chinese Song Name: Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间 English Tranlation Name: Tomb Raider Notes · Ten Years Chinese Singer: Li Chang Chao 李常超 Chinese Composer: Soda Chun Bai 纯白 Chinese Lyrics: Li Jin 黎衿

Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间 Lyrics 歌詞 With Pinyin By Li Chang Chao 李常超

Learn Chinese Time From This Chinese Song Lyrics:

guāng shì shuí rán zhú zhào liàng   光    是  谁   燃  烛  照   亮     Light is whose candle shines bright shí jiān shè xià de mí cáng  时  间   设  下  的 迷 藏    Time set under the mystery guāng zhì huàn míng àn lì chǎng   光    置  换   明   暗 立 场   Light exchange dark vertical field sì yì liú tǎng  肆 意 流  淌    Boss stream drip kàn shuí zhàn guò de dì fang  看  谁   站   过  的 地 方   See who's standing on the ground qí jú yǐ bǎi kǒng qiān chuāng  棋 局 已 百  孔   千   疮   The game is full of holes   kàn yǎn qián zuì zhēn jiǎ xiāng  看  眼  前   最  真   假  相 Look before the eyes the most true and false    jiǎ yòu hé fáng  假  又  何 妨    False and hinder huái chuāi zhe chì liè wán xīn zǒu xiàng  怀   揣    着  炽  烈  顽  心  走  向     With a fierce stubbornness zuì kuān róng xíng chǎng  最  宽   容   刑   场 The widest possible place for punishment liè guò suì guò  裂  过  碎  过   Crack had broken dōu kōng dòng dì huí xiǎng  都  空   洞   地 回  响   There was a hollow echo dào zuì hòu jìng qìng xìng yú xī yáng  到  最  后  竟   庆   幸   于 夕 阳    To the most after unexpectedly celebrate on xi Yang réng liú zài shēn shàng  仍   留  在  身   上     Still on the body lái bù jí jiǎng  来  不 及 讲     Come and speak gù shi duō diē dàng  故 事  多  跌  宕 Many a thing goes wrong yǒu zuì qí jué de fēng luán  有  最  奇 崛  的 峰   峦    There are the most unusual peaks chéng quán guò nǐ wǒ zhāng kuáng  成    全   过  你 我 张    狂   Become all over you I am crazy  hǎi shàng qīng huī yǔ yuán yuè  海  上    清   辉  与 圆   月 Clear sea and full moon  shèng jìn bēi guāng  盛    进  杯  光 Sheng into the cup    yǒu zuì gū ào de xuě shān  有  最  孤 傲 的 雪  山 There are the most proud snow mountain   jìng tīng guò nǐ wǒ sòng zhāng  静   听   过  你 我 诵   章   Static heard you I recite chapter  shì rén jīng xiàn de qiáo duàn  世  人  惊   羡   的 桥   段    An amazing bridge bú guò xún cháng  不 过  寻  常     Not too often guāng kě xún lái lù jiān xiǎn  光    可 寻  来  路 艰   险    Light can be difficult to find yě kě zhào qián lù tǎn dàng  也 可 照   前   路 坦  荡   Or swing as you go guāng bǔ tián cán lòu shì xiāng  光    补 填   残  陋  世  相 Light fills in the ugly world    wú xū dù liàng  无 须 度 量     No amount of degrees kàn nǐ jì suàn de wú cháng  看  你 计 算   的 无 常 It depends on your calculations    hé nǐ lái shí de páng huáng  和 你 来  时  的 彷   徨     And the way you came kàn zhōng yǒu yǒng qì dú dǎng  看  终    有  勇   气 独 挡   See finally have brave gas only block  rén shì huāng táng  人  世  荒    唐    The drought tang huái chuāi zhe chì liè wán xīn zǒu xiàng  怀   揣    着  炽  烈  顽  心  走  向     With a fierce stubbornness zuì kuān róng xíng chǎng  最  宽   容   刑   场 The widest possible place for punishment liè guò suì guò  裂  过  碎  过   Crack had broken dōu kōng dòng dì huí xiǎng  都  空   洞   地 回  响   There was a hollow echo dào zuì hòu jìng qìng xìng yú xī yáng  到  最  后  竟   庆   幸   于 夕 阳    To the most after unexpectedly celebrate on xi Yang réng liú zài shēn shàng  仍   留  在  身   上     Still on the body lái bù jí jiǎng  来  不 及 讲     Come and speak gù shi duō diē dàng  故 事  多  跌  宕 Many a thing goes wrong yǒu zuì qí jué de fēng luán  有  最  奇 崛  的 峰   峦    There are the most unusual peaks chéng quán guò nǐ wǒ zhāng kuáng  成    全   过  你 我 张    狂   Become all over you I am crazy  hǎi shàng qīng huī yǔ yuán yuè  海  上    清   辉  与 圆   月 Clear sea and full moon  shèng jìn bēi guāng  盛    进  杯  光 Sheng into the cup    yǒu zuì gū ào de xuě shān  有  最  孤 傲 的 雪  山 There are the most proud snow mountain   jìng tīng guò nǐ wǒ sòng zhāng  静   听   过  你 我 诵   章   Static heard you I recite chapter  shì rén jīng xiàn de qiáo duàn  世  人  惊   羡   的 桥   段    An amazing bridge bú guò xún cháng  不 过  寻  常     Not too often yǒu zuì qí jué de fēng luán  有  最  奇 崛  的 峰   峦    There are the most unusual peaks chéng quán guò nǐ wǒ zhāng kuáng  成    全   过  你 我 张    狂   Become all over you I am crazy  hǎi shàng qīng huī yǔ yuán yuè  海  上    清   辉  与 圆   月 Clear sea and full moon  shèng jìn bēi guāng  盛    进  杯  光 Sheng into the cup    yǒu zuì gū ào de xuě shān  有  最  孤 傲 的 雪  山 There are the most proud snow mountain   jìng tīng guò nǐ wǒ sòng zhāng  静   听   过  你 我 诵   章   Static heard you I recite chapter  shì rén jīng xiàn de qiáo duàn  世  人  惊   羡   的 桥   段    An amazing bridge bú guò xún cháng  不 过  寻  常     Not too often yǒu zuì qīng shòu de zì jì  有  最  清   瘦   的 字 迹  It has the thinnest trace dōu yǐ suí jì yì fàn huáng  都  已 随  记 忆 泛  黄   They have yellowed with the memory ér wǒ zài dù pū diàn qǐ  而 我 再  度 铺 垫   起  And I laid it again xià gè piān zhāng  下  个 篇   章 The next chapter   

Some Great Reviews About Dao Mu Bi Ji · Shi Nian Ren Jian 盗墓笔记·十年人间

Listener 1: "When you're serious about a long relationship, do you think he is your future, but finally you broke up, you are very sad you want to immediately into a new relationship, to calm at the moment of sadness, but found himself can't you go to like others, you feel very tired, you don't want to take time to also don't want to go to understand, since his name, as if you are writing an article, it is nearly finished, the teacher walked by your side that you write so untidy, so tear up your article gave you a piece of blank paper called you rewrite, although you remember at the beginning and the content, but you also too lazy to write, because an article is flower All your strength is gone, and all you need is an end to begin all over again!"

Listener 2: "I am far from worthy of the innocent word given to me by my grandfather, but in the first half of my muddle-head life, I have been extremely wonderful, I have seen countless wonders of the world, I have the most magical and story-telling partners in the world, we sing in the cliffs, recite sutras in the snow mountains, drink in the gobi desert, and watch the moon on the sea." Some of the most extraordinary peaks have made us wild, some of the most proud snow-capped mountains have listened to you and me reciting a chapter, some of the most amazing scenes are common, some of the thinnest characters have yellowed with memory, and we have once again laid the ground for the next chapter."

Listener 3: "I like the part of drama cavity most, especially the sentence" sea light and full moon, into the cup light ". When I listen to the song, I feel that their legends are presented in front of my eyes truly."

Listener 4: "remember this song belongs to rice, belong to" grave notes "the full name of this song is called grave notes a decade of human is the original singer of this song Li Changchao thank you, please don't say what it with someone who is the most worthy of also don't say that this song is written for someone remember this song is the iron triangle, is evil, wu song, the song is 817 rice section and rice are my heart treasure, this is also respect for the biggest respect and the author of this song, is also respect for the" grave notes."

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